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Signed by Mann, Marni (15)



Eve flew to Miami ten days after I moved into my new apartment. Now that my car had arrived from LA, I was able to pick her up from the airport. She practically tackled me as she climbed into the front seat. God, I’d missed her, and I hadn’t realized how much until she was here. My filming schedule had kept us away from each other for months at a time, but I was usually so busy, I didn’t notice how long I was gone.

That wasn’t the case now.

Every day felt like an eternity.

I drove us to my building, and I brought her straight upstairs. She dropped her purse on the floor in the entryway, her suitcase right in front of it, and she walked over to the balcony. She stood in front of the glass, taking in the whole view, and then turned around to do a quick scan of the open space.

“Girl, this place is sick.”

She was right, and it looked much nicer than it had in the pictures Brett showed me. Everything in here was so clean and sparkly and white—the floors, the walls, even the furniture. The pop of color came from the artwork and the view. The entire back wall of the apartment was all windows, and that was what you saw first when you walked in the door.

Some of the buildings across from mine were mirrored and shiny, and others were all white stucco, one even a light pink. Directly in the middle of the high-rises was a strip of ocean that was navy in the middle and teal where it neared the land.

It was nothing like LA.

But it was so beautiful.

“Isn’t it?” I moved over to the couch where I spread across the whole corner and hung my legs over the side.

She sat next to me, sticking her feet in my lap, and said, “You still have no idea how long you’re going to be here?”

“You know I have my first event coming up, so I think Brett’s waiting to see how the media responds. If they boo me away from the camera, I’d say I’m going to be in Miami for a while.”

“Oh, honey.”

It had been a little over two weeks since the sex tape was leaked, and nothing had been resolved. The police still hadn’t found Calvin. They had gone to the hotel in Malibu where we’d stayed, and neither of us appeared in any of the footage. They had no record of Calvin in their system, and the room we’d stayed in was supposedly vacant the night we were there.

All proof had completely vanished, and I didn’t think that was a coincidence.

Calvin didn’t want to be found, nor did he want to be blamed for the video, and he was doing everything in his power to make sure that didn’t happen.

So, for now, until more evidence was found or brought forward, the case was at a standstill.

That killed me.

“Be honest with me,” she said. “Are you hating it here?”

I thought about her question. “No. I just don’t know anyone besides Brett, and it’s not like he hangs out with me or anything. My days consist of going to his office in the morning, doing the things he needs me to do, and then coming back here. I work out in the gym upstairs. I go to the pool. That’s it.”

The time I did spend with Brett wasn’t exactly filled with warmth, and there really wasn’t any small talk. We discussed plans and business and upcoming roles he thought I would be good for, but the timing to try out wasn’t right.

He was distant but professional—a side of him I respected. I just wished he would give me more.

Of course, more would mean crossing a boundary, and I knew he didn’t want that.

“You do have a killer tan.” She held her arm next to mine, and my skin was several shades darker than hers. “It’s sorta like you’re on vacation.”

“One I wish I had chosen and not been forced to take.”

She propped her arm on the back of the couch and rested her cheek against her palm. “You’re in Florida. It’s hot and sunny, and there are sexy people everywhere. I would say there are much worse gigs than this.”

She was trying to be positive where I was so negative.

But she had a point. This break gave me some time to relax, something I hadn’t done much of in the last year. It gave me a chance to watch lots of movies and read and workout. It allowed me to get settled in my new apartment.

And it gave me time to think about what I really wanted, which was to be on a movie set. I knew that now more than ever.

“Show me the schedule Brett’s team put together for you.”

I took out my phone and looked through my emails until I found the one that detailed the next several weeks. Each event was broken down by date with a full description of what the event was for, the dress code, the location, sponsors, and any high-profile people who would be attending.

“So, you have a gala along with several cocktail parties. Four charity events and a polo match.” She glanced up. “Polo?”

I shrugged. “I guess it’s a thing here.”

“Okay…” She paused but kept her eyes on me. “You know, there is something extremely erotic about men riding horses while holding long sticks.”

I laughed.

“The real Debbie Downer is that we have to make you look appropriate, which means pastels and capris and a sweater tied around your shoulders.”

“Sounds like something Brett would approve of.”

She rolled her eyes. “My goal is to have Brett approve everything.” She pointed at the screen and counted each of the events. “I’d say ten to twelve dresses—a few of those formal—a light-pink paisley ensemble, and some casual outfits will get you by for now. If you need more, that will give me an excuse to come visit sooner.”

Eve had been my stylist for years. When it came to clothes, I trusted her more than anyone. That was why, after we’d returned to Miami from LA, I’d begged Brett and his team to let her dress me for the events. They had requested a phone interview and for Eve to submit her portfolio, and she’d done both. Just yesterday, they’d given her their approval, but under one stipulation—they wanted her in Miami to get started immediately.

She was here less than twenty-four hours later.

“Do you have to leave to go shopping?”

She had a surprised look on her face. “Leave you? Oh no. I pulled clothes in LA, and they’ll be here tomorrow morning. There are a few more things I need, so I’m going to call my assistant and have her ship them overnight. Now, there’s just one more thing I have to take care of.”

She took out her phone and tapped the screen, holding it to her ear. “Hi, Rachel. It’s Eve Kennedy. I’m in town. I have a client who’s attending a polo match in a few weeks, and I think several pieces from your new line would be perfect.” She paused. “Yes, I would love that.” She put her hand over the speaker and whispered, “What’s the name of this building?”

“The Jewel,” I said softly.

“Please have them delivered to The Jewel, attention to Eve in unit ten-fourteen.” She paused again. “I’ll have my assistant follow up with payment information and sizes. Thank you.” She set her phone down. “Polo gear will be here tomorrow, and while we’re at the pool, I’ll call my assistant to coordinate the rest.”

“I seriously love you.”

“This is why we need to get your ass back to LA because living there without you is all kinds of wrong.” She got up from the couch and grabbed my hand, pulling me off and leading me toward the bedroom. “We need bikinis and cocktails. Right now.”