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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Shadow of Doubt (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Breaking the SEAL Book 5) by Wren Michaels (6)

Chapter Six

Malia’s heart thrummed. She hadn’t touched a snake since she was four years old. She didn’t have a clue if she’d even remember how to do it, but the vivid memory of her father tossing a snake from her path flashed the minute she saw the viper near Kamon’s feet.

She didn’t know how much more her heart could take, especially after that escapade in the tunnel. Malia prayed he didn’t have a clue that she was seconds from having an orgasm on his face. The thrill of being caught, the electricity surrounding them as their bodies pressed so hard together, the outline of his rock hard cock right in her face she could practically taste him and then his warm lips pressing against her core … a moan escaped her lips as she walked in a haze reliving that moment.

“You okay?” Kamon asked from behind her.

No. Far from it. She needed to run. She needed to put as much distance as she could between her and Kamon. Yet the thought of doing so weighed down her heart, for all it wanted was one more moment to be so close to him, connected.

A gun shot rang out in the distance and the knot tightened in her stomach. She almost forgot all about Yaza’s men.

“Shit. We need to hoof it. Now,” Kamon said, grabbing her hand and yanking her into a sprint through the dense foliage of the forest.

At least they had the cover of the rain forest to shield them. It still didn’t make sense why they were after her, unless somehow her cover got blown. But how? She’d been careful when she worked in the hotel chains and finally got her promotion. The only thing she could think of was someone saw her and Jayla at the train station. But then, it’s not like she flashed her CIA badge. She could have very well been a friend picking her up at the airport and taking her to the train station. Could it possibly just be a case of wrong place at the wrong time and Yaza’s men were just robbing the train for fun? Trying out a new version of their drugs?

They ran in silence as the scenarios played over on a loop in her head, but she kept an ear out for gun fire or voices. When her lungs heaved, aching like they were on fire, she clung to a tree and gasped for breath.

“Slow breaths,” Kamon said, wheezing a bit of his own as he rubbed her back.

“Need to rest,” she said, wiping sweat from her brow.

“It’ll be dark soon. We need to find a place to shelter. Preferably one out of the forest and without snakes.” Kamon chuckled.

Malia nodded, forcing a smile. “It felt like we’ve been running for days.”

“Probably closer to twenty minutes. But yeah, I could use a rest and some food.” Kamon crouched beside her and looked around at the trees.

“Over there,” Malia gasped between words as she pointed to a tree across from them. “Bilimbi. It’s edible and mostly water. Grab the fruit that looks like a cross between a banana pepper and a cucumber. It has anti-inflammatory properties which will be good for your bruised ribs.”

Kamon nodded. “And you know this because? Wait, nevermind … let me guess, YouTube videos.” He winked. “Is that where you learned all your survival skills?”

He handed her a couple pieces of the fruit before breaking into one himself. Malia shrugged and opened hers. “I’m just as curious about your being shot at all the time. Guess that explains your excellent aim.”

“Wow, this is actually really good,” Kamon said, slurping up the rest of his fruit. He retrieved a few more of them and stuffed them into his pack. “For later if we need it.”

Malia nodded, noticing he completely ignored her statement. They sat in silence as they finished their food and she tilted her head toward what sounded like water. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Kamon replied before shoving the last of his Bilimbi in his mouth.

“Water.” Malia stood and walked a few feet between the trees, pushing away the large palm fronds blocking her path. A large hill of rock stood in front of them and the sound of the water grew louder. “The sun’s getting lower. We’re about an hour from dusk. We should check to see if there’s a cave in this hill, or some kind of covering for the night.”

Malia hoped that sound of water included a lagoon. She could really use a bath.

“Works for me. We should be a good distance from the opium temple now. I’m guessing we’ll be okay for the night,” Kamon agreed.

They approached one side of the large rock formation, beautifully colored with dark grays and browns. Patches of green moss clung to one side of it, which was probably where they’d find the water. The steep incline of the rock ledges wore out the last of Malia’s strength. The burn in her thighs would be great for muscle tone, but suck for pain later. As they reached the summit, they found an opening to a chamber in the rocks.

“This looks as good of a place as any. Hopefully, no cave snakes,” Kamon said.

“Look,” Malia gasped as she pointed to the pool on the other side of the hill. Clear bluish-green water rippled, filled by a cascading water fall from a neighboring cliff. Long drapes of ivy and weeping branches provided a modicum of privacy to the small lagoon.

“Wow. That’s incredible.” Kamon glanced to her. “Care for a swim? I know I could use a cooling off.”

Malia nodded. “I was thinking the same thing.”

They raced down the embankment on the other side of the hill leading to the lagoon. Kamon slid off his backpack and tore out of his shirt. He unzipped his jeans and halted before working them over his hips.

“Um, you going in clothed or au natural?” Kamon asked, glancing as Malia lifted her shirt over her head.

She held the shirt against her chest, covering her bra. “Since these are my only clothes, I’ll have to choose au natural.”

“I have a change of clothes in my pack. You can have the shirt. You’ll drown in it, but it’ll be something clean at least.” Kamon reached into the bag and pulled out a white t-shirt.

“That’s very sweet of you. I’ll still need bottoms though. So I’ll have to keep my shorts dry. Really sucks running around in your pajamas, but I wasn’t planning on being attacked in the middle of the night on the train.”

Kamon laughed. “Yeah, you don’t really get to plan for those things. But I always travel with a spare change of clothes in my carry on, just for that reason.”

“Boy Scout?” Malia tilted her head with a smirk.

“Always prepared.” He winked.

She held up a finger and circled it in the air. “Kindly turn around so I can finish undressing and get in.”

“As you wish,” Kamon said, doing an about-face with a hint of dejection in his words.

Sure, they may have had a moment. Okay, a lot of moments between them, but he still hadn’t gone through on his promise to kiss her once they got out of the temple. Granted, they’d been on the run the entire time and had a face-off with a snake. Excitement tingled in her belly at the thought he may try now that they had a moment to relax.

“You done yet?” Kamon asked, tossing a glance over his shoulder.

“No. Quite peeking!” Malia shouted and gave him a soft punch to his shoulder. In doing so, her foot slipped on the smooth rock covered in a sheen of water and moss. Arms flailing, she tipped backwards and fell into the lagoon with a shriek.

“Malia?” Kamon whipped around and dove in after her. He swam like a fish, rocketing through the water to get to her. Sliding his arms under her shoulders, he kicked them both to the surface.

Malia spit out a gob of water and sucked in a deep breath.

“You alright?” Kamon asked, still holding onto her as they bobbed at the surface.

She nodded, choking down embarrassment. “Fine. Thank you. But you didn’t have to rescue me. I can swim.”

“I wasn’t sure if you’d hit your head when you fell in, nor how deep or if there’s a current. I wasn’t taking any chances.” Kamon brushed away a lock of hair matted to her face.

Malia bit her lip and glanced into his eyes, so deep-brown and swirling with emotion. “My hero.”

He smiled and they swam to the ledge at the shallower end of the lagoon. “You should probably get out of those clothes so they can dry.”

Malia looked down and forget she even still had her bra and shorts on. She swallowed hard with a nod. “You need to as well. You’re still in your jeans.”

Kamon laughed. “Yeah. I didn’t think twice before diving in.”

Malia turned her back to him and slid off her bra and shorts, tossing them up on the ledge. Kamon came up behind her, his shirtless chest resting flush against her back as he placed his jeans next to her clothes. Something hard and muscular pressed against her bare butt and she held back a gasp, resisting the urge to turn around and ogle him in all his glory.

Instead, he swam away to the other end of the lagoon, leaving her alone and her empty heart sinking to her stomach.

“Why are you way over there?” Malia turned around and asked before she could stop herself.

He shrugged. “Wanted to give you your privacy.”

As much as she appreciated his chivalry, disappointment replaced the earlier embarrassment. She thought for sure he’d go through on his threat to—how did he put it, make love to her mouth? Especially with them both naked in the water. Maybe he changed his mind once he saw her naked. Malia had never been very curvaceous or full-figured. She hated being the tall, gangly-limbed girl all her life. Maybe he wanted someone he could hold onto, with soft, rounded curves and full breasts. Her B-cups, maybe a C-cup on a fat day, wouldn’t get her very far.

She tossed a look over her shoulder at him resting on the ledge at the other end of the lagoon and sighed. Did she misread all of his signals? That moment in the tunnel, as they were as close as two human beings could be with clothing on, she stared right at his huge erection. Hell, his face pressed into her vadge and she’d never been more turned on in her life. How could she misread that?

She huffed and her disappointment morphed into anger that he took pride in toying with her emotions. Just another reckless thrill-seeking playboy. That’s all she ever seemed to attract. Someone who lived for the moment, thinking he was invincible, getting off on the edge of danger. How could she be so stupid?

She marched right up the small set of stones that made a stairway out of the lagoon. The hell if she’d fall for those games anymore.

“Where are you going?” Kamon asked as he swam over to the shallow end.

She didn’t even care if he saw her naked anymore. “The sun’s setting. I’m going to go check out the cave and get settled for nightfall.”

She slid his shirt over her and she gathered her wet clothes before making the climb back to the cave. Kamon was behind her shortly after, but she never turned around. She didn’t want to fall prey to his gorgeous face or those eyes that swallowed her soul.

As she made her way into the entrance of the cave, she made the mistake of turning around and caught sight of Kamon naked as he set down his wet jeans on a nearby rock and tossed his pack to the side. Dizziness swam in her head. Hard, ridged muscles defined his entire body. He must work out. A lot. Long sinewy arms and legs framed the most perfect body she’d ever seen on a man, right down to the enticing V funneling to his still erect cock. Was he just that horny or was he on Viagra?

Her mouth watered and she couldn’t tear her stare away from him.

“Did I do something wrong?” Kamon asked.

She blinked. “What?”

“I know you’re like this super independent woman. So if my diving in after you, thinking you needed saving, upset you, I’m sorry. Sometimes I just can’t turn my training off.” He shrugged, and the hurt in his eyes surfaced.

“What?” she repeated, unable to concentrate on the words coming out of his mouth. “I mean, no, you didn’t do anything wrong. I was just embarrassed. What training are you talking about? Were you a lifeguard or something?” She folded her arms out of awkwardness, forcing herself to look at the floor of the cave instead of into his eyes or at his penis.

He ran a hand through his wet hair. “I’m military.”

“Military?” A flutter hit her heart. That explained a lot.

“Yeah. I’m a Navy SEAL.” He gripped the back of his neck with his hand, seeming just as awkward as she felt.

“A SEAL,” she choked out, and her arms flailed at her sides for something to hold on to. Her thoughts swirled back to Jayla’s conversation about her and Noah. Could this really be happening to her? Could she maybe have a chance with Kamon after all?

His lips curled up to one side. “Yeah. Is that good or bad? ‘Cuz I’m not getting a real strong vibe from you one way or the other.”

She blinked and a laugh popped from her throat. “Good. I mean, well, that certainly explains a lot.”

“I guess so.” His gaze fell to the ground and he chuckled. “So, you’re not upset with me then?”

“No,” she whispered.

“Then what’s wrong?” He stepped closer to her.

She locked eyes with him which was a mistake. Her heart slid to her stomach and she ached to feel her body against his. “Just disappointed, I guess.”

“Disappointed?” He quirked a brow with a laugh. “What, you wanted me to be a marine?”

She smirked. “No, because you broke your promise. You never kissed me.”

A cocky grin ghosted his lips. “That’s because you told me you didn’t want to kiss me, remember? I don’t force myself on women. You didn’t want me, so I backed off.”

Shit. She did say that, but hell, she was playing coy. Didn’t he see that, or was he that bad at flirting? “Well, I didn’t mean it. I was bantering. Building the tension. How did you miss that? I thought after the tunnel

He cut her off mid-sentence as he rushed her with his body, whirled her into his arms and crushed his mouth to hers. A shocked squeak escaped her throat as his tongue begged for entrance and she welcomed it with her own. He slid a hand along the base of her neck until he cradled the back of her head in his palm. Slow, powerful strokes of his tongue swept her mouth as he tilted his head, taking the kiss deeper, making love to her mouth as he promised.

It was everything she thought it would be and more. A growl rumbled in his chest as he pulled back, clinging to her bottom lip before finally letting go. His swollen cock probed the hem of her shirt, tempting her. Adrenaline coursed through her body as her heart hammered, pooling heat in her core. After that kiss, she’d never be the same.

He stared down into her eyes, dwarfing her by several inches. “I take my promises very seriously.”

Thunder rumbled in the distance as the last of the daylight filtered through the cave. Rain drops plunked against the outside rocks and a flash of lightning lit the sky, and his face. Hunger filled Kamon’s eyes and turned Malia’s insides to Jello. If that was just a kiss, what the hell would sex be like with him?

She didn’t want to wonder. She wanted to know. She wanted him more than anything ever before. “You made love to my mouth. Now the rest of me is a bit jealous.”

Before she could say another word, he whisked her off her feet and laid her down on the floor.




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