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Tearing Down Walls (Miracle Book 5) by Shea Balik (10)


The air was thick with the scents of blood and sweat.  The ground beneath Saber’s feet showed the stains of the fights before him.  Hard fought battles that had ended with two people dead and one disgracing himself by surrendering so he could live his life in exile.   It wasn’t a pleasant experience, as he would be sent to a remote island with no way off, but at least he would live.

The crowd, while still cheering their champions on, was more somber as the weight of those who’d died hung over them like a cloud.  They may want the right to live their lives as they saw fit, but none of them wanted it to be at the expense of someone’s life.

Too many had died already for them to truly relish anyone else having to sacrifice further.  But it was their way.  The laws deemed it so.  Something Saber fully intended to change as soon as he became chief.  Which would only happen when he killed Refugio.

And he would die.  Saber wouldn’t stop until that happened.  Out of everyone on the Council, Refugio was the one who deserved to have his life snuffed out, just as he had done to countless others over the years, starting with Saber’s father.

His gaze stayed fixed on Refugio as Edrick announced the rules of the battle.  Not that Refugio would ever heed any rules.  The man was ruthless when it came to winning.

A knowing smirk was plastered on Refugio’s face.  The man was way too cocky.  He was up to something.  Saber just needed to figure out what that was before he ended up dead himself.

His gut clenched knowing it could so easily be him that ended up on the ground in a pool of his own blood.  Death had never bothered Saber before, but that was before Chadwick.  The earthy scent of his mate wafted around him, letting him know his mate was close.  As much as he wanted nothing more than to search his mate out, Saber had to focus on Refugio.  Now that he’d found his mate, Saber was more determined than ever not to lose.

“Saber Thorsen has challenged Chief Council, Refugio Costa, for his seat on the Council,” Edrick’s voice boomed out over the amassing crowd.  Cheers went up around them at the announcement, because Refugio was hated for his determination to wipe out those shifters he deemed degenerates.  Gay shifters weren’t the only ones he’d tried to eliminate.  Certain weaker species were hunted for no other reason than they were considered prey.  He also had ordered some species to be laborers for the Council.  What they were doing, Saber hadn’t been able to figure out, but the reports of their conditions were horrifying.

“This challenge will be to the death,” Edrick announced.  “Or until one of the two parties surrenders and concedes to being exiled far from humanity.”  There was no way Saber was going to allow Refugio to live.  “No weapons of any kind may be used,” Edrick continued.  Other than possibly a gun, no other weapon was needed.  As shifters, they had their claws and teeth.  “No outside element of any kind may be used, which not only includes weapons, but also other people, animals, or props of any kind.  This challenge is to be between the two people involved, only.”

That was the moment Refugio gave himself away.  For it was then that his eyes flashed with a light of triumph.  He was planning on having someone else kill Saber.  Most likely with a rifle, to allow the person to make a getaway before anyone could catch him.

The sharp inhale from behind Saber told him his mate had seen what he had in Refugio’s eyes.  “Participants, are you ready?” Edrick asked, first turning to Refugio, who grinned as if this were a done deal.  “I’m happy to show all you miscreants why I’m your Chief Council before sending in my troops to kill you all.”

Boos from the crowd, along with threats of their own about wiping the floor with the Council’s pathetic excuse for an army rose up around them.  Refugio’s smile broadened as if he knew exactly what he was doing.  But while the crowd was distracting Refugio, a voice that Saber was coming to love said from behind him, “I will find whoever Refugio has planted.  You just remember what you promised me and stay alive.  Got it?”

Saber gave a slight nod of acceptance as he didn’t want to tip his hand to Refugio.  Then Edrick turned to Saber.  “I’m ready,” Saber told the crowd without any kind of grandstanding.

The crowd cheered and Saber heard his mate whisper, “Please Gods, keep him alive.”  Then, even though Saber couldn’t see him, he felt Chadwick turn and walk away.

His heart ached at not having Chadwick there with him, yet at the same time, he felt safer than ever knowing his mate had his back.  He had no doubt that whoever Refugio had hiding to kill him would be found and stopped.

“The moment I step out of this ring, the challenge will commence.”  Edrick waited a moment, then stepped from the ring.

Every nerve in Saber’s body went on alert.  Refugio may have a plan to ensure that Saber died if the man couldn’t beat him, but he also knew Refugio most likely had other tricks up his sleeve and he needed to stay on his toes if he was going to avoid them.

“I am going to enjoy watching you bleed out at my feet.  To beg for mercy, when we both know I will never grant it.”  Refugio’s words were meant to intimidate, but all they did was show how weak the man was.  The need to boast was nothing more than ego, something any good fighter didn’t bother with.  Saber’s abilities did that all on their own, without words.

He didn’t let Refugio’s taunting get to him as he waited for Edrick to step from the ring.  He needed to keep a cool head if he was going to win.  Taking offense to anything Refugio said wouldn’t accomplish that goal.

Edrick walked out of the dirt circle and onto the grass that surrounded the ring.  The challenge had begun, but both men stood there, neither willing to be the first to make their move.

It only took two minutes of staring Refugio down before the Chief Council became enraged.  Refugio was used to others cowering in fear, or at the very least bowing down to him.  That Saber just stared right at him, not even looking away, enraged the man, as Saber knew it would.

Refugio lunged at him, but Saber was ready.  Using the man’s momentum against him, Saber flipped him over his head.  The harsh push of air out of Refugio’s body said it all.  He had landed hard and he hadn’t been prepared for Saber countering his attack.

Why would he?  The man only fought men who were weaker than him.  If he did take on someone stronger, that person knew to lose or he would likely end up dead for making Refugio look foolish.  Based on the rage in the Chief Council’s eyes, Saber would have been killed outright for making Refugio a laughingstock.

A roar of outrage came from Refugio as he once more attacked Saber.  Just as Refugio stepped close, Saber punched him in the face, then hooked his leg so it swept Refugio’s right out from under him.  This time Refugio was a bit more prepared, for instead of landing on his back in an explosion of air, he rolled instantly back onto his feet.

One leg shot out and slammed into Saber’s abdomen.  Ignoring the pain, Saber grabbed hold of Refugio’s leg and twisted it hard.  Before it could break, Refugio’s body morphed into his animal, a panther.  Black and gold fur shimmered all around Refugio and the leg Saber had been holding slid out of his grasp as it shrunk, not giving him a good grasp any longer.

The scream of the feline rang out around them as Refugio swept his claws at Saber.  The sting of his side being ripped open wasn’t enough to stop Saber’s own attack.  He let his own claws come out and slammed them into Refugio’s exposed flank, ripping a chuck of flesh from his body.

A loud screech of pain from Refugio drowned out the cheers of the crowd urging Saber on.  That’s when he saw it, a flash of light in the distance.  The sun hitting the metal barrel of a gun.  He just prayed Chadwick would see it and get there in time, or even if Saber won, he most likely would die in this ring today.