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Stud: Motorcycle Club Romance (Dragon Runners Book 2) by ML Nystrom (13)


I was at the Lair just over eight weeks, nearly nine. Eight weeks of being pampered and waited on. Paradise, right? Nope, not even a little. I was the worst patient ever, probably because Stud had appointed himself my nurse. I’d always hated being sick, and since it was never tolerated in my family, the confinement was hard.

I supposed it could have been worse. At night, I had Stud’s company or that of the other club members in the main room when Stud was busy with band practice or had a gig. Most of the time I had with Stud, we spent it watching movies, playing cards or video games, teasing back and forth, and talking about whatever was on our minds. We’d grown a lot closer over the last two months, and I’d grown very comfortable with him. He’d touch me often, putting his arm around me to play with my hair while we were curled up in front of the TV. He was free with his attentions in front of the brothers too. Once in a while, he would kiss my cheek or my forehead. Quick, dry affectionate pecks that were more brotherly or friendly. I didn’t really want to feel the brother-from-another-mother thing going on with him, but I still liked it.

Things took a turn about a week ago.

It was during the day and I was bored out of my mind, pacing up and down the hallways trying to find something to do. I was out of usable fabric. I had already finished my laundry (and Stud’s just so I could keep my hands occupied). The club was moving stuff in, getting set up for the big grand opening for the new River’s Edge, and the majority of club members were involved in the work. I was by myself, feeling fine and healing very well, and about to go a bit stir-crazy from the confinement. Fuck my life!

“Babe, you really need to settle,” I heard as I wandered back down the long hallway to the main room. Stud was setting up his laptop at his usual spot. He’d been in and out all morning between the Lair and the bar, feeding me limited information. I was not used to being this out of touch and really wanted to see the finished building.

“I can’t!” I snapped, flopping down on the couch. “I’ve been sitting on my ass for weeks now and I’m done with this shit! Everyone is down there helping out and I’m stuck here doing laundry. Laundry of all things!” I huffed and crossed my arms, ignoring the slight pull of my ribs.

He looked at me a moment and then unplugged his computer to stow it back in its case. “All right then, go suit up.”


“Go get some different clothes on, Cactus. You’ve been lounging long enough. Let’s go for a ride.” He gave me that half smile of his I liked so much.

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked.

“Nope. Get your lazy ass moving, babe. Unless you don’t want to go?”

I nearly broke my ribs again scrambling off the couch. Ten minutes later, we were out at his bike and he was handing me a helmet.

He checked the straps under my chin. “There’s a radio. All you have to do is speak normally and I’ll hear you. If you start hurting, let me know. Okay?”

“I got it, big guy, let’s go already!” I was super stoked to be riding on a bike again.

We made the short ride to the River’s Edge bar in no time. It kinda sucked, as I was ready for more, but seeing the completed project took the sting away.

It was beautiful, one of our best. Rustic cabin exterior, stone chimney set that would look great in the winter with smoke curling from its top, and plenty of paved parking met my eyes. Inside was bustling as pictures and the neon bar sign were being hung, tables, chairs, and benches were being moved and set in place by the men. The Runners had even commissioned new chainsaw-art bar stools that looked fantastic lined up against the bar I had designed. Betsey was directing the whole show.

“Lord have mercy, child! What are you doing here and why in the Sam Hill did you ride that bike? You sure you’re ready for that?” she barked, hugging me and scolding me at the same time.

“I’m not used to being still for so long, Betsey. Couldn’t take it anymore. Don’t get mad at Stud. I made him bring me down.”

She rolled her eyes and made her irritated pshht sound. “Well as long as you’re here, what do you think? The inspector was right pleased at the level of the work. Y’all did a great job!”

Yeah, we did. I thought proudly.

We chatted for a bit while Stud checked in with Brick and some of the other club men. I saw him reach for his phone at one point and frown deeply at the number, but instead of swiping it closed, he answered it and walked off to be by himself. Betsey saw it as well.

“Oh Lord, here it comes,” she said in a resigned tone. “If you have a praying bone in your body, please send up all you can to the man upstairs. Stud needs all the help he can get if he goes back to that viper den.”

I didn’t get a chance to answer as I watched Stud ram the phone into his back pocket and stride toward us.

“You feeling okay?” he asked me, his mouth in a thin line. “Wanna ride a bit longer? Maybe the Tail for a short run?”

“Yup! I’m feeling so good I expect I’ll get taxed on it!” I grinned at him, hopefully to offset whatever made him lose his good mood. It didn’t work.

He handed me my helmet and strapped his back on. I waved at Betsey as we pulled out, taking in her concerned face and giving her a thumbs-up. I hoped she was reassured at least a little for both my condition and Stud’s.

A little while later, we passed the marker noting the start of the Tail of the Dragon.

Stud had been steering carefully and I felt the growling machine under me bulge with power, wanting to open up and fly. When we came onto the Tail, I heard Stud talk to me through the tinny-sounding radio.

“Are you still good? No pain in the leg or ribs? I’d like to open up a bit but not if you’re hurting.”

My answer was to get a better grip around his middle, resting my hand on his lower stomach and pressing against his back.

“’Bout time you showed me how a real biker rides! Let’s go!” I answered back.

“You let me know if it’s too much.” He took off. I felt a jerk but nothing serious enough for me to complain about.

I really, really needed one of these in my life! Riding bitch to Stud was great, but I so wanted to feel what it was like to ride and control one of these beasts. We took the curves and I felt a pull but no pain in the force. I leaned with Stud into each turn, feeling his body communicate how far to go and when to stop. He was magnificent in his control and command of the bike. I felt tingly all over thinking about what he could do if he had command and control over me. It was hard nixing that thought. Hey, I could still dream a little, right?

He crested a hill, then pulled over to a scenic outlook. A family with two little boys was also there, taking pictures and letting the kids run around a bit. Stud barely glanced at them as he parked the bike and took off his helmet.

“Look at the motorcycle!” I heard one boy, maybe around six years old, say to his brother as I dismounted. He pointed at us, his eyes full of wonder at the shiny big toy. The other one, young enough to still be in diapers, just sat in the dirt and poked a grubby finger up his nose. The parents cast a few wary looks in our direction but kept away.

Stud practically ripped the helmet off and nearly pitched it to the ground before roughly jamming it on the rest designed to hold it. I took mine off and stowed it next to his. He stomped off to the stone fence that was more pretty than protection at the edge of the overlook. The scene was gorgeous! Big clear blue sky over a richly green forest, a few wisps of clouds, clean air, and an eagle soaring high overhead. I wished Stud could see what I saw, but he seemed too into his own head.

I smiled at the boys and stepped over to Stud, placing a hand on his back and rubbing it absently over his cut and up to his neck. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail and slightly sweaty from the ride, stress, or both. I could feel the tension in his shoulders. I wanted to comfort him somehow, but not knowing what was in his head didn’t help much. I just stood next to and slightly behind him with my hand on his hot neck, hopefully transferring some of my strength to him.

He turned and faced me, his look intense and unreadable. My hand fell away as I stared into the deep blue of his eyes.

“Did you sleep with Table?” he ground out, fists at his sides as if trying to control them.

I blinked in surprise. Of all the things I expected him to say, that wasn’t one of them.

“What?” I asked, screwing up my nose. Did I really hear him right?

“Did. You. Sleep. With. Table?” he asked again, his voice rough and firm. He moved a step closer to me.

Was I or was I not Eva MacAteer? “Of course not, you asshole!” I yelled, punching at his shoulders with both fists. “I’ve never slept with anyone, and it ain’t looking real good for you right now!”

He stepped back from the force of my angry shove and blinked. “You’re a virgin?”

Gah! Did I really just shout that bit of personal information out loud?

“Is that a crime? Think about it, genius! I have five older brothers and a dad who I’m with nearly 24/7. When the hell do you think I’m gonna find the time or place or even a man willing to take all of them on? I’m surprised as fucking hell they’ve not noticed or given me grief about you coming over so much!”

“They’re not saints, Eva. I’ve seen them around with the club women and others from the town.”

“Yeah well, chauvinism and double standards are alive and well in my family.” I was boiling mad, at both his insinuations and his own chauvinistic attitude. “Who the fuck do you think you are to judge me and my life? You’re not exactly lily-white yourself!” I went to shove him again. I was seeing red in fiery hues and colors. Stud had other ideas.

He grabbed me and slammed me hard into his body. His mouth came down on mine, kissing me into silence. His tongue swept inside when I protested. I thought briefly about biting him, as I was still mad, but instead I kissed him back with as much fervor as he kissed me. I felt my breasts tighten and my lady parts sing. He slowed down and softened his touch, tasting and exploring my mouth, sucking at my lower lip, before dipping in again and again. I was one big ball of need. His hands came down and grabbed my ass, lifting me high and grinding against me. I could feel his hardness through our jeans and wished there was nothing between us. This was what I wanted. Him inside me.

Like a sudden cold shower, I heard a small high-pitched voice yell out, “Mom! Look!”

Dammit! I had completely forgotten we had an audience. I guess they just got an earful as well as an eyeful. Stud pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. Both of us were breathing hard, still wrapped up in each other. I could hear the sudden slam of the van’s doors as the family quickly departed. It almost made me want to laugh, but with Stud’s hand still on my ass and the other buried in my hair, laughter wasn’t the best idea.

We stayed that way for a long time, just breathing and feeling. A light wind blew in random puffs around us, whistling quietly and cooling.

“I’m sorry, Eva. You’re absolutely right. I’m not a saint either and have no right to judge you or your life. I hope you can forgive me. Table is my brother and you’d be hard pressed to find a better man. He would be a great partner, but the thought of you and him together rips into my gut like a knife. I don’t ever want him in your bed. I want me in your bed, and I hope to God you’ll someday find me worthy of it.”

My brain reeled from his words. What did I do with this? I didn’t have an Eva persona to pull out and deal. No witty comebacks or snarky sentences came to my mind. What I did know was I wanted more kisses. More Stud. Just more.

“I don’t know what to say,” I breathed. “I’m not with Table. Not then, and obviously not now.”

“Will you come with me to Raleigh this weekend?” he asked, his voice quiet. “My grandmother is the one person who means something to me in the family there and the only one I still talk to. I’ll be blunt, Eva, in that I don’t give a shit about the others, but she called me and asked me herself to come. I was going to go alone, but I’d rather have you with me. I think I need you with me.”

What could I say? There was only one answer.
