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Stacked Up: Worth the Fight Series by Sidney Halston (10)

Chapter 9

“Are you sure that Cain and Violet won’t be inconvenienced by coming over here instead of taking Belle over there?”

“Don’t worry about it. Vi loves kids. I’ve known her since we were in high school. She’s excited. Her house is a mess with all the construction, and she doesn’t think it’s safe.”

“If you say so,” Penny said from the spare room, where she’d put all the things Travis had purchased. She slipped on a pair of shorts she’d purchased and a T-shirt. She had already spoken to Joe, who’d told her he’d give her a new shirt when she came into work today. She was worried about the media being there, but she couldn’t simply not show up for work.

Belle was playing on the floor of the room and Penny was almost done getting dressed when she heard a blender.

She finished dressing and carried Belle with her to the kitchen. “What are you doing?”

“Making a protein shake. Want one?”

She made a face and shook her head. “I was going to make some sandwiches before work with all the stuff you bought. You want one?”

He looked at his shake, then back at her. “How ’bout I make them and you hang out with baby girl over there in the living room? Put some cartoons or something on for her.”

“I don’t mind preparing them. It’s the least I can do.”

“You don’t have to do anything. I bet you haven’t just done nothing in a long time.” He began to take out things from the refrigerator. “There’s not that much time, but at least enjoy it for the half hour you’ve got.”

As they finished eating, the doorbell rang, and Travis let Cain and Violet in.

After Penny thanked them and gave Violet some instructions, Travis drove her to work.

“You didn’t have to drive me,” she told him as they drove. “I could’ve taken the bus.”

“Don’t mind,” Travis said. “You think the kid’ll be okay while you’re gone? I mean, she doesn’t know any of us.”

“She’ll be fine. Thrilled that she has new people to play with.” She looked over at him. “Are you scared of Belle?”

“Fucking petrified,” he confessed, with a shaky laugh. “What if I break her? She’s so little and fragile.”

“She’s actually not that little or fragile. Plus, you have Violet and Cain there with you. I wouldn’t leave her with people I didn’t think could handle it.”

“You think I can handle it?”

“Maybe not by yourself just yet. And mostly because you’re so nervous, not because you’re not capable. But soon,” she said as they parked.

Travis reached into his glove compartment and took out two old baseball caps. “Lift up your hair,” he said. Once she had bunched it all on top of her head, he put the cap on her. He took off his cowboy hat and put on a cap of his own. “I spoke to Joe, and he said there’s been a few photographers hanging around. But when the bouncer kicked out one of them, who landed on his ass, the other ones seemed to have dispersed,” he explained. “But the hat is a precaution until you get inside. We’re also going to go in through the back, which is only for employees.”

“Thank you for thinking of all this.”

He lifted a shoulder and dropped it. “Are you nervous? About your new job, I mean.”

“I was, but with everything that’s happened with Lawrence and the media in the last few days, my mind’s been scattered and I haven’t had a chance to think about it.”

“Come on, I’ll walk you in.” She jumped out of the truck, and he followed.

They were in the back parking lot, near the employee entrance. It was dark and empty. Just as they reached the door, he grabbed one of the belt loops on her shorts and swung her around. “C’mere, sugar. A kiss, for luck on your first day.”

She smiled coyly. His kind face with its sexy dimples warmed her heart and heated her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and got on the tips of her toes. He leaned down, his lips touching hers for a brief second before she swiped her tongue across his bottom lip. He groaned into her mouth. “Penny, darlin’, you’re the sweetest kind of sugar there is. You’re gonna make takin’ it slow the best kind of torture, aren’t you?” he said, squeezing her tighter against him.

She pushed away a little and smoothed down her T-shirt. “Do I look okay? Pretend I’m not wearing this hat. Joe’s going to give me a new shirt, but everything else?” She fidgeted with her shorts. “I want to fit in. Everyone’s so sexy and sure of themselves. I wore a little makeup.”

He pulled her to him. “You know what I find sexy, darlin’? A woman who’s so fuckin’ hot, she doesn’t have to flaunt it. Hell, she doesn’t even know it. A woman who is nice and proper with everyone else but likes my hand wrapped around her throat when she comes. A little rough and a lot of sweet. That’s what’s sexy. So whoever thinks otherwise is so stupid they couldn’t find water if they fell off a boat.”

She chuckled, but her face was red all the way down to her collarbones. “Wow, cowboy, you have a really dirty mouth.” She kissed him gently one last time and began to walk to the door.

“You like my dirty mouth.”

“I think it’s you who’s going to make taking it slow torture,” she said with a laugh, and knocked on the door.

A man she hadn’t met before opened the door. “You the new girl?”

“Yes, I’m Penny.”

“Hey, Texas,” the man said looking over her shoulder. “Nice to meet you, Penny. I’m Isaac.”

“Didn’t know you were still working here, Isaac,” Travis said.

“Yeah, just came back. This your girl?”

“Sure is. Take good care of her.”

“ ’Course,” Isaac replied, letting Penny inside. “Joe already told me to keep the paparazzi out of here.”

“Thanks, Isaac. Have a good night, darlin’,” Travis called out as Penny made her way inside. “See you right here at one.”

“Travis, I can take the bus.”

Both Travis and Isaac snorted. “Ain’t ever gonna happen, darlin’,” Travis drawled over his shoulder as he walked back to his truck.

Travis drove home with thoughts of Penny: Penny under him. Over him. Wrapped around him. There was something about her that drew him to her. From the first day he’d seen her, he’d wanted her. He’d never had such a visceral reaction to anyone in his life. He’d never had a problem attracting women, but there’d also never been a woman who’d held his attention for more than a few hours. He loved sex and he loved women. But once he had sex with them, his mind drifted to his training and the adrenaline rush that came from being in a cage, dodging a fist at his face or landing a roundhouse kick to his opponent’s side. And it wasn’t the violence of it. Not at all. He’d had to be violent at one point in his life. It was either fight or die. His tattoos and his criminal record didn’t lie. He had never been particularly good at school. But fighting—that he was good at. And the skill that he’d learned, the hours he put into it—that’s what he loved. He was untouchable in the cage. He knew it, and his opponents knew it. And when he tired them out enough, that’s when he landed his signature combo and they were done.

But now his mind didn’t drift to his workout tomorrow or how he was planning to tire out his opponent, Lemmon, in a few weeks. He was thinking about the woman who was working at a strip club. A place where men ogled women. He was not at all comfortable with this situation. Plus, he knew he couldn’t sleep with her again for a little while. They had to take things slow. He owed it to her and her daughter to make sure that he could handle them both in his life. He wasn’t his father or his mother—he wouldn’t toy with Belle’s feelings. It wasn’t fair to her.

He opened the door to his house expecting pandemonium—the kid crying or running around messing up his things, not that he cared if anything broke. So quiet was the last thing he expected. Cain had his feet up on the coffee table watching a Disney movie, and Violet sat nearby on the carpet with Sarabelle and the teddy bear on her lap.

When Travis cleared his throat, Violet looked over. “You need toys. Well, not you. She does.”

“She don’t live here. Sure she’s got toys in her house.”

“Doubt that,” Cain said.

“Yeah, I don’t think they have much, Travis,” Violet said. “You remember how it was back then for you and JL?”

Travis walked into the kitchen and came back with a couple of beers. He handed one to Cain. “That’s different. My mom was shit and I lived in a single-wide trailer in the crap part of the crappiest part of Texas.”

“Just because Penny’s not a bad mom doesn’t mean she has the means to buy things for Belle, Travis. Penny’s struggling. I don’t know how she managed so long on her own, quite frankly. You’ve seen those apartments where she lives—they’re old and tiny. I think that Penny did what she could, which is admirable. I’m not knocking it. I’m just saying I don’t think they have much.”

“We’ll get her some toys tomorrow, babe,” Cain offered.

“You think? Fuck, I feel bad now.” Travis remembered how shitty his upbringing had been. “She looks happy, though, no?” He looked at the little girl hesitantly. He hadn’t been lying to Penny—he was scared to death of Belle. But suddenly that little girl being happy seemed like the most important thing in the world.

“Sure. She has a good mom. Why wouldn’t she be? All I’m saying is, she needs toys.”

Travis nodded and sat back to watch the princess movie with his friends and this new addition to his world.

Olivia reminded Penny of JL, and they hit it off immediately. Olivia was married and had a two-year-old girl and a seven-year-old boy. She had been working at Ruby’s for ten years, she told Penny; she’d started as a stripper, but, as she put it, “no one wants to see a C-section scar and saggy tits,” so she’d asked to be transferred to bartender. The woman looked like she worked out ten times a day, and Penny doubted that she looked anything less than perfect naked even after two kids, but she seemed happy as a bartender.

A little later that evening Darlene walked in, even perkier than last time. “Hi! Yay! You started today.” She pranced up and gave both Olivia and Penny loud smacking kisses on their cheeks. “If you need anything, just let me know, ’kay?” She headed out to the floor, her bare breasts bouncing as she walked.

“Goodness,” Penny muttered under her breath.

Olivia chuckled. “Darlene’s good people. Not the sharpest pencil in the box, but good to the core,” she said as she wiped down the counter. “Joe told me you were a little shy. If you’re going to work here, you’ve got to try to loosen up.”

“I’m still getting used to all of it, but I’ll be fine,” Penny said as she read over the menu of specialty drinks.

“Remember, the more you flirt the bigger the tips. You don’t have to sleep with them, just pretend you’re going to.”

Penny scrunched up her face. “I don’t know if I can do that,” she admitted.

“Sure you can.” Olivia put down her rag and reached for Penny. “May I?” she asked, and Penny nodded.

As Olivia took off Penny’s headband, and fluffed her hair with her fingers, Penny told her, “I’m trying, and it’s not like I don’t want to. I just don’t really know how to.”

Olivia took a pair of scissors and cut Penny’s tank top right between her breasts, creating a V.

“What are you doing?” Penny shrieked.

“You have small boobs, so I’m helping them out a little.” Olivia reached out toward Penny’s chest, but Penny took a step back, and Olivia laughed.

“Okay, do this.” Olivia cupped her own boobs and pushed them up. Apprehensively Penny did the same thing. Judging from the reflection in the mirror above the bar, it made her look sexier, not vulgar.

“Now go put on some eyeliner and mascara and lipstick,” Olivia ordered, handing her a small bag of makeup.

Once she was done, Penny thought she would blend in much better now. Granted, the red lipstick was a little much; she decided that she would go buy something a little more subtle for next time. But all in all she liked the new look and hoped she’d be able to get used to it.

It was toward the end of the shift and Olivia had gone to the stockroom when three men walked in.

“Three shots of tequila,” one of the guys yelled out.

“You new?” the best-looking one of the three asked. He smiled brightly as he took a seat at the bar.

“Yes. First day.” She remembered she needed to be friendly. “You three are my first customers.”

“Well, we’re honored to pop that cherry,” the third guy said with a laugh. “How about you join us for a shot in honor of your first day?”

“No, thank you,” she replied as she poured the drinks. The guys pouted and booed.

“Hey, y’all!” Olivia rounded the corner, and as soon as the three men saw her they leaned in and hugged her. “You being nice to Penny over here?”

“Penny, huh?” the cute one said. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.”

Her face reddened, and she looked down to put away the bottle.

“I think you embarrassed her, James. Be nice. She’s shy.”

“Shit, sorry. I was just teasing you.” He reached over to squeeze her hand. Penny looked up and smiled nervously. “No, no. It’s fine. I’m fine.” She pushed the drinks toward them, but her nervousness caused her to spill one of the shots. The guys hollered and laughed playfully. “You know what that means—you have to drink with us now!”

“No, really, it’s—”

“Come on, gents, let’s loosen her up a bit,” Olivia said, pouring three more shots: one for the spilled one, one for herself, and one for Penny.

The others all tipped their heads back and downed the liquid, but Penny hesitated before following suit. She coughed and grimaced for a second as the liquid warmed her. A few minutes later she felt a lot more relaxed and light on her feet. The men stayed by the bar talking with her and laughing as she continued to read through the menu.

“Looky there. It’s the town’s newest celebrity, Texas Calhoun,” Olivia announced with a whistle.

Penny looked up and saw Travis coming toward her, and she couldn’t help the smile that instantly spread on her face. He wore his cowboy hat, a white button-down, and jeans.

“Travis, buddy, how are you?” The men stood and shook hands with him. Apparently they all knew each other.

The cute one turned to look at Penny. “And this beautiful lady is Ruby’s newest addition, Penny. She’s shy,” he added, reaching out and throwing an arm around her.

Travis, who had had a smile on his face, glared at the man, his smile instantly gone. “I’m very familiar with Penny,” Travis growled, his eyes locked on Penny. He pulled her by the arm. “You ready to go, momma?”

“Oh, shit. Sorry, man. Didn’t mean anything by it. I didn’t know you were together.”

Penny began to say, “We’re not—”

But Travis interrupted, saying to the man, “Now you know.”

“Let me go grab my purse.” She walked around the bar just as Olivia was finishing up with some customers.

“You and Travis, huh?” Olivia asked quietly.

“Kind of just friends,” she answered. But her voice reflected the fact that she wasn’t even sure herself what the heck they were to each other.

“Doesn’t look that way to me,” Olivia said, and nodded over to where Travis stood waiting. “The man looks like he wants to show every single man here that you’re taken.”

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye, honey. You did good today.”

“Olivia.” Travis tipped his hat toward the other bartender. “Gentlemen. See you around.” Then he took Penny’s hand and led her out of Ruby’s, slipping the baseball caps back on both their heads.

When they were out of Ruby’s and by his truck, he turned her around. “Let me look at you, sugar.”

She felt her skin warm as he examined her. “Love this,” he said, lightly touching the torn material of her shirt. “The hair…it’s different, but you look nice. Don’t like that red shit on your lips, though. I told you that you looked sexy and didn’t need to do all this, but damn, you look good.”

She touched her lips and frowned. “You don’t like the lipstick?” She didn’t particularly like it either, but that didn’t mean he needed to tell her.

“You’re too nice for that,” he said, kissing her cheek. “Plus, I want to kiss you, but with that shit on your mouth I can’t without getting it on both of us. Not that I care much, but I don’t think you want to go home with your skin all stained like that.”

That was sort of sweet and sort of not, she thought. But that was Travis: sweet and crass. Once inside the truck, she pulled out a baby wipe from her purse and began to wipe her lips. “How was Belle?”

“Good. We watched two princess movies and then she fell asleep.”

“Oh, good. So, no problems?”

“None. Violet might move in just to spend time with her, though,” Travis said, and Penny laughed. Then he added, “You hungry, momma? You had a long night.”

“Nah, I’m okay.”

“How did it go?”

“Really well. Everyone was very nice and friendly. I hate to think of all the things I missed out on because of my strict upbringing and preconceived beliefs.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was home-schooled, so my friends were all from a world like mine. The books, music, and television I saw and heard had to be approved first. My world was very small until I left it altogether. Now I’m realizing everything isn’t black and white.”

“No, there’s definitely gray.”

She took his hand, the one that held the gearshift, and kissed his wrist where a colorful tattoo ended. “Yes, there’s gray. But more than that, I’m learning that there’s a whole palette of colors out there. Something for everyone’s taste, and none of it is particularly right or wrong, just different.”

“And you’re liking different?”

“I am. I feel like I’m seeing everything for the first time. It’s kind of overwhelming sometimes, and a little scary, but all my experiences have been positive. I’m glad that Belle will be raised with her eyes open. Protected, of course, but open to lots of different experiences. She can make educated decisions when she’s an adult—unlike me, whose life was decided for me.”

He looked out the window for a moment, and then pulled his hand away from her and put it back on the gearshift. “Not all experiences are good, darlin’. It ain’t smart to wear rose-colored glasses. There’s bad people out there.”

“I know that. I’m not stupid. In fact, maybe the bad people are the ones I was living with. Lawrence and whatever it is he and Kip have up their sleeves, that’s scary. You, even with all your tattoos, your cursing—you’re not scary.”

“I’m scary, Penny. You don’t know me well enough to say that yet.”

“You took me and my daughter into your home. You drove me to work, you picked me up. You’re a good man, Travis.”

They sat at a red light in silence. After a moment he turned to her, leaned over, and pressed his lips to hers. She moved toward him and parted her lips, and the kiss became more intense. He fisted her hair and she grabbed at his shirt, his hat falling off at some point. She bit his bottom lip and he squeezed the back of her neck. He pulled away first.

“You’re playing with fire, sugar,” he cautioned as he drove to his house.

“Why’s that?”

“Because I don’t want to give you the wrong idea. I want you, not gonna lie. But I ain’t cut out to be much more than that—than sex. Maybe a boyfriend. But not a daddy and not a husband. You’re too good for this shit, sugar. And then you do that—you kiss like you want to kiss me. Really kiss me and just me. And it doesn’t fade. All your kisses seem to get more intense. Like you could spend hours exploring my mouth.”

“I could.”

“We’re supposed to be taking it slow. I need to figure shit out and so do you.”

“You’re right.”

He parked, jumped out, and went around to help her out. From behind her, he whispered, “Except sometimes slow is good, I reckon. You, all drowsy from sleep, your hair all over the place, naked, in my bed. And then I just slide on home and fuck you nice and slow. You wouldn’t know if you’re dreaming.”

She closed her eyes and groaned. “Travis, you really have to stop talking like this.”

He adjusted his jeans. “You see what I mean? I’m fucked up in the head. Stay away from me, because I sure as shit don’t know how I’m gonna stay away from you.”

The next morning, Travis woke up to a strange sound coming from his normally quiet house.


Giggles, actually.

Since he normally slept naked, he grabbed a pair of gym shorts and padded out of his room and toward the noise.

It was like a punch in the solar plexus. His home life growing up had been rough, to put it mildly. He couldn’t think of a single good memory of his mother. Therefore the sight in front of him was completely unusual to him. Penny stood in his kitchen, wearing big black-rimmed glasses and an ugly T-shirt, with her brown hair in a big knot on top of her head. She looked so young with a spatula in her hand, flipping pancakes while singing softly to her daughter. He couldn’t help but find it kind of funny too. The woman couldn’t sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to save her life.

“Momma, you might just be the worst singer ever,” he said teasingly. She stopped dead and shifted to look at him, pushing her glasses up her nose.

“Did we wake you? I am so sorry. The house is so big, I didn’t think you could hear—”

“Relax,” he said, reaching into the refrigerator. “Orange juice?”

“No, we’re good, thanks. I’m making pancakes, and there are some eggs already ready in the oven. Also, I saw those tubes of biscuits, and I baked them. I hope that’s okay.”

He laughed. “Yeah, that’s okay. I think it’s a safe bet that anything you cook will be okay.”

“That’s what I figured. Eating is, after all, your favorite pastime.”

He popped an entire biscuit into his mouth. “You and I both know that eating isn’t my favorite pastime. Well, maybe eating. But not food.” He raised an eyebrow flirtatiously.

Her cheeks turned bright red, and he realized he’d crossed a line. “Shit. Sorry.” Then he winced and covered his mouth. “Damn it. Sorry about the cursing too.”

“This is your house, Travis. You’re being nice enough to let us stay the night. Don’t feel censored. Say whatever you want. I’m used to it—you’ve been inappropriate since we met.” She reached into the oven, took out a cast-iron pan, and began to portion out the eggs. “Is it weird that I never found your inappropriateness uncomfortable? I know I would’ve with anyone else.” She looked up at the ceiling as if she was thinking.

“That’s ’cause you liked me and were hoping to get all sorts of inappropriate and naked with me.” He winked.

“Maybe. But now it’s a little weird since…well…you know.”

“Since we’ve actually been naked together and aren’t for the time being? Yes, I know. I’ll try to control my mouth.” He took another biscuit and turned to her daughter, who was sitting in her new car seat on top of the table. “So, little girl, where you going so early?”

Penny looked over her shoulder. “I didn’t have a place to put her. Didn’t want to open the stroller and didn’t want her crawling all over the house.”

“Why not?”

“She likes to touch everything.”

“So? It’s not like I’ve got fine china lying around. Let her out. Poor kid’s stuck in a car seat.” He grabbed one of the little girl’s toes, causing her to giggle. “Oh, look, she likes that.”

“She’s really ticklish,” Penny said as she placed a plate piled high with food in front of him, then took her daughter out of the car seat and sat her on her lap. “Okay, Belle, open up,” she coaxed, holding a spoonful of eggs.

He probably should’ve bought her a high chair, he realized, but it hadn’t occurred to him.

“So what’s the plan today?” he asked.

“After breakfast, if it’s okay with you, may I borrow your phone or computer or something? I want to check things online. Then, depending on what I find, I’ll take it from there.”

“So the plan is no plan.”

“Something like that. I guess it depends on what I find online.”

“The only thing you need to worry about is your safety.”

“And Belle’s,” she added.

“Yeah, and the kid’s.” He looked down at the little girl, who had finished eating and was now pulling her mother’s hair. “I have an iPad docked in the living room. Have at it.”

“Thank you.” She walked to the living room to get it and then sat back down in the kitchen with him as she turned it on.

“I’m going to the Academy when I’m done eating. You think you’ll be good here while I’m gone?”

“Yes.” She looked up at him. “I guess I’ll just watch television or something. I haven’t had nothing to do in a long time.”

“There’s a pool. Use it.”

“Really?” Her face lit up.

“Of course. Let the kid out of the house. Fresh air will do you both some good,” he said. He took a last bite and pushed the empty plate away. “This was really good.”

“I’m glad you liked it.” She smiled, then turned her attention to the iPad. “Oh no!”

Travis read over her shoulder.




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