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Tangled with a Shifter (Fayoak Romance Book 2) by Moira Byrne (9)



I opened my eyes and stared out the truck window. I felt oddly refreshed, like the world smelled after a hard rain storm. My head was a little fuzzy and I wondered if it was from the salve. I'd passed out and slept hard, but I felt lighter now.

The burden that had weighed so heavily on my shoulders didn't feel quite as bad. Maybe because for the first time in a long, long while—perhaps, ever—I had someone to share it with.

"Thank you," I said softly, although I kept my gaze on the scenery, or what there was of it. I had no idea where we were.

I must have fallen asleep shortly after we left Fayoak. Now everything looked the same. All I saw was uninhabited land. Hills rose and fell, and cows appeared off in the distance.

"What for? I didn't do anything." Alex's calm voice didn't have the teasing lilt I'd grown used to.

Concerned about his tone, I tore my eyes away from the rolling hills to look at him. I quickly determined that his profile was much more interesting than the bland landscape. My eyes traced the contours of his high cheekbones, then moved to the hard line of his jaw. A small smile appeared as he glanced over at me.

"I realize that I'm pretty amazing, but what're you thanking me for?" His brows rose. "Is it because I didn't make fun of your snoring? Don't thank me too soon. I was already thinking about it."

"I don't—" I paused and took a deep breath. "What I meant to say was that you were right. I was in no shape to go alone. So, thank you for talking some sense into me. Thank you for driving. And . . . thank you for being there for me."

His expression instantly sobered. "I'll always be there for you, Sophie. However. Wherever."

Those words felt as tender as a hug. A smile curved my mouth. I looked out the window once more. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him squirm in his seat.

It occurred to me how often he hid behind his devil-may-care quips. But his comments revealed an unexpected depth to his personality. He always seemed so carefree that it was easy to miss this side of him.

"It feels surprisingly good to share all of this with you."

"Surprisingly? We both know I'm your favorite sounding board."

I flicked my eyes to the side to catch his grin and my own smile grew.

"True," I replied honestly.

"But seriously," he gave me a curious look, "I get the feeling you haven't told anyone else about this. Wouldn't the pack in Fayoak help?"

"Yeah. Probably. But I kept my distance when I first got to Fayoak. I wasn't sure if I could trust them." I looked out the window and swallowed deeply. "Once I realized I could, I didn't feel right asking them for help. I was too ashamed. It's not like I wanted to admit that I had abandoned my little sister."

"Hey, no," Alex's voice took on a sharp edge that surprised me, "you have nothing to be ashamed of. You had a psychopath gunning for you and your old pack was just as bad. The odds were against you, Sophie.

"And you didn't abandon your sister. She's an adult, right? She can make her own decisions. Now, when she really needs you, you're racing to her rescue. I'd say that's pretty damn far from abandoning her."

I blinked at him in surprise. It took me a moment to recover from the tirade. It was so unlike Alex that I barely knew how to react. As I digested what he said, I knew he wasn't wrong, but I still felt like I should have stayed and fought, and dragged Aly with me when I left. I bit back a snarl, furious at my past self.

"I can't help but feel like there was something else I could've done."

"Maybe, maybe not." He shrugged, easing back into his usual relaxed self. "You did what you thought was best. Now you're out and can get her to safety too. Stop trying to find ways to beat yourself up, okay? Look at the bright side."

For some reason, I felt better that he didn't immediately try to convince me there was nothing I could have done.

He made a lot of good points though. I mulled everything over for a moment. I knew Edward would have killed me if I had stayed. That had never been a question in my mind. I would never have submitted to him.

In some ways, I thought the only positive to me leaving was that I would at least be alive for my sister. I hadn't considered any other positives until now. I'd been so wracked with guilt over running that I never considered how leaving put me in a position to get my sister out when she was ready.

"You know, Alex," I said with a slow nod, "I think you have the right idea."

"Of course I do." He flashed me a cheeky grin. "How're you healing? All good?"

I stretched and only felt minor twinges. Except for my arm, which made sense. My wound had to have been pretty bad to need stitches.

"Much better than I'd expected. What's in your grandmother's ointment?"

He chuckled. "A little of this and a little of that."

"So you don't know."

"Nope," he cheerfully replied. "I've tried snooping for the recipe, too."

"I had no idea your family could utilize healing magic. I didn't think that really existed."

"We can't. Not really, at least."

"Then how?"

"It's in the plants, I know it. I haven't figured out how she does it yet, but I will."

The intensity in his eyes as they focused on the road ahead nearly made me laugh. It was cute to see such determination over something as simple as a salve. Although, admittedly, it was an impressive one.

I looked down at my bandaged arm and my smile faltered. I was suddenly reminded that Edward was out there. I hoped he had learned his lesson, but I knew it was foolish to think he would.

"Hey," Alex suddenly said, pulling me from my increasingly dark thoughts, "I don't know about you, but I'm starving and need to stretch my legs. I saw a sign a little while ago that said there's a place up ahead in a couple miles. How about it?"

I narrowed my eyes and studied him. Was he trying to distract me? He gave me an innocent smile when he glanced my way. I heaved a big sigh and looked ahead. Another sign was coming up. Good.

I could have pulled it up on my phone but the service was spotty. I took in the exit number. We were about an hour away from Exit 223. An hour away from my sister. I didn't want to stop now. I was too close.

"There's probably someplace we can swing through and get the food on the go."

"Okay," he said slowly. "Before you fell asleep, you said something about two."

"Right. She'll slip out at the shift change at two o'clock in the morning." I studied him suspiciously. "Why?"

"So, what do you plan to do from now until two? Sit in the car for seven hours?"

I chewed my lip as I thought about what he said. I hadn't thought about that. He was right, and now was a good time to grab a bite to eat. My stomach rumbled, expressing its full agreement with that plan.

"Yeah," I reluctantly admitted, "I guess I might be a little hungry, too."

Alex followed the signs and pulled into the parking lot of a generic-looking roadside diner with a few semi-trucks parked on the far side of the lot and a cluster of cars in front. He parked off to the side, away from the other vehicles.

We both got out at the same time. I took a deep breath, scenting the air as I stretched. Although it felt good to be outside, stretching my cramped limbs, I was still on edge. We were getting close to the compound, so there was no such thing as being too cautious.

Despite not smelling a threat, I scanned the lot just in case. Everything seemed fine so far. Alex hadn't noticed me pause, so I had to hurry to catch up to him. He reached the door first and held it open for me to enter.

As I stepped inside the gentle murmur of people talking washed over me, interspersed with the tinging of silverware hitting plates as they ate. The smell of fried food mixed with beef patties cooking in the back of the house made my stomach rumble. I was even hungrier than I thought.

There were several families seated at tables in the middle of the room. Booths lined the edges of the diner, and I figured the truckers were the ones sitting alone at the counter. There was a sign by the door that told us to seat ourselves, so we walked over to a nearby booth on a mostly-empty side of the diner.

Moments after we sat down, the waitress made her way over to our table and smiled at us. She bent at the waist to give us our menus, and I watched in astonishment as she leaned over even more to give Alex a nice big look at her cleavage.

He took the menu from her hand and nodded at her in thanks, but didn't glance at her otherwise. I resisted the urge to smile when I saw the disappointed look on her face as she left.

We both took our time as we looked at the menu. I scanned the uninspired options: hamburgers, biscuits and gravy, chicken fried steak, all the usual fare. After we placed our orders, we kept the conversation light.

It felt so normal, as if we were a couple taking a road trip. A part of me wished it was real and that our only worry was what tourist trap we would sink our time into next.

The waitress placed my plate in front of me with a weak smile, then gave Alex a longer, cheerier look. My cat laughed when he didn't seem to notice. Even if he were to care about her interest, he was too busy staring at the culinary monstrosity in front of him. The waitress huffed and moved off to help other customers.

"Not The Peach, is it?" I asked with a grin.

He tore his eyes away from his mass of grease and gravy that called itself chicken fried steak and looked at my burger before meeting my eyes.

"No," he said, his eyes wide and voice horrified. "Definitely not. What is this?"

"Food," I said simply as I picked up my burger.

I took a large bite and Alex watched me, his mouth pulled down in revulsion. It was all I could do to stifle my laughter. What had he expected? This was a truck stop. Our entire meal, with tip, would cost less than twenty bucks.

I swallowed my bite and nodded at his plate. "It won't be any better cold."

He slowly lowered his eyes to his plate with a grimace. I took a deep breath, but it smelled fine. I set down my burger and grabbed my fork. I reached across the table, cut off a bite of his entree, then made sure to swirl it in some extra gravy.

His astonished gaze followed my movements as I forked the plundered food straight into my mouth. The flavors burst on my tongue and I blinked in surprise as I chewed. It was much better than expected. The meat was soft and not the least bit chewy.

"That bad?" he asked with a forlorn look at his plate.

I shook my head as I realized he'd misinterpreted my surprised expression. "No, I think it's all home-made. A little greasy, yes, but still good."

He cautiously picked up his fork and slowly moved it to his food, as if the chicken fried steak would leap off his plate and attack him if he moved too fast. He looked so worried I couldn't hold back my laughter.

Alex glared at me, but there was a slight curve to the corners of his lips. "You think this is hilarious, don't you?"

"Very much so. Now, eat your dinner, would you?"

He turned his attention back to his plate.

"Might get food poisoning," he muttered, and I laughed harder.

His surprised glance told me he hadn't meant for me to hear. I tapped my ear and raised my eyebrow as my eyes changed and my other self peeked out at him.

He pursed his lips and looked back at his plate, but I saw the amusement in his eyes. I picked up my burger and watched with great enjoyment as he took a bite of his dinner. His eyes lit up in surprise before he quickly took another bite.

We quickly finished our meals. I looked at my watch. It hadn't even taken us thirty minutes. We had hours to wait until we could storm the compound.

"I figure we're about an hour away from the exit," he said. "How much longer from there?"

"Once we take the exit, we'll be there in about ten minutes. At least, to the perimeter."

"Okay, so how's this going to work? We drive up and ring the bell?" He raised his eyebrows up and down comically.

I chuckled and shook my head. "No, although that could be fun. Probably would be pretty bloody."

Alex held up his hands, wiggling his fingers at me to show his lack of claws. "Not a good idea. I'm at a little bit of a disadvantage in that respect."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Sure, Mr. All-Plants-Answer-To-Me."

He blushed and squirmed. "Ah, yeah. Well, I may have gotten a little bit carried away."

"Was that true? Can you really control all those plants?"

"No. I was bluffing. Now, Granny can control the entire orchard. She's been pouring her magic into it for years." His gaze shifted to the side. He looked thoughtful. "My magic has been getting stronger, so maybe someday."

"Huh," I said. "That'll be impressive."

"In any case, we have some time to blow until Alysse's grand rescue, right?"

"A few hours, yeah. Why?"

"Why don't we get some shut-eye in the meantime? That way we won't be zombies out there. I'll be honest, I'm rapidly approaching living dead status. Driving wipes me out."

As soon as he said that, I felt it, too. Even though I slept in the car, I could use more rest before we stormed the fortress. Balm or not, my body had been working overtime to heal.

"You're right," I said. "The last thing I need is a cranky fae."

His eyes widened. "Sophie Addison, was that a joke?"

I shot him a sly smile but said nothing. I couldn't help but be in a good mood for some reason. Maybe it was because I knew I would have my sister with me soon. Of course, it could also be that being with Alex made rescuing her seem so much less insurmountable.

We got up to leave and he stopped up front to ask the waitress about recommendations for someplace nearby to stop for the night. By her disappointed look, I could tell she thought we were a couple but had hoped otherwise.

A small kernel of satisfaction formed inside me. I liked the idea of being part of a couple with Alex, even if it was simply pretend.

* * *

"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked as he pulled into a parking lot with potholes large enough to bottom out a car.

The motel looked dubious at best. The paint was cracked and peeling and wilted plants lined the building.

After we parked in one of the few pothole-free areas, we went inside and got ourselves a room. With the grimy key in hand, Alex opened the door to our undoubtedly luxurious suite. He took one step inside and froze in place.

"What is it?" I took a deep breath but didn't smell anything that set off alarms. Based on the exterior, I'd expected mildew and lingering body odor, not the surprisingly clean scent that touched my nose. Even though the front desk area was clean, that wasn't a guarantee that the room would be.

"It's nothing crazy." Alex stepped to the side so I could walk in. "But it looks like we've only got one bed."

My eyes followed his. Suddenly, I wasn't sleepy anymore. My skin felt tight and flushed. I looked at Alex and his gaze met mine. His eyes were glowing brightly, as they had during the dinner he made me.

We were alone, in a bedroom, facing who-knows-what. Suddenly, I wanted to have all that he'd been promising me. All those offers to ease my stress, those touches and looks that held such heat. I didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but I knew that I wanted to live right now.

"Are you actually tired?" I asked, doing my best to keep my tone even.

He slowly shook his head. I bit my lower lip, and his eyes dropped down to my mouth.



"I'm not either. I'm full of energy." I looked down as I toed off one shoe, then the other.

Alex chuckled. "I could help you burn some of that energy."

I looked up at him from under my lashes and took a deep breath. I watched his eyes drop to my chest, then snap back to my gaze. A slow smile curved my lips as I shut the door behind me. I dropped my duffle beside the door and flipped the lock.

"Well, if you're going to offer . . ." I slowly raised my hands to my shirt and undid the top button.

"Sophie?" Alex seemed taken aback. I knew he hadn't expected me to respond this way. He was so used to me pushing him away, but not tonight. Tonight, I needed the release.

I undid the next button and took a step closer to him. As I slid each button out of its hole, his eyes followed my hands as if his life depended upon it.

When I undid the last button, he caught his breath. Instead of giving him what he expected, my hands went to my belt.

"Sophie," Alex whispered.

I slowly undid the buckle. The leather rasped as I pulled it out. My hands went to the button on my pants. I paused as Alex took a step forward. His amber eyes blazed with desire.

I held up a hand and shook my finger at him. "Stay right there."

"You're torturing me."

"You have the power to make it stop."

He shifted his weight to step forward. I shook my head. My body was ready, but I didn't want to rush.

A small frown creased his brow. "How?"

I lifted my shoulders in a small shrug and pointedly ran my eyes over his body. I slipped out of my shirt and let it fall to the ground behind me. Alex bit down hard on his lower lip as he drank me in with his eyes.

"See? My shirt is off, but yours isn't. Fix it."

Alex looked visibly pained as he pulled his eyes from my breasts, framed by my lacy bra. He yanked his shirt over his head and threw it to the side, then looked at me expectantly. I smiled and flicked the hooks of my bra, but held the cups, keeping them in place.

Alex's disappointed groan made my smile grow wider. He reached out and lightly grazed my stomach with the tips of his fingers.

"You have to keep your hands to yourself," I said with a coy smile.

"With you half-naked in front of me? Not a chance."

"Well, you have to. No touching."

"You might as well ask me to stop breathing. I don't think you understand just how much"

"Just for now," I interrupted. "Let me have my fun."

He swallowed and slowly nodded. My smile grew as I pulled my bra off and dropped it on the floor. Moments later, I slipped off my pants.

Alex's breathing was already growing ragged, his hands clenching at his sides. I raised an eyebrow. He wasn't kidding when he said I was asking a lot.

I took a slow step forward and reached out to undo his belt. As I slid it off, I ran my hand down the front of his pants over his hard ridge. He sucked in a harsh, sudden breath and flexed his hips, pushing into my touch.

I pulled my hand up and undid the button on jeans, then lowered the zipper. Before he could move, I slid my hand inside his pants and touched him. He jerked as my fingers circled around him and moaned as his eyes closed.

As I stepped back I pulled my hand away. "Alex, you're too dressed."

He opened his eyes and looked at me for a moment, as if trying to push his way through a fog. Finally, he seemed to remember what he was doing. His hands made quick work of removing his remaining clothes, then he stood in front of me, gloriously naked.

I took a moment to run my eyes over him and licked my lips. He was all lean, hard muscle and I wanted nothing more than to touch him. I wanted to have him. I wanted to make him mine.

I gave him a light, but forceful, push on his chest. He smiled as he laid down on the bed. My more primal side pushed through and as I crawled onto the bed, I knew my eyes were their telltale blue. He was on his back as I splayed my legs on either side of him, pinning him to the bed.

His hands traced the curves of my body as if memorizing my outline. Although my cat wanted control, neither of us objected. The way his fingers brushed over my skin felt better than anything I had ever experienced before. I wanted—needed—more.

I splayed my fingers out across his chest, bringing my heated core to his hard ridge. Our eyes met. He gave me a knowing smile as his fingers toyed with the edges of my boyshorts.

I leaned back a bit and purposefully rolled my hips against him. His eyes closed as a groan tore from his lips.

He felt so good I could hardly stand it, and the only thing separating us was my underwear. Such a flimsy piece of material, yet an unbearable barrier. I pressed down harder as I rolled my hips over his hard ridge and his eyes opened to meet mine.

I licked my lips and watched his eyes trace the movement of my tongue. Suddenly, he slipped a hand up my back, then tucked it into my hair and pulled me down for a kiss. I parted my lips and he slipped in, teasing, taunting—everything I imagined he would be.

My body started to pulse with each rotation of my hips. I kissed him back passionately. I wanted to taste him, too. He pulled back and before I could react, he moved my body up so he could feast on my breasts. He nipped and bit. I gasped as a surge of heat tore through me.

Suddenly I was on my back and he was above me. His hand moved down my body and slid into my folds. He rubbed me, then slid a finger inside me. I was so slick and wet, so ready. He teased me, rubbed me, getting me closer and closer. I couldn't wait any longer.

"I want you inside of me," I demanded as I gripped his shoulders.

Alex's eyes gleamed and he ran his hand along the top of my underwear. I pushed on his shoulder.

"On your back," I demanded.

His sensual smile only made my body run hotter and as soon as he was on his back, I slid off my underwear, took hold of his silken member, and quickly guided him inside my waiting warmth. We both moaned as he slid deep inside. I wanted to savor the feeling, but couldn't hold still.

"Sophie, you feel so good." His words ended in a deep groan as I started to move my hips.

I wanted to toy with him, but before long, I was reduced to nothing but purrs and moans. When his hips started lifting from the bed to meet mine, I was completely gone, lost to the sensation of his lips, tongue, and fingers as they explored my body and lavished attention on my breasts.

He rolled the nipple of my left breast between his fingers, gently tugging. His other hand found its way to my aching center once more, coaxing me closer to the edge as our pace started to quicken. Little sparks gathered in the pit of my stomach, ready to burst free. I tossed my head back as a purr escaped me.

"Alex," I moaned. I was so close. I knew he could send me over the edge with one touch.

His breathing was ragged, yet he asked in a playful, knowing tone, "Yes, Sophie?"

Any words I could have used to reply were lost the moment he started to time each thrust of his hips with mine as I crashed down against him. The touch of his fingers against the unbearable ache between my thighs took on a deliberate focus. That was it.

I dug my fingers into his arms and arched my back. In an instant, my world came apart. The sparks became lightning, arcing out through my veins. All I could do was hold onto him tightly as each shockwave of pleasure relentlessly thundered through me.

As I bucked and trembled against him, he thrusted deep, burying himself inside me as a groan forced its way from his lips. I collapsed against him. He shuddered and took me in his arms, pressing a soft kiss to my shoulder.

I shivered with the last of the aftershocks of my release as I wrapped my arms around him. Although my body was as flushed as his, I couldn't resist burying myself against his warmth.

The moment was one stolen in time. A brief interlude of peace before the world crashed in. For now, I didn't want to be anywhere else but here, wrapped in his arms. This temporary peace was only an illusion, but one I gladly embraced.




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