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Sweet Tragedy by C. H. Dugmor (43)

The day Dominik had been waiting for, had finally come. He got out of bed with a smile. He wasn't sure whether he was so happy to see Samanta or because he'd be seeing his little daughter. Doubts and remorse came to his mind, thinking of this young girl who probably hated him right now. He was a stranger to his daughter, and the thought of that caused him pain.

He put on a spectacular gray suit, with no tie, he bought the day before. He looked flawless from head to toe.

Mr. Hallagan, his lawyer had arrived the night before and was expecting him at the hotel lobby.

Carlos left early, not saying where he was going, he wanted no part in this, for his relationship with Samanta and how Dominik had grown in him lately, too. We could say they had become friends. But they couldn't. He thought he should do something since Dominik was really a victim in all of this, and Samanta had to understand this somehow. He understood she was upset, but he could not sympathize. He had to find a way to show his friend, pushing Dominik away from his daughter was unjust. Samanta had no idea the lengths Dominik had gone to find her.

On the other hand, Sam was having an awful day. She was very anxious while she looked out her studio window, it was her third cup of coffee this morning. She tossed and turned all night. All her thoughts, fears, grudges and bitterness were torturing her, making her stay up all night.

With her eyes lost in the horizon, she was diving deep in her thoughts.

«What the hell does he want?», she thought.

She could not believe this man, whom she once loved madly, was so vile to take her daughter away from her. It was macabre.

She cursed him once more, for coming back into her life, for turning her world upside down again. She could not deny it, she still loved him. How else could you explain all those feelings overwhelming her? She wished she had him in from of her to slap him and yell to his face, reproaching him for all those nights she cried and suffered, but at the same time, she wanted to look him in the eyes and get lost in the blue fog in his eyes, touch him, feel him, smell him, kiss him…

She shook her head strongly, trying to get those ideas out.

“No. He is evil. He wants to take my daughter away” she told herself, trying to cheat herself into hating him, but it was absurd.

No matter how hard she tried, she could not hate him. She never stopped loving him.

“Are you ready?” Her husband's voice pulled her back to reality. Her reality. She nodded and stood up in a brisk. “Let's go” demanded Amir, striding out.

Sam took her purse and her phone.

When they got to the car, Aháva's sweet smile brightened her day. She hugged her tight and the little girl nestled on her thighs. The mother played with her child's brown curls on the way to her school. They would drop her off and go straight to the courthouse, where they would be holding the hearing.

Amir and Samanta conversed about the instructions they received from their lawyer. Amir's lawyer, Mr. Udni Yabse, was one of the best in the country .He carried the Mobarek's business deals and he was very respected in town. He had a great reputation among his colleagues. He had been very specific with the Mobareks, keeping the same version until the end. They would argue saying Dominik gave up his rights as a parent the minute the mother let him know she was pregnant. Also, they would say that after so many years, Dominik did not procure communication with the child. They would also claim the Mobarek family had sheltered the child since before her birth, therefore, she was, legally, Amir's daughter.

Each meter they got closer, Samanta became more upset, a weird feeling, almost as if an invisible force was pushing on her chest. She was about to have a panic attack when Amir stopped the car at the agreed spot.

“Everything will be fine. Trust me” her husband say, holding her hand. “That bastard won't get away with it” he added.

Samanta took a deep breath, trying to recover some strength.

They got out of the car and walked inside the place.

Only 15 minutes before the settled time, Dominik and Mr. Hallagan arrived in a taxi cab.

As they walked in, they found a series of corridors going in different directions, people going and coming, lost in their own affairs. At the end of a hallway, to the right, Dominik recognized Samanta, she was sitting on one of the chairs there. He came closer and also noticed the man next to her, holding her hand. He knew, right away, that was Sam's husband.

The idea of seeing her with another man made his stomach turn.

He took a deep breath and approached them, he bowed his head and cordially greeted them.

“Samanta” said the man with some nostalgia.

She saw him from the corner of her eye, not saying a word.

Dominik felt an icy indifference from her.

“Case Mobarek-Weigand?” a woman's voice rumbled in the hall.

They both looked at the woman. Samanta stood up, followed by Amir, who leered at Dominik.

“That would be us” responded Dominik, raising his hand.

“Come on in. Doctor Maleb will be with you shortly.”

Sam stepped in first, followed by her husband, holding her by the waist. Both lawyers greeted one another out of courtesy, and walked in, too. Dominik waited a few seconds as everybody else got in and sat down in their spots. His heart was pounding in his chest. There were so many opposing feelings he suddenly wanted to run away and leave things as they were.

He took a deep breath and let out a huge sigh. He finally walked in.

From the moment the hearing began, you could feel the tension in the room and you could hear whispers among Samanta, Amir and Mr. Yabse, also between Dominik and his lawyer.

Both lawyers presented their client's cases.

The Mobareks' lawyer claimed Weigand gave up his rights the moment Samanta told him she was expecting and he declined any kind or sort of relation with the child, presenting as evidence the text messages exchanged between Dominik Weigand and Amir Mobarek's phone numbers. Message records for which, Amir had to pay a large amount of money to the phone company. Also, Mr. Yabse added, the minor, named Aháva, had been raised within the Mobarek household, under the outstanding guardianship of Amir Mobarek, who gave her his name, thus earning every right as her father. Additionally, the girl had been born in Egypt, thus becoming an Egyptian citizen.

On his part, Mr. Hallagan defended his client stating Dominik was completely unaware of the child's existence, and that it had all been a misunderstanding. He explained how Friedrich Treadaway, manager and publicist of the defendant had kept the truth from Weigand. Ultimately, Carlos joined in to testify in favor of Dominik, proving the lawyer was telling the truth. Dominik had been lied to during all these years. Regardless, as soon as he learned about the existence of his daughter, he immediately procured contact with Samanta, with the objective of fixing everything.

Samanta could not help feeling thwarted, according to Carlos' testament, Dominik was victim of circumstances. She felt embarrassed for being so hard to him.

Minutes went by and tension increased. Instead of reaching consensus, and understanding, they were getting the opposite. Samanta, Dominik and Amir kept raising their voices every time, both lawyers objected each other's cases with good arguments. Doctor Alana Maleb, regent judge, lost her patience.

“Silence. Order in the court” she yelled, slamming her gavel. Everybody present made silence immediately. “Mr. Weigand” Dominik looked at the judge, closely. “Do you understand that, without reliable proof that you are the girl's father, I cannot give a verdict?”

Dominik nodded.

“I understand, your Honor. That is why I request an order to hold a paternity test. I am sure I am the girl's biological father and I wish to prove it in order to appeal with sufficient evidence” Dom spoke in total serenity.

“Appeal?” Sam was surprised to hear him say that word.

“Counselors. Step up” ordered the judge. They both quickly approached the stand. “Do we have an understanding?” both men exchanged looks and, a few seconds later, the Mobarek lawyer opened his mouth to say something, however, Hallagan's gesture of denial shushed him.

“My client wishes to appeal, your honor” declared Hallagan. “He is willing to take the paternity tests, which, we are sure will come out positive. The moment we have the results, we will have physical evidence, as you request, thus allowing us to proceed to assign custody of the minor.”

Custody? Appeal? Assign? Those words hit Samanta. Panic manifested itself as she understood what Dominik really wanted, not only did he want to obtain rights over Aháva, but, among his “macabre” intentions was trying to take her away.

“What kind of an abusive revenge is he seeking?” She asked about to cry.

Amir had to hold her from jumping onto Dominik.

“Very well, with this recent turn of events… I will assign a date for a new hearing. Where we will have proof of paternity, allowing us to discuss the matter with clarity. Mrs. Mobarek” she said referring to Samanta, “the date will be set for tomorrow. You, your daughter and Mr. Weigand must go to the specialized facilities at As Salam, to submit to the test. Beforehand, I thank you both for your collaboration” Sam nodded in resignation. “Mr. Weigand” she said to Dominik. “Do you agree?”

“Yes, your honor. The sooner, the better” he responded.

He looked to Samanta, who gave him a dirty look in return.

“Session adjourned. Next hearing to be held on October, the 1st, same time. I urge your punctuality, please” the judge slammed her gavel once more, stood up and left the room.

Without waiting another minute, Samanta and Amir left, too. Mr. Yabse came up to Hallagan and shook his hand, showing professionalism, then bowed in respect to Dominik, who mimicked him and then left, too.



The moon was lighting Egypt, filling two hearts with sadness.

A pair of blue eyes were lost in the immensity of the Nile, as some tears fogged them up. This was beyond him. How could he feel such a strong love? How could he still have all these feelings for someone he had not met in years? How could he have such a strong feeling for someone he had barely just met?

Samanta looked into the horizon, too. From her bedroom balcony, she could see the huge sky, who had witnessed such a sweet love, which, in time, turned to nothing but memories.

Samanta shed a few tears.

“You better get some sleep, honey” said Amir, walking up to her, hugging her from behind.

“I'll be there in a minute, love.”

“By the way, I forgot to tell you I can't come with you. Father asked to meet me early. I can't miss it.”

“Don't worry.”

Amir, then, walked back into their room, leaving Samanta very anxious. Not only did she have to bring her daughter to prove her father was a different man, not whom she had grown up loving during all these years, but she would have to face Dominik on her own.



One more sleepless night, Dominik was starting to feel drained. He was sitting in a large couch in the waiting room at the Genetics Laboratory of the As Salam International Hospital, and he was nearly falling asleep. He was so anxiously expecting Samanta, ten minutes before the stipulated time. Dominik was so nervous he broke a sweat. He kept toying with the ring around his finger, his wedding ring. He set his eyes on the floor, thinking about Dihanna, his wife. The thought about Abraham, his five year old son. He thought of so many family celebrations he attended with the mother of his son, family vacation, the trip to Hawaii last year, when they swam with dolphins. He remembered the funny dance of the Hoola kahiko

…and a smile lit up his face as he imagined Samanta in Dihanna's place.

He shook his head. What was wrong with him? It was like so many years of marriage were worthless. He felt awful and despicable for being so selfish. He was like an angsty teenager. He wanted to hold Samanta, feel like they were together again.

He looked up and the silhouette of the woman, the object of his desire, was coming. Next to her, her gorgeous daughter. Dominik jumped off his seat and came up to them.

“Samanta” he whispered, as his eyes lit up.

She had adopted a rigid, indifferent posture.

“Let's finish this once and for all” she sentenced.

“Sam, I…” Dominik's soft voice sounded almost like begging.

“I don't want to talk to you. Let's just get this over with, please” Sam was rude.

Dominik felt as if somebody was shoving their hand inside his chest and squeezed his heart mercilessly. Seeing Sam so resentful, made his feeling of guilt, although he was innocent, take over him, again. That nasty feeling of being a cruel man with no scruples.

But… What's wrong with trying to be a father to this girl? Why was it so bad wanting to hear the word daddy from those little lips? All Dominik could be blamed for, was loving immeasurably those two souls before him.

Samanta tried to remain indifferent, but, deep inside, she was terrified of the possibility that her tough exterior would crumble, exposing her. She still sighed for him, her legs still shook in his presence, her heart is still pounding in her chest for him.

“Hello, little girl” Dominik kneeled down to Aháva's level, who looked away and into the floor. “How are you?” He stretched his hand out to pet her curly hair, but the girl avoided his touch, rejecting the gestures from the biological father she now knew. “It's ok, love. I will not hurt you.”

“You already did” murmured Aháva.

Once again, that evil hand got into his chest, tearing his heart brutally, slamming it on the ground and stomping it without mercy. His daughter's words deeply hurt him. A few tears threatened to leave his eyes. He stood up and looked straight into Sam's eyes …

“I am so sorry” he whispered.

“Mrs. Weigand” a woman's voice indicated their turn.

Dominik turned around, quickly, with his hand in the air.

“Here” replied Dominik with a smirk.

“Ha! Mrs. Weigand. So funny” said Sam with sarcasm, as she walked into the office holding Aháva's hand.

Dominik followed them, Samanta's sarcasm had, once again, way beyond him. The doctor's remark was not funny. At all. Actually, he was about to say something to the woman, tell her they were not together, but he chose not to.

Once inside the doctor's office, a middle-aged woman gave them a series of indications. She explained both parties needed to provide a tissue sample, from the child as well as from the father. By unanimous decision, they decided on hair, the woman, then cut some hairs from the child's immaculate brown mane and a blonde lock from the father. Once the tissue had been obtained, the doctor let them know the results would be out in two weeks time and they would be sent directly to the court house, in order to avoid any risk of tampering.

After the process, Samanta took the child in her arms and rushed out of the office. Dominik caught right up to them and stood in their way.

“Samanta, please, listen to me” he begged. Sam tried avoiding him without even looking at him. “Please, Sam” he insisted.

Samanta looked up and her tough, cold woman mask fell off, exposing her to those blue eyes. A few tears were shed, who held the child's supple frame tightly.

“Why?” Sam tried to hold back her tears. “Why are you doing this, Dominik?” her voice cracked and tears started pouring. “Why do you want to take my baby?”

“No, Samanta. I don’t wish to take her. I asked you for a chance to explain, and you refused. I only want my rights as her father, which I was denied. You cannot expect me to make up for someone else's mistakes. I only wish you would let me see my daughter, earn her love. Is it too much to ask?”

Dominik stroked Samanta's soft cheek with his hand and she closed her eyes as he dried her tears. Aháva laid her head on her mother's shoulder, trying to get some sleep. Their eyes, both Sam and Dominik's met and connected for a brief instant, enough to feel the blazing fire of the passion they thought was dead.

»For all these years I have tried living on with the echo of your voice rumbling in my mind. I refused to let go. And I will not, now that I know there is a real bond between us, be separated from you” Dominik got closer to her. “I refuse to keep living with the ghost of what could have been. I refuse to give you up” he held her hand so softly. “I refuse to forget you. I refuse to not love you and I will fight for the single reason that binds me to you. I will not conform to be away from you. I have not conformed after all these years, even when another woman's love warmed my heart, when her womb hosted my seed, when I thought I had finally found love again” a knot tied itself in his throat, threatening not to let him talk. “No, no, no, and a thousand times, NO” Dominik shook his head hard. “Samanta Andrade, I have always loved you like I had never loved anyone else, you have no idea how I have suffered the past week, knowing I had a daughter with you and, because of someone I thought was my friend, I never found out” he stopped for air, tears started to fog his eyes, “I missed all these wonderful years of her life” he signaled his daughter discreetly and dried his tears. “I was not there at the delivery room to hold her little body between my arms and tell her: Welcome to the world, my little one. I could not be there that one night when she cried and you couldn't sleep, I wasn't there to tell you: It is okay, love. I will get it. Sleep tight. I was not there the day she said daddy for the first time. It was not me who she called daddy” his eyes shed more tears. “I was not there to take her to her first day at school. I was not there when she woke up, scared from that awful dream. I was not there to look under her bed and tell her: No monsters, love. Daddy is here. I missed all of that, Samanta. Not because I wanted to, but because I was denied it. Do not deny me the pleasure of taking her to school some days, watch her grow up, to comfort her in my arms when her heart is broken. Let me be the one to face that guy wooing her, let him know my baby girl is to be respected. Please, so not deny me the chance to walk her down the aisle and have her call me daddy one day. Let me earn her love... Please.”

He could not take it anymore.

He hugged her. Her. Both of them.

Aháva was sleeping on her mother's shoulder.

Samanta was crying on Dominik and he buried his face in between Samanta's neck and their daughter's brown hair.

An impulse pulled him towards those lips, begging him to kiss them, and, with the greatest sweetness in the world, he brushed her lips. His perdition.




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