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Sleeper_Google by Lexi_Blake (16)



I walked into my apartment feeling completely empty. Hollow might be a better word.

It hurt seeing my friends hurt. Which was funny because a couple of months before I wouldn’t have said Donovan was a friend. Or Quinn or the queen. I’d looked at Felix Day as someone I had to get through so I could do my job, but over the months I’d grown to care about him and his family.

Zoey had broken down when Donovan had told her what we’d found. She’d said she couldn’t believe it and I wasn’t sure she did. Even seeing Felix hadn’t helped because it wasn’t like he could tell us what had happened.

Felix Day was in a coma. He was lying in a bed in Henri’s hospital, his body still and only the beeping of the monitors to let us know he was alive. He’d taken wounds from his fight with Trent and those had been dealt with, but he hadn’t woken up yet. His wife and daughter were praying, but I wasn’t sure anything could help him now.

I’d stopped in at the king’s condo and talked to my father. Well, tried to. He was kind of in and out of it. Soon he would be gone, settling back deep inside his new life, but I would know he was there.

I would save him if I died trying. Of course, dying wouldn’t be so bad. Living in Hell would suck.

“Kelsey?” Gray walked out of the kitchen. He’d changed into a T-shirt and jeans and I could see his big feet because he was barefoot. Stupid sexy feet that I shouldn’t have fixated on.

“Hey.” I shrugged out of my jacket. “Sorry I’m late. I got caught up in the job.”

He strode over to me, putting his hands on my shoulders. “I heard. I’m sorry about the doctor. I know you were friends with him. Did you get the sword?”

I nodded. “It’s locked up in the armory and they’ve put all kinds of crazy wards everywhere. Apparently the king doesn’t want the angels to get in and take it away without having a nice long talk with them.”

I’d seen Marcus, too, and he’d been thrilled that the king was finally ready to open negotiations with the demons. He’d asked me to reconsider my contract, but I still couldn’t see a way out of it.

I felt heavy and tired.

Would Nemcox renege on his offer now that I’d caught the person who had been manipulating Neil? Would I find myself right back where I’d started from?

I glanced up at Gray. He was so beautiful to me. Gray had dark brown hair and eyes so blue they were almost violet. He’d been the first man I’d ever loved. I could remember vividly the day he’d walked into my life, but I wondered who he would become when we lived in a place that was surrounded by evil.

And I knew I was going to miss Trent so much.

“What is it, baby?” Gray smoothed back my hair.

How could I tell him I was worried because I hadn’t been able to find Trent? I’d spent the last hour searching the building for him. He wasn’t at his place and I hadn’t found him down in Ether. How could I tell the man I’d once planned to spend my whole life with in holy monogamy that I’d gone looking for another man and my heart wasn’t whole without him? How did I tell him that I needed another man’s arms around me?

“She’s had a shit day and she needs a beer.”

I held my breath as Trent strode out of the kitchen, too. He was wearing jeans and nothing else, his cut torso on full display and it was perfect and whole, with no signs of the damage Felix had done.

“I told you she would be twelve kinds of tired after what happened. Fighting takes a lot out of her because she can’t physically change the way the rest of us can. She’s gotta call on her inner wolf, but it takes a toll on her Hunter body.” Trent had two beers in his hand and he offered me one. “You’ll be happy to know he didn’t even think of making a salad for dinner. Steak and potatoes. I managed to make the brownies.”

Gray snorted. “Like they were hard. They’re from a box. All you had to do was mix some stuff up.”

I couldn’t help it. I reached out and managed to get a hand on them both. I bit back a sob because they were both here and it had been a shitty day, and simply being in the same room with them made me happy. Happy in a stupid, Hollywood-romantic, everything-falls-into-place way that brought tears to my eyes.

Trent’s arm immediately came around me, pulling me in. Gray took a few seconds, but it happened and I was drawn into them, caught between those big masculine bodies, and for the first time in forever I felt comfortable. Like this was where I belonged. Like I didn’t have to fight for anything because I was safe.

I felt Gray’s lips on my forehead, his hand soothing down my back as Trent put his nose into my neck and he breathed in, taking my scent into his body.

This was what I’d needed all day. This was the place I’d longed for. Warmth and welcome and love.

And I wasn’t sure what happened next.

I stepped back, feeling awkward. “So when’s dinner?”

“I think dinner can wait,” Trent said. “I think you need to relax.”

I took a long swig of beer. I wasn’t sure how he expected me to relax. “I could probably take a nice long shower.”

He stepped up, his hand going to the back of my neck. He looked down at me with warm eyes. “Or we could take you to bed and ease that restlessness I know you’re feeling right now.”

“Okay.” I was feeling it. The future wasn’t settled and that made me anxious. I might have bought myself a few days, but that contract was being written up and I would be forced to sign it if I couldn’t find another way to protect my father.

Gray took a step back. “I’ll handle dinner then. Let me know when you’re ready to eat.”

Trent’s eyes closed briefly, but he took a deep breath as though fortifying himself. When he opened them again, he turned to Gray. “I thought we talked about this. You knew she would need to be touched and held and fucked when she came back. She needs sex on a base level.”

“You know I could always go and have that shower and take care of myself.” I wasn’t sure I wanted to be “serviced.”

Except I did. Because it kind of sounded a little hot.

Gray met his eyes. “And you seem ready to provide it for her. Maybe I can have a turn later tonight. I can sleep with her and you can come in and handle the day shift.”

I stared at Gray because I didn’t want to be serviced that much. “If this is a job to you, then I can definitely take care of myself.”

I started toward the bedroom. The shower was sounding better and better.

A hand caught my elbow, stopping me and turning me around. Trent stood there, his jaw hard. “No. You don’t walk away from this.”

This wasn’t how I’d pictured it at all. Well, I had. It was my worst-case scenario. “Having sex with me isn’t a job. If Donovan assigned this duty to you, then walk away, buddy, because I can take care of myself.”

“I never said it was a job to me, though you should know if it was, then I’ve been applying over and over again since the day you walked into my life. It’s not a job, baby. It’s a calling and I’m more than ready. You think those fingers of yours can do the trick?” Trent asked. “Because I don’t think they can. If they did, you would be a lot sweeter to be around than you are. You need a man who can take care of you. Two of them.” He turned to Gray. “I told you how this needs to go. Stop thinking. Kiss her. Show her you want her. Show her you love her so much you’re willing to share her so she gets every single thing she needs.”

Gray hesitated. “I do love her.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

I was still because this seemed to be Trent’s fight. I was being too hard on him. We’d had that moment earlier when he’d given me what I needed. He’d told me he loved me and then proved it by standing up for me. He’d stood in front of his boss—a man he’d made a blood oath to—and chose me. I had to let him take control of this. It was my turn to trust him, and that meant standing back and trying to keep my sarcastic comments to myself.

Gray groaned and scrubbed a hand over his head. “It’s weird.”

“And spanking a girl isn’t weird?” I didn’t try very hard.

A brow rose over Trent’s right eye. “Spanking? You spank her?”

I pointed his way. “It was just for fun. A little spanking and some bondage. Everyone does it these days, right?”

Trent’s lips curled up in the sexiest smirk. “Oh, baby, if a bit of domestic discipline is on the table, my life is going to be so much easier.”

Gray seemed a bit disconcerted by the banter. “It’s not the same. And that was private, Kelsey.”

“And it’ll be private now,” Trent assured him. “Are you worried about gossip?”

I thought I knew what he was worried about. “I think he’s worried about sin.”

“What?” Trent asked.

Gray shook his head. “You wouldn’t understand. You weren’t born into a demonic family. Do you think I didn’t see things I shouldn’t? I’ve been told all my life that it’s only a matter of time before I give into my perverse impulses, and they were right. I do like to have some kink in my sex, but I kept it to one woman. And it’s different with Kelsey. I intended to marry her. I intended to have a normal, happy marriage with her.”

“That would keep you on the straight and narrow?” Trent asked.

“I have to watch myself. Always,” Gray agreed.

Because he was practicing for his descent. There was only one problem I saw with it. “What would be wrong about this? Why would this be sinful?”

“It’s not,” Trent replied when Gray didn’t. “There’s nothing sinful about sex when it’s loving and consensual. Hell, there’s nothing wrong with it when it’s not loving, as long as everyone respects their lovers. There is no normal, Gray. You’re looking for some white picket fence to save you, but it won’t. That white picket fence will do nothing but keep you from really living, and it will definitely keep you from giving her what she needs. Kiss her.”

Gray didn’t hesitate this time. He moved in and his hands came up to cup my face, his mouth descending on mine. I relaxed and let him take control. When I felt his tongue drag across my bottom lip, I opened for him. His tongue glided over mine, sliding and seducing. My body lit from within, every cell waking and readying.

And that was when I felt Trent at my back. His big hand traced down my spine and then he pushed my hair aside and placed his lips on the back of my neck.

I shivered at the feeling. His teeth scraped against my skin, an act of pure alpha wolf dominance that shot straight to my pussy. It made me want to get to my knees and offer him my body.

Gray stepped back, his eyes hooded with desire, but there was worry in them, too.

“Tell me you don’t want her.” Trent’s hands slid over my hips and I could feel his cock against the curve of my ass. Yep. He was an alpha everywhere.

“I want her. I’ve always wanted her.” Gray’s voice had gone deep.

Trent’s fingers found the hem of my T-shirt, playing with it, teasing Gray with hints of skin. “Tell me you don’t want to be in charge of this. Tell me you don’t want to order me to strip her bare and offer her up to you. Maybe you can watch. Do you honestly have no interest in sitting back and watching her come? In knowing all the while that she’s putting on a show for you, that when she’s done screaming, you’ll make her scream all over again.”

I could see plainly that he did. Gray’s slacks had tented nicely and his hands fisted at his sides as though he was trying his hardest not to reach out.

“Take off her shirt.”

“With pleasure.” Trent’s nose was on the back of my neck and I could feel him breathing in my scent. “Damn, you smell good. Do you know how long I’ve wanted that smell to be for me? I would show up on your doorstep with some dumb excuse and you would smell like this because no shower can completely get rid of the smell of sex.”

Gray moved in and he closed his eyes, breathing in deeply. “She always smells like sunshine when she gets hot, but then I would get hit with that old Euro vamp smell.”

“Hey.” My protest was cut off by Trent dragging the T-shirt up and over my head.

“Yes, that was the problem,” Trent agreed, ignoring me. Well, my words, at least. He paid attention to my bra because he had that thing handled in seconds. He was a pro when it came to getting a chick naked.

Gray’s eyes opened and they were the same violet color that he got when he was emotional or horny as hell. “You smell a lot like her. The scents almost mingle. It doesn’t bother me the way smelling the vampire on her did.”

Trent eased the bra off and tossed it to the side. Cool air hit my skin and my nipples tightened. I was the one taking a steadying breath now because I was half naked in front of two stunningly gorgeous men. Trent’s hands skimmed over my shoulders as though urging me to relax. “That’s the werewolf part of her. You recognize that Kelsey and I smell alike because we’re pack. She doesn’t know it but she’s got mad wolf pheromones. When we run, I’ve had to make it plain that she’s not available.”

“What?” I never spent any time with the male wolves when we ran. I kind of thought they all hated the fact that I wasn’t a full-on wolf. “They don’t like me.”

“Cup her breasts,” Gray ordered.

“Oh, they like the hell out of you because you smell like sex to them.” Trent’s big hands came around and cupped my breasts, making my heart race and my breath threaten to stop in my chest. “And I told them if I ever caught one of the fuckers sniffing around you, I would show them who the alpha is.”

“I’m sure you were that polite about it.” Gray pulled his T-shirt over his head.

“I might have used different wording.” Trent’s breath was hot on my neck, his hands gentle as he offered my breasts up. “Are you feeling better, Gray?”

“I’m telling myself that I was a fool to think you could stay near her and not take her,” Gray admitted. “I was being selfish. I wanted someone who would watch over her but respect my claim. That wasn’t fair to you.”

“Or her. She needs us both.” Trent rolled my nipples.

I could hear them talking, but I didn’t care. They were negotiating and I knew I should have something to say about it, but all I cared about was the fact that I could see Gray’s muscled chest and feel Trent’s skin on mine. That was all that mattered.

Peace had settled over me, even as my body hummed with anticipation.

Gray moved closer. He reached out and brushed his fingers over my nipples. “You’ll take care of her? When I can’t, you’ll protect her?”

The man had fucked me while impaled on a sword. I thought he’d already proven his devotion, but Gray dropped to his knees in front of me and I kept my mouth shut.

“I’ll be your partner, Gray. I won’t let either one of you down. I’ve spent years looking for her, waiting for her. I thought I would find a wife, but now I realize I was looking for a pack. You’re my pack. The three of us.”

“Then I’ll be okay with this.” Gray leaned over and licked my nipple.

I gasped at the sensation. He sucked the nipple into his mouth while his hands found my hips and held me tight. Not that I was going anywhere. I was trapped in between their big bodies and it was the best cage I’d ever been in. This cage was warm and happy and promised great pleasure.

I let my head fall back and I didn’t need to hold myself up. Trent was there to do that for me. He rubbed his cheek against mine, letting me feel the brush of his five-o’clock shadow.

One of them undid the fly of my jeans and then started to work them down my hips. I didn’t care who it was. Being naked with them seemed like a perfectly excellent idea.

Trent’s hands roamed over my body as Gray helped me out of my shoes and then the jeans and undies. “And you’ll watch over her if she has to go to the Hell plane? You’ll find a way to take me too?”

I came slightly out of my haze. “What?”

Trent’s arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. “No. I trusted you. You trust me.”

Gray shook his head as he tossed my underwear aside. “It won’t come to that. I promise you. I can handle my brother. I’ll deal with it and we’ll go on the way we planned. I won’t let her go and I won’t allow my brother to hold something over her head.”

I didn’t argue because Gray stood up and without another word to me, reached over and lifted me up like I weighed nothing at all. He brought me up to his chest and cradled me there.

He stared down at me, his eyes warm and soft. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

It was a silly, romantic thing to say since I was the Nex Apparatus, so getting hurt was part of the job description, but I knew what he meant. He would try to keep me safe.

And I would do the same for him and Trent. It was such a relief to look over Gray’s broad shoulder and see him standing there. He followed us as Gray started walking toward the bedroom.

There were a whole lot of clothes on the floor.

For a moment I missed Marcus. I remembered the first time I’d seen him standing in this room.

But this was what he’d prepared me for. Oh, he’d trained me in everything from weapons to learning the ins and outs of the supernatural world, but this was what he’d truly worked toward. I finally understood why he’d been so important to me. Marcus had been the first man who could make me understand how much he cared. It had been there in the odd connection between Hunter and academic. I’d been able to feel his passion, and it made me a better woman, a more confident woman.

He’d made me strong enough to accept the two men I would need for the rest of my days. His gentle caring had given me the courage I needed to fight for the triad I required to survive.

I’d found myself in these rooms. It was time to find myself again, this time forever.

At least it felt like forever. I pushed aside the idea of the contract waiting for me. There wasn’t a place for worrying here tonight. I had a few days and I would spend as much of them as I could with both my men because there was no way I was taking Trent with me if I had to go.

Troubles for another day.

Gray reached the bedroom and it looked like he’d already made himself comfy. His bag was in the corner and I could see he’d laid out his toiletries on the marbled bathroom counter.

“Moving in, are you?”

“I don’t have much,” he admitted. “I’m having my house packed up and my clothes delivered in a day or two. I want to stay with you as long as I can. Trent and I can share half the master closet. It’s ridiculous. Seriously, how many clothes could one man require?”

“My apartment is roughly the size of that closet.” Trent moved in behind me. “But we do agree on one thing.”

“We’re getting a bigger TV.”

They managed to say that in stereo, and I wondered what kind of trouble I was in. Or maybe not. If the boys decided to become besties and spend their time playing video games and watching football, the good news was I liked both of those things.

But we were going to have to talk about the laundry.

Gray’s mouth came down on mine and I forgot all about the laundry. All those domestic questions could wait. I needed this. It had been a horrible day and only their hands and mouths and yes, their cocks, could melt away the restless tension I was feeling.

He kissed me until I was drugged with the feeling. Gray overwhelmed and dominated, turning me into a submissive ball of goo. It was the only time I submitted to anyone. I tended to be the bane of authoritative figures, but when it came to this, I was more than willing to follow his lead.

I was completely breathless when Gray released me. Not that Trent cared because he immediately pulled me against his body. His lips curled up as they descended toward me.

“Do you have any idea how much I’ve dreamed about this?” Trent’s body rolled against mine, bringing his pelvis in contact and our chests together. My nipples were rasped with the light hair that covered his chest. He kissed me, taking his time, as though learning every inch of my mouth with his tongue.

“Somehow, I doubt there was another dude in those dreams of yours,” Gray said.

Trent ran his tongue over my lower lip. He didn’t bother to look up, but I knew he was talking to Gray. “I don’t have your problems with perversion, man. I don’t see it as perversion. I don’t need normal to be happy. I learned that a long time ago. Hell, as far as I can tell, trying to be ‘normal’ makes people more miserable than happy. And yes, I knew you would be here, Gray. I knew she loved you. I just wanted her to love me, too. And, Kelsey, I don’t think our friend is going to understand how serious I am until we show him, baby. Why don’t you give him some relief and we’ll see if it makes him less of a sourpuss.”

“I’m not a sourpuss,” Gray complained.

Now Trent’s head came up and he stared at Gray over my shoulder. “Do you want a blow job or not?”

“Ah, yes, I’m very sour,” Gray replied quickly.

Trent winked down at me, and I realized how rarely he smiled so wide I caught sight of that heartbreaking dimple on the right side of his face. “See, that’s how a partnership works. Go on, baby. Get on your knees. Take that big cock in your mouth and you might get a treat from me.”

See, he said it wasn’t perverted, but it felt totally perverted. I was turned from one gorgeous man to face another, and this one was naked. Gray had taken his clothes off, and I wasn’t sure why he ever needed to wear them in the first place. He was a work of art. Gray was big and broad, and it had been far too long since we’d been naked together.

I stared for a moment, taking him in. He was a vision of masculinity and I loved everything about him. From the hard line of his jaw to the way his torso formed a V, and damn but I’d missed my dragon.

“Please touch me, Kelsey mine.”

There was no question in my mind where he wanted me to touch. I placed my palm over the tattoo and I couldn’t help but remember how beautiful that moment was when Neil Roberts had finally given over and let his husband bond with that piece of himself. This was a tangible piece of Gray’s soul. Maybe it had been bound for the wrong reasons, but it was here and it was mine.

His eyes closed and I could feel the heat from the dragon, could sense it. It’s an odd feeling, like a vibration that the eyes can’t see, but it’s palpable to the flesh. I got to my knees in front of him and leaned over to kiss the dragon.

“Fuck, you have no idea how good that feels,” he whispered.

But I did. It was the way I felt when Trent touched me. There was a piece of my soul that I called my wolf and when Trent was close, she was content. I was content. If there was one thing I’d learned over the past couple of days it was that the world was a better place when she and I were one, when I accepted the whole of me.

As though he could sense what I was thinking, Trent put a warm palm on my shoulder. “Spread your legs wider, baby. I think Gray isn’t the only one who needs to see how good this can be.”

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about since I thought it was going pretty well myself. Being surrounded by the most gorgeous men I’d ever met wasn’t something I was going to complain about, but I did as Trent asked. Gray’s legs were long and strong, like muscular tree trunks. I couldn’t sit back on my heels. I was up on my knees and that brought me where I needed to go. That big gorgeous cock was right in front of me. I reached out and gripped it, feeling the soft skin that covered hard flesh.

I glanced up, a welcome rush of power running through me. The day had been spent with me feeling helpless, but this brought me back to a place where I was in control. Even as I gave it over to him, it was my choice. My choice to follow their directions, to allow them to give me pleasure.

The world fell away and seemed softer than it had been before. I leaned over and gave that cock a long lick, watching as Gray’s jaw tightened and his eyes heated. A pulse of pre-come coated his cockhead and I couldn’t help but suck it into my mouth. I loved the way Gray tasted. Gray had been the first man to teach me that there was nothing perverted about the sex act, not really. Not when you were in love. Before Gray, sex had been about forgetting. It had been about punishing myself, in some ways. Gray taught me how to make love. When you’re in love, everything is on the table. The craziest sexual deviance is made loving and acceptable because you’re in it together, pushing the boundaries and finding what works for you and your partner.

Oh, god. Partners. Partners. I couldn’t breathe because Trent slid underneath me and raised his head so he could get at my pussy.

I felt the long, luxurious swipe of his tongue against my most sensitive flesh and it took everything I had not to scream because that felt good. And by good, I meant great. There is no one like a wolf to eat out your pussy. They don’t play games and they enjoy the taste. At least Trent did. I won’t claim another wolf lover, but I will tell you that with Trent there was no tentative “maybe I’ll try this and see if it’s okay” oral sex. There was only “eat me alive and make me scream until I come all over his tongue” oral.

“Don’t you forget me.” Gray’s hands wound in my hair, tugging until he had my attention. I loved how that feeling flared over my scalp and made a shiver run down my spine. “If you stop taking care of me, Trent will stop what he’s doing. Do I make myself clear?”

I showed him how clear he was by swallowing his monster cock. It was a thing I kind of loved to do because I am a girl who enjoys a challenge, and my mouth was a tiny bit too small for it to be really comfy. Fuck comfy. I wanted sexy, and sucking Gray’s cock did it for me.

Of course, I’d never actually sucked a cock when a mega-hot crazy-sexy alpha wolf was running his tongue over my labia.

It was so hard to concentrate, and I think that was their point. They were teaming up on me and it was perfectly fine in my book because I loved both. I loved the way Gray filled my mouth and how his strong hands tugged on my hair, lighting up my scalp, and there was no way I couldn’t appreciate the talented tongue and mouth currently eating out my pussy.

I worked Gray’s cock, sucking and whirling my tongue over and around and back and down. Every second I lit up Gray’s dick, Trent pulled on my hips, dragging me down so he could fuck me with his tongue.

Gray’s hands tugged at my hair, letting me know he was done with playing and ready to take over. It was time for me to relax and let him use my mouth. It was easy because Trent was doing crazy things underneath me. Even as I felt Gray’s cock swelling inside my mouth, Trent was suckling my clitoris, and I couldn’t help but moan because every drag of his tongue and pull of his lips brought me closer and closer to the edge of something amazing.

“You feel like heaven, Kelsey mine. I can’t hold out as long as I’d like. Trent, make her come. I want to feel it in my cock. Make her come hard.”

Trent sucked at my clit and then pressed down with the flat of his tongue, and the only reason I didn’t come off Gray’s cock was the sturdy hold he had on my hair. Instead, I moaned and whimpered and nearly screamed around the cock that filled my mouth.

Gray shuddered and thrust inside. “That’s what I wanted. Here it comes, baby. All for you.”

His cock pulsed and then my mouth was filled with his taste. I sucked him down while Trent licked and laved my pussy as though he couldn’t get enough.

Gray let go of my hair and stepped back. “Love you. Now give me a show.”

Trent shifted and I found myself lifted up and moved down his body. Seriously, supernatural dudes are strong and limber and can do sex things like nobody’s business. I barely had a chance to realize what was happening before I felt his cock between my legs.

“Whoa, birth control.” I had to point that out because we lived in a building with not one but two fertility gods, and I didn’t think our brand new threesome needed a baby.

Trent was staring up at me, his eyes distinctly wolfish. His wolf is always there, but I could tell the alpha part of the wolf was in control now. “I put it on before I started in on your pussy. Ride me, Kelsey. I want you to ride my cock until you scream again.”

That sounded perfectly fine to me. Once wasn’t enough. I needed more. I needed to stay in this soft place where the world slipped away and all I had to do was please my men and let them please me.

And it pleased me to ride that hunk of werewolf underneath me. I lowered myself down on Trent’s cock, his hands circling my waist. His jaw was tight as I worked my way down inch by inch, loving how he filled me.

I was in control this time and it did something for me, too. This was one more thing Trent could give me that Gray would struggle with. Gray needed control, but Trent seemed happy to share it with me.

His hands moved up, tracing my curves as I took my time, taking him in slow passes. He cupped my breasts and his eyes trailed down, watching the place where his cock was disappearing into my pussy.

I kept it up, the slow sweet grind of my body on his. All the helplessness I’d felt earlier in the day melted away because I was powerful here.

I glanced up and my eyes met Gray’s. He was standing back, watching. His face was a careful blank even though his cock was hard again, pressed up against his body.

“Bring him in,” Trent whispered. “Make him a part of this.”

At least one of us knew what he was doing. I supposed years and years of living around a happy threesome had taught Trent a thing or two.

“Please come and kiss me.” I kept moving, but I looked to Gray, pleading with my eyes. “I want to feel your mouth on me, your hands on me.”

Gray hesitated for a moment and then moved to me, dropping down to his knees and leaning over to kiss me. Our mouths meshed together even as I could feel Trent move under me. His hips tilted up and he started stroking some magical place deep inside me.

Gray looked down, watching as I fucked Trent, but now he seemed warmer, more open to the experience. “It’s sexy. I didn’t think it would be. I thought I would want to hurt him.”

Trent reached out with one hand. “You don’t have to hurt me. I would never cut you out. You’re my partner.”

Trent’s hand brushed over the dragon tat and I swear I saw it flash before he covered it with his big palm. Gray gasped and his hand came over Trent’s, holding it to his side as he gritted his teeth. He held Trent’s hand down, keeping it over his dragon.

I couldn’t hold out a second longer. I lost my careful rhythm and slammed down on Trent. My whole body tightened and I could feel Trent’s cock swelling inside me. It was all I needed. I came again. Gray leaned in, kissing me and drinking down my cries of pleasure. I was with both the men I loved.

Loved. I loved them and that felt good and right, and it scared me in the best way possible.

Gray fell back onto the soft carpet, his chest heaving as much as Trent’s was.

My wolf smiled up at me, his whole body relaxed. “That was worth waiting a lifetime for. Damn, man. What the fuck was that? That was spectacular.”

Gray stared up at the ceiling.

I rolled off Trent and moved in between them. “What are you talking about?”

My body was humming with pleasure, with peace. I reached out so I had a hand on both of them.

“My dragon,” Gray began. He went silent for a moment and then he burst into laughter. “I think my dragon’s bi.”

Trent started laughing and I couldn’t hold back.

We lay there, laughing and together for the first time.

I didn’t realize it might be the last.




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