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Shifter Overdrive (Paranormal Romance Boxed Set) by Scarlett Grove (7)

Chapter 6

Wyatt pulled up in front of a big log house way out in the woods on the other side of the mountain. The wrap-around porch was illuminated by the lights coming from inside the picture windows. Candice slowly opened the truck door, and Wyatt was there to help her step down.

He took her hand in his, holding her steady as she walked in her flip flops over the gravel. She hated that she felt so helpless, but her legs had cramped up, and her lungs burned.

The whole time she’d been running down the mountain, all she could think about was finding Wyatt. He made her feel safe. Wyatt helped her up the stairs and opened the front door to show her inside.

The front of the house had a big, open living room that moved into a chef’s kitchen. She never would have taken Wyatt for a cook, but his restaurant-quality gas stove told a different story.

The living room was furnished in masculine, yet stylish furniture in shades of brown and soft green with a few splashes of yellow. An oil painting of a wilderness scene hung over the leather couch on the woodgrain wall.

The home smelled of cedar and freshly baked bread. She nearly fainted with relief when she came to stand in the living room. Wyatt took her hand and led her to the couch, helping her sit down.

“Thank you,” she said, still shaking. She felt like an idiot for being so fragile.

“Don’t mention it. You’ve been through a lot. Let me get you some tea.”

Wyatt went into the kitchen, and Candice watched him moving around between the stainless steel appliances and white marble counters that contrasted with the dark brown cabinets. Her condo kitchen back in Seattle wasn’t even close to being as nice.

“I love your house,” she said, kicking off her flip flops and tucking her legs up under herself.

“Thanks,” he said, coming back to the living room with a steaming cup of herbal tea. “I built it myself.”


“I did. With my own hands. I had help, though.”

“I’m impressed,” she said, before taking a sip of tea. It was chamomile, sweetened with honey and lemon. She let out an audible sigh and set the cup on the end table beside her.

“Don’t be,” he said. “It’s not that rare up here. Plus, my dad is a carpenter.”

“Oh,” she said, relaxing a bit. “What made you decide to become a game warden?”

“I love being outdoors. And I wanted to do my part to protect the forest.”

She was impressed. His humility made her even more so. Could this guy get any hotter? The soothing tea calmed her enough to make her realize how tired she felt. Candice yawned and tilted her head to the side.

“You’re tired. Let me show you to the guest room.”

“I am tired,” she agreed, yawning again.

He stood and offered her his hand, helping her up from the couch. The muscles of her legs were so tight, she could barely walk. She sucked a breath through her mouth as she hobbled along.

“You’re hurt,” he said, concern etching his handsome face.

“No. I’ll be fine. I’m just out of shape.”

“If you ran all the way down the mountain, you’re anything but out of shape.”

She didn’t disagree with him. She was too tired to. Then he did something she would never have expected in a million years. Mr. Hunky picked her up in his brawny arms and carried her up the stairs. She gasped in bewilderment and clung to his broad shoulders. Wyatt kicked open the door of the guest room and deposited her on the queen-sized bed that was covered in a handmade, patchwork quilt.

“Oh my,” she said, breathlessly.

“There’s a bathroom through that door. Let me know if you need anything at all.”

She thanked him again, her heart pounding, heat rising in her face and between her legs. He looked down at her with an unreadable expression on his face. Candice could swear that there was desire in his eyes.

“Good night,” he said, closing the door.

She shook her head, trying to come back to Earth. There was no way he wanted her. Wyatt was just the epitome of gentlemanliness. He would do the same for any woman, she told herself.

She sighed and climbed into bed and turned off the lamp on the side table. Thinking of Wyatt’s arms cradling her body, she swooned in the darkness. She couldn’t help wishing that his chivalry meant something more.