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Tales of the Harker Pack 02 - Wolf in Gucci Loafers by Tara Lain (11)

Chapter Eleven


LINDSEY WALKED down the wide staircase in fresh jeans and a soft sweater. Energy buzzed under his skin. Shifting did that to him. Going out for a big run right now would be good, but a little tough to explain to the FBI. He sighed. Even tougher to explain to Seth.

He stopped. What the hell was he doing? He could have just kept the separation with Seth and it would all be done. He wouldn’t have to figure out how to break it off or, even more impossible, tell Seth what he was. But when he’d heard his voice on the phone and Seth apologized, then came running into the warehouse like Captain America, Lindsey’s heart melted. He didn’t want to break it off. He wanted Seth more than anything he’d dared to want in his life. God, he shook just thinking about it. But the “I am a werewolf” conversation stuck in his throat and choked him. He’d have to settle for the moments he could get before it came to that.

The voices of the police and FBI murmured from the dining room. He followed the sound and found six or seven people dismantling the electronics the FBI had used for tracking and following the ransom calls. When he stepped through the big arch, his mom flew across the room and hugged him. “Are you feeling better, my baby?”

“Yes, dear. No worries. Those bad guys weren’t even all that scary.” That was kind of true.

Seth stepped up to his other side and gently touched his hand. So sweet. Could he just enjoy having Seth here and not worry about the future? How he wished.

Partridge, the FBI guy, motioned to him. “Let’s go in your living room so we can take your statement.”

Lindsey led the way into the room. Pop-Pop got up from one of the upholstered chairs to meet him and give him a hug. “I’d like to be here for this as well, please.”

It was clear that Partridge wanted to say no, but Casper Vanessen had a law degree among his accomplishments, and few people said no to the old man and made it stick.

Lindsey sat on the couch between Pop-Pop and his mom. Seth and Partridge took the chairs. He’d have liked to sit near Seth, but he didn’t want to make the man seem like a personal friend rather than a cop.

Partridge held a tablet on his lap. “Can you describe what occurred in your own words, Mr. Vanessen?”

“I went to that godforsaken picnic area with Bruce Westerberg and got grabbed. How is Bruce? Have you found him?”

“Yes, he’s been returned to his family.”

Lindsey frowned. “How? Did they pay the ransom?”

“Yes, I believe so. Someone else is in charge of that case.”

“That was fast.”

“Yes. He was home before you even called Seth.”

Strange. “Anyway, I was at the country club. The doorman recommended Rain Rocks to both me and Bruce, so I suggest you find the doorman right away. It’s too much of a coincidence.”

Partridge frowned. “Odd. Westerberg didn’t mention that.”

“It seems important to me, but Bruce was pretty upset. He may not remember. Anyway, we walked in on this broken path for a ways. It was too primitive for my taste, but Bruce seemed to think it was peaceful. We sat under a tree near some woods.”

Seth leaned forward. “Who picked the spot to sit?”

“I did. Or rather, I picked the clearing because I didn’t want to walk any farther. He suggested the tree.”

“The tree by the forest?”

“Yes.” Lindsey raised an eyebrow. “But he had no way of knowing I would choose that location.”

Partridge was busy taking notes on the tablet. “What happened when you got there?”

He glanced at Seth. Time to skip a few details. “We were eating when someone threw a bag over my head, and I think three men grabbed me.”

Partridge gave a small smile. “It was likely just one or two but felt like three at the time.”

Lindsey sighed softly. “No, it was three. I’m a black belt in karate and not easy to subdue; therefore it required some muscle, and I felt six hands.”

Partridge nodded. “Yes, I see. Where was Westerberg?”

“I could hear Bruce yelling, so there had to be some men on him too. That meant there must have been four or five people who snatched us. They put ether over my nose and mouth through the bag, so I blacked out and woke up in the warehouse. While I was there, I was never aware of more than the two men whom I subdued.”

“Yes, and exactly how did that happen?”

Be convincing. “One of the guards had just taken me to the bathroom when the other called him in to see something on television. The guard tied me, but not very tight, because he was distracted, I suppose. He left the room, and I wiggled out of my bonds. I sneaked up on them in the small room where the television was, kicked one man and punched the other. I was successful in grabbing one of the guns and getting them tied up.”

“The gunshot to the man’s thigh?”

Lindsey stared at him levelly. “He tried to get my gun and I shot him.”

“Your clothes?”

“They took them off and ripped them up, I suppose to make me feel more vulnerable.”

“They haven’t done that to any of the other victims.”

Lindsey stared at Partridge levelly. “I’m unique.”

Seth laughed. “You certainly are.”

“Lindsey!” The voice burst out from the hall. Lindsey looked up to see Jazz racing in from the entry at top speed. Lindsey stood just in time to catch the flying Jazz missile. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh God, I was so scared.”

Lindsey held the boy tight, pushing back the tears that threatened to splash. “I’m fine, Jazz. Just fine. How on earth did you get here? It’s the middle of the night.” He held Jazz out at arm’s length.

The boy stared at the floor. “I sneaked out and hitchhiked here.”

“But how did you know there was something wrong?”

He glanced at Partridge and Seth. Seth gave him a grin back, so he must have felt emboldened. “One of the guys hacked into the police department computer.”

Lindsey laughed. “Ever resourceful.” He turned to Pop-Pop and his mother. “I’d like you to meet Jasper Harding, the young man I’ve told you so much about.”

His mom immediately sprang to the boy’s defense. “Lindsey, Seth, I’m sure Jasper would never have taken advantage of the police information if he hadn’t thought Lindsey was in danger.” She put a hand on Jazz’s shoulder. “Now, young man, we’re going to go call your foster family and tell them where you are. Then we’re going to make arrangements for you to stay here with us.”

His eyes widened. “Really? I can stay here tonight?”

“I was rather thinking something more permanent. Come with me.”

Jazz flashed a huge smile at Lindsey and Seth as he walked out of the room with Lindsey’s mother. Lindsey chuckled and looked at his grandfather. “I believe she has a new mission.”

“Do you approve?”

“Entirely. I was going to approach you both about it.”

“Even better if your mother thinks it’s her own idea.”

Partridge cleared his throat. Lindsey looked at him. “Yes, Mr. Partridge, I’ll continue, but sadly, I don’t think I have any good leads on the men behind this ring of kidnappers. They seem to have a willing supply of muscle, since we’ve now taken out several of their guards and they appear to have more.”

Partridge looked at him coolly. “We? We’ve taken out?”

He grinned. “Well, I contributed the two tonight. I think that counts as ‘we.’” He wouldn’t mention that the others had his stamp as well. He leaned forward and started talking again.

It took another hour before the police and FBI finally left. It was late before he and Seth climbed the stairs.

Seth went to Lindsey’s suite while Lindsey went to the other wing of the house to check on Jazz, then walked back toward his own rooms—slowly. How scary was it to have sex with a human on the full moon? He’d been lucky so far. Seth seemed to revel in Lindsey’s dominant streak, and their mating had been incredible. But tonight? Even Cole had warned him about not fucking humans on the full moon, and the alphanta didn’t even know about Lindsey’s violent nature. Should he beg off? Seth would probably understand if he said he was tired, needed to sleep. He grinned. But would his own dick? The very energy that made it dangerous to have sex made him want it desperately. Already half-hard, his cock throbbed, and his blood fizzed like champagne.

He opened the door to the suite and stopped. Only one cure for full moon fever, and he was sitting pretty as you please in front of the fire, looking delicious.

What did the kids say? YOLO. Of course, if Lindsey couldn’t control himself, the one life he got to live could be pretty damned short. “You look comfortable.”

“Did you check on Jazz?”

He walked over and sat on the arm of Seth’s chair. “Yes. I looked in. Mom has him ensconced in his own room in the other wing, and I imagine that will be a permanent situation if Jazz wants it. He fell asleep so fast, I doubt we’ll see him until tomorrow noon.”

“Do you mind if he knows I’m sleeping with you?”

Lindsey shook his head. “If he is gay, he needs some homosexual role models.”

“God, I never thought I’d be a role model.”

“Or wanted to be, I imagine.” He twisted his finger in Seth’s curls.

“You must be tired.”

“A little, but also kind of wired.” Understatement.

“Sounds promising.”

Lindsey stood and walked toward the bed, tossing clothes as he went. “Fuck me to sleep.”

That got Seth’s attention. “Now that sounds like my idea of a bedtime story.”

As long as that story has a happy ending. “I’m going to brush my teeth. Want your own toothbrush?”

“That would be great.”

After fishing a new toothbrush from his cabinet and pulling on a silk robe, Lindsey smiled into the mirror, looking at Seth brushing away at the second sink. Don’t get domestic, idiot. He thinks you’re human. Tonight, he’s pretty far from the truth.

Seth finished first, washed up, and paused in the bathroom door. Obviously the domesticity was catching. He leaned against the jamb. “Don’t take too long, dear.” He chuckled and returned to the bedroom.

Lindsey smoothed lotion into his hands and took deep breaths. Quit stalling. His cock certainly knew what it wanted. It was practically dragging Lindsey toward the bed. He could do this. Surely he could. He wanted to so very much.

Inhale and let it out slowly. He turned off the lights in the bathroom and stepped into the large bedroom. All the lights were off except for a bedside lamp—just enough illumination to show Seth, stark naked, slowly stroking his highly upright cock. A bottle of lube and a box of condoms sat conspicuously on the table next to him.

As Lindsey walked toward the bed, he opened the robe, slid it from his shoulders, and dropped it on the chair. Seth made a low humming sound of appreciation. Sounded a lot like a growl, and Lindsey’s back shuddered as if it was ruffling his fur. Whoa.

His throbbing cock led him to the bed. He took a deep breath, flipped off the lamp, and slid under the covers with his back to Seth. Inhale. Let it out slowly.

Seth snuggled against his back. “Umm, such a shy, demure little Lindsey tonight. Not grabbing me by the throat and humping me like a tiger.”

Wolf. That would be wolf.

“I like you both ways. So you just rest and let me take care of you, okay?” He reached over Lindsey’s hip and found the hard and fast evidence of Lindsey’s interest. He chuckled. “Umm, I see too much persuasion won’t be required.”

Lindsey moaned as Seth’s hand closed hard over his erection. Oh yes. Exactly what he needed. Be calm, my wolfy, and let Daddy have his fun.

Seth stroked long and smooth as his lips caressed the back of Lindsey’s neck. He slipped his own hard cock between Lindsey’s legs and let his thrusts bang against Lindsey’s balls. Oh my, that feels good. Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Damn. Lindsey clamped his lips shut and tried to still the sounds rumbling though his chest. “Fuck me, please.”

“I love a man with manners.” The warmth of Seth’s body left his back. After some rustling and ripping, cool gel filled his aching hole.



SETH SLIPPED his fingers inside Lindsey. The contrast between the cool gel and the hot man sent shivers up his arm. Damn, the guy did it for him. But Lindsey was being oddly demure tonight. His cock screamed “fuck me” but his body seemed tentative, like he was waiting for something. He didn’t usually need wooing, but if he wanted to be coaxed, hell, Seth was the man to do it. He curved his body around Lindsey’s back and whispered in his ear. “Push that pretty ass out for me, baby.”

A shudder seemed to start at Lindsey’s feet and ripple up his spine, but he rounded his back and pushed out his butt. Seth pulled his top cheek up to open him wide, felt for his hole in the near dark, and lined up his cock. “Ready?”

“Fuck, yes.” Odd. His voice sounded all growly, not like his usual musical tenor. Must want it bad. And that was good! He pushed.


Seth swallowed. That was one scary sound Lindsey liked to make. Yeah, and he loved it! He pushed hard and popped through the ring of muscle to heaven. Hot heaven. “Oh shiiiiiiit.” The words flowed out with his breath as he pushed his hips forward and sank in to the balls.


Wow. Who was he fucking? That voice sounded like—like something other than Lindsey. But the ass pushed back as Seth pushed forward, and who the fuck cared what the voice sounded like? The dark oozed around him like oil, and he was drowning in it.

His hands slid over Lindsey’s shoulders. Hold him tight and fuck him like a machine. His hips pistoned but he wanted more. More. He pushed Lindsey onto his stomach, slid a pillow under his hips, and mounted him. Oh yeah. Fingers digging into taut flesh, he rammed his cock so hard he saw stars in the blackness.

Below him sounded grunts, moans, whimpers, and that deep throaty growl that meant Lindsey to him. “Oh, oh, oh.”

The beautiful guy’s body radiated heat like a furnace. Closer. Want to be closer. He pressed his chest against Lindsey’s back so his hips could only manage little rabbit fucks. Every one sent flashes of cum lightning into his balls. This wasn’t even fucking. It was humping, like he’d turned feral and couldn’t do anything but fuck.

Lindsey whimpered. “Ahoo. Ahoo.”

Closer still. He wrapped his arms around Lindsey’s chest and pumped, his balls banging against Lindsey’s.

What? His fingers tracked across Lindsey’s chest.

“Ahoo. Ahoo.”

Hair? Lindsey didn’t have hair on his chest. Or maybe it was so fair, he’d missed seeing it. He threaded his fingers through it. Maybe Lindsey usually manscaped and missed his wax. Weird. Shit. Who cares? All he wanted was to come. Come. “Oh baby, baby. You wring me out. Gonna come.” His balls tightened like a giant hand of the universe was squeezing the juice out, and screaming flashes of ecstasy raced up his spine with each pump of cum into the condom. Yes. Yes.

“Oh, oh, ahoo. Ahoo.” Lindsey’s body froze. “Ahooooooooooo!”

The howling sound echoed through the room as hot cum splashed onto Seth’s hand, still buried in silky chest fur.



LINDSEY LAY very still and forced his breathing to be shallow. Seth moved quietly around the bedroom, dressing. He’d made it to his shoes. One clomped on the floor when he dropped it. Still dark outside. He probably wanted to get as far from insane Lindsey as he could.

Why had he risked it? Now he’d not only jeopardized the pack, he’d lost Seth. What must the guy think? Hair? Howling? Jesus!

But he stayed and slept with you.

Probably just exhausted.

He could have gone home and slept.

Carrying on both sides of his own conversation again. The sex had been mind-blowing. In answer to the question why do werewolves have sex on the full moon? Lindsey now knew the answer for certain. Because it was so hot, it practically blew the circuits in your cock! But not worth it to lose the little time he had with Seth.

Rustling. Soft footsteps. The bed dipped, and Seth’s hand lightly caressed Lindsey’s hair. What? His lips touched Lindsey’s cheek. “Hey, lover, I have to go to work. Stay asleep. Just wanted to say sorry I have to leave. Can I see you later?”

Lindsey sat up so fast he practically knocked Seth out with his head. He threw his arms around the guy’s neck. “I’d love to see you later.”

Seth chuckled. “I love your enthusiasm.”

Damn. He couldn’t stop shaking.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I-I just thought I’d overdone it. Maybe too much for you.”

Seth’s arms tightened. “It’s hard to be too much for me, Lindsey. I’ve never found a man who suited me like you do. I used to joke that I wanted an animal in bed, but it was only half a joke. I love my sex rough and hot. I can hardly believe that you do too. Fucking you in the dark was like my own erotic amusement park. I felt like I was melting inside you. Your wonderful sounds threw some switch in my brain and I imagined I felt fur on your body, like we were two animals humping. I know it’s weird, but I really loved it.”

A tear splashed on his cheek. “Me too.”

“Are you working today?”

“Yes, for a few hours. Then I’m going to pick up Jazz from school. Maybe take him riding.”

“Maybe I can meet you for a late dinner?”

“I’d love that. I may have Jazz.”

“Hey, I love the kid. It’s good with me.”

Lindsey squeezed tight. How could this human be so perfect? Oh God, why can’t I keep him?

Seth kissed his lips. “See you later.”

“Yes. Can’t wait.” Sadly, that was the truth.



“MAN, THAT was so cool.” Jazz bounded out of the car as Lindsey closed the garage door.

“That’s just the first of many lessons. The instructor says you’re a natural. We’ll have you on the ponies in no time.”

Jazz stared at his shoes. “I can hardly believe it. Man, I don’t even know why you’d want to do this.”

Why did he want to? It was more than just a desire to help a kid. He smiled. “It’s funny. I feel like we’ve known each other all our lives.”

Jazz looked up. “Yeah. Me too.” He glanced around the garage. “But I gotta tell you, this is not much like real life.”

His heart swelled. “Maybe it can be. Would you like that?”

A sheen coated Jazz’s eyes, and he stared at his scuffed sneakers. “You know what I mean if I say I’m scared to hope?”

Seth’s golden eyes flashed in Lindsey’s mind. “I know exactly what you mean.” He gave Jazz a one-armed hug. More wouldn’t go over well with a teenager. “Come on. Let’s get something to eat.”

They walked together through the connecting hall and came into the main house and then to the kitchen. The cook looked up from her chopping. Lindsey held up a hand. “No worries, Bette. We’re going to raid the refrigerator.”

She grinned. “Don’t spoil your dinner. I’m making a good one just for Jazz.”

The kid was already running the family. “There may be one more for dinner, if that can be accommodated.”


Lindsey opened the refrigerator door, and Jazz’s eyes widened. Lindsey grabbed a container of milk and handed it to Jazz. “Start with this and choose the rest.”

The boy rolled his eyes, but quickly picked tuna fish already made for a sandwich and a container of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Lindsey filled in the menu with some carrot sticks and sliced zucchini.

“Mr. Vanessen?” James, the butler, stood inside the kitchen door.

“Yes, James. Would you like a snack?”

“I’ve had mine, thank you. Your friend, Mr. Harker, is here.”

“Great. He can meet Jazz. Take him to the terrace and we’ll bring our snacks out there.”

Bette walked over to his array of food on the counter. “Let me handle this. You take the boy and meet with your friend.”

Lindsey nodded and grinned. “But remember, Jazz has three hours until dinner, so he needs serious sustenance.”

“I shan’t underestimate the size of the adolescent stomach. I remember you at his age. Jazz, he could eat a cow and ask for two goats for dessert.”

Lindsey smiled. At the time, he hadn’t yet discovered it was quite literally true. “No cows. Just tuna.”

He led the way down the hall and out to the terrace that sat outside the dining room. They often opened the wide French doors for parties and created an inside/outside entertaining space. Now it was more informal.

Cole stood up as they walked through the door. “Hey, Linds, how are you? Are you—” He stared at Jazz.

Lindsey looked from Cole to Jazz. “I’m so glad you came today, dear friend, so you can meet Jazz. He’s going to be staying with us.”

Jazz looked at him. “I am?” His lean face lit up like a Christmas tree.

“I believe my mother is sorting through all the details of just such a move as we speak. Of course, it will be your decision.”

“Are you kidding? Man, I—” He hurled himself at Lindsey and hugged him tightly. “I don’t know what I ever did to get so lucky.”

Lindsey rested his head against the boy’s hair. “Reserve your judgment, dear. My mother is a taskmaster who will drive you to excellence and perfection. Trust me on this.”

“Just like you.” Jazz snuggled deeper into Lindsey’s hug. Apparently some things even overcame the need to be cool. Lindsey held him and smiled up at Cole. The guy’s face was white and staring. What the hell? “Uh, Jazz, this is Cole Harker, my good friend.”

Jazz looked up at Cole, pushed away from Lindsey, glanced at his sneakers, and extended his hand. “Excuse me. I’m Jazz.”

Cole shook hands but his expression stayed stern. Not a good sign.

Bette walked out with their food on a tray, and that persuaded Jazz to return to nonchalance. She served the food. He thanked her politely and fell on the tuna sandwich like no one had fed him for weeks. Lindsey sat beside Jazz, and Cole took a third chair. “What can we get you to drink, Cole?”

His eyes didn’t seem to want to leave Jazz. “Uh, iced tea would be great.”

“Hungry? Want a snack?”

“No thanks.”

Bette left to get the iced tea. Cole dragged his gaze toward Lindsey. “So, uh, how are you feeling? Do the police have any leads on who did this whole thing?”

“No. And I wasn’t much help, I’m afraid.” He bit a carrot. Yuk. He thought of it as a good vegetable example for the kid. “I didn’t see much that provided clues to the people behind the kidnappings. Of course, with a bag over my head, I couldn’t see much, period.”

The door to the house opened and Lindsey’s mom bustled out. Cole stood. Jazz glanced up, put down his sandwich, and followed Cole’s lead. Good boy.

His mom made sit-down gestures. “Sit, sit. Jazz, you need your food. Hello, Cole, dear. So good to see you. I very much appreciate you and the family coming to Lindsey’s aid last night.” She pressed a hand to her heart. “Oh dear, was it only last night? Anyway, Jazz, I need to talk with you about some plans I’m formulating and see if you’re in agreement.”

Cole looked at Lindsey. “Ma’am, I need to talk to Lindsey for a few minutes, so maybe we’ll leave you with Jazz, if that’s okay.”

“Oh yes, dear, fine, fine.” She was already engrossed with Jazz, who chewed and swallowed but stared at her like she was a reincarnation of the Goddess of Mercy.

Lindsey looked at Cole, who nodded toward the house with wide eyes. They walked into the house together. Lindsey frowned. “So what’s up?”

“Can we go to your suite?”


Cole practically pushed him up the stairs. What was going on with this usually laid-back and gentle man? Lindsey walked inside his suite, let Cole pass in front of him, and closed the door.

“So what’s—”

“Jazz is a werewolf.”

“Oh God.” He shook his head. “I had a suspicion, but I couldn’t imagine an orphan werewolf. I kept denying the signs.” His heart hammered.

“He’s a werewolf, and he’s close to his first shift. Very close. It could literally happen tonight. If not, I’m pretty certain it will be next month.”

“Holy God.” He walked to the chair in front of the fireplace and flopped. “I knew the symptoms, because I experienced them, but I’m such an inferior werewolf, even my sense of smell didn’t tell me.”

Cole sat in the other chair. “Smell wouldn’t do it. Don’t beat yourself up. Maybe only my dad and mother and I would be able to tell for sure. Marketo too, but no other pack members. It’s hard before someone shifts.”

Lindsey shook his head. “It makes sense. I felt kinship with him from the moment I met him. He eats like I did, and he passes out with no provocation. On some level, I knew.” He looked up at Cole. “Is he a half-breed like me or pure werewolf?”


“My goodness. How did he ever come to be an orphan? Pack takes care of its own.”

“We’ll investigate that. But now you have to worry about telling him before he shifts, then get him over to us so we can guide him through the event.”

“Oh my.” His phone rang, and he fished it from his pocket. Seth. He glanced at Cole. Oh well. “Hello there.”

“Hi. Hey, I’m so sorry, I pulled an emergency night shift for a guy who’s sick. I have to cancel our dinner.”

“I understand. Work is work.” He glanced at Cole again.

“Can I come over tomorrow? Spend Saturday with you and Jazz?”

“I’d like that.”

“See you as soon as I can get off and grab a few z’s, okay?”

“Definitely. Bye.” He hung up. His face had to be red.

Lindsey didn’t look up, but Cole’s voice shoved his frown across the room. “The cop?”

He sighed. “Yes.”

“You have to be careful. You have even more to protect now.”

Sweet God. Now he wasn’t playing with his own life. He had Jazz to think about. He nodded. The “Honey, I’m a werewolf” conversation had just moved completely out of reach.