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Shared by the Firefighters: An MFM Firefighter Novella by Eddie Cleveland (2)



Stepping away from the window, my lips twitch into a smirk. I softly clap my hands over my white T-shirt and jeans to brush the dust free from my body. My long hair is a bit limp after all this sweaty work, so I shake my fingertips through the roots, ruffling it up. A deep breath fills my lungs with air and I push my chest out as I stand up straight.

I force myself to head down the stairs one at a time. I’m just being friendly. This isn’t like some teen crush. So what if the guys happen to be firefighters? It doesn’t matter that they’re both gorgeous.

Strolling out past my driveway, I walk across the pavement over toward the truck. The dark-haired guy turns his head, watching me with a smile. His green eyes flicker down over me and then back up quickly, but not so quickly that I miss it, as I join him.

“Hey.” His voice is deep and velvety. It’s one word. A simple greeting. But it wraps around me like a warm, inviting hug.

My hair dangles down my arm as I tilt my head and smile up at him. The sunlight streaks around his head almost like a halo and I can’t help but wonder if he really is heaven-sent.

“Hi.” My heart flutters as I hold out my hand. “I’m Kelly. I’m your new neighbor.”

“I’m Zach.” He holds my hand in his, giving it a firm shake. For a second, I forget to let go and little tingles travel up my arm as I stare into his eyes.

“Ahhh!” I jump back as cold water sprays over me. It drenches my hair and soaks down into my shirt.

“Desi! Turn it off, man!” Zach yells out, but it’s too late.

In one second, I went from confident and sultry to looking like I fell in a puddle. Story of my life.

“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry!” The other firefighter races over and shuts off the pressure washer. “Oh damn, I got you good.” He looks like he’s trying not to look amused by all this. He’s failing. His blue eyes are sparkling bright, making him look like he’s trying hard not to burst out laughing.

“Nice introduction to the new girl,” Zach chides his partner, giving him a pointed look. “We’ve got some towels inside. Come with me.” He only grazes my arm to guide me inside the station, but it’s enough to make me lose control of my feet. I follow him inside, practically floating on a cloud.

“I really am sorry. I didn’t know you were over there.” Desi finally looks like he means what he’s saying. “I know it’s not a great first impression, but I’m Desmond. Everyone calls me Desi.” He nods at me.

“Kelly,” I answer.

The guys stop at their office and Desi rushes inside and grabs me a towel from inside a duffel bag. I’m surprised by how soft and fluffy it is. But the thing that strikes me the most is how it has a faint, enticing musk clinging to it. I breathe it shamelessly into my lungs as I rub the tan towel over my hair and then pat my shirt off.

I look up at the guys when I realize it’s gotten silent. Completely noiseless, like a vacuum. Both men are watching me carefully dry off. Their eyes are glued to my breasts, which I’m guessing they have a perfect view of now that my shirt is wet. My nipples pucker to pert little peaks, and it isn’t just because of the cold water.

I should cover up. I know I should show a little modesty and drape the towel over my breasts. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the attention. There are much worse things than seeing that smoldering blaze burning behind their eyes and knowing it’s for me.

“I should, uh, get back to work.” Desi is the first to break the silence. As soon as he speaks, it gets awkward. Like we all realize this little show isn’t right. It’s as if a hypnotic spell is broken and we all snap back to reality at the same time.

“Yep, we should do that,” Zach agrees loudly.

“Um, me too.” I nod and quickly finish toweling off. I hand it back to Zach and he leaves it on the desk and joins Desi in escorting me out.

“Okay, well, it was nice to meet you.” Desi won’t look straight at me when he says it. Suddenly shame washes over me as I realize this is all so awkward.

I probably never should have come over here in the first place. Heat spreads over my cheeks and I look down at the ground. “You too,” I mumble and scurry off to my new house.

One of them calls out, “See you around!”

However, I don’t turn back to see who.

I hustle back into my new place and decide it’s time to get back to work. I have a crazy surge of energy vibrating through me that I need to burn off. The first thing I need to do is get the bathroom unpacked. A shower curtain and some towels are at the top of my list of priorities right now. I’m suddenly feeling very dirty and need the soft heat of the shower splashing over me as I think about these two guys, and their big… hoses.