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Snow and the 7 Hunks: A Contemporary Fairy Tale Romance by R.R. Banks (123)

Chapter 8


She was something else. He knew she was damaged from her imprisonment, but it was even worse than that. Her life had been rough. He wasn’t sure what ‘living on the streets’ was like especially not on a place like Earth, but he had a feeling it hardened people. She had walls built higher than anyone he had ever met.

It would take time to get her to fully trust him. Her story hurt him. He wanted to go find her father and beat him to a pulp. But Gyyx believed that everything happened for a reason even if the reasons were terrible. As much as he was beating himself up over not sensing her sooner, he knew there was a reason. Cause and effect.

“Now let’s get out of here before you end up ravaging me again,” she said and winked before sliding out of bed.

He shook his head and chuckled. She was a strange creature. She went to the bag of things from the girls and sifted through it. He heard gasps and small girly giggles.

She noticed his stare and blushed. “Sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve had anything so pretty, that isn’t also slutty.”

He didn’t say anything. He froze when she stripped her dress with her back to him. Thin scars lined her perfect skin. He studied her every move as she slid on each article of clothing. The scars must have been recent. They were still angry and healing in some places. Gyyx wasn’t sure if they were from the Klimnu or the last man in her life, and at the moment he chose not to ask, but he would find out, and he would find a way to make whoever it was suffer.

She spun and gasped. “I forgot…”

He didn’t say a word. Her eyes said it all. She pleaded with him to ignore what he had seen. He stood from the bed and left the room. He couldn’t ignore it, and it was on the tip of his tongue to question her. She already reveled a lot and he wouldn’t pressure her to tell him more.

He hated that his mate had been abused. Denynso males cherished their females. He didn’t understand how anyone could do differently. He paced his living room while she finished getting ready. He looked down and groaned realizing he was walking around naked. She did things to him that made him forget the most basic things in life—like clothing. He went back in the room and saw her in the bathroom brushing her long hair.

She saw him in the mirror and shrugged. He smiled but it was forced as he slid on clean shorts and a shirt. He waited until she came out and then he went into the bathroom and combed his flattened Mohawk. He never liked to spike it. It was too much work and he spent his time out with the warriors.

He brushed it and was done. When he came out she was sliding on a pair of sandals and when she stood up she was a few inches taller. He looked down. “What the hell are you wearing?”

She laughed. “They’re called wedges, they make short people like me taller, and they’re sexy.”

He nodded. “I can’t disagree, but I love how small you are.”

“I hate it. Being five feet tall and weighing 80 pounds when you’re on the streets isn’t a good thing, but I learned to protect myself. People underestimate me, and I guarantee your friends will too. They all will treat me like something delicate.”

He stood in front of her and laughed when her head still didn’t even meet his shoulders. He looked down. “You are my delicate mate.”

She glared and then chuckled. “Right, you haven’t gotten to know me well yet.”

He doubted she was very strong but he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. She was tiny and small everywhere. He didn’t see her being able to do much more than maybe kneeing him in the nuts. “Okay sweetheart. I get it you’re tough.”

She raised a brow. “You doubt my skills?”

He held up his hands and laughed. “Never.”

She pursed her lips. “I see how it is. Fine I’ll prove it.”

“Oh don’t be mad.”

She smiled. “I’m not, but you’ll still see. One of your friends will make a comment about my size I bet. Hell, they all might.”

“Let’s go my fierce little mate. Mom and dad will want to suffocate you with love and welcome you to the family.”

For a few seconds she froze. “You won’t tell them—”

“No that’s your past. I won’t tell a soul. You talk about it to whoever you want, or not.”

“Thank you.” She wrapped her small hand around his forearm, and he led her out of the bedroom. The house felt different. More alive now. It was even brighter with her there. She already changed him. He didn’t feel so gloomy anymore. He also knew what Pyra meant when he had said, “One day you’ll know Gyyx and you won’t doubt why I’ve changed. When you meet yours you’d be willing to change anything.”

All it took was meeting his mate. Every ounce of insecurity he felt all but disappeared. He’d never need to over shadow Pyra. He’d never feel like he was less because he was the youngest again.

When he stepped outside with his mate close, he stayed alert. There hadn’t been any attacks in a week, but no one knew when they would start again. Every day without an attack was a blessing, but all of the warriors were all tense and on edge waiting for their peace to end.

He led her down the stairs and walked towards his parents. Pyra was the first to stop them.

“Well hello little one! It’s great to see you awake.” His brother had no idea and he chuckled.

She tensed digging her nails into his arm and then she shocked him.

Her smile widened. “I’ll let that go since you’re my new brother, but please keep in mind that powerful things come in small packages, and I’d be careful on what you imply about me.”

Pyra’s eyes went wide. He was tall, even taller than Gyyx and he laughed. “Is she for real?”

“I’d be careful, she’s fierce and not at all delicate,” Gyyx said with humor.

“Oh well, you’re my new sister. I think a nickname is necessary right? Isn’t that what humans do to show affection?” He was seriously trying to be nice.

She relaxed realizing he hadn’t meant to offend her. Of course she was small compared to him. Everyone was.

“Oh well okay. I guess I can deal with that. Plus you’re a freakin’ giant, and I don’t think anyone is bigger than you.”

Pyra laughed and yanked her from me lifting her off of the ground and hugging her tightly. “Welcome to the family, little one.”

She gasped at his strength and he let her go. “My god you’re a freakin beast.” Then she seemed to remember what he said. “And thank you.”

The whole way everyone stopped them and welcomed her to the family. He felt her emotions swell by the time they got to his parents’ house she was close to crying again.

“So many nice people. They all accept me because of you? It’s strange.”

“We are one giant family.”


He led them up the stairs and the door swung open before he’d even had a chance to knock. His father knew everything.