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Stalking Fate by K. R. Fajardo (20)

Duncan awoke to find himself inside a cell in Lobo’s dungeon. Hands chained above his head, he dangled from an overhead rafter, the toes of his bare feet barely scraping the floor beneath him. Besides his shoes, his shirt had also been stripped away, leaving him dressed in only his pants. The blocking band tightly secured around his neck, let him know right away that shifting wouldn’t be an option.

Dazed and slightly confused as to why he was still alive, he wondered how long exactly he had been down there as he slowly took in his surroundings. He was in a small 8x8 cage surrounded by bars on all sides, with the exception of the stone wall to his back. To his left another cell, similar to the one he was in, sat empty. And to his right a much larger cell, only this one was not empty.

Blinking, he strained his eyes trying desperately to see through the fog of his mind and the brightness of the overhead lights to see who the figures were next to him. But for all his efforts, he couldn’t make them out and all he was rewarded for his effort was an increase in the throbbing at the base of his skull. Groaning from not just the pain in his head, but the tingling of his arms, Duncan surrendered his plight and let his head fall slack.

“Oh my gosh he’s awake.” A voice called from somewhere off to his right. “Duncan… Duncan… Can you hear me?”

“Yeah, I can hear you.” He grunted, as he tried uselessly to shift his weight to relieve some of the discomfort in his arms. “Who is over there?”

“It’s me, Chloe.”

“Chloe?” Turning his head he tried once more to peer into the cell beside his and this time was able to make out at least three figures inside. One, who he had to assume was Chloe, was pressed against the bars, while the other two sat on the floor in one of the corners, curled up against one another. “Chloe are you alright? Who is in there with you?”

“Brit and a Shifter girl name Phyllis.”

“Are any other people in here, in the other cells?”

“Yeah, there are more girls. Three in the one on the other side of mine, and four more in the one across from yours.”

Ten girls. That bastard was holding ten girls prisoner. “Are any of them Senka?” Raising his head, he tried fruitlessly to look around, needing to get a better idea of the layout, but only grew more frustrated when once again he couldn’t see beyond the bars of his own cell. “And why the hell can’t I see anything?” he yelled, jerking on the chains securing his arms.

“It’s the light.” A small voice came from somewhere in front of him. “I guess they didn’t want you to see outside the bars so they installed it while you were unconscious…” The voice hesitated, as if she didn’t want to finish what she was about to say.

“Go on.”

“They also installed one that will sound proof the cell also. You know so the people inside the cell can’t hear what is going on outside the cell and vice versa. It’s not on now, so I guess they plan to use it later.”

“Shit.” He cursed, knowing that wasn’t going to bode well for him. He could only think of one reason why they would want to sound proof his cell and it had nothing to do with the sounds going on outside his cell. “Who are you?”


“Are you a Caster Lyza?”


“Can you use your spells to get out of your cell?”

“No, all the cells are etched with blocking runes to hold in specific races.”

Duncan cursed again. But then again, what had he expected, this was Vincent he was dealing with. The man was a paranoid perfectionist, with plans, to back up plans, to back up the back up plans. And for as sick and twisted as he was, Duncan couldn’t deny he was one of the most skilled strategist he had ever met.

“Chloe, what about Senka? Is she here?”

A few silent moments passed, until Chloe finally answered. “No Duncan, she’s gone.”

His body ran cold. “Gone? What do you mean gone?”

The last time he had seen Senka she was standing next to Vincent trying to negotiate her sister’s release while that bastard tried to get into her pants. His mind racing with all the things that could have happened to her after they dragged him away, he began to panic and struggle against his chains. “Damn it Chloe! Answer me!”

“Duncan calm down. Senka is alive, she just left.” Pausing as he managed to settle himself down, Chloe continued. “She made a deal, or a bet I should say, with Vincent.”

Oh, that wasn’t good. “What kind of bet?”

“She agreed to do something for him and in return he told her he would free me, you, Brit, and Phyllis.”

This definitely wasn’t good. “And if she didn’t complete the task?”

Silence again.

“Chloe, what happens if Senka can’t complete the task?”

“You die and…” she paused again. “…and the two of us, along with Senka, become Vincent’s personal play things.”

“Son of a bitch!” Duncan yelled loud enough to make Chloe retreat from the bars. “I’ll impale him. I’ll shove a stake right through him and peel the skin from his fucking body.”

“Well that doesn’t sound pleasant at all.” A male voice sounded as a door slammed somewhere nearby.

Sniffing the air, Duncan growled. “Come in here and I’ll show you just how unpleasant it can be.”

“Oh, I’ll be back later with a few friends of mine who want to pay you a visit. But for now I wanted to come by and personally thank you for introducing me to that captivating young woman.”

Duncan stilled. “You stay the hell away from her, do you hear me? If you so much as lay a hand on her…”

“Too late.” Vincent quipped, stepping into the cell followed by another man. “And let me just say Duncan, that girl was every bit the fighter I hoped she would be.” Grinning smugly, Vincent approached him. “Just thinking of how those firm breasts of hers fit so perfectly into the palm of my hand makes me hard all over again.”

“You’re a liar!” Racing forward, Chloe grabbed ahold of the bars separating their cells. “Duncan don’t…”

“Shut your mouth and let the men talk will you?” the other man growled, slamming his fist down on her fingers. Crying out, Chloe clutched her injured extremity close to her body. “If not you will end up in solitary until the auction starts tonight. Or…” He paused, gesturing to Phyllis still crouched in the corner. “Maybe Phyllis would like to go in your place?” Eyes wide, Phyllis frantically shook her head as tears streamed down her face, “No, please no.”

Without another word Chloe backed away from the bars.

“Leave her alone.” Duncan snapped. “I already know you’re lying. Senka would never let either of you bastards put your hands on her.”

“Not even to save her sister’s life?” Vincent smugly challenged. “Or yours?” Moving forward, Vincent got right in his face. “Tell me Duncan, have you stopped to consider why it is you’re still alive?”

Duncan paled, feeling as if he was going to be sick. Of course he had wondered. It was the first thought that had come to his mind when he awoke. But he had never considered… “No… I-I don’t believe you.” The words spoken barely above a whisper were as much to convince himself as they were Vincent. But the more he thought about it the more he couldn’t help but wonder why he was alive when by all accounts he should be dead. No one crossed Vincent and lived to tell about it. So, what other purpose could he be serving except as a means to manipulate Senka.

Vincent, realizing his seeds of doubt were beginning to take root, happily continued his assault. “What’s the matter? Don’t want to believe it’s true?” he taunted. “Well just ask Joe over there. He and a few of the other guys watched, didn’t you Joe?”

“Yeah we did boss.” Joe said, a grin pulling at the corner of his mouth. “And I must say, that girl has one hell of a hot body. But I especially liked the way she moaned when you squeezed those perky little breasts of hers. Oh, or how she screamed out your name when you massaged her between her legs.”

A mental image of Vincent, his hands running over Senka’s body, touching what belonged to him, was all it took to send him into a feral rage. Jerking and pulling against the chains, his anger intensified to the point that his bear fought to come forth. And though he would have loved nothing more than to free his bear and let him rip the pair of them to shreds, but he couldn’t. The blocking bands, currently searing the skin of his neck and wrists, made sure of that. Clearly enjoying his misery, Vincent and Joe stood back and patiently watched him struggle until, breathing heavy and covered in sweat, Duncan finally surrendered his fight and allowed his body to go slack in the chains.

“Seems you were right Vincent.” Joe chuckled as he pulled some cash from his pocket. Shaking his head, he handed a few bills to Vincent. “I still can’t believe it, but I also can’t deny it after that reaction. This damn fool went off and mated with a Night Stalker.”

Taking the money, Vincent snickered and tucked it away in his pocket, “You should know better than to bet against me by now.” Stepping closer to Duncan, he grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back.

“We’re done for now,” he huffed, addressing Joe as he stared into Duncan’s barely open eyes, “Turn on the blocking light and let’s get out of here. I have a few clients I need to wine and dine before the auction.”

“Nothing loosens up a man’s pocket book like a little liquor, eh boss?” Joe responded with a smirk.


Laughing heartedly, Joe exited the cell and headed down to the end of the hall where he flipped a small switch. Immediately Duncan’s cell was flooded with an insanely intense white light.

Grimacing in the brightness, Vincent dropped his head and turned for the door. “I’m feeling generous today so you might want to take advantage of my kindness and grab a nap. I’ll be back later this evening with a few buddies of yours who are anxious to play catch up with their old pal the Butcher.”

Passing through the door of the cell, Vincent abruptly stopped, snapping his fingers dramatically. “Oh yeah I almost forgot.” Spinning back to face him, Vincent continued. “I received news today that there was an unfortunate accident at your sister’s place this morning.”

He wouldn’t… Eyes wide with panic, Duncan managed to pull his gaze up to meet Vincent’s.

“Seems her barn spontaneously combusted early this morning. Whole thing burned to the ground in less than an hour.” Pausing Vincent rubbed the back of his neck, feigning concern. “I hate to be the one to tell you this Duncan, but your precious little niece happened to be inside the barn at the time of the fire.”

If the chains hadn’t been holding him up, Duncan would have hit the ground. Feeling physically ill, he was unable to utter a single word of protest as Vincent slowly eased the door closed with a wide grin. “Oh well, accidents happen I guess.” And with that he slammed the door, sealing Duncan inside.

* * *

He. Was. Empty.

Suspend in the middle of the bright white room with no sound, he screamed, yelled, cussed, and fought the chains until he completely exhausted himself. Now, with blood dripping down his arms from where the chains had cut into his skin and with no other sounds than that of his own labored breathing to console him, he hung quietly from the ceiling and contemplated all the wrongs he had done in his life time. All the people he had lied to. All the people he hurt. All the people he’d killed. And now the death of his own niece was added to the ocean of misery he had left in his wake over the years. He deserved no less than whatever was about to happen to him. In all honesty, he probably deserved worse.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement coming from the cell next to his. It appeared to be Chloe, though he couldn’t see her clear enough to make her out, he recognized the blurred colors of her clothing from earlier. She was standing at the bars where their two cells joined. It looked like she was waving her hands and trying very hard to tell him something. But it was no use.

Not only could he not see her, but now he couldn’t hear her either. Exhaling heavily, he dropped his head back to his chest and stared blankly at the floor below him. Chloe continued trying to get his attention for several more minutes, but eventually gave up and moved away to be with the other girls.

Its better this way, he thought to himself. I have only brought pain and misery to those I care for. Even Senka. He paused recalling the way she looked at him just before they dragged him away. He recognized that look all too well. It was the same way his sister had stared at him with when they showed up at her farm. It was hurt, betrayal, and disappointment all wrapped up in one neat little package. It was the look that said, my life was better off without you.

Duncan? A small voice suddenly invaded his mind. That is your name right?

Duncan furrowed his brow. Yes, but who is this?


Raising his gaze, he stared in the direction he had heard her voice earlier. I thought you said you were a Caster? How are you doing this?

He could hear her mentally sigh. I’m a cross-breed, as is my mother. She is a Caster/Seer and my father is a Telepath. We come from a long line of Wanderers on the Western side of Lanoria. For obvious reasons, I don’t often tell people of my mixed heritage.

That made sense. Wanderers were well known for having cross-breeds in their mix since their culture was the only one that accepted inter-race relationships. It was one of many reasons people sought out their culture. Although, her father being a Telepath was a bit of a shocker as they were not from the Council’s region. But he had heard of other outsiders living in secret in the area, even met a few, so it wasn’t that big of a surprise. He was just thankful Lyza had been smart enough to keep her mixed heritage a secret. Because they hadn’t known she was anything other than a Caster, Vincent’s men had failed to block all her abilities, which gave her a slight advantage that could come in handy later.

Smart girl.

Yeah, not smart enough to not fall for that asshole’s trap though. She sighed. Anyway, that’s enough about me. Are you alright? Chloe is terribly concerned about you… she wants me to tell you that what they said about her sister wasn’t true. She also keeps saying her sister will be coming back with help and that she will get us all out of here. Lyza paused, Do you think she is telling the truth? Do you think her sister is coming back?”

If Chloe is here she will come back, that you can be sure of. And if anyone can get her and the rest of you out of here, it’s Senka. Though I highly doubt I’ll be included in her plans.

Lyza remained silent for a few moments. You love her don’t you? Chloe’s sister I mean. She paused again. Chloe keeps saying you’re close friends, but I am reading a much stronger emotion from you than a simple friendship would elicit.

Now it was Duncan’s turn to sigh. Don’t tell Chloe, she doesn’t know and given what has happened I don’t think she’ll ever need to.

Ok. She agreed sadly. Well I’ll quit bugging you for now. I just wanted you to know you’re not completely alone in there. Oh and Duncan?


I’m sorry about your niece.

He remained silent, not sure how to respond to that. And he didn’t have to, as a sudden loud bang snagged Lyza’s attention.

Oh my stars, Duncan they are coming back… they are coming for you. Lyza’s panicked voiced entered his mind. Duncan, there’s six of them plus Vincent. They are going to hurt you. What do we do? How can we help?

He had expected this. You don’t work for a man like Vincent for as long as he had without learning a thing or two about how his mind works. Duncan knew he was going to end up in the Cage, that was a given. There was no way Vincent was going to turn down the opportunity to make an example of him, and giving his penchant for gambling it was the only logical conclusion. And what better way for him to make a few bucks than to pit his former top ranked killer against his current ring champ. Problem was, Vincent didn’t like to lose. Which meant there was no way he was going to put him into that cage in top form, hence the six goons trailing in behind him.

Suddenly both the blocking lights in his cell switched off, snapping him from his thoughts. Shit, if they were turning the lights off, that meant they wanted the girls to see and hear everything that happened to him. They were going to use him to scare them into obedience. Knowing time was running out, he scanned the cells outside until his gaze met with the terrified expression of a pretty brown-haired girl with radiant purple eyes. Eyes that made him think that maybe she had more secrets in her blood line than she let him in on. Smart girl.


The girl nodded.

Before I say anything, move to the back of your cell and don’t look over here. I don’t want them to suspect we are communicating. Without so much as a word, Lyza did as she was told. Duncan waited until she was safely seated on the bed at the back of her cell, before continuing. Ok, listen to me carefully, I don’t have much time. These men are about to come in this cell and beat me to within an inch of my life… he paused as Lyza’s hand went to her mouth trying to muffle the whimper that escaped. And when they are done they are going to drag me from my cell and throw me into the fighting ring upstairs.

Once again, Lyza struggled to contain her emotions as her cell mate joined her on the bunk and wrapped her arm around her. Here’s what is important Lyza, are you listening?

Across the hall, Lyza nodded slightly.

No matter what they say or do, tell the girls to remain quiet and calm. Don’t scream, don’t yell, and whatever you do, don’t beg them to stop. Just sit quietly and let whatever is going to happen happen, and know there was nothing you could have said or done that would have stopped it. Do you understand?

A sob escaped her as she nodded her head.

“What is wrong with her?” one of Vincent’s men asked as they passed by her cell. Silence. Infuriated, the man banged on the bars of the cell making the girls jump. “Answer me, I said what is wrong with her.”

“She’s hungry, tired, and being held prisoner in a foreign land.” The red head embracing Lyza clipped. “Is that enough or do you need me to continue?”

With a huff, the man turned and stopped outside Duncan’s cell where Vincent and the others already stood. “Good evening Duncan. Glad to see you’re awake, did you sleep well?”

Twisting his hand in the chains, Duncan returned Vincent’s greeting with an obscene gesture.

Vincent smirked, stepping inside the cell. “Glad to see news of your niece’s death hasn’t taken away from your charming personality.”

“Go to hell Vincent.” He growled yanking hard on the chains. “We both know why you and your monkeys are here. So quit your chattering and let’s get this over with.”

His angst only made Vincent’s grin grow wider. With a shrug and a flick of his wrist he issued the command. “Seems the Butcher has forgotten he used to be one of my monkeys. Oh well, since he is anxious to get to the Cage boys, let’s not waste anymore of his time.”

Within seconds, the six goons had him surrounded, all with smug looks of satisfaction on their faces.

The first hit came from his right, in the form of a hard punch to his ribs, followed up quickly by one to his face, and then another blow landed on his back over his kidneys. Gritting his teeth against the pain, Duncan refused to yell out and instead hung there like a punching bag, taking blow after blow, while each of the six men took turns landing hits to various areas of his body. There was no hesitation, no break to let him catch his breath, or even to reorient his body as it spun from the ceiling. The chains that held his arms above his head twisted and tightened the cuffs around his wrists until he could no longer feel his hands. His eyes swelled shut, his nose and mouth bled, and his breathing became painful, yet they continued their assault.

Somewhere in between the barrage of blows, in the dark recess of his rattled mind, Duncan could hear the girls sobbing. Thankfully though, Lyza seemed to have delivered his message as all the girls did as he asked and remained silent, not drawing attention to themselves.

He had no sense of time or how long the abuse had continued, when Vincent finally stopped it after an upper cut to his lower jaw nearly knocked him unconscious. “Alright boys, I think that is enough.”

Walking toward him, Vincent lifted his head and investigated his face before turning his attention to his body. Walking around him, he poked and prodded certain wounds, causing Duncan to wince and grit his teeth. “Broken ribs, bruised kidneys, possibly some internal hemorrhaging… Yes, I think this will do nicely. Now get him down so he can shift. We can’t have him looking like that when he enters the ring.”

One of the males walked to the nearby lever and pulled it, sending Duncan’s body crashing to the floor. Like a swarm of ants, the goons were on top of him, removing the chains and blocking collar from his unmoving body. Then they all stepped outside the cell and closed the door.

“I think one shift should be enough to heal the superficial stuff.” Vincent remarked from outside the door.

“Fuck you.” Duncan coughed, spitting blood on the floor. Bracing the sharp pain in his side, he managed to push himself up onto his knees and raised his gaze to meet Vincent’s. “I’m not one of your flunkies anymore. So if you want to scam money off unsuspecting victims you’ll have to figure out another way to do it.”

Vincent pursed his lips. Without moving his gaze from Duncan’s, he commanded the man to his left. “Haskell, go get the girl with the purple eyes and bring her here. She seemed to be pretty interested in the Butcher when we came in.”

“Leave her and the others out of this.” Duncan growled, watching as the dark haired male entered Lyza’s cell. Snatching her up by the arm, he dragged the trembling girl to stand in front Duncan’s cell.

She met his gaze for but a moment before lowering her reddened, tear streaked face to the floor. “What race are you girl?” Vincent asked, throwing an arm over her shoulder.

Lyza cringed. “Caster sir.”

“Is that all? Because it looked to me like you were communicating with Duncan here when I came in.”

“How could I sir, when there was a blocking shield around his cell?”

“That’s a good question.” Tapping his finger on his chin for a moment, Vincent shrugged.

In a dizzying blur he hooked his arm around Lyza’s neck and pinned her tightly in front of him. Extending his free hand out to the side, he held it there until one of the goons placed a dagger into his waiting palm.

“See the problem I am having with your story is, I have never met a Caster with purple eyes.” Placing the tip of his knife underneath her eye, Vincent continued. “So let me ask again, what race are you?”

“Leave her alone!” Struggling to crawl to his feet, Duncan was hit with a debilitating wave of dizziness that caused him to stumble into the bars separating his and Chloe’s cell. Barely managing to stay upright, he gripped the bars tightly and faced down Vincent. “I’ll fucking shift alright, just leave the girls alone.”

“Too late for that.” Vincent remarked casually, “Should have listened the first time. You know better than most the repercussions for disobedience.”

Duncan dropped his gaze to Lyza. Tears streaming down her face she stared down at the point of the blade, less than a hair’s breath away from her eye. “Then punish me. I’m the offender. Besides, if you damage the girl you won’t be able to sell her for as much.”

Lyza whimpered.

“You make an interesting point.”

Duncan breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Vincent lower the knife.

Suddenly a wicked glint flashed in Vincent’s eye. “Too bad it’s a mute one.”

“No don’t!” Duncan shouted just moments too late.

Helpless to do anything to aid the poor girl, he watched in shock as Vincent buried the knife deep into Lyza’s thigh. Screaming out in pain she struggled to free herself of Vincent’s unforgiving grasp, forcing him to tighten his hold around her neck.

“You see Duncan, for as much as you think you know me, I know you.” Vincent continued speaking as if they were in the midst of a casual conversation. “And you my old friend, have always had a soft spot for women and children. Meaning I could beat the shit out of you all day long and it wouldn’t be anywhere near the punishment for you as me hurting these girls is.” Pausing, he twisted the knife, causing Lyza to cry out again. “Now here are your two options. You can shift and heal your external injuries like I asked you to. Or you can stand there and watch as I inch this knife closer and closer to her artery until I sever it and she bleeds to death in front of you. So what will it be?”

Grimacing from the immense pain, Duncan pushed off the bars and faced down Vincent. “I told you I would shift damn it, just let her go.”

“Not until we are done. I want to be sure you don’t have any more second thoughts.”

Narrowing his eyes, Duncan moved away from the bars. Having no desire to be marched out into the bar naked, he reached for the snap of his pants, and watched out of the corner of his eye as Chloe and the others turned their backs. A gesture he greatly appreciated. After releasing the snap, he let his pants fall to the floor, and kicked them to the side, then without further ado, he shifted into his bear. His very pissed off bear.

Rising up on his hind legs, the bear released a roar that was so loud he would wager it could likely be heard in the bar above them. Wide eyed, everyone in the room, with the exception of Vincent, stared up at the massive beast with a mixture of fear and awe. Focusing in on his captors outside the cell, the bear let loose another roar, dropped down onto all fours, and charged the bars of the cell forcing Vincent and his men to retreat backwards.

“Get him under control Duncan or I swear I will kill her.” To accentuate his point, Vincent advanced the blade a little deeper into Lyza’s leg. This time the pain proved to be too intense for the poor girl who cried out and immediately went slack in Vincent’s arm.

Reining his bear back a bit, Duncan got him to move away from the bars but not before he bared his fangs and released another roar.

“Does Josiah know you’re putting him in the Cage with that?” One of the goons blurted out suddenly.

“Nope.” Vincent said with a grin. “I think Josiah needs to learn a lesson in humility. Damn fool had the nerve to ask me for a bigger portion of the winnings the other day. So after the first three rounds of fighting Duncan here man to man, we will switch to beast on beast and see how he likes it when the fight isn’t totally rigged in his favor.”

Arching a brow the man stared over at Vincent. “And what if he loses?”

“Makes no difference to me. You see, I am actually not betting on this fight, because no matter the outcome, in the end I will have his Alpha power.”

Every single goon turned and looked at Vincent as if he had lost his mind. “You’re going to kill the winner?”

Duncan had suspected as much. He knew there was no way Vincent was going to allow another Alpha to run loose in his territory. It was just too risky. However, Vincent apparently did not feel the need to explain himself any further to his peons. Ignoring their questioning glares, he turned his attention back to Duncan’s bear who growled and bared his fangs at him.

“Growl all you want big guy, but you will do as I say or the girl dies. Now… shift back.”

Snarling angrily at the man holding Lyza’s unconscious body in his grasp, Duncan reluctantly complied. Once in man form he did a quick body check. Just like Vincent had predicted the majority of the superficial bruises and cuts were gone, however he was far from healed. His face and head pounded, his lower abdomen hurt like hell, and it felt as if every rib in his body was broken. Trying to ignore the excruciating pain that shot through his side with every breath, Duncan stumbled his way across the cell to retrieve his discarded pants. However when he bent down to retrieve them, the movement only intensified his suffering. Falling to his knees, Duncan doubled over.

“Leave those where they are and come here.” Vincent remarked handing Lyza off to one of his men. Then turning his attention to his men he added. “John, go get Duncan something a little easier to put on, will you?”

“Sure boss.”

A few minutes later John returned with a simple cloth, designed to do nothing more than wrap around his waist. “Come to the bars.” Vincent commanded from the closed door. Clenching his fists, Duncan pushed up off his knees and managed to crawl back on his feet.

Stumbling his way to where Vincent stood, one of the men slid the cloth, along with a blocking collar, under the bars.

“Put them on.”

Angered by the series of abrupt commands that made it sound as if he was speaking to his personal slave, Duncan glowered down at Vincent with murderous intent.

“Do as you are told or I’ll pull Chloe out of her cell next.”

Not willing to put Chloe’s life in danger for the sake of his own pride, Duncan used the bars to brace himself as he bent down to retrieve the collar and the thin cloth. Wrapping the cloth around his waist and tucking it in, he then secured the collar around his own neck.

“See that wasn’t so hard was it?” Vincent smirked. “Now spin around and place your hands behind your back and then we can be on our way to the festivities.” Once again, Duncan silently complied.

When the men had his hands safely shackled behind his back, they opened the cell door and motioned for him to step through. The instant he did, Duncan found himself pinned to the bars of his cell by four of the goons. Producing a syringe from his pocket, Vincent stabbed him in the neck with the sharp needle and pressed down on the plunger. The moment the contents entered his body, Duncan felt as if someone had poured acid into his blood stream.

Certain his body would burst into flames at any moment, Duncan cried out, writhing beneath the unrelenting hold of his captors. Thankfully, after a few torturous seconds, the burning began to fade, allowing Duncan to relax. Diaphoretic and exhausted, he sank into the bars as the goons released him and moved away.

“Wh-what w-was t-that?” he managed to ask between ragged breaths.

“Wolf’s bane.” Vincent answered. Laughing at Duncan’s confused expression, he continued. “Don’t worry, it’s not enough to kill you, just enough to prevent you from healing any further. Effects should wear off in a day or two… if you live that long.”

Spinning on his heal, Vincent turned and headed down the corridor toward the door. Wiped out from the abuse and the poison circulating in his blood, Duncan couldn’t muster the strength to follow. Looking aggravated, two of the goons hooked him underneath his arms and all but dragged him after Vincent. They were just about to exit onto the stairs when suddenly the door flew open and a man in a suit came rushing toward them.

“Sir, the girl, the Night Stalker, she came back and she has another Shifter with her. A male, wolf from his scent, but… and please excuse my language sir… he’s scary as fuck.”

Duncan nearly laughed out loud, but somehow managed to keep his face straight. He knew only one man Senka would trust enough to travel with that met that description, Ignacio, and honestly it relieved him greatly to know he was by her side.

Vincent shook his head, “Seems the girl moves on rather quickly doesn’t it? I am almost insulted; I thought we had something special.”

“Sir, that’s not all.” The man continued, ignoring Vincent’s remarks. “You’re never going to guess what they have with them.”

“Shane, I’m not in the mood for guessing games. Just spit it out, what does she have?”

“A head, sir. The girl has a fucking head!”




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A Duke to Remember (A Season for Scandal Book 2) by Kelly Bowen

His Virgin Payback: A Billionaire & Virgin Romance by Virginia Sexton

Awakening Storm: The Divine Tree Guardians (The Divine Tree Guardians Series Book 3) by Larissa Emerald