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St. Helena Vineyard Series: Secrets Under The Mistletoe (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Lori Mack (3)







“Sneakers, you little thief. Come back here with that!”

Anna looked up from the monitor to see Sneakers rounding the door jamb like a baseball player stealing third and headed for home. She realized she was home base just as 35 pounds of dog landed in her lap. Emme came crashing down the hall after him, still yelling about him being a thief. Anna wasn’t sure what the mangled green plastic hanging out of his mouth was supposed to be, but she knew it wasn’t his. This was the third time she’d been at St. Paws this week, and the third time Sneakers had busted out of his kennel and found her.

“Sneakers, give me that. Drop it.” He obediently opened his mouth and dropped the greenery on her hand. “What is this?”

“Mistletoe. We’re decorating the front office and didn’t realize he had snuck out of his kennel again until he stole the mistletoe and ran straight to you.” Emme paused to catch her breath. “I think he’s got a crush on you. Hey, maybe you should adopt him.”

“Sorry, I can’t have an animal.” And wasn’t that sad. The furry goofball was starting to grow on her and if she had any other life, she would have considered taking him home. Her life of running and hiding was hard on enough on her, she wasn’t bringing anyone else - human or canine - into her world.

“Yes, you can. You’re half-owner of the Victorian house you live in, right? So, you make the rules about pets. Besides, I think Sneakers has already adopted you.”

Anna held the mangled mistletoe over Sneakers and gently kissed his head.

“Be a good boy for Emme.”

Sneakers jumped off her lap and trotted out the door. She felt bad sending him away. If only … If only she hadn’t been such a computer geek in Junior High School. If only her parents hadn’t needed the money. If only her parents had lived … But, Anna learned a long time ago to never wish for things she couldn’t have.

“He’ll find a good home. Maybe Jenna will take him. If he lived in the big ranch house, he would have access to acres of vineyards to explore. I’ll ask her tonight.”

Emme didn’t look convinced. “Well, I guess. I still think he’s already chosen you. But if Jenna takes him, at least you’ll see him often.”

Emme headed to the front office to continue her decorating and Anna turned back to her computer. She didn’t hear him come in this time, but she did feel it when he curled up on her feet and started to snore softly.

“What am I going to do with you?”

Anna watched as he chased squirrels in his dreams and wondered what if she did adopt him? She owned her own business and worked from her office in POSH, the nickname of the Victorian she co-owned with Jenna. POSH was short for Professional Offices of St. Helena. She lived in the cottage behind the Victorian with Samantha and Lysia and they had a large, fenced yard where he could roam around when not sleeping. She almost convinced herself it would work, until she felt that itch between her shoulder blades again. It was time to find the source of the itch.

Her index finger poised over the enter key, Anna stopped to consider the consequences of executing this search. Since running away at 16, Anna had been the prey, not the hunter. If she turned the tables now, she could lose everything. But, if they’d already found her, she was putting her friends at risk. Wasn’t it better to know what was coming?


Her phone vibrating on the table startled her and caused her index finger to jerk down, pressing the ENTER key. Too late to turn back now. She saw Mike’s name on her phone screen.

“Hey, Mike. What’s up?” Sneakers stood up and moved to her side. Standing next to her, he kept a steady watch on the door. Did he hear someone coming down the hallway?

“Anna, we need to talk.”

WOOF. Sneakers growled low in his throat and tensed his body, as if to attack.

“Mike, I gotta go. Something’s off here. The dog is-”

“What dog? Where are you?”

“I’ll call you back.” Anna tossed her phone on the table and stood up. Sneakers was in full defensive mode as he stalked to the doorway. Anna followed him trying to grab his collar, but Sneakers took off running down the hallway towards the back door. Anna heard the door to the yard slam shut and Sneakers barking a low, menacing warning.

Emme and Shay came running from the front office.

“What’s going on?” Shay looked concerned.

“I think someone tried to break in through the back door. Sneakers heard a noise and went running down the hall.” By now all three of them were at the back door. Sneakers was pacing in front of the door, impatiently waiting for someone to open it. Shay reached for the door, but Emme stopper her.

“Wait. You should call Jonah. See if he can check out the yard before we let the dogs out there.” Emme sounded nervous, but Anna didn’t blame her.

“Let me look before we call.” Anna nudged Sneakers out of the way and opened the back door enough to see the entire yard. There was no one in the yard, but the side gate to the street was still swinging as if someone had just run out. Anna slipped outside and ran across the yard to close the gate and lock it. She waved to Shay and Emme to let them know it was safe to let Sneakers out. The dog tore across the yard straight for the fence.

“Well, whoever it was is gone now. I’ll call Jonah and see what he recommends.” Shay and Emme went back inside, but Anna stayed in the yard while Sneakers finished his inspection. Satisfied that he had sniffed every inch of the yard, Anna called him over and headed back into the building. With one last glance around the yard, she closed the door and slammed home the bolt.

Sneakers stayed right at her side as she walked back to the server room. Her phone was buzzing on the table with two missed calls, four text messages, and a voice mail. It started ringing again as she picked it up, so she answered without looking.

“I’m okay, Mike. I think someone tried to break in the back door of St. Paws, but Sneakers scared him off.”

“First, I’m not Mike. Second, how did a shoe scare off a burglar?” Jenna’s laughter lightened Anna’s mood. “Did you throw your shoes at someone?”

“Sorry, Jenna. I was talking with Mike when Sneakers - who is a dog, by the way - started barking and chased someone out of the building.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, we’re fine. Shay is going to let Jonah know. Anyway, what’s up?”

“Danny and Mike are playing basketball tonight, so you and I are having wine and pizza at my house. Bring Sneakers. I want to meet the new man in your life.”

Anna looked down at the “man” in question. He was right by her side and gazing expectantly up at her. She knew she should bring Sneakers out to meet Jenna. He would love living with her and Mike and he’d have lots of room to roam. So, why was she hesitating? A beep from the computer drew her attention to the monitor, where a file icon sat flashing.

“Yes, Sneakers would love to meet you. We’ll see you in a little while.”

Anna studied the screen for a few moments trying to decide if she should open the search results. No, she realized that whatever was in that file could wait until tomorrow. Tonight, she would have fun with Jenna and Sneakers. She sent a quick text to Mike to let him know she was okay and that they should catch up in the morning.




“I don’t remember pick-up basketball being a full-contact sport.” Danny sat on the bench and wiped the sweat off his face with the clean towel Mike had just tossed him.

“Yeah, it’s usually not quite so brutal, but those two are best friends who are home from college for winter break.” Mike pointed to the two very young, very athletic college students running circles around everyone else on the court.

“Those two are best friends? They’re acting like this is hockey, not basketball.”

“I didn’t mention they play football … for rival colleges.”

“Ha! That would explain why I got tackled.”

“Come on, old man. Let’s show these whippersnappers a thing or two about basketball.” Mike shuffled onto the court bent over like a ninety-year-old man leaning heavily on a cane.

Danny followed Mike onto the court feeling every day of his 33 years. But, it was Mike who was carried off the court just a few minutes later.

“Dude, I didn’t think a knee could bend that way!” One of the college kids sounded impressed with the odd angle of Mike’s leg.

“Jenna’s going to kill me.” Mike grimaced as he tried to put pressure on his right leg. “She reminded me tonight that our wedding is less than two weeks. She’s not going to be happy if I get married on crutches.”

“At this point, I think crutches are the least of your problem.” Danny looked up as the EMT’s wheeled in a gurney. “I’ll follow you to the hospital and call Jenna from the car.”

“Just tell her it’s sprained so she won’t worry.”

“Really? And have her mad at me for lying when she gets to the hospital? On second thought, maybe I should pick her up on my way to the hospital.”

Danny watched them load Mike into the ambulance before heading to his car. He looked down at his sweat-soaked shirt and wondered if he could grab a 2-minute shower at Jenna’s before taking her to the hospital. Arriving at Jenna’s ranch house, he was happy to see Anna’s car. Despite his best efforts to accidently-on-purpose run into her, he hadn’t seen her around town since he’d brought her tea to St. Paws three days ago. He was looking forward to seeing her, until he got a whiff of himself. Damn, he reeked! He rang the doorbell and prayed that Jenna would answer, but luck was not on his side.

“Hey, Anna. Is Jenna home?” Sneakers came barreling down the hallway and launched himself into Danny’s arms. Well, at least someone was happy to see him. The look on Anna’s face told him all he needed to know. She wasn’t happy to see him, and he reeked worse than he thought.

“Yeah, stay here though. If I let you in, she’ll have to fumigate the house.” Anna looked him up and down before starting to close the door.

“Mole! I can’t believe you said that. Open the door and let him in.” Jenna came up behind Anna and shoved her aside. “Danny? Where’s Mike?”

“Mole?” Danny looked at Anna and smiled. “Hum, you are a bit beady-eyed.”

“That’s only when I look at you.”

“Where. Is. Mike?” Jenna snapped her fingers in front of Danny to break the staring contest he was currently engaged in with Anna.

“Uh, oh yeah. He had an accident on the court and they took him to the hospital. He’s banged up a bit and he twisted his knee, but he’s okay. I’m here to take you to the hospital.” Danny watched as Anna once again checked him out from his old FBI ball cap and stained sweatshirt, down the track pants he had thrown on over his basketball shorts, to the high tops, and back up again. Based on the squint she was sporting, he clearly came up lacking. “Can I take a quick shower before we go?”

Anna answered first. “Why don’t I take her while you … change. You can drop Sneakers off at St. Paws on your way to the hospital. I don’t want to leave him here alone.”

Jenna was already putting on her jacket as she tossed Anna her jacket and backpack. “Good idea. Here’s the keys. Lock up after you leave.” She tossed the keys to Danny and all but shoved Anna out the door to the car.

Danny looked down at Sneakers, who was staring after Anna like a hawk watches a field mouse. “Got it bad for her, don’t you, boy? Yeah, I know. There’s just something about her.” He ruffled the fur behind Sneakers ears and called him into the house.

Fifteen minutes, Danny ruffled his ears again as he dropped Sneakers off at St. Paws. “I have a feeling you won’t be here long. Anna will come to her senses soon and realize that you’ve already adopted her. You’re a great dog, buddy.”

Sneakers lifted his paw to shake Danny’s hand, then turned and walked with his head and tail held high into his kennel. Yeah, he’s going to make Anna a great companion. She just needed to accept it.