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Silas: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance (Death Knells MC) (Outlaw MC Romance Collection Book 1) by Vivian Gray (4)

“Wait. Wait wait wait.” Jessa pressed a finger against the back window of the cab, pinching one eye shut to get a good look at the passing neighborhood. The cab had been circling her block for what felt like an eternity. It wasn’t her fault if none of the house numbers were visible. Or if she’d gotten too drunk to properly recognize her front yard.


“This is it.” Okay, so she was slurring a little.


The cab driver sent a quizzical look through the rearview mirror. “You sure this time?”


“Totally sure. Twelve fifteen Poplar.” She nodded, rummaging through her purse.


“You said fifteen twelve the first time, lady.” The cab driver no longer sounded amused. “And thirteen twelve the next three times.”


She cleared her throat, reassessing the house out the window. “Well, excuse me for living in a shape-shifting neighborhood.” God, like a girl couldn’t make a mistake these days. “Here, take this. And keep the change.” She shoved some bills at him before toppling out of the back seat. It took a few steps to find her balance again on the too-tall heels, which had seemed like an excellent idea prior to actually wearing them for any length of time.


Her shoes tapped out an unsteady rhythm as she headed up the uneven cement of the driveway. Her beat-up Lexus sat dully in the dim driveway, her lone porchlight leaving half the driveway and front yard in darkness. She rummaged in her purse as she stumbled up to the tiny porch, pausing at the first step. She had her keys. She’d specifically checked for them while she was still at the bar. Thinking ahead and whatnot.


She grunted, feeling around – pack of tissues, bursting wallet, coin purse, second coin purse. As she rummaged, she thought about how different her purse was from her house. Total opposites really. She swore. She needed to focus on finding the keys. With a sigh, she plopped her purse down on the ground and raked through the crap inside.


After what felt like an hour, she finally found the wispy tassel that signaled her keychain. “God, finally.” She pushed to her feet, brushed off her skirt, and approached the door.


Silas flashed through her mind, as he had more progressively throughout the night, the drunker she got. It seemed her brain was hell-bent on remembering how sexy the man was. Would she ever see him again?


A hand clamped down on her shoulder. She jolted, whipping around. Her cheek smashed into the broad chest of… a man. Leather kutte. Hands held her in place. Was this Silas? She tried to pull back and see, but the person shushed her. She peered up; a black ski mask covered his face. This was wrong. This was seriously wrong.


This can’t be Silas. She struggled against the iron grip keeping her immobile against his body.


“Now, now. No screaming. You’re gonna let us inside the house, okay?”


She shook her head, her response muffled against the kutte.


“The answer is yes. You will let us inside.” The man shifted, and a moment later she heard the click of a pistol. A cold barrel was against her temple. Fear slid through her.


“Now. Let us in.”


Jessa couldn’t move, all of the disbelief and panic of this quiet attack frothing inside of her. She should scream. Or she should bolt. But he had a gun. What could she do? What did he even want with her?


“Open. The. Door.” The pressure at her temple increased, reminding her of the task. She shuddered and nodded. She could lead him on for a minute… and then figure out her escape plan. There had to be one.


Her legs felt like Jell-O as she turned slowly, the attacker gripping her so tightly by the arm that she feared it might leave a bruise. Her hand shook as she forced the key in the lock. The door clicked open. The assailant nudged her forward, and she shuffled inside her house, panic swirling in her chest.


The biker kicked the door shut behind them and then he pushed her into the front room. She stumbled and fell, her knees skidding against the carpet. When she attempted to get up, he kicked her in the side. She shrieked, falling onto her back. The biker was on top of her in a flash, pinning her down by the wrists, a sardonic grin visible even with the ski mask on.


“I’ve been waiting for this,” he said, his voice a low growl. “Waiting for your bastard old man to die so I could get my revenge.”


A scream ripped through her as the reality set in. What he was here to do. What this was even all about.


“Shut up!” He slapped her so hard her vision went spotty. Head lolled to the side, she drew deep breaths, trying to reorient herself. Come on, Jessa. You can get out of this. You can escape.


“Your dad was a dirty cunt,” the man went on. He grabbed the front of her blouse and ripped it open, buttons flying. A sob escaped her, fear making her limbs go cold and rigid. This can’t be happening this can’t be happening. “Just like you.”


“Fuck. You.” Her voice came out raspy and low.


The biker shook his head and then punched her in the face. Her vision went gray and then she blacked out for a moment. When she came to, her skirt was ripped and crumpled on the ground around her. His belt clanked as he tore it off. Dark hair peeked from beneath his ski mask, the only defining feature she could see.


A roar ripped through her, one that originated from the deepest part of her. And then she started kicking, kicking and writhing and thrashing to escape this man’s grip. There was no fucking way she was going down without a fight. The attacker stumbled forward, catching himself at the last second before he fell on top of her. He reached for his gun and pistol-whipped her across the face.


Everything went black. Silence throbbed around her until she regained consciousness once again, but everything was hazy. She saw the front door burst open, thudding against the hallway wall.


And then Silas was there, grabbing at her attacker like he was a rag doll. A whoosh of pure, freeing air enveloped her the second Silas pulled him off of her. She immediately curled into a ball, stricken as she watched Silas throw the man into the couch. Punches flew with swearing. Lots of swearing. Silas ripped the mask off, stringy black hair flying everywhere. Silas grabbed the guy by his collar, pummeling him with punches against the back of her living room couch.


The guy kicked at Silas’ chest, then rolled backward. Instead of staying to continue the fight, her attacker bolted out the open front door. Silas jumped to his feet and chased after him but stopped at the doorway. Hands propped on the molding, he stared out the front door for a moment before slamming it shut and rushing back to her.


“Are you okay?”


The concern in his eyes was enough to undo her. Sobs gushed out of Jessa. Silas pulled her into his arms, gathering her half naked and shaking body against his.


“You’re fine. You’re fine.” He rocked and shushed her like she was a baby having a nightmare.


She clung to his kutte. She’d never been more grateful to see a Death Knells member in her entire life.


After a while, the tears subsided. She looked up at him and sniffed. “How the fuck did you know?”


“I’ve been checking up on you every night since your dad died.” His rumbly bass voice was soothing. He smelled like leather and aftershave. She could have stayed in this embrace forever. “I made him a promise to protect you.”


“But… that guy…” She couldn’t even find the words.


“I saw a bike in your driveway. I don’t know much about you, but I know you’re not too big on bikers. When I checked it out, I saw a Wicked Spawn sticker.” He shook his head, tutting. “They’re always bad news, and they had it out for Stone. Always will.”


Jessa shivered, curling into his lap.


A long silence stretched by until she finally found the words. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”


Silas shook his head, shifting beneath her. “You don’t need to thank me. Those guys are some dirty fuckers. I know what they’re capable of.” His jeans scraped against her upper thigh.


She wiped at her face, squeezing her arms around his waist. It didn’t matter that they were strangers, that only earlier that day she had laughed in his face about him giving her his number. He’d saved her. She might never be able to properly thank him.


Another wave of emotion pummeled her, and she cried into his chest. His rough palm curved around her head, a welcome warmth and pressure. Once she’d cried as much as she could, she pulled back and looked up at him.


“Can you stay with me tonight?”




Silas had never been looked at like that before. With so much tenderness and fear. He didn’t even have to think about his answer before it tumbled out of him.


“Of course.”


She nodded and burrowed into him, another whiff of her shampoo hitting him. Something fruity and fresh, like oranges had gone for a spring walk. Her grip around his waist made him frown. He’d never been held like this either. Maybe he’d never been so useful to someone else.


Her relief radiated off of her like heat from a sidewalk in the middle of the hottest summer day. He cinched his arms around her, gathering her tighter against him. The heat of her was reassuring – felt nice in a way that was foreign to him. Like a taste of something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.


They stayed like that for a long time. So long Silas couldn’t even guess if it was midnight or four a.m. Finally, she shifted, drawing a deep breath.


“You hungry?”


Silas jerked his head into a nod, and she steadied herself with his shoulders, pushing up to a standing point. His nose brushed her thigh on her way up, sending a rush of heat to his cock.


She patted the top of his head, peering down at him. “I bet you love the view.” She let out a sarcastic laugh but didn’t move. On instinct he cupped the backs of her smooth legs, his neck bent back to look up at her. Heat throbbed between them. “Or maybe I’m overestimating you. I doubt bikers like to bury their faces in women parts.”


He drew a sharp breath, biting back the urge to correct her. It didn’t seem right to tell her how much he loved eating pussy. Not after what she’d just lived through. He gritted his teeth as she sauntered off, watching the round apples of her tight ass cheeks as she headed deeper into the house.


As pots clanged in the kitchen, he talked himself down from the throbbing between his legs. Once the scent of cooking reached him, he stood and walked through the house to find her.


The sight of her in the kitchen nearly brought him to his knees. In just lacy panties and a bra, she was bopping around the kitchen, hips jutting from side to side as she danced to her own beat.


When she turned from the stove, a skillet in one hand, she jumped. “Shit. You scared me. You like toasted cheese?”


Two perfectly golden grilled cheese sandwiches shone up from an oversized skillet. He couldn’t stop the grin from covering his face.


“Love it.” He slid onto a barstool in front of the counter facing the kitchen. He didn’t bother hiding the fact that his eyes settled on the lush tops of her breasts, either.


“Good, that’s tonight’s snack.” She hummed as she plated the sandwiches. Behind her, the kitchen gleamed. Everything seemed to be in a preordained place. With the skillet hidden in a deep sink, he couldn’t even tell she’d just cooked. “Also a thank you gift – for saving me.”


He jerked his head into a nod, gaze sweeping up and down her slim figure. The girl worked out, or something. Her body was tightly packed and firm. He was dying to feel the heat of her ass in his palm, trace the heavy curve of her breasts. He must have been staring because she snapped her fingers.


“You listening?”


He focused on her face, offered a guilty smile. “What?”


She didn’t seem too upset as she chomped into her sandwich, a tiny pleased smile on her face. “Yeah. That’s what I thought.”


They ate in silence, sending knowing smirks each other’s way. Her place was comfortable and nice. Way nicer than anything he’d be able to put together. Her stuff matched and had a theme to it.


“So… what should we do about the guy that attacked me tonight?” She cleared the plates when they were done.


“I’ll take care of that.” Silas shifted on the stool, his hand going to his holstered Glock – a tic he’d had since joining the MC.


“Oh yeah? What does that mean?”


“You won’t be attacked again. And now I just have one more reason to make sure these assholes don’t ever mess with any of ours again.”


She arched a brow. “Ours?”


“Yeah. Death Knells’ property.”


She huffed, her jaw jutting out. “I’m not property.


“I know.” He held her gaze, electricity skating through him. God, he wanted to push her up against the wall… Make sure she knew just how sexy she was, strutting around in her underwear… Making grilled cheese sandwiches with the perfect amount of crisp and melted cheese.


She studied him for a moment and then strutted past him, flicking off the kitchen light. “You coming to bed?”


He stood so fast the stool wobbled. When she pushed open the bedroom door, her heated glance told him all he needed to know. This girl had one thing in mind.


Or maybe it was just wishful thinking. He watched as she disappeared into the bathroom attached to the bedroom. The sound of water rushed behind the closed door. He smirked, tugging off his kutte and draping it over a chair against the wall. He’d do his part by spending the night with her. But she called the shots as to what she wanted from him.


Silas eased onto the bed. The mattress was thick and comfortable, topped with a puffy down comforter. He smoothed his hand over it. Sleeping here wouldn’t be so bad. Her bedroom was decorated with deep mauve and hints of black.


When the bathroom door opened, Jessa stood on the threshold, hand propped up against the frame. Her naked breasts gleamed, nipples two tight points. His mouth fell open, gaze hopelessly soldered on her breasts. Exquisite, perfect breasts.


“Why do you look so speechless?” Her knowing grin was a taunt. She sauntered toward him, smoothing her hands over his shoulders. “You don’t seem like a guy who gets speechless.”


“Uh,” he began.


“Is this okay?” Her voice was a soft purr, one that made his cock jump.


He swallowed hard, nodding. “This is fucking great.” His gaze traveled over her taut, porcelain belly, up over the jutting lines of her ribs. Her areolas were a gauzy pink, like something from a fairy tale. His hands went to the dip in her waist of their own accord. He squeezed the flesh above her hips.


Her eyes flashed. “Just stay with me tonight,” she pleaded. Her knees made indents on the bed as she clambered on top of him.


“I’m yours.” His breath came out against the tight peak of her nipple. Her skin pebbled beneath his mouth. “Promise.”


She settled onto his lap, knees bent with her legs straddling him. He swept his hand up the knobby bones of her spine, pressing her into him, urging the kiss.


Their mouths connected hard, part lust and part confusion, until a sweet kiss emerged. Their lips made a smacking sound as one kiss blurred into a second, and then a third. When Jessa pressed her tongue into his mouth, he welcomed the sweet heat.


Jessa grunted, rocking on top of him. His hands shot to her hips, fingers twitching with the urge to feel more of this woman. To touch every square inch of her body.


“Please,” she whispered hotly in his ear, “I need this, Silas. You have no idea.”


His eyes nearly rolled back into his head. Like he could say no to that. Like he could say no to her. “I told you. I’m yours. Any way you want it.”


A coy grin crossed her face, her nails raking up and down his biceps. “Good. Take your clothes off.”


She pushed off of him, the expectant look on her face telling him to hurry it up. He fumbled with his belt to get his pants off in record time, then tugged off the simple black T-shirt – tossing everything to the side. When he was left in black boxers, her gaze fell to his crotch.


“This is what I want to see.” She tugged his boxers down, inhaling sharply when his cock bobbed free. He didn’t make a habit of checking out other guys, but he knew he was big. His cockhead glistened, bulbous and red. Her cool hand encircled him, making him jolt beneath the unexpected touch. Then she pushed him back onto the bed before shimmying out of her panties.


He grunted, reaching for the swell of her hip, desperate to touch the luscious V between her legs. Her hair was trimmed and dark. He gritted his teeth, suddenly desperate to taste her. But she climbed on top of him, resuming her former position.


“I want to be on top,” she said, snagging him in another kiss.


His hands roamed her body as she moved against him, stiff nipples dragging over his chest, the heat of her pussy brushing against his thigh. “Jessa,” he warned, squeezing her hips. The teasing was nice, but she was too good at it. Or maybe it had just been too long. Or maybe she was just too damn sexy.


Whatever it was, he wanted her. Desperately.


“Mmmm.” Her head lolled to the side, a lazy smile covering her face. “You’re gonna feel so good – buried inside of me.” She let a throaty laugh. “I can’t wait to feel your cock.”


He gritted his teeth, tugging her down by the hips. “Then why don’t you sit on it?”


Her tongue traced the outline of her lips. “Oh, I will.” She brushed her pussy over the tip of his cock.


She was wet; so fucking wet.


“Come on, babe.” He rocked beneath her, like this might hurry up her lazy pace. He wasn’t used to women leading the way like this, but he liked it. Usually, the women he fucked around with were perfunctory; fulfilling a physical need. And most of them were a little star struck around him anyway. Too timid to really claim what they wanted.


But this? He grunted as she rolled in a wide circle on top of him, the juice of her pussy leaking out and dribbling down her thigh. This was a different level.


“I’ll sit on it only if you promise me one thing.” Her voice was distant, like she was a million miles away.




“You have to fuck me until I come. And I have to come first.”


His chest nearly imploded at that request. He buried his face in the valley of her breasts, then sucked on one nipple long and hard. She shrieked with a giggle.


“Deal.” It might be a challenge to last that long, but it was worth it. “Now sit on it, babe.”


With a throaty hum, she sunk down on top of him, her velvety pussy encompassing him. His eyes fluttered shut, a groan escaping him as she slowly and exquisitely took every last inch of him inside her. He tensed, his thighs going rock-hard, as she started a languorous rhythm.


“Oh… my God.” Her breath came out in short spurts at his ear.


And then she was pounding against him, riding him so hard the air in his lungs evaporated. He hadn’t expected this. No way. Not in a million years. All he could do was hang on for dear life, her face pinched into pleasure, her breasts jiggling as she rode him.


“Ohhhh, fuck!” Her fingernails dug into his shoulders, and he grimaced against the orgasm churning inside him.


She had to come first… but he couldn’t resist matching her movements from below. He pounded up against her, watching the expressions on her face. Her pussy tightened around him. She hooked her elbow around his neck and brought them even closer together.


“Fuck, Silas!”


And then she came – a quaking, pulsing, juicy mess, as her scream filled the room. He squeezed her tight as his own orgasm came barreling through, his cock spasming, a gruff groan escaping him.


Once the freight train of pleasure subsided, she rested her forehead against his shoulder.


“That,” she said, “was better than I expected.”




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