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Stranded With The Snow Leopard: A Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance by Jade White (17)


The next day, Kim was getting ready for work and her cell phone rang.  She picked it up and accepted the call, and found dead silence on the other end.

“Hello?”  she asked.  “Hello?” her tone getting more demanding.  She tapped the hang up button and put it back down on the table.   “Fucking telemarketers.”

She went to the kitchen and tossed some bread in the toaster and rummaged in the cupboards for some peanut butter.  She swigged back her cooling coffee and waited for her breakfast to finish up.  Her toast popped, she put it on the counter and started to spread peanut butter on it, when her phone rang again.

She went over to it and noticed the caller ID showed that it was an unknown number, so she answered the call.  Silence.  More silence echoed on the other end.  She put her phone back down on the table and angrily ate her toast while glaring at the stupid device.

Kim got up and wiped her mouth with the dish cloth that was hanging over the kitchen sink’s faucet and turned off the coffee pot.  She grabbed her phone and headed towards her front door.  She felt it buzz in her back pocket, but she decided to ignore it.  She was almost late for work. 

She locked her front door and hopped down the stairs of her front porch.  Kim looked over and saw Tony mowing his lawn that early Saturday morning.  She waved at him with a smile as she jogged to her job at the general store. 

She jogged through the orchard that filled the town square with the aroma of sweet, ripe fruit.  The peaches were just about ready to harvest.  The cherry trees had been stripped bare and were in the process of being canned by the residents of the tiny town.  She missed the boat, but Keith assured her he would barter for some canned pie filling and jam for her from Betty, the wife of Rusty, the head shaman and her boss, the owner of the general store.

She opened the front door of the general store, causing the old cow bell to announce her arrival to the wizened Rusty who stood at the cash register preparing the drawer  for the day.  “G’morning, stranger,” he greeted her.  “Back to the grind, eh?  Good, been getting tired of covering for ya.” 

Kim laughed.  “I’m sorry.  Kinda hard to want to work when you’ve got some creep show stalking around wanting to kill you.” 

“True, that,”  Rusty replied.  “He won’t be around for much longer.  One of the boys will catch him.  That’s one thing both of them are good at.  If Tony can’t figure out how to find him, Keith will.  Keith’s got those crazy internet connection things going.”

Kim smiled warmly.  “I bet he does.  Anyway, I’d like to get started.  At least this place isn’t a total wreck.  I figured with Junior running the show it would have burnt down by now.”

Rusty snorted.  “Nah, I keep that boy well away from the front of the store.  He’s too simple to run the front end.  Good for muscle, not much for keeping track of pennies.  He loses count after three.  Was me and Betty here for the time you were gone, sometimes Keith came in to volunteer.  Jessica Pine’s boy came in to sweep the store one night; he was the lil gaffer you gave a fright to when you came in looking for work.”

Kim frowned. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to not scare him in the future.”

Rusty dismissed the apology, “Don’t worry about it.  The lil mite is shy as a marmot.  His mom coddles him to no end.  He’ll get over it.”

Kim laughed.  “Kids usually do, don’t they?” She headed towards one of the shelves with a dusting cloth in hand.  “I’ll get to work; you go home and have a good day, Rusty.  I’ll call if anything happens.”

“You better,” he said, pointing a wizened finger at her.  “If that crazy ex of yours shows up, you call Tony, you hear?  Junior can clobber him until Tony shows.”  With that he left the store, the forlorn sound of the cowbell ringing in the empty place.

Kim busied herself with restocking and dusting the shelves for the majority of the day.   Junior made himself useful by bringing out boxes for her to unpack and place the product on the shelves.  He smiled shyly at her whenever he came into the front of the store with a fresh box for her to open.  He didn’t speak.  He wasn’t able to.  He communicated through an improvised sign language which Kim picked up rapidly, and he wasn’t as dull as Rusty made him out to be.

Junior was born deaf and mute, but in a rural culture, many people equated it with being mentally challenged as well.  Back in the 1970s when Junior was born, there were no proper social services for rural First Nations bands, so the parents of disabled children were left to fend for themselves in the best way that they could.  Rusty and Betty loved their son, but, due to his deafness, he couldn’t find a mate nor could he hunt. He explained all this to Kim through his special sign language.  The pain of being constantly excluded was etched all over his face. 

“When I first shifted,” Junior motioned, “My parents were upset.  My coloring wasn’t what it should be.  It wouldn’t blend in to the forest.  I couldn’t hunt.  Mix that with my deafness, and the band wrote me off.”

Kim felt bad for the man.  The fact he chose to teach her how to communicate with him, made her realize how much trust he had in her.  After years of being shunned and abused by the local community, Junior had shut himself away from everyone both emotionally and physically.  He lived in the basement of his parent’s house, and when he wasn’t working, he was reading all the books he could get his hands on. 

Junior stood over six feet seven inches tall, dwarfing the petite five foot three Kim.  They worked together and chatted as they did their jobs for the day, and began to form a budding friendship.  Junior was adept at lip reading, unbeknownst to the community, so he was well aware of the stinging contempt they threw at him. 

The low ring of the cow bell announced the first customer of the day.  It was almost three in the afternoon, an unusual time for the first customer to arrive.  There was usually a slow trickle throughout the day beginning at opening.  Kim got up from the floor and strode towards the cash register.  Junior silently moved to the back, where he was most comfortable when customers were around.

Kim stopped short.  On the other side of the counter, with the biggest fake smile on his face, was her ex.  Smiley.  The stench of his unwashed body filled the store.  His lank black hair hung in greasy straggles behind his dingy baseball cap. 

“A pack of Number Sevens, please,” he requested with a smirk. 

Kim trembled behind the counter, eyes wide, absolutely afraid to turn her back to the man who wanted to kill her.  If she turned away would he shoot her in the head?  What was she to do?  The phone was a few feet away, her cell phone was tossed in the break room because it wouldn’t stop buzzing and it was distracting her at work. 

“Umm... could you repeat that, please?” she shakily asked, her voice quavering in terror.

“I said, you dumb bitch, a pack of Number Sevens. I can’t believe you don’t remember the brand I smoke.  I was going to be merciful and shoot you in the back of the head so you wouldn’t see it coming but...”

Smiley was cut off as a huge black and white mountain lion pounced on him.  Kim ran for the phone and punched in the number to the police station.  “Tony, Tony!  Smiley’s here in the store, Junior has him tackled...well, I think it’s Junior...”

Smiley hammered at the giant feline with the handle of the 9mm he had in his hand.  Junior, not used to the pain, backed off, while shaking his head.  Smiley scrambled to his feet and bolted out the door.  Junior regained his senses and bolted after him before the door to the store slammed shut.  Junior used his superior scent of smell to pursue Kim’s ex but was greeted by the smell of exhaust fumes and the vibration of an engine rumble through his paws. 

Damn, Junior thought to himself, bastard must have had a four wheeler or something.  He padded back towards the store, shifting back to his human form as he reached the door.  He opened the door and noticed Tony was there taking down Kim’s statement.  Junior looked at Tony, nodded in greeting and went back to the storeroom to read his book.

Kim was hyperventilating at the counter.  Tony put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.  “Don’t worry.  We’ll get him.  It looks like he’s getting bolder.  With boldness, he’ll start to get reckless.  Just keep coming to work.  He knows Junior is here and you aren’t alone, so he won’t risk that again.”

“Yeah.  Junior saved my life,” she replied.  “Just that, now I really don’t want to walk home alone tonight.”  She looked at Tony, pleading with her blue eyes.  “Mind if you walk me home again?” 

Tony perked up.  “Sure.  If it makes you feel safer, I don’t see a problem.  I’ll be here at closing time. I need to go file this paperwork.”  With a grin and wave, he jauntily stepped out of the store and practically skipped to the police station. 

He opened the station door and sat down at his desk.  Tony pulled open the cabinet that held Kim’s file and added the latest complaint to it.  He closed the folder and put it back in the desk, leaned back and thought for a minute.

He wasn’t going to take advantage of her this time.  Hell, he didn’t even plan on it the last time, it just happened.  At least Rusty explained to him why she was so easily influenced by the pheromones.  Since he and Keith have gone unmated for so long, they have become more and more potent as they aged.  She needed to choose between them, so, if she took the lead this evening, why not. 

He sat down at his desk and wondered if Kim was going to want him to spend the night.  In a way he wanted to, in a way he didn’t.  He really needed to settle down, but he did secretly hope that she chose Keith.  He loved having the freedom of a wandering tom.  

He surfed the net while waiting for the general store to close.  He sat and played some Facebook games and was jarred by the ringing of his desk phone.  He picked it up and greeted the person on the other end.

“Constable Tony Underhill, how may I help you?”

There was dead silence on the other end of the line.  Tony guessed it was Smiley trying to scare him.  He smiled to himself and leaned back in the chair as he kept the receiver to his ear.

“You know, Smiley, one day you’re gonna fuck up and I’m gonna be there when it happens.” He growled to the man on the other end of the phone.  “You keep poking around these parts and you’re gonna get bit.”

A ghostly chuckle rang out from the other end of the line before a click closed the connection.  Tony slammed down the receiver as he stood up.  He looked at the clock on the wall and noticed it was getting near closing time for the general store.  He grabbed his keys, walked out of the door and locked it behind him. 

He walked towards the general store and watched the lights in the window blink off one by one as Kim shut down for the night.  Rusty strolled up to the store to do the final cash count for the night, and he looked up in the clear night sky. 

He looked down, saw Tony and waved as he approached.  “The stars are looking good tonight.  We need to start preparing for the mating ceremony soon.  The younglings who are about to go through their first shift need to go through their purification rituals in the next two weeks.”

“I thought the mating ritual wasn’t for another few months?” Tony asked.

“Ah yes, well you know, each youngling needs his or her own night with the elders.  We need seven days to recover from the ritual, so it will be skirting the time of the mating ritual.  We have plenty of time.  I need to focus on the younglings.  Betty is preparing the girls.  Luckily, we have two this year.  Maybe we’ll keep them.”

Tony frowned.  “Let’s hope.  I don’t want Trevor Wildhorse and James Pine to be stuck in limbo like Keith and I have been.”

Rusty nodded. “Let’s hope.  Betty is doing a good job with the girls.  I need to get in here and get the cash sorted.  I guess there was some sort of ruckus here earlier, eh?”  Rusty’s white braid almost glowed from the quarter moon shining down.

“Yeah, Junior chased him off.  I need to keep a better eye on Kim,” Tony replied grumpily.  “That Smiley jackass is becoming too bold.”

“Yep, he is.  He’ll get bolder, too.  It’ll all end up alright.  Don’t worry.”  Rusty reached up and patted Tony on his shoulder.  “We’ll talk soon.” With that, Rusty entered the store to count the cash for the day’s sales. 

Tony decided to wait outside for Kim in the clear night air.  He listened to the love songs the crickets belted out to attract a mate of their own.  Tony began thinking to himself as he waited for Kim.  Maybe settling down wouldn’t be such a bad idea, he mused.  He did enjoy the bachelor’s life a little too much.  Sometimes he’d head on down to the nearest big town, rent a hotel room and grab a woman for the night after hitting the bar and getting completely wrecked.  It wasn’t behavior becoming the head of the band police, but sometimes, he needed to let loose.  Being one of the few rocks the band clings to in times of trouble starts to wear on a person, and he needed a safe place to let it loose. 

His reverie was broken as Kim exited the general store.  “Hey!  Thanks for coming.” She greeted him, her face beaming from ear to ear. 

Tony’s grim face lit up. “Hey!  Yeah, not a problem, that’s what I get paid for.”  Even if he didn’t get paid for it, he’d still walk her home. 

They strolled through the cool night air.  Being located so far up in the Canadian Rockies, the air was thinner and didn’t retain the day’s heat as well as in the low lands.  Kim timidly reached for Tony’s hand, still somewhat shaken from the events that transpired earlier that day.  She needed reassurance and comfort.  She hoped Tony would give it to her.  Keith was out of town for the weekend for a tech seminar to learn to improve the band’s online connectivity.  The simple duplex satellite modems were beginning to frustrate the town.  So she had none other than Tony to turn to during Keith’s absence. 

They reached Kim’s house, and she unlocked the front door.  She looked up at Tony and smiled.  “You know, with Smiley out there somewhere, I might need someone to stay over, because you know, he knows where I live and all. “

Tony grinned.  “I have no problem with that at all.  Let me head over to my house for a min to grab a few things.” 

Kim smiled and opened her door. “Sure, I’ll be here waiting.” 

Tony waved and sprinted towards his house.  He hoped at least some of the items he wanted to pick up were still good.  It had been a while since he had used them. 



Kim jumped up and answered the polite knock at the front door.  She was greeted by Tony’s smiling face as she opened up the door.

“Hey!” Tony greeted her as he stepped into the modest house, “Told you I’d be quick.” 

“I wasn’t worried that you’d ditch me,” she said with a grin.  “I grilled up some deer kebabs for dinner.  All I had was some ground deer and I was tired of burgers.”

Tony’s mouth was watering at the thought.  “That sounds awesome.  Never thought of making something like that.  I can’t wait to try it.”   He put the non-descript bag he was holding down beside the couch, out of Kim’s view.  If he did manage to get lucky tonight, he had a few surprises up his sleeve, and he hoped she would enjoy them.

Kim busied herself in the kitchen with the final touches for dinner.  It was 9 pm and she was starving. “Sorry for it being so late, I usually eat at this time when I work.  Rusty doesn’t have a microwave for our use so I don’t bother eating much when I’m there.” 

“You know, you can use the burrito microwave.  I don’t think he’d care,” Tony said from the living room as he grabbed the remote and began to channel surf.

“True, never thought about it that way,” Kim mused as she placed a spoonful of basmati rice on Tony’s plate and garnished it with two spicy venison kebabs, and put a few slices of cucumber on the side of the plate. She harvested the cucumber the day before, so it was pretty darned fresh.  Most of her garden was ready to go, actually; she’ll need to talk to Betty soon about getting help with canning it all.

Of course his mouth was watering for another delicacy.  He promised himself he wouldn’t make a move unless Kim made one first.  Their initial encounter was probably pretty lack luster for her.  It was so quick, and fierce.  He couldn’t help himself at the time, though.  Her mere presence drove him up the wall.  It was quite some time between trips to the city, so he had months of build-up waiting to be let out.  None of the other local women would let him near them after a few fell pregnant and Rusty pointed a wizened old finger at him as the sire. 

Kim walked in with a plate loaded with aromatic food.  Tony’s stomach grumbled as he realized he hadn’t eaten yet, either.  He voraciously devoured the food that was set before him, washing it down with gulps of cool water between bites.

“Mmff... sorry,” he apologized between mouthfuls.  “I forgot I didn’t eat either and I’m starving.” 

Kim smiled at him.  “It’s not a big deal.  Glad you like it.”

They sat and ate in silence after that, considering there wasn’t much to be said between them at that point.  Kim got up and cleared the dishes from the coffee table as the ten o’clock news came on.  There was a report of a fire in a near-by township. 

Tony had known about it, since it came across the radio scanner at work.  No one in the house survived.  He was requested to go over to the scene to help the RCMP do an investigation because it was another isolated Cree band, that didn’t have a police officer of their own yet.    It was probably the worst carnage he had ever seen.  The deceased family comprised of three little girls, their parents and a dog and a cat, all perished in the conflagration. 

As Tony walked around the scene, listening to the RCMP officer and fire marshal go over the details of the fire, he caught a whiff of gasoline and an unwashed body.  He put his hand up to silence the two as he made a b-line directly towards the empty gas can that was hidden in the bushes just off the back yard of the smouldering house.  The fire marshal dubbed it arson right then and there, and a criminal investigation was launched.  Tony provided Smiley’s name as part of the list of suspects to investigate, since he hadn't been apprehended yet, and provided evidence of his ongoing harassment of Kim. 

The RCMP investigator thought it was a long shot but he would follow up on it. 

Kim sat back down next to Tony, interrupting his ruminations of the day’s events.  “Hey, let’s watch something else.  This news is pretty depressing.” She grabbed the remote from Tony’s strong hand. 

Tony grunted in agreement.  He didn’t need to relive the day’s events a second time.  He stretched his long arms across the back of the futon as Kim leaned back.  She flicked through the channels and found a late night talk show for them to watch. 

Kim placed the remote down on the coffee table and settled in to watch the monologue of the comedian that hosted the show.  She and Tony chuckled at the jokes and pointed satire that he read off of the teleprompter.  Kim placed her dark-haired head on Tony’s lean, muscular chest as the  spectacled comedian concluded his monologue, causing his heart to start drumming in his chest, and his manhood to surge to attention.

Kim still had the ‘good girls don’t’ mentality in her head so she coyly began to send signals to Tony to show she was interested.  She placed her hand on his thigh, she really didn’t know of any other way to initiate yet, so she went with the tried and true method. 

She was still a little emotionally shaken up by Smiley’s impromptu visit at the store earlier that day, but she might as well take advantage of Tony being there.  She felt his tension as she snuggled next to him.  She wondered what was going on in his head to cause him to feel so tense.  Yes, their last encounter was a bit rushed and rough, but she didn’t get upset over that part.  She was more upset at herself than Tony after they slept together the first time.  She felt awful that she didn’t have a chance to explain it to him during the intervention type visit Rusty held. 

Tony shifted his weight away from her and turned around and looked her straight in the eyes.  His piercing dark gaze held hers as he tried to formulate what he was trying to say to cause the least amount of offense and his angular face was creased in concern.  “I don’t know what kind of signals you’re trying to give out.  I felt bad last time because I thought I misread and I might have...”

“You didn’t.  I was madder at myself for allowing myself into that kind of situation.  I wanted it,” she reassured him. 

Emotion flooded Tony’s normally stoic face as he took Kim’s face gently in his hands and leaned in for a kiss.  His tongue danced across Kim’s velvet lips as it sought admittance to her sweet mouth.  He gently caressed her arm as he drew her closer to him.

Kim opened her mouth and returned Tony’s kiss with one of her own.  Their tongues danced together, one smooth, one rough as they embraced on the futon.  Tony reached up and folded his hand in Kim’s long, dark tresses as they kissed passionately. 

Tony’s other hand moved under Kim’s red t-shirt and fondled one of her breasts through her black lace bra.  She moaned into his mouth as she felt his hand graze her pert nipple through the lacy fabric of her bra. 

Kim decided to take the lead and unbuckled Tony’s blue uniform pants.  Tony stiffened up and moved her hands away.  “It’s okay, you don’t have to,” he whispered.  He narrowly avoided her touching his rigid dick.  He wasn’t sure how long he would be able to keep himself contained if he felt that soft hand stroke his manhood; that and he didn’t want her knowing how much mountain lion showed through the human facade when one mated.   There was plenty of time for that once she got used to the idea.

Tony nuzzled Kim’s sensitive neck as he caressed her firm B-cup breasts through her bra.  “I have something special in mind for you tonight; last time was a little sudden.  I want to take my time with you this evening.  Show you what I’m really like.” Tony murmured in her ear while nibbling it.

“Mmm, I hope it’s worth it,” She whispered with a smile as she pulled away just long enough to remove her t-shirt. She leaned back in for another passionate kiss while wrapping her arms around Tony’s strong shoulders.  Their lips met and their tongues stroked each other once again.  Kim breathed in Tony’s musk and allowed herself to be swept away by the pheromones it contained. 

Tony reached around her back and unclasped Kim’s bra and cast it aside.  He lay her down on the futon and grinned, looking at her slim, topless body.  He undid her tight jeans and pulled them off of her slim hips.  Her tan skin gleamed in the dim lamplight.  He took in her beauty as he stood up.  Tony lifted Kim off of the futon, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He took her to her bedroom and lay her down on the bed he had helped put together after her move.  

“Stay right here, I need to go get something from the living room,” he said as he left the bedroom.  He hastily took off his shirt and jeans, but left his boxers on, since he was pretty modest about his manhood.  One time a woman he dated had seen it and fainted. 

Tony grabbed the paper bag he had left in the living room and walked back to the bedroom.  He smiled as he set it down next to the mattress.

Kim looked up and appreciated Tony’s lean, muscular frame.  His muscles weren’t bulky, but still well defined.  He definitely moved with a cat-like grace in everything he did.  His tan skin shone with a thin sheen of sweat, due to it being warm in the house.  She didn’t want to open any windows to give Smiley a chance to break and enter.

He sat back down on the bed.  He smiled warmly at Kim as she reached for one of his lean legs.  Her warm hand snaked up towards the leg of his boxer shorts in an attempt to give him pleasure.  He grabbed her hand and stopped her.

“Shh, just being near you drives me crazy enough as it is.  I don’t think I’ll be able to handle you touching me,” he smoothly lied as he bent down to kiss her. 

She wondered why he didn’t want her touching his manhood, but she rolled with it for now.  He might not be as comfortable with her as he let on; she’d figure it out eventually. 

Kim’s train of thought was interrupted as she felt his mouth kiss and nibble its way down to her sensitive nipple.  She moaned as he drew it into his hot mouth while his hand massaged her other breast.  He lightly grazed her nipple with his teeth, which elicited a cry of delight from Kim’s throat. 

His hand moved from her breast down her abdomen, and towards her moist womanhood.  Shocks of pleasure surged through her body as his hand made its way down to the moist juncture between her thighs. 

She craved his touch; the deep musky odor he exuded as he lay over her caused her senses to swim.  She abandoned all rational thought, willingly this time, and let Tony work his magic on her body.  No more fighting, not anymore.

Tony smiled to himself as Kim lay on the bed, panting, as his fingers gently grazed her dewy cleft, her eyes closed with pleasure, eagerly expecting the next jolt of erotic pleasure.  He gently spread her smooth pussy lips with his long, sensitive fingers and gently stroked the warm, moist folds within.

Kim cried out with pleasure as Tony softly touched her most intimate area.   While she was distracted, he reached into the bag and pulled out a bottle of warming massage oil.  He pushed open the top with his free hand and drizzled some over Kim’s soft mound.

Kim gasped as the cool oil dripped on her skin, the sensation jolted her unexpectedly, but it wasn’t an unpleasant jolt.  She then felt Tony’s fingers massage her sex causing the oil to warm up. 

Kim began to move her hips and moan as Tony’s fingers massaged her inner lips.  Up and down, gently pinching each side and rubbing the oil gently into her already sensitive folds.  He purposefully avoided her pleasure pearl as he gently massaged her.  His fingers picked up more moisture from her deep, eager well as she became more and more aroused at his ministrations. He then judged it was a good time to concentrate on her erect, pink clit.

Kim cried out in pleasure as Tony gently rubbed her pleasure bud with his sensitive, oil covered fingers.  He gently squeezed and tugged on her sensitive clit causing her to cry out more in response.  Her climax began to build as he gently teased her button with his hot, oily digits.  He noticed she was about to orgasm, and kept up his expert massage of her sex.  Stroking her exposed clit with well-oiled hands, the combination of cinnamon, ginger and a bit of capsaicin from the massage oil drove her wild.  Her nerves were on fire, in a good way, and before long, Kim cried out as her orgasm washed over her, filling Tony’s hand with her juices.

Tony brought his hand up from Kim’s quivering womanhood and inhaled deeply.  Her sexy musk mingling with the cinnamon flavored oil caused his desire to surge to the point that his animal instincts almost kicked in.  He shook his head to gain control of himself once again as he stared down at the panting Kim.  Her eyes opened up and looked at Tony with an expression of lust he had never seen before on a woman.  He growled in his throat and bent down to kiss her.

She returned his passion in kind.  She allowed her animalistic nature to take over as well.  Deep within her she felt something awaken.  She didn’t know what it was, nor did she care at that time but she let out a growl in Tony’s ear as he nipped at her neck with desire. 

She felt his mouth move down her body, stopping briefly at each breast to draw in and lightly graze a nipple with his sharp teeth, sending Kim’s body rocking with pleasure mixed with pain.  Tony’s hungry mouth moved down Kim’s flat, tanned stomach and rested on the small patch of dark pubic hair she allowed herself to keep.

“Put your legs up,” he instructed.  Kim followed his command and put her feet flat on the mattress and bending her knees, spreading her legs provocatively. “Now close your eyes,” he ordered.

Kim did as she was told, quivering in anticipation.  She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but she was uncertain as to what game he wanted to play.  All of a sudden she felt a cool, round object being inserted into her canal and her eyes flew open.

“Keep ‘em closed,” Tony growled.  “I just want a little dessert after that wonderful meal.  I like grapes but I like to eat them a certain way.”  He popped in a few more of the green grapes causing Kim to shudder with pleasure. 

Tony knelt down and moved Kim’s hips to the edge of the bed. He inhaled her sweet, spicy scent as he licked her with his rough tongue.  She cried out with pleasure as he sampled her juices.  “Shh, don’t move, you don’t want to crush them,” he whispered as she bucked up. 

Kim felt his tongue snake into her moist canal and fish out a grape; he placed his mouth on her sopping wet opening and applied a bit of suction, and popped out a grape.  He relished the combination of sweet grape juice and Kim’s tangy love juices as he drew each fruit from Kim’s sweet well. 

Kim was mewling with ecstasy as she gripped the sheets while Tony enjoyed his sweet feast.  After he had finished eating the grapes, his tongue swept up and down Kim’s pink folds to clean up any residual grape juice.  He then moved upwards towards her clit and placed his mouth over it, and began to suck gently.  While he was sucking, he inserted two of his long fingers deep inside of Kim’s hot tunnel and pushed upwards, engaging her G-spot.

Kim’s hips bucked up and she cried out with pleasure as Tony suckled and nibbled on her sensitive nub.  The pressure inside her abdomen was building once again as another orgasm was about to take over.  She reached for Tony’s long black hair and grabbed it, pushing his face deeper into her folds as he licked and sucked her to another peak.

He kept pressing up on her G-spot while he feasted upon her juices.  His tongue darted over her clit between gentle sucks.  Kim felt an intense urge to pee but Tony held her down with his free hand, preventing her from rising and leaving before he was finished.

Kim clawed and tried to fight the sensation, a deep buildup of orgasmic pleasure built up within her womb as it gushed out of her in a torrent of ecstasy.  She yelled out as her crisis hit and Tony lapped up as much of the juice that erupted from her well as he could.  He was like a kitten at a saucer of milk. 

Tony noticed that Kim was more than ready for him, so he rose from the floor and leaned over her.  He nuzzled her neck and shoulders as he worked his boxers off with one hand, while holding her hands over her head with his other one.  Tony kicked his boxers off to the side and moved his body between Kim’s open legs.

He entered her tight, deep well with one deft thrust, growling as her heat enveloped him.  She cried out as he filled her entirely with his thick, long member.   Tony rested on his elbows over Kim while buried deep within her.  She opened her eyes and made eye contact with him.  She reached up and drew him down for a deep kiss as he began to move deep inside her. 

Her hips rocked along with his as they moved as one.  She clawed at his back as he thrust gently at first, but once he hit her G-spot with his manhood, she let out a deep, almost feline growl in his ear, and his senses were filled with nothing but the urge to mate. 

Tony growled in response as he felt Kim’s nails grip his taut buttocks, urging him on.  He picked up the pace and began to thrust harder and faster.  The pressure began to build at the base of his spine as his climax drew closer.

Kim was gripping Tony for all she was worth.  She felt her nails grow a little longer and she bit down on his shoulder as her third climax of the night rocked her body.  Her teeth sunk in to his shoulder and Tony let out a yowl of pleasure as he emptied himself deep within Kim’s eager body. 

She felt that odd pressure again as Tony pulsed his seed deep into her womb.  She looked into his eyes and noticed they were golden with a vertical pupil.  He blinked and the reverted to their normal dark brown color.

Tony pulled out and grabbed a T-shirt from the pile of dirty clothes Kim had strewn about her bedroom to wipe himself off.    He sat on the bed and smiled sheepishly at Kim who lay prone on the bed with a satisfied smile on her face.  She reached out and touched his hip with her small hand.

“You know, that was much better than the first time, thank you.” She yawned. The exertion, on top of the stressors of the day’s events, had left her exhausted. 

“You’re welcome,” Tony said with a smile, while he turned away from her and put his boxers back on.  “I still think it’s a good idea for me to sleep on the futon tonight.  That way if Smiley tries anything...”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Kim said.  “You know it’s best if you’re not here when Keith gets back from his conference.  I don’t want him to get the impression I already picked.”

Tony nodded sadly. “Yeah, you were given until the solstice to choose, and it’s perfectly okay for you to take that time.”  He had hoped he had made an impression on her.  She would be safer with him, knowing his job.  However, she had a greater chance at being widowed, as well. 

Kim looked at him sadly, she felt drawn towards both him and his cousin, Keith, equally.  “Yeah...anyway, I hope you sleep well.”

Tony nodded. “You, too,” he whispered quietly, as he closed the door behind him. 

Kim sat on her bed thinking to herself.  Her birth control ran out last week.  She hadn’t been able to get to the doctor to get it renewed because of all the drama that had been going on.  She hoped she wasn’t pregnant... she wouldn’t know who the father was out of the two men.  What would that mean if she was, though?  Would she have to choose the sire as the mate?  She’d have to ask Rusty when she got the chance, if she remembered.