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Silas (A Playboy's Lair Novel Book 1) by S. R. Watson (17)


The smarting pain keeps me from lying on my back on the bed. I opt to lie on my stomach while I replay it all. I can’t believe all that just happened. I don’t even know what possessed me to ask to be spanked. I guess I’ve been harboring a curiosity from reading about all the kink in Silas’s binder, but I was unsure if I would like it. I more than enjoyed it. What started off as pain dissipated into something euphoric and orgasmic. The question is, what does that say about me? What kind of freak gets off on pain? Apparently, I’m that freak. Who knew?

I didn’t think he would give in to my request. He had a mini freak-out for going all caveman on me during my first experience with sex. He erects these protective walls around me that even shelters me from him. I don’t want safe. I wanted a part of him, the essence of him, and he gave it to me in spades. I’d say he really gave it since I happen to know he forgot to wear a condom.

I’m afraid to bring it up. I don’t want anything to ruin this bubble we’re in. I’m pretty confident that he religiously practices safe sex. Stupid, but I trust that he is disease free. There is still the conception possibility, but those odds should be slim. I’m not on birth control, but I just had my period right before I came on board. Statistically, I should be safe. No need to freak him out.

The door creaks open, and I realize I didn’t even know he’d closed it behind him.

“Take these, love,” he tells me when he gets closer to the bed. He holds out a glass of orange juice and two circular white pills.

“What are these for?” I ask already taking the pills.

“They’re arnica pills. They will help reduce the bruising from our play. The arnica cream is for later and has witch hazel and menthol to help with the pain.”

“Well, weren’t you the presumptuous one. How did you know you would need all that stuff? Surely, you don’t carry that around with you.”




I see the moment that little light bulb she likes to turn on in her head clicks on. “Wait. It wasn’t for me. You knew you’d be renting a place because you said you always do when you dock for at least a day. You were planning to bring someone else here to play with. Boy, aren’t I the lucky one.”

I don’t miss the sarcastic undertones. That mind of hers is just a little too creative sometimes. She invents these misguided stories and runs with them.

“Are you done with your foregone conclusion, Sherlock Holmes?” She tilts her head in disbelief. If her ass wasn’t already red and sore, I’d spank her ass again for that off-base assumption.

“Enlighten me then.”

“Babe, I have money. It’s that simple. You’d be amazed how quickly I can get things. Even when they’re out of sight, I have people on my detail who cater to my every whim. I don’t abuse it, but if I shoot off a quick text, stating I need some fucking arnica pills and cream, it gets done expeditiously.”

“But when did you even have time?”

“You mean the time it took to send off a text when you asked me to share a part of myself with you and then bolted through the French doors? I sent the text because I knew you’d eventually get your way. You make me want to give you everything, Brennan.”

I watch in satisfaction as that admission knocks the wind from her sails. She’s not used to anyone treating her like the special woman who she is. She is so jaded and quick to think the worst because she doesn’t believe she deserves better. It’s her only flaw that needs work.

“I’m sorry, Silas. You’ve been incredibly sweet, and here I am assuming crap. I think my positivity compass is a little broken sometimes.”

“Nah. Our perspectives are shaped by our experiences. Just know, I’m here to give you a new perspective.”


It’s pointless. This man irrevocably, undeniably owns my ass—pun intended. Even after I question his motives, his sweetness for me doesn’t waver. He says things that make me think just maybe he is falling for me too. He’s letting some of his rules go for me. I’m in deeper than I was yesterday, and it frightens the hell out me. I can’t get off this ride, though. I don’t want to.

“Before the arnica cream, let’s get you into your first surprise.” He covers my eyes with his masculine hands and nudges me forward. I walk slowly since I can’t see. I smell his surprise before I can actually see it. The smell of roses wafts in the air, much like the massage oil he used last night. He uncovers my eyes, and I swear, an inkling of fear melts away from my heart.

The vision before me is right out of a fairy tale. An inviting bath surrounded by varying sizes of candles awaits me. The water is opaque white with floating rose petals.

“It’s a Cleopatra milk bath … fit for a queen. It’s filled with goat milk, rose petals, rose oil, and vitamin E oil,” he explains. “The warm soak will relax you and do wonders for your ass.”

I could get used to this pampering thing. He’s gone above and beyond. Never in a million years would I have ever thought this would be my life. This gorgeous man doting on me, bending his rules for me.

“This is so sweet, Silas. Careful or I might begin to think you actually like me.” Again, I’ve stuck my foot in my mouth. Why did I have to go and hint that this thing between us is more than a fuck? Ugh. “I mean think you actually like fucking me,” I add. I try to clean it up, but it sounds worse.

Silas helps me into the bath. I lower myself slowly into the silky water and instantly feel relief.

“I love fucking you, Brennan,” he finally answers. He gives me a warm smile, and I try not to read in his eyes what he’s not saying. “Just relax and enjoy your soak. I’ll be back for you shortly for your next surprise.”

He returns within minutes with a red glass of wine. “Can’t forget the wine.”

I take the glass from him and take the first sip. It’s somewhat tart but good. “Is this my other surprise?”

“No. I’m still working on it. I’ll be back.” And with that, he’s gone.

I truly feel pampered. Something tells me this is not the normal Silas treatment. Is it because I gave him my virginity and now my first anal? I brush off the sense of obligation theory. I’m just going to enjoy all this and follow his lead. My heart is already invested, so it’s pointless to come up with alternative explanations. I finish the glass of wine and set the glass next to one of the candles before leaning all the way back into the water. The only thing that could have made this soak better was for him to join me.

“Wake up, my little jelly bean.” My eyes snap open, and I find a still shirtless Silas kneeling next to the tub. I have no idea how much time has passed. This soak really did relax me.

“Stand up, love. Let me wash you.” I do as he asks. He rubs rose soap on a sponge and begins to bathe me. He’s extra gentle when he washes my ass. “My marks look great on you. My dick is getting hard again just looking at them. The red is darkening now. I’ve claimed this ass in more ways than just one,” he beams with pride.

“Yours,” I answer in agreement, but he goes quiet. He finishes bathing me and even washes my hair before pulling a gigantic plush towel from the rack. I feel fully pampered.

I step out of the tub and let him wrap me up. As I’m drying my hair and body, he disappears and returns with a t-shirt.

“This all you get to wear today.”

“Just your shirt, huh?”

“You don’t need anything constricting against your ass. That and I get to watch you parade around in my shirt and know that you’re naked underneath.”

I want to kiss that smirk right off his face. He is just too cute for words. Especially when he is being all flirty and considerate.

He slides the shirt over my head and then kisses me on the forehead. “If it wasn’t for this next surprise, I’d vote that you just be naked,” he hints. Now I’m really curious about what he has up his sleeve. He takes his time rubbing the arnica cream on my ass—probably a little more time than necessary. I have no doubt he loves my ass.

“Have you seen my hair tie and bobby pins?” I ask, interrupting his medicinal fondling.

“They’re somewhere in the trash.” He shrugs his shoulder, unconcerned. “I’m boycotting them for the duration of our time here. Your hair is too gorgeous to be wearing a nun bun. Besides, you’re no longer chaste, so I think it’s false advertisement. No more of those chastity buns when you’re with me.”

That’s it! Nun bun? Chastity bun? I’ve truly heard it all. I double over in laughter until Silas swats my ass. The sting gets my attention. “Let’s get to your next prize, Princess Leia.”

“Ha. She wore two buns, and I only wear one, so that kind of ruins your analogy there, stud.”

“Well, since you’ll be wearing zero buns, it’s a wash anyway,” he gloats. He gives me the sexiest smile, dimples daring me to disagree with him.

“Fine. I’ll let this hair be wild and out of control just for you.”

“Sounds like a marvelous idea. Glad you thought of it,” he mocks.

His laugh is truly infectious. He’d better be glad he’s handsome. I toss my damp hair over my shoulder for a flair of theatrics.

“Let’s go, boss man.” I can create pet names too.

The sun is setting behind the clouds. The orange and yellow hues fade into one in beautiful harmony. Silas leads me toward the beach; I’m guessing to watch the sunset. I did mention earlier that I wanted to see the beach at night. Only, I’m not prepared for fairy tale number two. This is the kind of thing that only happens in the movies.

A little table low to the ground with lanterns is surrounded by cushions and pillows to sit. A bottle of champagne is on ice with two flutes at the center of the table. More lanterns illuminate our little secluded spot on the beach in the shape of a heart. I can’t help the tears that roll down my cheeks. I’m the luckiest woman right now. I take a seat on one of the cushions, and Silas cozies up next to me, wiping away my tears.

“Those are happy tears, I hope.”

“Yes. I can’t believe you did all this. You even created a heart for us.”

I wish we could stay in this heart bubble forever, but I don’t say that part. I’m desperately trying not to read anything serious into all this without him saying the words.

“The heart is just like your heart-shaped ass and face.” He winks. He didn’t say I had his heart, but it doesn’t take away from how romantic this all is.

He pours us champagne, and I recognize the rose-colored bottle from our rendezvous last night. I swear he has an obsession for roses.

“What is your predilection with roses? Rose oil, rose soap, rose champagne … I’m sensing a theme here.”

“Roses hold a variety of beneficial properties for the skin and can increase the libido. The flower itself can mean different things, depending on the color and how many you give to someone. Its symbolism appeals to me.” He brushes a strand of hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear.

“So many people give roses without fully understanding the statement they’re making. I don’t give any roses to people, but if I did, most wouldn’t appreciate its significance,” he adds.

Two men approaching in white chef coats and carrying trays of food interrupt our discussion about roses. This night just keeps getting better and better. They organize the food on the table in front of us and fill our flutes with the champagne that’s on ice. I still can’t pronounce the name of it.

My stomach growls on cue when I take it all in. The presentation of the food makes it almost hard to eat it. It’s so pretty, but I said almost. The chefs don’t attempt any small talk. They place napkins in our laps and simply tell us to enjoy.

“So this is surprise number two. I have one more because I think things are better when they come in threes.”

“Like orgasms?” I wink, stealing his signature move.

“Orgasm are better in multiples, not threes,” he corrects, and I’m inclined to agree with him.

“Seriously, thank you for all this … for making me feel so special.”

“You deserve nothing less, jelly bean.” He leans over and plants a chaste kiss on my lips. “Now let’s devour this food before it gets cold. Then we can move on to the finale.”

We both have salmon and asparagus with cherry red tomatoes. I sip on my champagne between bites, telling him about all the pictures I took today. He tells me about some of the amazing places he’s visited and how they would be great to get pics of. Is he offering to take me to those places? This is how life should be, simple yet memorable. We don’t need fancy restaurants or extravagant outings for a perfect date. Can this be considered a date? Or is it just two people enjoying each other’s company after some great sex and impact play?

I scrape my plate clean—no shame. I was hungrier than I thought. We really worked up an appetite with our bedroom activities. Without prompting, the chefs return to pour us more champagne and take away our empty plates. They offer dessert, but Silas waves them off because we’re both stuffed. Were they hiding in the bushes, waiting until we finished? I have to give it to them. Their service is magnificent. Silas thanks them and wishes them a good night.

“Time for surprise three.” I rub my hands together like a restless child.

Silas just laughs at my shenanigans. He pulls out an iPad from behind one of the pillows. Now I’m stumped. What the mess?

“So for the finale, Brennan, we’re going to spend the night on the beach under the moonlight and stars. The waves will lull us to sleep until we wake to watch the beautiful sunrise.” He raises that peace finger in the air. “First, though, I plan to give you those multiple orgasms that I was just talking about. And once we’re both spent, we will choose a movie to watch on the iPad with you cuddled in my arms. Tonight, there will be no running.”

And my stupid tears are back. “That all sounds perfect. The perfect ending to the perfect night. Are these movies on Netflix by chance?”

“Yes. Some of them are. I’ll even let you pick.” He adjusts our pillows and cushions, so they merge as one. “Why do you ask if they’re on Netflix?”

“Because this can now be considered the ‘Netflix and Chill’ part of the date.” I’m rewarded with more of his gorgeous laughter.

“Oh sweetheart, there is only one flaw to that plan.”

“What is that?”

“It’s the Chill and the Netflix part of the date. I’m not waiting another minute to fuck you.”

He leans me back and begins to remove his pants to prove his point. I hope those chefs really are gone. I smile because he agreed this was a date.

“Okay, but I choose The Notebook,” I warn.

“Baby, just let me inside that pussy of yours, and I’ll watch whatever sappy shit you choose. Tonight is your night. Let me show you just how much.”

The minute he is naked and on top of me, I can’t think about anything else. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but tonight, he’s all mine, and I’m his. No matter the outcome, this will be the most memorable night of my life. Well, second to losing my virginity to the sex god with hidden romantic tendencies. Tonight, I’m his exception.