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Strike (Gentry Generations #1) by Cora Brent (13)




I had to keep reminding myself to stop flooring the accelerator because getting pulled over by a cop would interfere with the imminent fuck fest that was running through my head. 

Since we left the gardens Cami had been quiet in the passenger seat but she smiled at me shyly when I glanced her way.  I hadn’t been surprised when she put her hand on my dick and bluntly said she was ready.  I’d guessed that all along.

Distantly I wondered if I was making a mistake by getting dirty with her so quickly. I was sincere when I told her I liked her. I had no intention of just banging her and moving on.  And I really didn’t want to screw this up by going too far too fast. But I also couldn’t deny that there was an unusually powerful physical attraction between us that we were both dying to satisfy.  And holy shit did I intend to get that job done.  By the time I was finished getting my fill of Cami Gentry we’d both be eligible for the orgasm hall of fame. 

“Hey, Dalton?” Cami said.

I looked over and this girl, this sexy, astonishing girl, had her freaking shorts unzipped.  She bit the corner of her lip in the most erotically mischievous way and then she started slowly sliding her shorts down over her hips.

“Shit,” I muttered, sweating bullets over the sight of her soft skin and black panties.  “You’re killing me.  Fuck, honey, take those panties down.” 

She smirked.  “No, you’ll have to wait for that.” 

I took stock of where we were.  About eight miles from Wild Spring.  My balls felt like they were about to bust the seams of my pants. 

“I plan to make you pay for that little tease,” I warned. 

She offered a devilish grin as she pulled her shorts back up.  “Good.” 

I reached over and touched her face.  Her skin was impossibly smooth. “You’re beautiful, Camille.  I can’t remember if I told you that already but you are truly beautiful.” 

Her expression softened.  She took my hand and kissed my knuckles before lacing our fingers together. 

At the resort I pulled into the parking lot behind my building.  I immediately walked around to her door, opened it and extended my hand in a gesture that I hoped seemed chivalrous.   Cami smiled and accepted my hand when she hopped out of the truck. 

I pulled her to me, kissed her once on the forehead and kept my arm gently around her waist as I led her inside the building.  Sure, I still planned on stripping off her clothes and fucking her until the walls shook but that didn’t mean I couldn’t also treat her like a queen.  I wanted to be good to her.  I wanted her to know that she was something special. 

We didn’t run into anyone on the way and I was glad.   There was surely already talk about the two of us since we’d been seen having lunch at the café but this wasn’t anyone’s business but ours.  The third floor corridor where my suite was located was empty and silent. 

“Come here,” I said after I got my door open.  I kissed her roughly there in the hall and from the way she melted right into me I could tell she liked that, liked it a little rough.  I pressed her against the wall, put my hands on her, sucked hard on her neck. 

“Dalton,” she moaned and bucked her hips with an eager rhythm, like she was about to lose control.  Fuck, she was sexy.  I was tempted to take her right here. 

I didn’t.

I lifted her into my arms and brought her inside, kicking the door closed behind me.  When I set her down she took a deep breath and looked around while slipping off her shoes.   

“Nice place,” she said, checking out the expensively appointed living room and glancing in the direction of the bedroom.  “This has to be one of the best rooms the resort has.”

“It’s okay,” I said and yanked my shirt over my head. 

Cami stared at my muscled chest.  “Wow.”

I grinned.  “That’s exactly the reaction I was going for.” 

“You’re probably used to it.  Damn, look at you.”

I moved closer to her.  “I’d rather look at you.”

Cami swallowed.  For all her earlier boldness she seemed like she was about to turn shy now that we were behind closed doors.  Then suddenly she grabbed her t-shirt by the hem and slowly lifted it over her head.  She had a nice body, complete with a pair of young, sweet tits I planned to explore with my mouth in the next few seconds. 

“More,” I demanded, rubbing my cock and liking the way her eyes widened when I did it. 

Cami pushed the straps of her bra down, one shoulder at a time and paused, bending her head slightly.  Her fingers fumbled with her bra clasp and her long hair fell over her face.  I was pretty positive she was no virgin but she wasn’t quite confident enough to stand in front of me stark naked.  That needed to be fixed.

I took my hand off my cock and reached for her.  “You know what I like best about living here?” I asked her.     

She stopped messing with her bra hook and gazed at me with those wide green eyes.  “What?” 

I led her away, to the wide sliding glass door that opened to a private patio.  I pushed the long, heavy drapes open and the room was instantly bathed in brilliant sunlight.  “The view,” I explained, gesturing to the glass.  This was one of the quietest sections of the resort, where guests who requested maximum privacy were placed.  Instead of seeing one of the pools or the golf course there was only the pristine wilderness of the untouched desert. 

Cami looked at the peaceful scene outside while I got behind her and put my hands on her hips to keep her close.  She was small, petite.  I could almost hold her waist entirely within my hands and the top of her head only reached my collarbone. 

“Sometimes I sit out there at night and I could swear there isn’t anyone around for miles, like this is the frontier for all civilization.  There are just stars and the endless desert everywhere.  Have you ever been deep in the desert at night, Cami?  It can swallow you if you let it.”  I reached up and swiftly unhooked her bra. 

She was breathing hard.  “I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night,” she whispered.  “It’s one of my favorite quotes.” 

 I ran my hands slowly down her arms until her lacy pink bra was on the floor.  Then I took her hands and guided them up to the glass, flattening her palms against the smooth surface.  I wasn’t worried about anyone seeing inside.  The afternoon sun was still strong and no one would be wandering around in the prickly brush in this heat anyway. 

Cami let out a small gasp when I abruptly reached around and cupped her tits in my hands.  I squeezed gently, savoring the firm feel of them and enjoying her low moan. Her nipples were hard in my palms but she didn’t lower her hands from where I’d set them. She bent her head and pressed her forehead to the glass.  A sensual shudder rolled through her body when I boldly unsnapped her shorts. 

“Don’t turn around,” I ordered, working on the zipper. 

With one tug those shorts were history and all Camille Gentry had left were those flimsy black panties she’d tormented me with earlier.  I backed up a few inches and marveled over the fact that I had this high-spirited, exceptionally sexy woman at my mercy with her naked body practically pressed against my window.  It felt like a victory but it wasn’t.  Not yet. 

I dropped my pants and let my stiff cock touch the small of her back.  I took it in my hand and rubbed it against her tight little ass.

“Dalton,” she squeaked and twisted her head around to try and see what I was doing. 

And what I was doing was shoving those satin panties down with one hand while the other hand crept over her belly and pushed between her legs.  I almost lost it when I felt how wet she was.  The strongest of all instincts was ordering me to push my swollen cock into her any way I could.  Cami moaned and moved her hips as my fingers slid inside of her and my dick pulsed against the soft flesh of her ass. 

“Fuck, baby,” I swore, gritting my teeth and managing to force myself to pull back a few inches so I wouldn’t end up doing her this way.  

  My fingers were still inside her though and she was bucking hard against the pressure.  She was going to come.  Soon.  I didn’t want her to come like this.  I wanted to see her face when I got her off for the first time. 

Cami whimpered when I withdrew my hand. 

“Turn around, Camille.  Look at me.” 

She turned.  She looked.  Her hands had made steamy prints on the glass and I had the fleeting thought that I didn’t ever want to wash them off. 

Her face was flushed, her chest rising and falling rapidly.  She suddenly glanced down at her bare body and tried to cross her arms over herself but I wouldn’t allow that. 

“Don’t,” I said, gently taking her wrists and spreading them apart. 

Her muscles relaxed and she looked up at me with softly pleading eyes.  I kissed her, hard and sloppy, grabbing a chunk of her long hair and tugging just enough to tease her into another moan.  Vaguely I wondered where I’d put the box of condoms I’d bought yesterday.  I realized I should really care a little bit more about where those condoms were.  But instead of searching for them I dropped to my knees, and started sucking on a luscious pair of twenty-one-year-old tits that were eager for my attention. 

My hands seized Cami’s hips as my mouth greedily explored first one nipple and then the other.  She loved it so much her knees buckled and she slid down to the floor.  Our mouths found each other and our hands were everywhere, her fingers stroking my cock, my thumb briefly teasing her clit. With one hand I shoved a heavy coffee table out of the way and set her down on her back on the plush area rug.  This was it.  This was fucking happening here and now. 

“Wait,” she gasped, pushing me away slightly and reaching for her pile of clothes.  “Wait.” 

I thought for an impatient second that she was going to try to cover up but that wasn’t it at all.  She had some condoms of her own stuffed in her purse.  Be still my heart this girl was incredible. 

I got one unwrapped and rolled onto my dick at the speed of light.  Her legs were already open and I scooped my hands underneath her and lifted her for the first thrust.  She was as tight as I thought she’d be, as good as I thought she’d be. 

She came quickly the first time and while she was in the middle of writhing and moaning with her eyes closed and her back arched I reached down to where we were joined and stroked her with my fingers to get her off even harder.  Then she screamed my name so loud I thought the noise was probably echoing all the way to the golf course.  Damn, fucking Cami was like fucking a live wire. 

But in the best way. 

She practically vibrated no matter where I touched her and she barely finished coming before she started shaking from the onslaught of another climax.  I’d never been inside anyone as hot as her, so easy to operate.  It was tough to keep my head together but I didn’t want to give in yet because I didn’t want this to end. 

“Dalton,” she panted with her knees pushed all the way up so I could take her as deep as possible.  And I did.  I took her to the edge of insanity yet again and she dug her nails into my arms while she rode the wave and then I couldn’t hold back any longer.  I rode it with her.  I heard my own curses and groans and thought about how I could happily fuck only this body for all time.  Then I exploded in a fury of punishing thrusts until everything I had to give was spent. 

Still gasping and sweating, I rolled to my back at her side so I wouldn’t crush her with my weight.

Cami was quiet.  I propped myself up on one elbow and saw her staring at the ceiling with an expression that looked related to shock.

“Hey.”  I touched her hand.  “You okay?” 

She turned her head and arched an eyebrow.  “Are you kidding? God damn.”  She pushed her sweaty hair out of her face and took a deep breath.  “I don’t even know to categorize what just happened.” 

“I’ll try to explain it to you, Cami.  We fucked.  Successfully.” 

Cami made a face.  “You sound pretty proud of yourself.” 

“Shouldn’t I be?”

She sighed and moved closer, nuzzling my chest.  “Yes.  You’re amazing.” 

I wrapped my arms around her.  “No.  We’re amazing together.”   

“Dalton?” she whispered. 

I yawned.  “Yeah?”

Cami started kissing my throat.  “I’m ready again any time you are.” 

A smile spread across my face.  She was something else.  She really was.  The whole package.  Smart, beautiful, and sexy as sin.

“Give me a few minutes,” I said.  “In the meantime let’s get the hell off this floor and find a more comfortable recreational spot.  And don’t you dare try to put your clothes back on.” 

She giggled. 

The next four hours were a glorious blur of acrobatic sex and tender embraces.  Cami liked being held in the sweaty aftermath of whatever erotic game we’d just finished playing and I liked holding her.  I couldn’t get over how easy it was to fit her into my arms.  I wanted to keep her there but she warned me she couldn’t spend the night. 

“You’re an adult,” I argued, playing my fingers along the curve of her lower back as we relaxed amid my tangled bed sheets. 

She planted a kiss on my chest.  “Not to Saylor and Cord I’m not.  You want them to like you, don’t you?”

I did actually.  I really did.  “Yes.” 

“Then I’m afraid you’ll have to take me home at a reasonable hour.  There’s no way I’d be able to explain a sleepover to them.  Anyway, don’t you have to work at the club tonight?”

“For a while,” I admitted.  “You could come.” 

Cami sat upright and abruptly straddled me.  She wrestled my hands away when I made a grab for her tits and she smiled down playfully.  “I already came.  Quite a few times.” 

“I noticed.” 

She exhaled happily and glanced around.  “You keep any food in here?”

“Not much.”  I reached for the bedside phone.  “Tell me what you want and I’ll have the kitchen bring it up.” 

She wanted steak.  And potatoes.  And apple pie.  I ordered enough food to feed six people.  Cami watched me from her straddled position and this time when I wanted to touch her body she let me.  By the time I hung up the phone I was ready for another round. 

“Let’s get in the shower,” I suggested. 

She liked that idea. 

Half an hour later Cami was wrapped in a fluffy white resort robe and devouring her steak while she told me a little more about her parents.  I hadn’t realized her father was the owner of Scratch, a famous local tattoo parlor.  That explained all the ink the guy was sporting. 

Cami took a sip of wine from a crystal glass and eyed me. 

I swallowed a bite of mashed potatoes.  “What?”   


“I’ve already learned that when you stare at me like that it’s because there are questions swirling around your reporter brain.  So ask them.” 

She set her glass down.  “I keep going on and on about my family.”

“I’m not complaining.” 

“I know, but I didn’t want you think I wasn’t more curious about yours.” 

I shrugged.  “I told you about them at lunch yesterday.  Mom’s happy digging in the dirt in the middle of nowhere.  Dad’s busy working himself to death and being bitter at the world.  And Hale is somewhere near the Rocky Mountains doing something he isn’t willing to talk about.” 

“What about grandparents?  Aunts and uncles?  Cousins?”   

“Grandparents are all dead.  Dad was an only child.  Mom has an older sister who teaches philosophy to unpleasant college students in Oregon.  She never had any kids.” 

“So you have no cousins,” Cami said and looked as sad as if she’d just heard that I’d never learned how to ride a bike. 

“No cousins,” I said, unable to understand why the idea saddened her.  I’d never thought about it much.  Large families were for other people.

“So your sister Cadence seems like quite a spitfire,” I commented, recalling the girl who came barreling into the Gentry’s living room today. 

Cami rolled her eyes.  “She’s a pain in the ass.  Most of the time.  But I love her.  She’s a little out of sorts these days.  Growing pains I guess.  Her whole life she’s been best friends with our cousin Jacob and now he has graduated from high school while she still has another year to go.  Those late teen years can be kind of hellish.” 

“As opposed to the ripe old age of twenty one when you have everything figured out.” 

Cami forked a bite of steak and waved it in the air.  “I think I’m pretty well adjusted.” 

“As someone who has very recent experience adjusting you, I agree.” 

She kicked me under the table. 

Then her face kind of dimmed a little as she contemplated her food.  “The end of high school was a hard time for Cassidy.  She was really popular and outgoing and everything turned sour overnight.” She grimaced at the memory.  “There was a boy.  A real asshole.   Good looking and charming on the outside but rotten underneath.  Cassie was dating a friend of his and he was jealous.  He was flirting with Cassie at a party at his house and they started making out.  They ended up going upstairs, and well, stuff happened.  Cassie said she wasn’t even drunk and she didn’t know why she did it because she really liked her boyfriend and she wasn’t the type to cheat.  It turned out it was a setup, a bet between the two boys.  And there was a video of their hookup that one of them circulated all over school.  And people are cruel.  Especially to girls.  Cassie quit the cheerleading squad, abandoned all her clubs, starting having stomach aches all the time.  My parents were sick with worry and I believe my father would have broken the legs of both boys if he could.  She left school for a while and finished most of her senior year online.” 

Cami looked at me and I was startled to see that she was blinking back tears as she talked about her sister.  “Cassidy’s always been the good twin.  Such a gentle heart.  She got hurt, so very hurt.  I was so worried about her that I was even going to turn down my scholarship so I could stick around and be there for her but she wouldn’t let me.”

Suddenly she smiled and looked down at a silver ring she’d been toying with on her right hand.  There was a dark blue stone in the center.  “Cassie gave me this the night before I left for college.  My Aunt Roslyn is really in tune with things like stones and psychic crystals and told her that the lapis stone channels truth and enlightenment.  So my sister gave me this ring and told me to go out into the world and be a force for the truth.”  She took off the ring, kissed it and then replaced it on her finger.  “I love her very much.” 

I took her hand.  “Come here.” 

Cami allowed me to pull her into my lap and kiss her softly.  Hearing her talk so movingly about her sister pulled at my heartstrings.  She’d spoken so honestly and I wanted this to be a tender moment. 

And it was. 

But then her robe opened and my hand slipped inside to stroke her skin and I wanted her again.  She knew.  Our kisses turned passionate and she reached into my boxers in search of my dick.  I carried her into the bedroom because I knew I had to take her home soon and I wanted to savor this last time. 

“You sure you won’t stay the night?” I asked a little while later as I sat on the bed and watched her hunt her clothes down in the next room. 

“I really wish I could,” she said as she struggled with her bra. 

I got up, stood behind her and refastened the bra I’d had so much fun doing away with earlier. 

Cami twisted around and smiled up at me.  I slipped my arms around her waist and we faced the window.  The drapes to the sliding glass door were still open but the sun was no longer high in the sky.  Darkness would settle in soon and Aqua Room would pulse to life.  I hoped Griffin didn’t have any more asshole friends he was planning on entertaining.

Cami’s hair was still slightly damp from the shower and I breathed in the fresh soapy smell.  “What are you doing tomorrow?” I asked her. 

She tightened my hands around her waist.  “My plan so far is to hope you’ll want to make plans.” 

“How about we catch an early movie and go out to eat somewhere where the servers don’t wear Wild Spring Resort polos.” 

“I’d like that.”  She ran her fingers lightly over my arm.  “And then?”

I kissed her neck.  “And then we can come back here. If you want.” 

“I want.” 

I took a look at the clock.  “Damn.  I’ll need to be at the club in an hour.” 

“Then I guess you better take me home.” 

“I guess I better.” 

When I pulled up to the curb in front of Cami’s house Cadence was sitting outside in the twilight, brushing out the dog.  She waved at us. 

Cami touched my knee.  “It feels inadequate to tell you that I had an amazing time with you today.” 

“Tell me anyway.” 

“I had an amazing time with you, Dalton.”

The truth was I didn’t even know how to classify the last seven hours.  Camille Gentry had busted right into my life without warning.  She probably couldn’t guess how much she had surprised me. 

“What time can I pick you up tomorrow?” I asked. 

Her smile lit up her face.  “As early as you can get here.” 

“In that case I’ll be here at two a.m.” 

She mulled it over.  “I think my dad might bring a baseball bat to the door if you ring the doorbell at two a.m.”

“Speaking of your dad, I see him at the window.  He looks a little stern.” 

“He’s only pretending.  My dad’s a teddy bear.” 

“Is he going to hate me if I kiss you right now?”

“Less than he would if you brought me home at dawn.” 

I kissed her.  If Cord Gentry thought he needed to glare from the window then he could be my guest.  When I looked back at the window he was gone. 

“Good night, Dalton.”

“Good night, Camille.”    

 I watched her as she strolled up the path of her family’s home.  Cadence was holding onto the old dog by the collar as he wagged his tail like crazy.  Cami hunched down and gave him a loving pat on the head.  Lucky dog.  Her sister said something to her and she turned my way.  She smiled when she saw that I hadn’t pulled away just yet.

I started the ignition and waved.  Cami blew me a kiss.  I grinned like a goofy motherfucker all the way back to Wild Spring.