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Sinner: A Bad Boy MC Romance by Romi Hart (34)

Chapter 3

You did more than share a cab last night.” Reesa’s words weren’t a question but a harsh accusation, and Kylie hated that her friend knew her so well.

Still, she tried to skirt the conversation. “Why would you say that?”

Reesa rolled her eyes. “Please! Kylie, you only wear your sunglasses when you want to hide bags under your eyes, either from a hangover or lack of sleep. So, you and Jordan either went out and partied late into the night or went home and did something late into the night.”

Kylie sighed, adjusting the giant sunglasses on her face as the waiter dropped off two gorgeous salads that made her stomach churn. She’d had no appetite today, and she knew she needed rest. But she didn’t regret her decision last night in the least. “Would you believe me if I told you we sat up and talked through the night, bonding like long lost soul mates?”

With a wicked cackle, Reesa shook her head. "Not if you swore on the Bible."

Kylie tried to scowl, but now that she hadn’t been the one to bring it up, she couldn’t hide her smile. “What can I say? He brings out the best in me.” She paused. “In bed.”

“I can’t believe it!” Reesa shook her head, her eyes wide in disbelief but her grin proving she was intrigued. “How did that come about?”

“Oh, it came about ten times or so.” Kylie waggled her eyebrows, and Reesa groaned rolling her eyes. Growing a bit more serious, she said, “I’m not sure. He started making passes during the dog and pony show last night, and it never stopped until I had to leave for work this morning.” This time, her best friend stared with an expression full of shock. “What? You thought I’d go home in the middle of the night?”

“I don’t know what I thought,” Reesa admitted.

Kylie smirked. “Well, try this on for size. It won’t be the last time. Jordan made that clear.”

Reesa gasped. “No way! You guys are going to start seeing each other?”

This was the murky part, the part Reesa might have trouble with. She knew Kylie too well and would wonder why she’d agreed to something that went against her every endeavor. “Sort of. I mean, nothing serious. But we like each other enough to have a good time,” she said as lightly as she could, using Jordan’s words. “We’re both consensual adults, so we’re just going to have fun and enjoy the physical side of the relationship for however long it lasts.”

“Okay.” Reesa drew the word out as if she was trying to absorb the situation. “Who are you, and what have you done with my best friend?” Kylie sent her a withering look, and she threw up her hands. “Think about it, Kylie. You’re always looking for that perfect guy to settle down with. You’ve had names picked out for, like, your first eight children for as long as I’ve known you. And now you’re deciding it’s okay to just have a fling with no commitment?”

“We’ve committed to not seeing anyone else as long as we’re in this thing,” she said weakly. At her friend’s skeptical glare, she huffed out a breath. “Look, I’m tired of waiting for something that isn’t happening, and I really want to try something new. Jordan’s a nice guy, and he’s royalty in bed. I don’t have anything else going on, and this will keep me distracted from my loneliness. It might even give us more time together. You know, double dates or something.”

Reesa snorted. “Don’t pretend this is about me.” Picking up her fork, she gazed at Kylie with a warning. “If you’re really okay with it, I’m happy for you. And for Jordan, too. There’s something very intense and sad in his eyes most of the time, and he did seem to lighten up last night. Just don’t go looking for something that’s not there. I don’t want you to get disappointed if this doesn’t turn into something more.”

“I don’t expect it to. Jordan strikes me as a bit of a playboy, even if he doesn’t mess with a lot of women.” Kylie sounded sure, but she wondered at Reesa’s words. Had she decided to settle for the arrangement because she hoped that, maybe, Jordan would eventually change his mind? She hadn’t started fantasizing about wedding rings and a house with a picket fence and two little blonde girls just yet, so she didn’t think so. No, she was tougher and smarter than that. And she really did want to try something new.

Still, she wanted to change the subject and dived into her salad, despite her lack of hunger, just so she could think of something else to say.

Opening the door to her apartment and finding Jordan standing there in a collared shirt that brought out the blue in his eyes and dark designer jeans made Kylie’s nerves tingle, and she couldn’t tell if it was from anxiety or anticipation. His smile melted her, though, and she grinned back. “Come in,” she offered, stepping back.

He took one stride past her, and as she closed the door behind him, he grabbed her and kissed her soundly, with enough passion to make her feel like they hadn’t seen each other in three weeks rather than three days. When he released her, Kylie found her knees weak, and she thought about the old black and white movies her mother loved, where women swooned and kicked up their heels to show how much a kiss affected them.

“Well, that was quite a greeting,” she breathed.

“Sorry, I just couldn’t resist your lips.” There wasn’t a hint of apology in his tone. “You look gorgeous tonight.”

“Thank you.” Kylie had dug through her closet and found a casual blue floral dress that hugged her curves before flaring out in the skirt and paired it with a white cardigan and matching blue flats. “I’m ready when you are,” she said, grabbing her keys and purse. “Where are we going?”

“A friend of mine is having a party to celebrate winning an award for some animated short film he did. I thought we could grab a bite to eat and maybe a drink, and then we could see how the party is. If that’s alright with you.”

She shrugged, liking that he wanted to bring her around friends. “I’m up for anything.”

He smirked. “Does that mean I can keep you up all night again?”

Kylie shivered with delight but narrowed her eyes at him. “Let’s see how well you wine and dine first, shall we?”

He laughed, obviously not the least bit offended or put off. “Fair enough. Let’s go before I change my mind and keep us in your bedroom all night.”

For a split second, Kylie considered locking the door and holding him hostage, but that wouldn’t be a healthy way to handle things. Instead, she led him out and locked the door before letting him guide her down and out to the parking lot. “You drove?”

“Yeah, I love getting behind the wheel from time to time. Besides, we’re going out to Long Island. I didn’t want you stuck on a train with me that long.” He winked, and Kylie rolled her eyes.

Until she saw the ride.

Black and chrome dominated her vision, the sleek, sexy Mercedes streamlined to the tailored look of a real race car. “This is gorgeous,” she told him in awe.

“If only it was actually mine,” he chuckled. “I make good money, sweetheart, but I’m not spending more than one year’s salary on a car I rarely use. But it’s ours for tonight, so hop in, and let’s see what she feels like.”

She rode like a dream, hugging curves and gliding over even the bumpiest roads without a catch. They sped along outside the thick of downtown, passing the minimal traffic, and Kylie thought she could get used to this sort of luxury. But she shouldn't. This wasn't permanent. And while she made a decent living off her design work, she would never afford something like this car on her salary.

Inhaling deeply of the crisp night air as it blew through her window, Kylie cleared her mind. She let go of any expectations, and when Jordan reached over to take her hand in his, she didn't pull away. For a while, she'd thought he only cared about the sex, considering he seemed to have a one-track mind. But she couldn't blame him, since she'd obsessed over it as well. Now, though, she felt a solid companionship with him in the silence, nothing but the sound of air in her hair and the feel of his touch on her skin.

It was comfortable, and she had no intention to make it otherwise. "You like seafood?" he asked as they slowed, nearing a strip of swanky restaurants near the shore.

She nodded. "I'm a sucker for shrimp and crab."

"Me, too," he grinned. He had a valet park the car, and she was surprised to find he had a reservation when they went inside to dine. He'd even managed to snag a table by the window, where she could see the waves washing onto the shore in the distance beneath the moonlight. It was almost romantic. "I love this place. It calms me. I grew up by the coast, in Victoria."

"Do you miss it?" she asked. Maybe she shouldn't delve into his personal life, but if he offered up details, it didn't hurt to ask, right?

He shrugged. "Sometimes, I do. But I go there at least twice a year to visit old friends and family. I like it here. New York suits me." He raised an eyebrow at her while the waiter poured them each a glass of wine. "Did you grow up here?"

Kylie shook her head. "I grew up in Washington, D.C. My parents wanted me to be a journalist like them, but I'm better with art than words. I can to NYU for the graphic arts program and stayed after graduation. That's where I met Reesa." She didn't talk much about that time; it was dark for her, with her parents angry at her choices and barely speaking to her. They'd always been close, and it broke her heart that they couldn't support her career. Even now, things remained strained between them.

"Did I ask the wrong question?" He smiled, apologetic, and his eyes crinkled at the corners. "I didn't mean to upset you."

Laughing it off, Kylie told him, "No, it's fine. It's good to talk about difficult things sometimes. Especially when you're talking to someone who actually seems to listen." Desperate to change the subject before her mood soured unreasonably, she reached for her wine glass. "What should we toast?"

His eyes were smoldering as he grabbed his own glass with a delicate touch she wanted to feel on her skin, especially the way he looked at her. "To good times, good people, and great sex."

Kylie laughed, the sound bubbling out of her, but she touched her glass to his. "Cheers!" she said before taking a sip. It was light and fruity, and she licked her lips, which made Jordan groan as his gaze fell to her mouth. "What are you thinking, Mr. Dennison?"

"I'm thinking my appetite might never be satisfied. I guess I better eat my fill to fuel me for later." He winked, and Kylie pressed her thighs together against the instant hot liquid that dripped from her at his dark promise.

Clearing her throat and trying to focus on the here and now, she said, "We should stay off that topic, or we're never going to make your friend's party." He chuckled but held his hands up in surrender, and she relaxed slightly, anticipating the food now as much as what she would get to taste later.

It was absolutely delicious, and she ate every bite, Jordan cleaning his plate as well. "I hope you don't think I'm a pig," she said as she wiped her mouth and hands on the warm wet cloth the waiter brought.

"Please! Your plate was tiny." He waved it off. "Are we ready for the next adventure?"

She nodded. She had a full belly, and the wine had warmed her. She didn't always feel comfortable meeting new people, despite her outgoing personality, but she had a feeling she could handle it just fine with Jordan at her side. He had enough charm to woo a huge crowd, so she wouldn't have to try as hard. "I'm ready when you are."

They left the car in the lot and took a cab the few blocks to a very ritzy area and pulled up in front of one of the largest houses in the neighborhood. Still, it overflowed with people, some practically in black tie while others wore simple jeans and t-shirts. The house was lit up, and she could hear music pumping inside through open windows.

Jordan took her hand tightly in his fist and threaded them through the crowd, into the foyer and through to the kitchen. He searched for someone in particular, his eyes scanning faces, and Kylie found herself craning her neck, looking for a person she wouldn't recognize.

She knew the moment he found his mark because he tensed, released her hand, and put his arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his side, almost possessively. Then, they marched forward until they stood directly behind someone so tall he even towered over Jordan by several inches. That didn't seem to faze her date in the least as he smacked the larger man on the back. "Hey, mate, great party."

The guy turned around, and Kylie was impressed. He definitely had the 'it' factor people talked about when it came to actors, and he reminded her of Zac Efron, maybe a couple of years older. His eyes landed on Jordan, and a broad grin stretched his face taut. "Jordan! You came." With a 'bro hug', he greeted and released Jordan before his eyes fell on her, raking her over with a salacious glint. Kylie fought not to fidget uncomfortably. "And you aren't alone. Who is this devastating beauty you've brought to my home?"

As if he could bring them any closer, Jordan squeezed her against him, his expression hardening a little, even though he kept his smile in place. "Hands off, mate. You can have your pick of the fans. This one's with me." For some reason, that gave Kylie warm fuzzies, as well as a sense of pride. Even if they weren't officially a couple, Jordan meant what he said about not sharing. His fingers toyed at her waist absently, sending chills up her back as he said, "Kylie, I'd like you to meet my good mate, Craig. Craig, this is Kylie."

Kylie held her hand out politely to shake his, but Craig bowed over it dramatically, placing a wet kiss to the back of it that heightened her nervousness. "You are a sight to behold, my lady."

"Drop the stage act, Craig," Jordan said irritably. Was he jealous? Kylie would assure him later that she felt no attraction whatsoever toward this man, despite his good looks, but for now, she liked the idea of him getting a little jealous. In a twisted sort of way, it meant he cared. Of course, she didn't let that monopolize her thoughts, but it definitely kicked her self-esteem up a notch or two.

"It's nice to meet you, Craig. You have a lovely home," she told him, trying to be gracious.

"Thank you," he said, eyeing Jordan with a strange expression. What was that exchange all about? These two had a history. Sure, they were friends, but something else rode beneath the surface, and Kylie wondered just what caused the slight animosity she sensed. She didn't speak on it, letting Craig hand each of them a drink and then allowing Jordan to guide her away to mingle.

She met several stage actresses, other athletes – including a couple of members of the team – and more regular people. They all welcomed her, and after another drink, she felt loose enough to relax. "Do you dance?" she asked Jordan, eyeing the people dancing in the next room and up on the balcony.

"That's not just a question of interest, is it?" he asked, his eyes wary but sparkling.

She shrugged. "I can't remember the last time I really danced. I thought it would be fun." She pushed up on her toes, getting her mouth close to his ear. "If you dance with me now, I'll dance for you later."

It had the effect she wanted, and Jordan pulled her tight against him, chest to chest. "That's an offer I can't refuse," he growled. Spinning her back around, he walked her to the edge of the moving jumble of people, and he started to move. Kylie did, too, but she stopped, staring at him in astonishment. He gave her a curious frown. "What?"

She shook her head with a smile of appreciation. "You are a damn good dancer, Jordan Dennison."

He beamed almost shyly. "You like it? Then come over here, closer, and let's have a little fun." Kylie didn't hesitate, feeling like a college girl again as she gyrated and rubbed up against him. It was highly arousing, and she knew they couldn't do this forever without overloading their senses. But she would push herself to the limit before she let him go.

Breathless and overheated, Jordan finally pulled her aside, pressing her against the wall and trapping her there with his body, as if she would try to get away. "God, I want you right now," he rasped at her.

Unable to speak, Kylie just nodded, and he crushed his lips against hers, kissing her hard and with pent-up desire that matched her own. She combed her fingers into his hair and fisted her hands in it, holding him tight to her, desperate for more. Only when she thought she might suffocate did she release him, and he still took another heartbeat to move away.

"Maybe we should get back, before we become exhibitionists," he teased, though Kylie had a feeling he was being completely honest. She felt fairly out of control herself.

“I think you’re right,” she gasped, her vision clouding around the edges as he became her sole focus. Apparently, that was all Jordan needed to hear. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her through the house, punching a code in his phone to order a cab as they went. He didn’t even stop to look for the host to say goodbye, and Kylie honestly felt relief, considering she didn’t much care for Craig, even if he threw a good party.

They stood at the curb and waited, and Jordan turned to her, a question in his eyes. “Do you have any plans tomorrow?”

Kylie laughed. “Hold on, cowboy. We haven’t even gotten through the night!”

He laughed with her but shook his head. “I’m asking because I don’t think it’s a good idea to drive home right now, and I was hoping you were free in the morning so we could get a hotel room nearby.”

Something low in her stomach clenched, and she raised an eyebrow at him, trying to play it cool. “Someone’s impatient.”

"Damn right I am!" he told her, pulling her against him so she could feel his hard-on. "Besides, I'm too tired and have had one too many drinks to feel comfortable behind the wheel of that beast of a car."

Ready to fall into bed with him, Kylie nodded. “Fair enough. I like that plan.”