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Slay Me (Rock God's Book 2) by Joanna Blake (27)

Chapter 41



Someone was knocking on the door.

Nick rolled over in the enormous bed. The enormous, empty bed. He’d fallen asleep with a fallen angel in his arms. Now she was nowhere to be seen. The sheets were cold, indicating that she’d left some time ago.

He sat up sharply.

Where the bloody hell had Sabrina gone?

He turned his head to the bathroom. Of course. He climbed out of bed and stalked over there, knocking softly. He pushed the door open. Empty.

She'd bloody left him! After the night they'd shared, he'd been certain he had her under his spell.

Just as he was under hers.


"Hold your horses I'm coming!"

Nick grabbed his robe and slipped it on. He opened the door to see Marley standing outside.

"I got the tour bus meeting us in Paris mate but we have to go if we're going to make the train."

Nick ran his hands through his hair.

"Did you tell Sabrina?"

"Yeah, I texted her. The band is meeting us downstairs in twenty minutes."

"Right. Do me a favor and pack for me would you?"

"Already done."

Nick slapped Marley's shoulder.

"Good man. Thank you.”

He walked past him to the door.

"Where are you going? You're naked, mate!"

Nick glanced down at his body without breaking his stride.

"I'm wearing a robe Marley. Get your mind out of the gutter."

He strode barefoot into the hallway and took the elevator down to Sabrina's floor. He smiled at everyone he saw. But inside he was seething.

She'd left him.

If she tried to pull that 'one night only' bullocks again he'd throw a fit. He'd tie her to her bed and refuse to leave the hotel until she agreed to-

What exactly?

He wasn't sure but it involved her in his bed, every night, for the rest of his Goddamned life.

Or else. He'd do something drastic.

She opened the door after one knock. She'd showered already and was dressed in clean clothes. Another plain black t-shirt with black jeans. Her hair was damp and her face bare of makeup. She looked like an angel. He had to resist the urge to lift her up and toss her on the bed.

"Nick, what are you doing? We have to leave for the airport soon."

“I told you we weren’t flying.”

Her mouth opened in a small, very kissable circle.


He strode into her room, slamming the door behind him. Her eyes widened as she stepped backwards- right into the wall. He put his hands on either side of her face and leaned down until he was inches away.

"You left."

"I had to get ready, Nick."

He narrowed his eyes at her. She didn't appear to be rejecting him.

"I want us to share a room in Paris. And for the rest of the tour."

She took a deep breath. She was getting ready to argue, he could tell. He scrambled his mind trying to come up with valid arguments to whatever reasons she was going to give for wanting her own room.


All the air left his lungs in a big whoosh. She'd actually said yes. That meant he would have access to her whenever he wanted it.

And he was going to want it a lot.

"You weren't sneaking off then?"

"No Nick, I wasn't. I promise."

He grinned at her goofily. Then he kissed her. She kissed him back sweetly. He started to pull her against his body, just to show her what she was doing to him already.

He was hard as a rock again.

"Nick- we have to go!"

He lifted his head again, cursing.

"Bloody hell, it's my tour! We leave when I say so!"

She rolled her eyes at him.

"It doesn't quite work that way, Nick."

"Fine! But I expect you in my bed as soon as we arrive in Paris."

She blushed and looked away before nodding.


He growled and scooped her up, making her squeal.

"You're going to drive me insane woman you know that?"

"Because I keep agreeing with whatever you say?"

He let her slide down his body.

"No, not that. That's whats keeping me from losing my mind entirely. Don't stop doing that."


"Good. Well, hurry up woman we have to catch the train."


"Yes, love. I promised you no flying, didn't I? We'll take the train to France and then drive everywhere else."

She was staring at him, her little mouth opened in surprise.

"Oh and love? The tour bus has a nice big bed in the back."

She blinked at him and he grinned. He knew she’d be too shy to make use of the bed. He grinned to himself. That’s why he’d asked specifically for two buses.

He stormed to the door, eager to be on their way. Outside in the hallway was a fresh stack of newspapers. On the front cover was a photo of Nick carrying Sabrina into the hotel the night before. The caption read 'Sleeping Beauty.' In the picture Nick has his finger on his lips hushing them, and the paparazzi around him are laughing.

He glanced back to make sure she wasn't looking and scooped up the papers, tossing them into a waste bin on his way back to his room.

He was whistling the whole way.