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TAKE ME HARDER: A Dark Bad Boy Romance (The Lions MC) by April Lust (11)




We drove the bike to his place, but didn’t linger there for long. He just needed to switch to his car and put his bike into storage.


As soon as I got into the car, I slept. At first it was only pretending to be asleep so I could hide the intensity with which I reacted to Maxwell and our heavy petting session in my living room, but I quickly discovered how exhausted I truly was. I didn’t wake until we came to a stop.


At a chapel.


I was more than a little startled and honestly speechless. Where in the hell was this going? Sure I’d had a good time, too, but this was moving awfully fast. I didn’t think physical attraction was enough to warrant marriage.


Turning to Maxwell, I found him already staring at me.


“We’d better get this taken care of before we go any further.”


I stared at him, wide-eyed. Did he mean…? Was he suggesting we get married before we have sex? That hardly seemed plausible considering how intensely he’d been trying to get into my pants recently, and I certainly wasn’t the type to tie the knot before jumping into the sack. I didn’t necessarily get hot and heavy with every guy I met, but I didn’t need a ring or God to tell me it was okay either.


“Um, I don’t…” I didn’t even know what to say to him.


His full lips kicked up into a smirk and he clarified. “We’re heading into some dangerous territory. I’d leave you out of it if I could, but the Lions have already decided you’re part of this whole mess. If something happens to me, I want to make sure you get what’s mine.”


This didn’t really clear things up for me. “What? Why would you…I mean, don’t you have other family or something?”


The skin around his eyes tightened, his eyes darkening. “No. I don’t. And I don’t want the Lions ending up with it just because they offed me. Hardly seems fair, does it?”


“Okay, but marriage? Why not just change your will or something?”


I had to admit this all sounded absolutely ridiculous. And impossible. And downright unreasonable. Marriage? Really?


He shook his head. “No time. Marriage is instant and binding. Produce that marriage license and there won’t be a soul to contradict your claim.”


I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth, worrying it between my teeth. This was absolutely crazy. I didn’t think I deserved his assets and I didn’t want him to die in the first place. Shouldn’t we just go to the police? I was about to ask this very question when he pushed yet again.


“Nicole, this is important. They aren’t going to go away and they won’t leave you alone either. That’s my fault. Let me do this to make it up to you—it’ll be worth it, I promise.”


He looked at me so sincerely, so earnestly that I felt myself begin to cave. I still felt it was ridiculous, but I also felt there would be opportunity later to fix all of this if things went south—which they most certainly would. If this would put him at ease, what was the harm? And I didn’t want to start off this crazy road trip to wherever to do whatever with a fight. He clearly felt strongly about this and I didn’t want to jerk back too harshly.


“Okay. Fine. But when this is all over, we get an annulment or divorce or whatever. I don’t think this is your fault.”


He smiled at me and nodded. “Deal.”


I felt relieved that he agreed to my terms but I suddenly had the strange feeling there was another reason for this whole mess. Somewhere in the back of my mind I had the wild idea that he was doing this to hold on to me, but I quickly dismissed it. There was definitely another motive; I just didn’t know what it was.


We got out of the car and when I hesitated outside the chapel, Maxwell took my hand and led me inside. I didn’t protest. It thankfully wasn’t one of those super cheesy chapels, though it was hardly traditional. The outside looked like a warehouse or something while the inside was set up to look like part restaurant, part church. It wasn’t bad, just not exactly how I would have pictured my wedding.


We didn’t bother changing clothing, though they offered rental tuxes and wedding dresses. I did get a bouquet of purple and white flowers and a veil, though I wasn’t even sure why. We bought rings, which were nice if very plain, silver, not gold. Before I could think twice about this or really process what was happening, I was saying “I do.” And then Maxwell was kissing me and I forgot everything else.