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Steele (Army Brothers Book 1) by Savannah May (8)



I throw on a tee, leaving the bedroom door open, I'm so eager to be outside the house and alone with Scher. I'm commando in my sweats, but what the heck? The beast is gonna do his own thing anyways, one pair of underwear can't contain him from fighting free for what he wants. It'd take a double reinforced jock for that. And even then….

Scherri's legs appear on the ladder steps and I nearly lose my fucking load. She's switched the PJ shorts for an even smaller denim pair that barely cover her pussy at the fold. I have never seen anything hotter in my life.

She looked freaking incredible all tousled up from her bed. A spot I should have been right beside her all night, holding her enclosed in my arm. And knowing she had nothing on under her sleepwear, her delicious nipples pushing through the tight white fabric, was freaking incendiary. She still isn't wearing a bra now. Her perfect pointed tits are all perky, as they bounce with every step closer to me. I can barely form words with my mouth thanks to the ravenous desire to tug each one between my lips.

She comes up to me with a cheeky smile, knowing exactly, I'm sure, the torture she's inflicting.

“Bad girl,” I grit out, taking her hand to lead her down the stairs.

Outside on the porch, I turn to pull her to me and plant a kiss on her mouth, just so she knows where we're headed. But the front door flies open and her mother is standing up in my grill. Or so it seems.

“Come right back,” she says, like we're still ten years old.

Scherri snatches her hand away from mine, which irritates me. I don't care who knows what I feel for her, have always felt.

“We have to go visit your grandmother,” Lyndsey insists.

Scherri and I mutter some lame agreements then wander down toward the store. Through the walk and purchasing the milk, we're silent with each other. An awkwardness suddenly dropped which could mean Scher is thinking about her gran. Or something else. Like what she heard my father say over coffee earlier. That would be a complete turn off for a girl. But I get the idea it has to do with our parents being married – which technically makes us related.

But only technically.

“It's gonna be a scorcher of a day,” I say.

So lame talking about the weather but I need to break into the lull.

“It's already pretty steamy out here,” she says.

If she had even the slightest idea of what I dreamt of every night when I lay back in my camp bed. One hand behind my head, staring up at the ceiling while the other stroked my hard iron rod and pictured Scherri's delectable little body bent over in front of me. Then she'd know what steamy really is.

On a whim, I grab hold of her hand and take off, in the other direction from the house.

“Steele, stop,” she pants, jogging to keep up with me.

“Where are we going?”

“You don't remember?”

We reach the end of the houses and cut through the lot to dive into the trees. The hill climbs steeply at first and I pull her along, helping her to keep up.

“Our dipping lake on hot days like this?”

“You wanna swim?” she squeals. “Now?”

“Yeah, don't you? Wanna cool off.”

“You heard my mom, I have to go visiting.”

“Yeah I know, but Dad told me visiting hours are eleven to one so he hadn't been able to go. This thing will be sorted out before eleven.”

“This thing?” she's panting now, her little legs struggling to keep up with my training.

“You telling me you don't feel it?” I ask as we reach the top of the incline and the dark blue lake appears between its necklace of pine. “The heat?”

“I do, I'm burning up,” she says and takes off for the water as she pulls her tee over her head and tosses it.

Her back is naked and I can easily picture those delectable bare tits bouncing as she runs. I take off after her immediately. She's splashing in the water as she struggles to unbutton her shorts. I'm ripping off my sweats and almost catch up to her as she bends down to step out of her clothes, her gorgeous ass cheeks rising up alabaster smooth in the morning sunlight.

I'm momentarily frozen, thinking back to another time that Scherri innocently stripped out of her shorts. That perfect summer day, or was it only perfect because we were still kids?

Except we weren't kids then, we were sixteen. My dick had rared up so hard I sank to the ground and let Rod come lick my face to cover my massive erection, even though he was dripping from a plunge in the water. He laved my cheek with his scorching rough tongue then shook off, showering both Scher and I with cool droplets. She laughed that beautiful soft sound that's exclusive to her. So different from all the other girls' high pitched squeaks and squawks. Then she bent over to step out of her shorts.

My face must have been fucking beet red. I rubbed into Rod's coat to camouflage the rage of lust rushing at me. So that when she turned around, her perfect body beginning to fill in all the right places, she didn't notice what a pervy bastard I was being. Looking at her bent over and imagining what it would be like to spread her further and slide my dick into her wet slickness from behind.

Now, she pops back up, half turned to face me so I get a great angle of her uplifted tits. She makes no attempt to hide her fascinated stare at my cock standing up like a steel bolt, not even swaying in its rigid stance. Her eyes widen quite a lot as she gapes at it.

Yeah, I know Babe. It's big but I'll go easy on you.

Then she takes off squealing and splashing into the water with me right behind her. And I'm still traveling back to the past.

“Come on, let's cool off.”

Scherri ran down to the water and Rod bounded off behind her, stopping to look back at me, cajoling me to join them, before chasing Scherri into the water.

We'd done this a thousand times before. What was different now?

Maybe because the last time, I'd ducked under the water and swam between her legs. Bobbing my head there and catching her thighs then pushing up so she flew up out of the water before tumbling back in. We always fooled around like that – nothing to it.

But that time, that one time the sensation of the soft skin at the tops of her thighs. Pressed against my cheeks as she squeezed sent a flare of lust through me. Her pussy rubbing against the back of my neck made an array of electrical flashes run through every cell of my body direct to my dick that was already massive and pummeling for freedom from my briefs.

Jesus fucking Christ, it was impossible. It was torturous to be around her and not be able to plunge all the way inside her body. She'd been all mine for years and now I needed her again, in that forbidden way. I had to possess her and claim her totally.

Now we stand and face each other, waist deep in the water, air heaving through our lungs. She looks just like a siren with her hair all wet and her eyes limpid pools of lust. Except there was never a siren with such a look of filthy mixed with innocent. I've never wanted anything as much as I want to reach out a hand and touch her right now.

I take a step closer and she lets out a gasp. The water level cups the undersides of her tits and her nipples poke out like bullet heads. I tip down and wrap my lips around one, the surge of toying with something taboo almost explodes my brain cells.

Does she want this?

I stand back up and catch her eyes, wide, filled with longing and lust and something else. Then she leaps at me, her hands on my stubbled rough jaw to pull my mouth onto hers, her thighs flying around my waist so her pussy rubs against my cock, pinning it to my abs under the water.

Right there I almost detonate, my balls are in an agony of need and it takes all my effort not to tear her panties to one side and impale her tight hole around my raging dick.