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Tequila High (100 Proof) by M. Leighton (10)


From the moment I walked in from repairing a fence in the east pasture, Haley has been acting strange. She’s glanced at me and smiled, but she hasn’t said a word other than to answer my questions.

Did you enjoy your dinner?


Glad you came back?


Missed your family?


Something’s on her mind, though. I’ve only known her for about three seconds, but I’m getting a sense of her quickly. Maybe it’s because I’m interested. Or maybe that’s why I’m interested. She’s a gorgeous, flame-haired ball of contradictions, and I want to unravel her, strand by strand.

When I get out of the shower, I walk through my bedroom, and I can see her in the living room, pretending to watch television. The thing is, she was watching for me. I saw her jerk her head when I crossed in front of the door.

I grab a shirt, not even bothering to button it up before I march out and sit down beside her on the couch.

“What’s eating you?”

“Nothing’s eating me.”

I cock a brow. “Well that’s a damn shame.”

I wait for the color to appear.

I smile when it does.

Her blushes never disappoint.

“Something you want to say?” She shakes her head, refusing to meet my eyes. I reach over and hook a finger under her chin and make her. “Spill it or neither one of us will be able to sleep tonight.”

Her lips part like she’s about to say something, but then she changes her mind and clamps them shut. I settle in on the couch, throwing my arm along the back of the cushion behind her head. I can practically hear her squirm. God, she’s fun. I’ve never seen someone fight attraction as hard as this woman.

I scoot a little closer. From the corner of my eye, I see her gaze dart over to me and away. So I scoot even closer. “What are we watching?”

“A show about flipping houses.”

I nod.

She’s tense, waiting for me to move. I lean into her and cross my feet at the ankles. After a minute, without looking at her, I make her an offer I doubt she’ll refuse. “I’m not moving until you tell me what’s on your mind.”

There’s a long pause as she debates, but she finally bends a knee, angles her body toward mine, and dives right in. “Why aren’t you interested in any of my sisters?”

My gaze snaps to hers. “Why would you want me to be?”

“I didn’t say I wanted you to be. I’m just curious why you aren’t.”

“Because they’re the daughters of a man I’m working with. That’s not really my style.”

“What about me?”

“You’re the exception.”


“I didn’t know who you were when I first met you. By the time I knew, it was too late.”

“Too late for what?”

“Too late for me to just let you walk away.”

“So if you’d met one of them like you met me, without knowing who she was, you might be with her right now?”

“I didn’t realize I was with you.”

Her eyes round. “You’re not. We’re not. I just mean…I just…”

She’s flustered, and I love it. “What brought this up?”

“Harper. She thought you were gay because you didn’t hit on any of them.”

“And this bothers you…why?” She shrugs and looks down at the fingernail she’s been picking. “Wait, are you…are you jealous of something that didn’t even happen?”

Her gaze clicks up to mine. “Of course not. That doesn’t even make any sense.”

“Sure as hell doesn’t.” Still, she fiddles nervously. “Your sisters are beautiful, but they’re not you. You intrigued me from the second I walked into that bar.”

“One of them may have intrigued you, too. You can’t know that.”

“Yes, I can. I know without a doubt I wouldn’t have reacted the same way.”

“You can’t possibly know that,” she repeats.

“I can and I do. I bet not one of your sisters can take tequila shots like a man. I bet not one of them would kiss a stranger in a crowded bar, or greet her roommate with naughty aerobics, or—”

“I wasn’t doing naughty aerobics.”

“You were absolutely doing naughty aerobics. I could close my eyes right now and draw your ass in that damn spandex from memory.”

At that, she grins. “That’s what you get for torturing me the way you have.”

“So you admit I’ve been affecting you.”

“Of course you have. I don’t want to see you half-naked all the time.”

I glance down at my chest, still bare since I haven’t bothered to button my shirt. “So you prefer full-naked? Because I’m happy to oblige.”

I stand up and reach for my zipper. She stares, wide-eyed, at my crotch for a few seconds before she stops me. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

“You weren’t going to stop me.”


“You hesitated because, for a second, you weren’t going to stop me.”

“That’s not true at all.” I watch. I wait. And here comes the color to her cheeks.

“You really are a naughty thing, aren’t you?”

“I most certainly am not! That’s not at all what I meant. I just meant that—”

It’s my turn to stop her with a hand to her wrist when I pull her up and into my arms. “You’re a terrible liar. Has anyone ever told you that?”

She’s warm and pliant in my arms. Her eyes are wide, her lips parted. She’s breathless, and she’s trying not to be.

“Since when is being a good liar a positive attribute?”

“Since never. I love that you can’t lie. But I also love that you want to.”

“I’m not—”

I lay a finger over her lips “For just a second, let’s pretend that you aren’t trying to fight this, okay?” I don’t move my finger. She doesn’t make a sound. “Come riding with me tomorrow. Your dad said you used to love to ride.”

“I, uh, I...” She starts to push out of my arms. I don’t let her go. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not? Did you forget how? Because I can teach you. It’s like riding a bike. Or having sex. You do remember sex, don’t you?”

I can almost see her brains scramble. I can’t stop my laugh.

“Just say yes. It’ll be much easier on you if you just agree now, so I can leave you alone tonight. Unless, of course, you don’t want me to leave you alone.”

“Of course I want you to leave me alone. I just... I haven’t been riding since I left here ten years ago. I’m not sure I want to go back down that road yet.”

“Bad memories?”

She quiets. Everything from the fire in her eyes to the tone of her voice becomes subdued. “Yes. Bad memories.”

My humor melts into something tender. That would probably worry me if I took a few minutes to think about it. But I don’t. Instead, I loosen my hold and reach up to brush a stray hair from her smooth cheek. “Best way to fight bad memories is to make good ones.”

“Depends on how bad the memories are.”

“No, even the worst ones.”

“You speaking from experience?”

“Maybe.” I stare down into her eyes, dark in the low light, and I wonder what the hell kind of spell this woman is casting on me. I shouldn’t think about her this much. I shouldn’t care if she’s happy, or if she comes riding with me or if she lets me in. There are other women in other places. What is it about this one?

I don’t know, but somehow, she’s gotten under my skin.

I release her and back away. “Just think about it. It might make you feel better than you think. I’ll be heading out after lunch. If you change your mind, meet me in the stable.” She nods, and I smile down at her. Before I can stop myself, I’m bending to touch my lips to the very corner of hers. “I’ll bring the tequila,” I whisper. I hear the faint sound of her sucking in her breath.

I walk away smiling.