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She Thinks My Dragon's Sexy: MacAllen Clan (Dragon Guard Book 35) by Julia Mills (22)

Chapter Twenty-Two



The longer she looked into his eyes, the deeper in love she fell with her Dragon. Time stood still. Flames burst to life. Their hearts became as one, an affirmation of their lives, love, and their forever together.

Holding her breath as Gage lowered his lips to hers, Elle nearly fainted as he stopped short and whispered, “Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat.”

The gentle touch of his lips upon hers created an ache, a mere inkling of the magic to come, the promise of so much more deeper within her soul. It was a spark and their passion was the fuel. Spreading like wildfire, bursting to life in every fiber of her being, the flicker instantly became a wild fire, enveloping everything she’d ever been or would ever be, transforming her and her mate into one beating heart – one being – one everlasting love.

Opening completely to one another, baring all that they were to the one person in all the world who completed them as no other ever could or would, she felt their bond strengthening, solidifying, becoming the only lifeline either would ever need. Irrevocably connected, she was part of him and he was part of her just as Destiny promised and Fate demanded.

The world stopped on its axis. Elle felt everything Gage was feeling, and knew with complete clarity that he also shared her every sensation. A twinge on the left side of her neck confirmed what she knew as Gage reluctantly moved across her lips, trailed tenderly hungry kisses across her jaw, and nipped at her neck until he landed on the still pulsing spot. Licking and sucking until all thoughts of anything but their naked bodies loving one another vanished from her mind, her Dragon knew exactly what to do to set not only her but also her Rain Bird alight.

Happily drowning in all that they were together, she objected with a moan as Gage reluctantly pulled his lips from hers, taking a hesitant step backward. Lifting her into his arms without a word, he held her close as he sprinted across the ranch, out into the desert, and straight into the cave they’d used when fighting the Psônen.

Letting her eyes adjust to the soft golden glow, she spun in a circle as soon as her feet hit the ground, taking in the plethora of beautiful candles shining their light from every available surface. “I still can’t believe Jed, the Ghigau, and the Adageyudi were able to clear away all the taint left behind by the Psónen.”

Softly running the backs of his fingers down her cheek, Gage nodded, “My Auntie Camillia and Auntie Patricia have been the Beloved War Women of the Thornhill Tribe for a really long time.”

Just the sound of his voice was almost more than she could handle. Elle wanted Gage more with every beat of her heart. Her Dragon, the man who hung the moon and stars in a world of their very own, had done everything in his power to make their first time together so very special, even had an air mattress stacked high with bunches of thick fluffy blankets in the center of the cavern.

Walking in silence, hands clasped, their hunger for one another trying to force their actions, the couple stopped at the edge of their ‘bed’ and turned to face one another. Echoing all the adoration and tenderness she was feeling, Gage’s deep, hypnotic baritone rolled through her as he proclaimed, “I fell in love with you in this desert before I even knew you existed. The more I know you, the deeper I fall. You, Eleanor Anna MacAllen are a dream come true.”

Mind blank, unable to form a single coherent thought, Elle launched into his arms, kissing him as if he was the air she breathed. No longer willing to wait, her need to be one with her Dragon driving her every action, she slid her hands under his surcoat, pulling it over his head and tossing it to the floor before doing the same with the black t-shirt under it.

Running her fingers over his bare skin, wanting, needing to explore and discover every inch of her mate, she shivered uncontrollably as currents of the explosive connection sizzle and popped over her every nerve-ending. Sliding down his body, kissing and tasting the special places she planned to revisit for the rest of her life, Elle could feel the fiery passion growing just as quickly as hers.

Chuckling against his skin as he hissed in appreciation when she teased the sensitive skin just above his belt, she couldn’t resist running her fingers along his woolen-covered cock. Seeing his clenched fists at his sides and hearing the pounding of his heart was music to her ears, the promise that they would always and forever be together in everything.

Removing his belt, she unbuttoned his pants, letting her hand follow the trail of soft, dark hair that disappeared into his boxers. Stretching her fingers to cover the sheer size of his erection, her body ached and the proof of her arousal slid down the inside of her thigh as he pulsed within her grasp.

Massaging and teasing her way to the tip, her thumb spread the hot, wet proof of his excitement over and around the entire top. Throwing back his head, Gage panted, “Elle…Elle, mo ghrá, I- I lov…love you, b-but you…you’re killin’ me.”

“I love you, Dragon Man. Can you think of a better way to go?”

Her teasing only spurred him on. Moving his hips, Gage drug his cock through her hand, as his breathing became ragged and the pulse in his neck beat a rapid, clipped rhythm just above the mark the Universe had given him – the one identical to hers. This brand, the mark of the blessing they’d received was absolute perfection. Not only was it a flawless depiction of his Dragon’s wings, but the wispy sketches of her wings gently laid over them was a sign to all that their union was made sacred by the Universe, the Great Creator, and the Goddess of All. No one in Heaven, Earth, or Hell could ever separate them.

The growing ache to be one with Gage, to feel their bodies connected as only true lovers can be, pushed all thoughts of anything but the man before her from her mind. Working her fist up and down his generous length, her pussy throbbed with need as he grew larger still.

Using her free hand and a bit of her magic, she shoved his pants down his legs as far as they would go. Thrilled when he lifted his feet and kicked them out of the way, she placed the palm of her free hand on his thigh and leaned forward.

Licking her lips in anticipation, she took as much of him into her mouth as she could. His essence burst upon her tongue. Lights flashed behind her eyes. Nothing had ever tasted so wonderful, so intoxicating… so Gage.

Massaging the bulging vein that ran the length of the underside of his cock with her tongue, she taunted and tormented until his body shook and the pounding of his heart filled the cavern. Letting him slowly slide from her mouth, she stopped just short of losing their connection, teasing the slit at the tip with the tip of her tongue.

Trembling fingers lightly touched her scalp. The muscles in his thighs quivered. His body shook with the pure unadulterated strength it took him to hold back, to let himself enjoy her extensive foreplay.

His need to move was a living, breathing entity within him. She could see it, feel it, knew beyond all doubt that he wanted to move his hips more than he wanted to breathe, but he held back for her and only her. Tears filled her eyes as she realized there was nothing her Dragon wouldn’t do for her, or that she wouldn’t do for him.

 Longing to see Gage lose complete control, let go, and get lost in the magic they were together, she sucked his cock back into her mouth as far as it would go. Hollowing her cheeks, she hummed low in her throat, and swallowed again and again.

A low, growling groan, then the shift of his hands from her hair to her shoulders, had Elle reaching around his legs and holding fast as he tried to pull his cock from her mouth. Refusing to give in. Needing to give him pleasure. Craving his complete and total surrender to all they were together, she purred into his mind, “Let go, my love. Let me show you what you mean to me.”  

Sliding her lips to the base of his cock, she once again hollowed her cheeks, but this time moved her fist up and down as she pulled him in and out of her mouth, until she felt his balls draw up tight to his body and his shout of, “Elle…Elle-Elle-Elle-Ohhhhhhhh, Elle,” reverberated off every wall in the cave.

Unable to answer, her heart so full of love she was sure it would burst, she merely hummed, ‘mmmmmhhmmmmmm.’ Loving that the vibrations extended his orgasm and pulled a whole new set of groans and moans from her mate.

Trying to pull from her mouth as hard as she tried to keep him where he was, the resulting give and take had them meeting one another stroke for stroke. Changing his tactics quicker than she could react, Gage slid his hands under her arms, and tried to lift her from the ground. But Elle would have none of it.

Doubling her efforts, she quickened their pace, thrusting him in and out of her mouth until he again roared her name to the Heavens and she felt the warm wet flow of his essence down her throat. Swallowing every drop, she continued her attention until his breathing and heart rate slowed. Only when she was sure he’d been satisfied did she let him fall from her lips.

Kneeling before her, Gage placed his hands on her waist, looking at her as if she was the most beautiful, precious thing he’d ever seen. When he spoke, not only his words, but his tone of complete wonder and devotion made her heart skip a beat. “Elle, mo chroí, I was only living half a life before I found you. I love you more than words can ever express.”

Leaning forward ever so slowly, he placed a kiss on first one temple and then the other, above one eyebrow and then the other, continuing to worship her with his lips until he’d worked his way all the way down her throat. Continuing across to the neckline of her gown, across every inch of her décolletage, Elle bowed her back as his hands slowly worked her zipper down and then her gown hit the ground, leaving her in nothing but the baby-blue lace thong Jodie had thrown at her when she was getting dressed. Leaning back, goosebumps rose all over her body and her nipples grew so hard that her skin tingled as Gage’s eyes marked every single inch of her body.

“You, Eleanor MacAllen, are the most beautiful treasure ever created, and you are all mine,” he whispered, the perfect preamble to the crushing of his lips against hers.

Laying her back on the soft pillow of their pallet, they kissed and tasted until Elle was completely and totally addicted to his touch, she never wanted to be without it or without her Dragon. She could feel him everywhere, in her heart, in her soul, in her thoughts, and most definitely in every molecule of her being. The sensual overload was indescribable. The combination of his hands on her body, his thoughts in her mind, and his Dragon seducing her Rain Bird drove her inexplicably mad with desire. Sliding his fingers under the lace on her hip, he growled into her kiss as he ripped the fabric from her body and threw it over his shoulder.

Completely naked and utterly at his mercy, Elle lifted her hips, trying to force his wonderful hands where she needed them most, but Gage would not be persuaded. Placing his palm on the skin above the curls that covered her pussy, he utterly captured her, grinning like a Cheshire cat as he moved his thumb back and forth, brushing the very tip of her extremely aroused clit. Snarling her frustration, she screamed her uncontrollable need, his name a curse and mantra upon her lips. “Gage…oh, Gage, please, please. Oh, yes, oh…Gage, oh…”

The smile in his voice only amped up her excitement as he snickered, “Yes, my sweet, sweet Rain Bird. I’m here, as I’ll always be.”

Moving his body against hers, she pried opened her eyes just in time to see him kneeling between her legs. Caught in his stare, downright snared, she was unable to do anything but look into the depths of the eyes of the man who she loved with all her heart.

Placing his hands under her ass, the tips of his fingers erotically pressed into her heated flesh as he pulled her closer. Her hips lifted of their own accord as the head of his cock touched the outer lips of her pussy. Trying to move her hips forward, trying to push him farther inside, her movements had them both inhaling sharply, their eyes becoming half-lidded, and Gage blessedly began to move.

Rolling her hips, forcing him to go faster, she moaned when his thick, hard cock slid all the way into her wet warm pussy. Sighing in utter unison, the feeling of absolute bliss rolled over and around them…they were truly one in all ways. Savoring the feeling of her womb contracting around his hard, throbbing cock, every emotion flowed freely between them heightening Elle’s desire, driving her completely and totally out of her mind.

Moving because there was absolutely no way she could stay still, she followed Gage’s gaze, marveling at the sight of his body gliding in and out of hers. Reading her mind, he thrust in and out of her, rolling his hips in harmony with hers every time they touched. The change in motion caused the head of his cock to massage the tender bundle of nerves at the top of her channel while her clit made nearly continuous contact with the base of his cock. Powerless to do anything but feel, Elle let the world fade away, focusing only on the love and devotion she felt for her Dragon as she reached for his hands. His fingers slid between hers, yet another of their perfect connections at the precise moment that she screamed her release with Gage roaring his.

Slowly returning to earth, Gage continued slowly moving in and out of her with their hands still clasped as he grinned “Hey there, my Sexy Mate, how you doin’?”

Not caring that she wore a goofy grin, or that Gage was the first person in all the world who knew all her faults and all her weakness, she purred, “I am better than perfect, Dragon Man, absolutely better than perfect.”

Letting their hands fall apart, he gently pulled completely out of her, before picking her up and moving her to the top of their makeshift bed. Laying her gently on her side with her head on a feather pillow, her Rain Bird sang a lovely melody as he laid down facing her and smiled so sweetly Elle could only smile. Time had no meaning as they laid there, gazing into each other’s eyes, reveling in the beauty of just being together.

Getting the twinkle in his eye that she knew meant he was up to something, Gage pulled something from under his pillow and held it in his fist.

“What’s that?” She tapped his knuckles with the tip of her index finger.

“A surprise,” his grin grew to a full-blown smile that made the butterflies dance in her tummy, something she hoped never went away.

“But, I thought the cave and all this…” She motioned to all the candles and flowers. “Great Creator knows you are more than enough. I just love you so much. You really shouldn’t have.” She swatted his chest and pretended to be perturbed to deflect how incredibly mushy she was getting. “Besides, you said no presents and as an attorney, your attorney, may I remind you that a verbal contract is binding?”

“Oh hush,” he teased, reaching across with his free hand and tickling her until she was breathless and once again at his mercy. Brushing the hair from her face, he grinned, “Now you listen and listen good, Miss Sassy Lawyer, I have everything I want, right here…I have you.” He touched the tip of her nose with the tip of his finger. “Hold out your hand or I’ll tickle you again and I can’t promise I’ll stop.”

“Alright, Bossy Dragon, but I want it noted that I’m doing this under duress.”

Holding up his hand as if it were a giant claw, he mocked a growl and threatened, “This is your last chance to avoid the Tickle Dragon.”

Holding out her hands while trying to act annoyed lasted only until the most stunning emerald cut, blue diamond ring she could have ever imagined landed in her hand. “Oh, my Heavens…When did you…? Where? How? I can’t…”

Thankfully, Gage saved her any more embarrassment by leaning forward and kissing her senseless while taking the ring from her palm. Breathless and blissfully happy, she happily sighed, as he kissed her chin, the column of her neck, across her shoulders and down her arms. Paying special attention to each and every one of her fingers, he stopped, lifted his head and looking deep into her eyes, slid the ring on her finger.

“This ring was given to my great-great-great grandmother, Emmalina Black Paw by her mate, Zachariah Thorntree and has been passed down through every generation with the strict proviso that only his male namesake may give it to his mate. I just happen to be that namesake, and you,” he pulled her closer, kissing her lips before adding, “Are now and forever my mate. So, you see, you have to accept and wear it. If you don’t, I’m sure you’re breaking some kinda verbal contract or will or somethin’.”

Busting out laughing, so happy she was literally giddy, Elle gave her silly old Dragon a loud, silly kiss before readily agreeing, “Whatever you say, my love. If it makes you happy then it damn sure makes me happy.”

“No way?” Gage’s shock made Elle laugh all the louder. “You’re seriously givin’ in without a fight?” Slapping his hand to his chest, he faked a heart attacked, making the silliest gasping noises as he added, “I think I’m gonna faint dead away.”

Holding on as her silly mate fell onto his back, Elle ended up laying on top of him and looking down as she winked, “No way, Dragon Man. We’re in this together for-ever.”

Moving faster than she could track, Gage flipped them over, smiled down at her with pure love in his eyes as he lowered his lips to hers, and readily agreed, “Oh, yeah, Mrs. MacAllen, forever and then some.”