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Shades Of Darcone (Aliens In Kilts Book 3) by Donna McDonald (3)


After depositing Pru back in the common area, Bri returned to her quarters to get something to eat. Nate met her there so they could talk. He hadn’t eaten either, so she fixed him something too.

They sat at the table, quietly devouring their food. Bri realized she didn’t know what to do with this version of her sister’s former husband. She was glad Nate and Sheena were getting back together. He’d once been like a brother to her. But now Nate was also her boss, which was a different matter.

She wasn’t sure how she felt yet about working with him, but it beat the alternative of going off-planet.

“Uniform not working for you?” Nate asked.

“No. Turns out I have breasts. Who knew?” Bri joked, happy when Nate chuckled at her teasing. It was her default setting and she’d have had a hard time being any other kind of person.

“Are you intending to wear that…” he pointed at her jacket and sash “…instead?”

Bri looked down at her clothes. “These are comfortable and they fit. The kilt makers are trying to do something with the uniform jacket. I’ll let you know if they can fix it. Otherwise, you may have to order something specially made for me if you want me to blend in completely with your total gray scheme.”

Nate nodded. “Guess it makes sense it wouldn’t fit. We’ve never had any females serve onboard.”

“Speaking of serving…” Bri repeated his words to segue. “We’re writing new standard operating procedures for the airship. Your crew was making so many exceptions to the old procedures that what was written was useless. Lieutenant Jarvis is looking for someone to do the grunt work. I’ll see to it you get to approve them once they’re compiled.”

Nate stopped chewing and nodded. “That sounds good.” He took another bite while staring at his commander. “Who cut your hair? Looks good.”

Bri didn’t pause in eating. She was starved. “Prudence Sheffield. She used to be a stylist before she came to the airship.”

Nate shook his head. “Brianna… you can’t be dragging the women in the bride program all over the airship.”

“Why not?” Bri asked. “Do you know how crazy it makes them to be quarantined all the time?”

“They’re not quarantined. They’re being protected.”

Bri huffed. “Protected? That’s just a nicer way of saying what I said. How would you feel if you were confined in Medical and never allowed to leave that set of rooms until you left Earth? Bet you’d be singing a different tune.”

Nate sighed. “I know their circumstances aren’t ideal.”

“Screw ideal. Their circumstances suck, Nate. Being a prisoner sucks. That’s what we’ve made them. They need a bit more of a life. I don’t know how to give them that, but we have to work on it.”

“Fine,” Nate said, sighing in defeat. “If Angus and Erin get their way, we’ll all be visiting the castle every time a match is made. That’s going to be its own trip to crazyville.”

“That’s a start, but they need social interaction… with the aliens,” Bri emphasized, in case he wasn’t getting it. “Pru saw Darcone and Toorg today. She was scared shitless of both of them. They were different—not human. That fear of the unknown could be eased if we conducted small social groups. I’m not suggesting all of them at once, but maybe ten aliens and ten women. It could be like those single clubs where you go in and mingle for an hour. Boarding schools with teenagers do that all the time for gender socialization. I don’t see why we can’t do it with adults. We could do it once a week. I’m sure Angus and Erin would gladly host it.”

“Angus broke up an alien fight over the last match they made. Two aliens wanted the same woman. Such things could happen again.”

Bri nodded. “I didn’t say it wouldn’t be exciting. I said it would help the women not to be so afraid of hooking up with someone from another freaking planet. That’s the right priority, Admiral.”

Nate studied the crumbs on his plate. “Let’s see what the Guardians say about the whole castle wedding thing. Can we shelf this discussion until after we get a ruling on that?”

“Sure,” Bri said, surprised she’d gotten that much of a concession so easily.

“I came to tell you that we’re getting a new bride. The Provost has her in custody and will be sending her to us soon.”

“I guess they arrive fairly often, don’t they?” Bri commented.

Nate shook his head. “Not as much as you might think. Normally, they come under cloak-and-dagger circumstances. This one went directly to the Provost for help. It smells like a setup to me.”

Bri grinned. “Why, Admiral Tiberius, I’ve never been so proud. Have Sheena and I turned you into this paranoid, mistrustful version of yourself?”

Nate snorted. “No. My father did that. From now on, I’m going to expect the worst of every new person who comes to the ship.”

“So what’s your big concern with this one? Do you think she’s being sent here to kill me?” Bri asked.

“You. Sheena. Angus and Erin.” Nate shrugged. “It could be any of you. Or it could be nothing more than another agent who got on the wrong side of some criminal faction. I’m going to take armed men with me to greet her. I don’t want to take any chances either way.”

“I don’t want to either. I’ll check her out. Do we have her dossier yet?”

“Already sent to your portable. You need to start carrying it around. If your eyesight doesn’t require additional lenses yet, the bursar has smaller portables that can fit into your pocket.”

“I have the eyesight of a twenty-year-old… thanks to Sheena,” Bri said.

“The bride’s name is Maslin Jones. I could find no alias. Her records say she’s twenty-six. Judging from her appearance, I would say that’s probably true. She has no visible signs of aging on her face, such as lines or wrinkles or eye hooding.”

Bri laughed. “That makes her sound like a science experiment. Is she pretty?”

“I think she looks a little like Darcone—cold eyes and vicious teeth. Hard to believe anyone would cultivate such a look.”

Bri snickered. “Wow. That was polite and yet brutal. I doubt she’s an agent. They would never have allowed her to be less than perfectly average. You have to blend in and disappear. I avoided physical reconstruction only because I didn’t age like my co-workers. Young and imperfect, that was me. Being eighty and passing for a teenager was very useful in my career. It just sucked otherwise—still does sometimes.”

“Come with me to meet her. You can judge for yourself. I may be totally off.”

“Doubtful. I think your self-preservation has grown stronger because of my sister. That’s a good trait to have in your line of work.”

Nate grinned. “Was that an actual compliment?”

“Yes. Don’t let it go to your head. Do we have any idea when she’s arriving?” Bri asked.

“They said soon, but if I know my mother, she’ll be here today,” Nate said.

Bri chuckled. “I do know her… and I’m sure you’re right.”

* * *

Those working in the shuttle area had grown accustomed to her coming down to work with her SDDs. They didn’t even look her way as Sheena positioned two of her self-directed droids as guards and directed the other two to follow her. She climbed aboard one of two empty transport shuttles and settled into a back passenger seat.

Pointing across from her, both droids sat as if she’d spoken the command to do so. After all the time she spent with them, they were adept at determining her wishes just from nuances. It wasn’t complete sentience, but their ability to learn and react was a major step forward in artificial intelligence.

“Number 4, run Guardian protocol ZM8560 and establish a secure link. Number 3, scramble the circuits for all outside communication and make sure my discussion is not heard.”

While they each carried out their tasks, Sheena thought once more about what she wanted to say to the person she was calling.

“Connection achieved. There is a two-minute request to hold,” Number 4 said.

“Respond affirmatively,” Sheena replied. She turned to Number 3. “Are we secure?”

Number 3 met her gaze and held it. “Level of security requested is only ninety-seven percent achievable. Docking bay retains outside communication. There is a shuttle arriving in approximately twenty-five minutes. Recommendation is to leave that active to avoid detection.”

“Agreed. Make it so,” Sheena confirmed, nodding at him.

Number 4 pulled off his shirt and set it on the empty seat next to him. He felt down his side and opened his front access compartment. A small high definition screen slid down in front of his cybernetic control panel. It was only a few moments before a familiar face filled the screen.

“Sheena, your call was quite unexpected. I hope nothing is wrong.”

She looked at the aging grandparent of the man she loved. She’d done her best to extend his life span, but the body always started resisting at some point. “I have some disturbing news to share, Guardian Tiberius. It’s something I felt needed to be said in person.”

“I see,” he said, tucking his hands behind his back. “Got any good news for me first? I’ve heard some interesting rumors about you and my grandson lately.”

Sheena nodded. “Some of the rumors are perhaps true. I’m onboard the AAS ship. Novus Prime has approved me being here. Official orders arrived today. Your grandson and I…” she paused, sighed. “I’ve agreed to marry him again. I hope this is not a disappointment to the Guardians… or you.”

“Quite the contrary, Dr. MacNamara. You and Nathaniel make a very strong team in many ways. Personally, I couldn’t be more pleased. Don’t let his mother come between you this time.”

Sheena chuckled. “I have no intentions of doing so. I don’t think Nate does either. He seems to have developed a more mature view of her.” She sighed as she pondered how to say what remained to be said.

“Is your disturbing news about my son’s divorce from the Provost?” he asked.

Sheena shook her head. “No, but it’s indirectly related. Your son visited the AAS ship not long ago. I hate to tell you this, but he attempted to kill both me and my sister. Nate prevented that from happening and is still dealing with the emotional trauma of having to fight his father. I convinced him to let his father return to his source so both his activities could be monitored.”

“That is very disturbing news. Clayton has fallen farther from our ideals than I realized. I’m sorry he turned his vitriol in your direction.”

Sheena nodded and frowned. “And I’m sorry to be the one to have to share this with you. Unfortunately, I have even worse news. Your son is in league with Director Vader of Novus Prime. I do not understand their motives beyond both men believing the alien matchmaking program needs to be dissolved. Before taking any steps to apprehend them or neutralize the threat they pose, both men need to be watched so the full scope of their plans can be determined.”

Guardian Tiberius dropped his head. “The Guardians will be taking that advice. It’s not public knowledge yet, but Clayton’s entire portal team suddenly dropped dead a few days ago. It was allegedly thought to be some virus being transmitted from proximity to the portal, but Guardian Astria checked the bodies. Their DNA was strange, but not changed. Her view is that the virus they contracted was put in them on purpose. It went benign after forty-eight hours. If she hadn’t checked when she did, we’d have never known.”

“Clayton revealed to me that the portal technicians were abducted alternates from other universes, just like the new Matchmakers. I believe he’s been using the portal’s time travel technology for whatever he’s doing with Novus Prime. The original counterparts of the technicians were murdered. I cannot reveal my source for knowing that piece of the puzzle, but I assure you it’s reliable information,” Sheena said, sharing all she could.

“I see. Apparently, you’ve learned quite a lot in the last month. Did Nathaniel share the truth with you about the origins of the new Matchmakers?”

Sheena shook her head. She was never going to admit that she’d drugged and interrogated the man she’d now promised to marry, but it had been a desperate time.

“Nate would have taken his knowledge to the grave with him rather than betray you or his father. The Matchmakers didn’t tell me either, not even when I tested their DNA and discovered they weren’t clones. They exhibit a steadfast loyalty to the aliens and to Nate even though they often don’t approve of his decisions.”

“If no one told you about the portal, how did you figure it out?” he asked.

“I initially figured it out from my father’s notes on the subject. I also forced Clayton to confirm it while he was here. Your son doesn’t remember my discussion with him, which I made sure of, so this information has been restricted to just a few people. I wanted the Guardians to know as soon as possible. You can choose what you want to tell to Director John.”

Guardian Tiberius nodded. “I’m sorry you got put in the middle of our Tiberius family drama, Sheena. Clayton was well-meaning in his desire for change in our world but has always been wrong-minded about methods. It pains me to think he’s aligned himself with…”

“…the other side?” Sheena suggested.

He shrugged before answering. “I like to think we’re all on the same side, but just have differing opinions on how to protect our planet. Indeed, Clayton will have to be watched now… as well as your employer. We will be discreet and take whatever measures are needed to protect the Matchmakers.”

“I took matters into my own hands. I convinced Clayton they were a form of an advanced clone. That’s the story he took back to his Novus Prime partner. I’m hoping it bought us all some time.”

Sheena dropped her gaze to her nails. She really needed a proper manicure. Those kind of luxuries were out of reach now. “I’m coming to see you and bringing the new Matchmakers. I’m not willing to send them to you alone, but they’re quite determined to speak to the Guardians.”

“Which is why we agreed to their visit. We would like to keep them happy and well adjusted if we can. More loss at this time would devastate our planet.”

“I should warn you that the sensibilities of the new Matchmakers are simplistic compared to ours. However, they truly do have the best interests of everyone at the center of their motivations. Their passion for each other and for the work they are doing is quite remarkable. Their capacity to love each other is as great as my parents had together. I find it fascinating that love and loyalty and goodness are able to replicate so well across mirror universes.”

Guardian Tiberius nodded. “Since we have no regrets for bringing them here, I won’t bother you with meaningless apologies for keeping their abduction a secret from you. We would not have done anything other than what we did. Even your father’s cautions about alternates not being able to adjust to our timeline could not dissuade us. It was the only option that allowed the AAS program to continue without challenge. But the Guardians are not without compassion for what this situation must be like for you and your sister. Are you glad to be there with them, Sheena? Or do you hate the Guardians now for what we’ve done?”

“Both,” Sheena admitted, holding his gaze. “I’m oddly grateful for the chaos they bring, which seems illogical, but won’t remain so once you meet them. For the moment, I want to stay here. I want to help Angus and Erin adjust properly. If you approve my request to own their DNA, then I’ll have the legal right to protect them as I see fit. I’m not sure of the ethics of stealing them from their other lives, but I am sure about their goodness towards all they interact with here. Despite your grandson’s irritation, they are doing well.”

“And about our offer to you to join us, Sheena? Have you given that any further thought?”

Sheena raised her chin and met his intense stare. “I wish to keep it on the table for discussion. For the moment, the Matchmakers need me here… and your grandson wants me with him. I would like to give our relationship another chance before I take on such a tremendous responsibility. Plus, I simply don’t think I could bear to leave him at the moment.”

“Quite understandable. I will speak for the rest of the Guardians in saying that you are doing all we can ask of you. Your continued support is greatly valued.”

Sheena shrugged. “This is not about the work. You know I was never keen on what I was doing for a living at Novus Prime. I was there for Mom and Dad… to protect what they believed… and I did for myself as well. I was the only person who could.”

“I will validate for you that you did it well. The Guardians are grateful for your scientific neutrality.”

“Well, I couldn’t hold Novus Prime back in everything. But I did what I could to make sure no one side advanced further than the other,” she said.

“I look forward to seeing you in person again, Sheena. You will be welcome here.”

“And I look forward to seeing you as well.” Sheena’s glance left the screen as Number 3 held up two fingers. “It appears my private communication window is closing.”

“May peace and prosperity be ever yours, Dr. MacNamara

Sheena smiled at the blessing. “May you have the same, Guardian Tiberius.

The screen went blank. Number 4 stored the screen away without prompting. The amount of independent decision making they’d all four learned to do on their own was very impressive.

Sheena remained where she was when she heard the incoming shuttle set down in the bay. It was tempting to keep hiding out, but that just wasn’t her style. Weary from delivering bad news to a man she liked and admired, and from causing the grieving she now knew her favorite Guardian was doing over his son, Sheena directed three of her droids to resume their rest.

Accompanied by her remaining droid, she exited her hiding place with a heavy heart.