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Something So Right by Natasha Madison (29)

Chapter Thirty-One





It’s been a month since Cooper asked us to move in. We are still not officially moved in. I’m doing it gradually because of the kids. Slowly by slowly we are leaving more things at his house. But to Cooper it’s not fast enough. He wants it yesterday.

We stay there when he’s there but when he’s on the road we stay at my house, which has caused many little spats.

The following week, when he gets back from a practice, I’m in the kitchen making dinner when he throws down a brown manila envelope. He comes up behind me, placing a kiss on the back of my neck.

“Hey,” I say, “what’s in the envelope?” I continue cutting up the vegetables.

“All the home game tickets and your wife pass to get into their lodge.”

That makes me stop in my tracks. “Wife pass? I don’t understand.”

He walks to the fridge, pulling out a water bottle, and emptying it in one sip.

“There is a lodge where all the wives hang out during the game. I got mine today along with three tickets to every home game. In case you want to sit there.” He takes off his hat, tossing it on the island.

“Cooper, the kids can’t come to every home game. Some of them are during the week and there is school.”

“Whatever. If they can’t come bring someone or better yet give them away if you know you won’t use them. Give them to some of the kids in your classes.”

“That’s kind of you.” I walk over to him. He’s still in his workout gear half sweaty. I get on my tippy toes to kiss his lips, but he picks me up instead. I wrap my legs around him.

“Did you bring more stuff over today?” he asks.

I huff out. “Oh my God, this again. Yes, I did. I should also tell you that I had a talk with the kids during your last game away. It seems they are all in to move in. So next week when I have the kids we will bring more of our things.” I kiss his lips quickly. “There, you happy?”

“No, but I will be in about five minutes when I fuck you in the shower,” he says while going up the stairs two at a time. Where he totally fucks me in the shower.

After staying in the shower till we become prunes and the water turns cold, we go downstairs in search of the dinner I left half prepared.

He sits down on one of the island chairs. It’s the part of day I’ve come to love. It’s our meeting point if you wish. It’s the same thing when the kids are over. Even though we have a dining room table, we all assemble here to go over our day and eat.

“So we good to go with the kids?” he asks.

“We are good to go. Allison was a little sad because she thought that her princess room at home was going to be painted over but after discussing with her, in detail, we’ve said no paint shall ruin her walls. Matthew was quiet about it at first, but that night we sat down to discuss it more.” I look over at his confused expression.

Matthew has come around with Cooper, but he’s scared for me, scared for himself. “We just needed to discuss certain things,” I say, hoping he just drops it.

“What certain things needed discussing?” His brows close together.

“Well, for one, he wanted to make sure I was sure about this. Two, he wanted to know that this is his home as well, so he asked about friends coming over and what not. And lastly he asked us not to have sex anywhere but our bedroom.” I laugh, looking over at him.

“That’s a negative. You know that, right? I mean, when the kids are here, as in physically here, I’ll refrain myself. But say, the kids are at school or in the pool or perhaps busy and you bend over to put the laundry away. I can’t help myself.”

“Cooper, you’re a grown ass man, you can refrain yourself.” I point the salad fork at him.

“I’m a twelve-year-old boy when it comes to you. I’m just waiting for my wet dreams to come when I’m on the road.” He winks at me.

“How about we compromise? You try to be the mature adult.” I smile at him while he gives me the stink eye.

When I finally finish preparing supper, I sit next to him where we just talk about the things happening. Now that school is in session there are more activities. Allison has ballet, swimming, skating, gymnastics. Along with Matthew and his intense hockey schedule. Sometimes I’m out all day. Every day.

“I go on a road trip for two weeks after the game on Friday.”

“I know, you wrote it on the calendar. You also set it up on my phone.” I look over. “It’s kind of our first real test, right?”

“Test? What does that mean?”

“It means we’ve never really been apart that long since we got together. It’s going to be interesting to see how we handle it.”

His eyes turn to slits. “You think I’m going to fuck around, don’t you?”

“Umm, what the fuck?” I glare at him. “Are you deranged? You think I would move my kids, myself, my life in with you if I thought you would fuck around the minute your dick stays dry for longer than three days?” I point my finger at him. “You are an asshole.” I pick up my plate and slam it down in the sink. Well, not too hard or else I’m stuck picking up broken plates. “I’m going to bed.”

I don’t even wait for a response. I climb upstairs and go about my nightly routine. I hear him come in the room but don’t turn around to even acknowledge him. I’m so mad at him right now.

I get into the bed, turning on my side, giving him my back. Now this should be a sign that I’m really fucking pissed because I’m always in the middle of the bed, always. It’s our meeting point if you may. Turning off my sidelight, I hear him do his nightly routine in the washroom.

When he comes to bed, he turns off his light, bringing the room into darkness. I feel his heat hit my back, and he drags me to the middle of the bed. Curling up behind me, he moves my hair aside from my neck where he starts giving me little butterfly kisses. “I’m sorry. I was a douche,” he says between pecks. “I really am not looking forward to leaving you and the kids.” His hand sneaks up my shirt to hold my breast. “I could never understand it before when the guys used to bitch about leaving their family. But I get it now.” He turns me to face him, hiking my leg over his thigh. “Forgive me for being an idiot?” he asks, then kisses my forehead.

“I forgive you for being a fucking idiot, yes. I don’t like it either, but it’s what we signed up for, I guess. I’ve never had to do this before. I mean, my ex went on business trips, but it was a three max four-day thing. This is fourteen days. I’m going to miss seeing this mug in the morning.” I kiss his chin.

“The time change will fuck with us also. But the good news...” he says, “naked Skype.”

“Dude, Skype is so last year. It’s called Facetime!” I go to correct him.

“I don’t give a shit what you call it. It’s you naked, with me watching.”

I laugh at him. “Oh, I get to dust off the old toys.”

“Toys?” He seems confused.

“My treasure chest. My BOB. Well, actually I have many BOBs, so I’ll let you pick the color.” I rub my hand up his chest, feeling him get hard right in my center.

“You’ve never showed me these toys. Did you bring them here?”

“Nope, still at my house. It’s a thing that has to be done discreetly. I’ll be sure to bring them over only when you leave so I can surprise you.” I feel him pushing into my core.

“How many times do I have to say we sleep naked in the house?” he says, frustrated.

“Not many, except when you’re a dick and I don’t like you, say like ten minutes ago.”

It takes him one move to rip, I said rip my lace panties off. It takes him less than three seconds to enter me in one long stroke.

“Sleep naked always,” he says, bringing me slowly to my peak.

Well, who am I to go against the rules of the house!

Two days later I sit in the middle of the bed in one of Cooper’s T-shirts, watching him bring out his luggage. My stomach hurts. My heart is heavy. I know it’s silly, and it’s only two weeks but still, don’t judge me.

He throws the luggage on the bed. And when I say throw I mean fucking whips it.

“Oh Lord, you are acting like Allison right now.” I look at him, catching the things he is throwing in and folding them properly. Hey, I’m a mom, it’s what I do. He never answers me. Instead, he grunts.

“It’s going to go by fast, you’ll see, like it never even happened.” I try to sound peppy while he goes to the bathroom for his toiletries.

“You are staying here when I’m gone, right? With the kids?” He looks over at me finally.

I was actually going to do one last sleepover at my place, but by the look on his face I know I shouldn’t even attempt it. “Of course I’m staying here. Where else would I stay?” I get up on my knees, making my way over to him. Moving the luggage out of the way, I grab his hands. “Hey, enough of this shit. You have to go. It’s your job. You get to go and be a kick ass hockey god and make us proud. So Allison can go into school and brag about you.” That comment makes him smile or it could be that his hands made it under my shirt where he sees I’m not wearing any panties or bra.

“You remember my rule?” he says, cupping my vagina, dragging his fingers through my folds. I can’t answer. He has awakened the beast, so I just nod. “It works even when I’m not here,” he says, entering two fingers in me. “Ready for when I Facetime you so you can show me this pretty pussy.” His thumb makes it to my clit, putting pressure on it while he fingers me. “Bring a toy to bed every night so I can see you play.” He kisses my mouth, sliding his tongue in, making me grab his shirt, pulling him more into me. “Will you do that for me?”

I think I would attempt to climb Mount fucking Everest if he asked me. I moan into his mouth, his breath on my lips. I rock my hips forward, meeting his thrust, and in no time flat I’m coming on his fingers, throwing my head back.

“Yup, definitely going to bed naked and with toys. It’ll be fun explaining the wand to Allison.” I giggle at him. He just shakes his head, telling me to hurry up or we will be late for his game.

I have just been ushered inside the arena from the garage where we parked his car. I drove down with him so I can take the car home with me and so he can show me where he parks and everything. This is also where I’m to meet him after the game because the bus will be there to take them to the airport. They are flying out straight away. I left the kids with Meghan since I have them this week so we can have some alone time.

When I leave him at the dressing room door, I kiss him quickly, not wanting anyone to actually see me or us together. The press has been really respectful of our relationship, but I don’t want to give them any bombs either.

The doors to the arena have opened, the crowd slowly starting to trickle in. I visit the gift shop, buying Allison another T-shirt with Cooper’s name on it. She already has five but this one is in purple, so I know she’ll want it. After making the purchase, I make my way over to the lodge. It’s the first time I’ll be using this wife badge thing, and it makes me nervous as hell. I don’t know what to expect. I did meet most of the wives and girlfriends when there was the game opener, but I had Cooper to hold my hand. Now it’s just me, kind of set free into the wild.

Once I make it there, I see an elderly gentleman outside the door, I guess making sure no one goes in who isn’t supposed to.

“Um, excuse me, I’m not sure this is the right place, but is this the lodge for the wives slash girlfriends?” I ask, trying hard not to be so nervous.

He smiles at me. “This sure is. Do you have the badge with you? I need to scan you in,” he says, very friendly and with a smile.

“I do. Here it is.” I never got a chance to look at it. It has my name on it and under it Cooper Stone. Very official.

“Oh, you’re Cooper’s girl. I heard about you,” he says, trying not to stare.

“All good, I hope.” I try joking with him. But at that moment something happens, making the scanner beep. “Is everything okay?” I ask, making me even more nervous than before.

He doesn’t want to look at me, but he has no choice. “It seems that the badge has been cancelled. I’m afraid I can’t give it back to you.” He looks at me with a kind of pity in his eyes.

“I think there is some sort of a misunderstanding. You see, Cooper brought this home two days ago. Could it be it hasn’t been activated?”

“I don’t really know what the problem is, but I know that the message says I’m supposed to refrain from letting you in and confiscate your badge.” He tries his hardest to not make a big deal out of it.

But it’s a huge fucking deal to me. It’s fucking embarrassing. This poor man has to tell me that I’m not allowed in.

Just then, blond hair fills the doorway. Fucking Barbie.

“William, is there a problem here?” she asks, holding a glass of white wine in her left hand that still has on that fucking ring.

“Um, no, Ms. Monica. I’ve got it under control.” He tries to shield me so she doesn’t see me.

“Actually, there really isn’t a problem at all. You see, my badge isn’t working, but I’m assuming there was an error in the system, but now the picture is finally clear.” I look over at William and smile. “William, it was a pleasure meeting you. I hope to see you again soon.”

“Don’t bet on that. You see, I control who comes and who goes and I’m not letting Cooper’s country slut in here.”

William is just about to say something in my defense, I think, but I don’t let him, grabbing his arm. “That’s okay, William. Really, it’s fine. However, I would suggest you turn off the heat in the lodge. We wouldn’t want some of the plastic to melt off.”

And with that, I turn and make my way into the crowd. I’m fucking livid. I can’t believe this shit is happening. I can’t go and sit in my seat. He’ll know something is up.

I pick up my phone and send him a text.


Hey, just got a call from Matthew. Allison is sick, so I’m going to head back. I’m so sorry I can’t stay and kiss you goodbye. Call me later. I love you.


With that, I make my way back to the garage. Once in the safety of my car and out of the traffic, I finally let the tears fall. I do what I need to do in that moment. I call Meghan and tell her everything that happened. I tell her how embarrassing it was, how I felt like I got kicked in the stomach, how I had to keep my smile on all the while I was fuming inside.

But most of all I tell her that I didn’t get to kiss my man goodbye because of his ex fucking girlfriend. After arranging how we will kill and bury her body, I start to feel better.

Pulling up to the house I now share with Cooper, I smile. She can have her fucking lodge because I have his fucking castle. Booyah, bitch.