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Sold on St. Patrick's Day: A Virgin and a Billionaire Romance by Juliana Conners (68)


Three Months Later


Jensen looks as handsome as I’ve ever seen him— which is exactly how a man should look on his wedding day. I adjust his boutonniere as we wait for the signal from the wedding coordinator that it’s time to take our places at the altar— or rather, what would be an altar if this weren’t an outdoor wedding, featuring a homemade bridal arch instead of an altar.

“I’m proud of you for jumping right in,” I tell him, as he looks away bashfully. “And thank you for rushing your wedding date just for me.”

“Are you kidding?” says Jensen, with a genuine smile. “I couldn’t imagine getting married without both of my brothers at my side. And I’m so glad they cleared you for active duty in time for this upcoming deployment.”

I smile, although I have mixed feelings about that. I’m glad I get to go back, and that the Board decided to certify me— and to cut all ties with Dr. Davis.

The Board’s letter commended me— and Whitney— for bringing such important matters to their attention and for working to ensure that the unfortunate manner of the way that events with Dr. Davis unfolded with me did not continue to occur to other service members.

The letter stated that the Board regrets its past decision to collaborate with Dr. Davis and that now that it knows the full extent of Dr. Davis’ motives and actions, it would be severing such coloration, and apologized for not knowing about it sooner. News headlines said that Dr. Davis’ stock would no longer be going public because investors had reason to doubt his truthfulness and believed that the results of his technology were not as good as he had reported.

Dr. Davis appealed the decision but the Board of course upheld it. He’s now threatening suit in civil, Federal district court but Riley has assured us it will be tossed out on a motion to dismiss because there’s no merit to it.

She doesn’t even think Dr. Davis will bring the lawsuit because any attorney would advise him that it’s a losing battle that would only further embarrass him. I wouldn’t put it past Dr. Davis to try anyway, but by that time I will probably be overseas, and it really won’t affect me. I’m just glad to have escaped the grasp of Dr. Davis’ stubborn, deceptive claws.

But now that I’m back to active duty status, including deployment, it’s a situation where I almost want to go back in time and tell myself to be careful what I wish for. It’s going to be very hard to be away from Whitney. At least this deployment is only six months long.

I haven’t told Jensen, or anyone, yet, but I’ve been thinking about a proposal of my own. I don’t want Whitney getting swept away by anyone while I’m gone. And planning a wedding might give her something to look forward to in my absence.

It’s only been a short time since we’ve been together, so maybe I should wait. But I’ve always been someone who jumps right into things, so why should I stop now? My relationship with Whitney has been fast and intense so far, just like everything else in my life.

“I’m sorry I initially doubted you and Whitney,” Jensen says, as if reading my mind. “That’s before I knew what a great girl she is. And I guess, like I learned with Riley, sometimes when you know, you just know.”

“All right, gentlemen,” says the wedding coordinator, in that everything- is- urgent tone that everyone involved in any way with weddings all seem to have. “In just a couple minutes we’re going to need you to perform your ushering and musical duties and then take your places in front, with Jensen first of course and then everyone lined up after him in the order we had rehearsed. Does anyone have any questions?”

“Just one,” says Ramsey, emerging from behind the wedding planner with a fist- full of miniatures. “Who’s ready for a shot, to start this celebration off right?”

Everyone laughs and grabs a miniature. Ramsey obviously still knows how to get a party started.

“To Jensen’s future as a love- sick, captive husband,” Ramsey says, and we all clink our plastic tiny bottles and take the shot.

The liquid burns as it goes down my throat, and Jensen shakes his head back and forth as he forces it down, shouting, “To captivity indeed!”

I find Riley’s mother and escort her to the front row, and then I escort our own mother to a front row seat across the aisle. Mom squeezes my arm and says, “I’m so happy for Jensen.”

I squeeze hers back. “Me too, Mom.”

I’m happy for all of us. Mom has been doing better lately, and that’s about as best as we can hope for. She looks lovely in a light blue dress, with her hair and makeup done.

Mom looks over at Ramsey, who is playing his guitar under a tree, and whispers to me again under her breath.

“But I’m worried about Ramsey. Something has seemed… off… lately.”

“It’s okay, Mom.”

I pat her arm. But I’m worried about Ramsey too. He’s seemed even more irrational and angry since his subdued blow- up at Los Cuates. I don’t know what I’ll do if his strong shell cracks, since he’s the glue that holds our family together.

I kiss my mom’s cheek and then help her lower herself into her seat. Then I take my place next to Jensen and I catch Whitney’s eye after I find her seated in the audience. She smiles at me, her cheeks red with excitement and happiness for my brother and Riley.

As I stare at Whitney— thinking of how lucky I am to have found her— and time stands still before my brother ties the knot, I think about what he said, about how when you know, you just know. I definitely did know as soon as I met Whitney that she was the one for me. I just hadn’t wanted to trust myself, because it had been scary. But I still know, for sure this time: she’s the one for me.