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Something Just Like This by Tracy Krimmer (4)



“Thank you for bringing her home right away.” Arthur pops open a beer, handing it to me before he takes one for himself. “Take a seat.”

I step over to the living room and sink into the couch. How can anyone even sit here? Courtney really needs to buy a new couch, but she’s saving every penny she can. A couch doesn’t fit into her budget right now.

I don’t plan on sticking around. I’ll drink half this beer before going back to my place. My plan was to drop Abby off, go home, and hit the sack. Shopping with a kid all day took up most of my energy. My sister is a goddess handling two kids every day. I think I appreciate her even more after today.

One sip of my beer and I think maybe I’ll finish the entire bottle before I go. A little alcohol to calm the mind after a long day never hurt anyone. “What’s the word today, Arthur? Are you working any big cases?” When Arthur decided to pursue a career as a lawyer I wasn’t sure he’d succeed. He never came across as the type to win an argument. As it turns out, he only can’t win them against my sister.

“Nothing too big right now.” He reaches over and slaps me on the back. “I’m sorry about your job.”

I figured this was coming. Everyone takes pity on the loser who lost his job. I’m not looking forward to a holiday season with people’s cocked heads as they ask if I’m okay. I’m fine. I can bounce back from this. Sure, I’ve never lost a job before, but I’m not unmarketable. I’ll find something.

“Thanks, man. I didn’t see it coming. Their loss.” The important thing is that I remain positive.

“I can see if there’s anything available at my firm. I’m sure we can find something for you.”

“Thanks for the offer but I’ll manage.” I appreciate Arthur wanting to help but I’m not sure what he could find for me to do at his office. Even though I work in security, I help install the systems. I’m not a security guard, and that’s about all I’d be able to do there.

“Did you see the game last night?” He scoots back in his recliner which is about a hundred times more comfortable than this couch.

“Sure did.“ I don’t elaborate because we both know Arthur doesn’t watch football. He’s a straight up baseball fan spending as much time in the spring and summer at the field as he can.

I’m not a fan of trying to create chit-chat. It’s unnecessary and uncomfortable. Arthur is not only my brother-in-law, he’s a friend, but we don’t always have something to say to each other. He agrees with me in silence though I’m watching him, wondering what’s going through his mind. My conversation earlier with Courtney pops into my mind. I don’t know what would make him even consider a separation in a time like this. I can’t handle it anymore.

“How in the hell can you even think about leaving my sister right now? You know she’s going through a tough time.” I blurt it out before I consider the structure of how I should say it. I’m not sensitive to the approach. I only want answers.

Arthur brings the bottle to his mouth and takes his time drinking. “She told you.”

“My sister tells me everything.” I’m sure there are things she leaves out, but we’ve always been close, even more so since our mother passed away. I don’t tell him I nagged her into telling me. “Anyway, what gives?”

“What do you mean what gives? How is this any of your business?” He crosses his legs and leans back into the arm of the chair. If this is the look he gives the defendants I know why he’s so good at his job.

“Courtney is my sister, and I’ve known you for what, twenty-five years now, maybe even longer? You and my sister have been together for such a long time. I can’t even imagine what would make you turn on her now.”

“Is that what you think?” He shoves himself forward, resting his hands on his knees. “That I’m turning my back on her?”

“What the hell am I supposed to think? She tells me you’ve been talking about leaving her

He throws his hands up in the air as he stands. “She said what?”

Courtney comes into the room, and Arthur and I are staring each other down. She doesn’t notice, exhausted from the day. “I think she’ll be okay. No fever. Just a bit too much to eat.” Her eyes pierce through me, an arrow hitting a bulls-eye. Yikes.

“Hey, don’t blame me. We were supposed to split the Cinnabon.” I lift my hands up in surrender. “I turned around, and the entire thing was gone. The girl can eat.”

“Just like her mama.” Courtney has no shame in how much she can eat, taking pride in being the first to finish her Thanksgiving dinner and downing two pieces of pumpkin pie.

“What have you been telling your brother?”

“What do you mean?” She raises an eyebrow at me. I shouldn’t have said anything. I can’t keep my mouth shut, though, when it comes to my family. They are too important.

“Your brother here tells me I’ve been talking about leaving you. This is news to me. If I don’t recall, you’re the one who’s suggesting this.”

Those vicious eyes return, and I can’t blame her. I deserve the death stare down. “This is none of your business. I told you to butt out.”

“Courtney, what did you tell him?” Arthur demands answers.

Uh oh. Not only did I overstep my boundaries, but I’ve opened up a can of worms. I put my sister in the middle of another lie. “I’m sorry I mentioned anything.”

Arthur holds a finger in the air. “No, you’re not. I know you, Landon, and you’re anything but sorry. You and your sister are in each other’s business too much. I want to know what you said.”

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out of my jeans, and the caller ID shows it’s my best bud, Calvin. “I’m sorry. I have to take this. Job prospect.” I tack a lie onto my sister’s. Maybe with that I can escape this mess. “I promised Abby I’d take her to see Santa tomorrow. No sweets, I promise.”

I sneak out of my sister’s house leaving behind a mess for her to clean up.