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Stryke First: The Rock Series book 5 by Sandrine Gasq-Dion (18)

Chapter 17

The doctor gave me the all clear to go home, and Rebel and Grandpa wheeled me out of the hospital. It was the first time I’d been outside since the accident. The sun warmed my face and I closed my eyes, inhaling the smell of the outdoors. God, it felt so good to be outside. I stood up on wobbly legs and my side ached immediately. Rebel held me carefully as Axel brought the car to a stop in front of us. I climbed in with help and sat down, taking short, shallow breaths.

“You okay?” Rebel asked, concern covering his features.

“Yes, I think so. Depends on which way I’m sitting. It feels like something’s pulling on the inside.”

“Well, Doc says you have to take it easy so that’s why we’re here.”

I watched the scenery fly by as Rebel drove. I’d spent so much time connected to wires and monitors; I’d almost forgotten what it was like to be free of them. Grandpa’s hand slid into mine and I squeezed it. I glanced over at him to see worry lining his face.

“I’m fine, Grandpa,” I assured him.

“You could have died,” he said seriously.

“But I didn’t, so let’s not play the ‘what if’ game, okay?”

“We’re having a meeting at the house tomorrow. Axel and the guys are going to fill you in on everything they know,” Rebel said from up front.

“Good, finally someone is going to tell me what the hell is going on.”

Rebel pulled up to the house and got out, running around to my side. I let him help me and then both of them were walking me to the front door. The door opened and Jinx stood on the other side, grinning.

“Hey! You look good, Jax.”

“Don’t lie, Jinx.” I swatted his shoulder.

“Jinx, Jax, Jasper,” Grandpa moaned. “Too many J’s.”

I knew what I looked like. I’d seen my reflection when I finally got to take a shower. It wasn’t pretty. I had massive bruising all over my torso. My head didn’t look so good, either. I walked into the living room and stopped. In the corner was a walker with streamers coming off the handles, a bell, and what looked like miniature snowboards on the front feet.

“What is that?” I gestured to it.

“Your mode of transportation in the house.” Rebel grinned.

I chuckled. It looked pretty awesome, with flame stickers all over it.

“Thanks. It’s pretty damned badass.”

“I’ll go get some food ready.” Jinx disappeared into the kitchen and Grandpa followed him. I sat down carefully on the couch and Rebel sat on the coffee table in front of me. He took my hand and pressed it to his cheek.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I didn’t know.” Rebel turned his head and cleared his throat. “I didn’t know if you would make it, Jax, and the only thing I could think of was the fact that I hadn’t told you how much I cared. I thought you were going to die never knowing how I felt.”

“I know how you feel. You don’t have to say it because I can see it. I saw it when I first woke up and every day after that, Rebel. I’m not leaving you.”

Rebel glanced up and locked eyes with me. “I’m not leaving you, either.”

“Good.” I kissed his palm.

Dinner was beef merlot and Jinx made his famous blueberry muffins for dessert. I reclined on the couch, gently rubbing my stomach. It was nice to have normal food — not that the guys didn’t sneak me in stuff, but this was real food, not fast food. Jinx was cleaning up the kitchen with Grandpa, and Rebel sitting next to me, playing with a wisp of my hair. I glanced over at him to see a goofy grin on his face.

“You know, it’s hard to picture you as a badass when you look at me like that.”

“My beard, tattoos, and long hair don’t define who I am. Someone really smart said that to me once.” He gently ran his finger down my cheek.

“That someone is very smart.” I nodded sagely.

Rebel glanced over his shoulder and then eyed me seriously. “Look, I know they want to talk about everything tomorrow, but I want you to know what I said. I told them they should allow Cambridge to walk right in through the front door.”

I sat up quickly and winced at the stabbing pain in my side. “You said what?”

“I want you to confront him, Jax. You need to get closure and we’ll all be here to protect you.” Rebel took my hand. “Don’t you want to rip him a new one?”

“I don’t know, Rebel.” I shook my head.

“He’s not going to touch you. I swear on my life he won’t. Besides, haven’t you seen some of the guards they’ve got protecting you?”

“Are they here now?” I arched my brows.

“Yes, they are. I have no clue where, but they are.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. I’d been so scared over the last couple of years that Neil would find me, that he’d kill someone else. I was still hurting over the loss of Deo. Even with all his department connections and the Mafia people he knew, he still lost his life protecting me. I couldn’t let someone else die. Neil had to be caught, and he had to pay for what he’d done. I glanced up to see Rebel watching me anxiously.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t presume —”

“I trust you, Rebel. More than you will ever know.”

“You do?”

I leaned into his warmth and his arm came around my shoulder. Who would have thought the bad-boy rocker would be the one guy I couldn’t live without? I blinked as that registered in my brain and glanced up to see Rebel smiling at me.

“We should get you to bed.” He hopped off the couch and helped me up.

“Where am I sleeping?” I asked.

“In my bed.” Rebel glanced toward the kitchen. “I’m taking Jax to bed!”

Grandpa and Jinx joined us in the living room. Grandpa carefully took Jax into his arms.

“You guys shouldn’t have to take care of me,” I said.

“Just remember, if you shit yourself, you’re on your own.” Grandpa grinned, pulling away.

“How fair is that?” I pouted.

“Night, Jax.” Jinx hugged me carefully.

Rebel took me to his room and got me settled. He sat on the edge of the bed and moved my hair from my eyes. The way he was looking at me made my heart race.

“Will…will you stay with me?”

“For the rest of your life,” Rebel said quietly.


“I think you heard me. It’s taken me a couple of years, but you’re it, Jax. From the moment you walked into that room and Paul introduced you, something happened in my chest. God help me, I fought it. But you were always there, like a song I couldn’t get out of my head. You are the one.”

“Was that a proposal?”

“No. When I propose it’s going to be a huge event.”

“So, you are going to propose?” I grinned.

“Go to sleep.”

“Only if you get in here with me. Is Grandpa going to be okay?” I tried to sit back up.

“Don’t worry. Jayden is on his way over and he and Jinx will be watching over Grandpa. Close your eyes, Jax. I’ll be here when you open them.”

And then I did close my eyes. After everything I’d been through, I was right where I was supposed to be, with the man I was supposed to be with.

When I woke, Rebel was sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling. He held a plate and a cup of coffee. He placed them on the nightstand and helped me sit up. I was still sore, but it wasn’t as bad as it had been. There were times I wanted to scream when the doctor moved me around so this was nothing. I sipped the coffee and sighed in bliss.

“I’m going to help you shower when you’re done eating.” Rebel propped another pillow up behind me.

“Is that so?” I arched my brows. “Will you be naked?”

“I’ll be anything you want me to be.” Rebel kissed my nose.

“Is this real?”

“As real as it gets, baby.” Rebel wiggled his brows. “Your parents are on their way.”

“Way to ruin the mood.”

Rebel chuckled and rose from the bed. “I’ll be back.”

“Okay, Ahnold.” I snickered, grabbing my plate.

I began eating and glanced around Rebel’s room. There were pictures of him and his grandparents, as well as him and the guys. I put the plate on the nightstand and got out of bed carefully. Rebel hadn’t changed much except for his beard. His eyes were still warm and welcoming. I took the picture of him with his grandparents down and ran a finger over Rebel’s grandma. She was beautiful.

“She would have loved you,” Rebel said as he entered the room with his own plate.

I put the picture back and got back in bed. Rebel ate and I watched him. He had a way about him that drew you in immediately. Which is funny considering he likes to be mistaken for a badass — which he is, except for right now. He’s watching me eat and I’m having a hard time concentrating. I’ve wanted him for so long, I can’t really wrap my head around all this.

“It’s not a dream,” Rebel mumbled around his bite of food.

“Are you sure I didn’t die?”

Rebel cocked his head to the side in thought. “Pretty damn sure. I donated blood.”

“You did?” I asked in surprise.

“The doctor wasn’t going to let a few of us donate, but then Axel got that look.” Rebel shrugged.

“Remind me to thank all of them.” I took his hand. “And thank you.”

“I’d do it again.” Rebel took my plate and put it down. He leaned in and brushed his lips across mine softly. “When you’re all healed up, I want to do some things to you.”

My prick rose immediately and my face warmed. “Y-Yeah?”

“Damn, I love it when you stutter,” he murmured against my lips.

“Th-Th-That’s not f-f-funny.”

“Do it some more.” Rebel chuckled.

“F-f-f-fuck off.”

“Dirty boy. Finish your food so I can clean you up.”

I inhaled my food. Seeing Rebel naked? Well, I hoped he’d be in there with me.


He was. I leaned against his chest and closed my eyes as his hands traveled down my abdomen. Water sluiced down my chest as Rebel’s hands tended to me delicately. I sighed in bliss as the hot water eased my body aches. Rebel’s dick was right on my ass and I wiggled against him.

“Now, now, not until you’re one hundred percent.”

“But I need it now, now.”

“No, no.”


Rebel laughed quietly and resumed washing me. When we were done, he helped me dry off and got me into some comfy clothes — mainly, his.

“I’ll ask your parents to drop off some of your stuff today.” Rebel eyed me in his wardrobe.

“No. I like this.” I ran my hand over the soft flannel of his shirt. “Smells like you.”

Rebel sat me down on the bed and crouched between my legs. “Are you ready for this today?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Just remember, you’re not alone anymore.”

I caressed his cheek. “I know.”
