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The Alchemists of Loom (Loom Saga Book 1) by Elise Kova (44)


THE GATEKEEPER PRESS TEAM—I recognize it may be weird to start with the team that helped me bring Air Awakens to market, but I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for each of you. The fact that I came across at the start of my publishing career was downright serendipitous and it was through the experience, exposure, and partnership that I found there that I was able to get to where I am today. So thank you for your continued professionalism and I hope to work with you all again in the future.

ROB PRICE—from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Our partnership began humbly enough, but look at what it has become! When I had nothing but a story and a dream, you helped me through Gatekeeper Press. And then you and Price World Publishing embarked on this journey with me. I hope to continue working with you and your teams in the future.

MY EDITOR, REBECCA—it has been an absolute joy to work with you. On a nuts and bolts level, thank you for all the insights you gave me and work you put into this manuscript. But, on a higher level, thank you for being the one to encourage me to take my work beyond the scope of Young Adult. I’ve grown so much as a writer in a short time working with you and I hope we have many more manuscripts ahead of us.

JEFF—it’s not easy to find someone who will unconditionally support you in all you do. Thank you for giving that to me. Hearing that you are proud of the work I’m doing is all the motivation I need some days to keep going when it gets hard.

NICK—thank you for letting me be really bad at listening to you when you said you didn’t want to help me conceptualize my work and tolerating all the times I forced you to do it anyway. You are the best beta reader an author could want, and the best friend anyone could ever hope for. I hope you can see all the places you helped change for the better in this manuscript. I will always hold it and think of pacing my living room as I prattled off ideas to you.

MY COVER ARTIST, NICK D. GREY—thank you so much for bringing the characters of Loom to life. It’s been a pleasure working with you and I can’t wait to see how you envision Petra and Yveun! I’m so happy that you drew that Bloodborne fan art.

ROB—I’m not sure if meeting you when I did was a stroke of luck, or fate, but I know better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. Thank you for all the guidance and help you’ve given me throughout this process. You offer a unique perspective, a sturdy counterweight when I need it, an expert opinion, and a perpetually patient ear. You are truly one of the best people I have ever had the privilege of meeting.

JON—your counsel has been invaluable throughout this process. The guidance you have given me has not only been essential in shaping my publication journey, but also sound life advice in general.

KATIE—I think it’s safe to say that you are the first person who has talked about getting a Loom tattoo! I will always remember with fondness reading over your shoulder the first time you experienced this story and playing just the right music at just the right time. Thank you for always being there to go out with me when I’m going stir crazy!

DOUG—thank you for helping me navigate the dollars and cents side of running a business and making sure my books are in order. Your candor and professionalism are always appreciated.

DANIELLE L. JENSEN—our Twitter DMs will live forever in infamy! Thank you for helping me both as an author and as a friend. I can’t tell you how much I’ve appreciated everything from your guidance in why a sentence didn’t make sense to you reading the manuscript in advance.

SUAN DENNARD—your title for the world’s most supportive author is only rivalled by the title of most awesome friend. Even when you were deep in the writing cave you allowed me to be random at you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read The Alchemists of Loom when you were so, so busy.

L.R.W. LEE, RACHEL E. CARTER, and SYDNEY—for taking the time to read The Alchemists of Loom in advance, giving me your thoughts, and catching the mistakes that fell through the cracks.

VICARS DANI, JAMIE, EMILY, MAUD, and SHANNON—thank you, thank you, thank you, for helping me bring the Guild Games to life. I could not have accomplished even half of what the Guild Games were without the five of you as fearless leaders. Your time, effort, and consistency was not unnoticed nor unappreciated.

MOM and DAD—your love and support knows no bounds. Thank you for being understanding and encouraging of this wild journey your daughter has embarked on.

MER—thank you for constantly expanding my world, pushing me to be better, and believing in this story.

THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO—from your floating museums, to your art-deco architecture, to the wooden temple in Hayes Valley, to the ferry terminal, to the tucked away stairways, and more… thank you for existing and welcoming this wayward traveler among your streets. Thank you for inspiring and enriching the world I’ve made during its conception.

THE TOWER GUARD—even if we are now in a new world, you will always be my dear guard. Near or far, we take care of our own and no one feels that more than me. Thank you so much for all your help in spreading the word about my works. Each and every one of you are so dear to me. Thank you to…

Tara, Jan, Desyerie, Abigail, Leah, Linda, Iris, Eileen, Sana, Kelly, Erika, Mi-Mi, Anjuli, Michaela, Erin, Bryce, Shelly, Hameedah, Alicia, Kim, Heather, Lola, Lauren, Ali, Jemimah, Betsy, Alex, Rachel, Katie, Emily F., Azazel, Kami, Nora, Kathleen, Tarryn, Aya, Jade, Vanessa, Nina, Cassie, Justine, Annie, Rafael, Christine G., Jaclyn, Karen, Sarah M., Kelsea, Lauren, Theresa, Brittany E. Kara, Suzann, Danielle K., Vanessa A., Teresa T., Shahira, Alexis J., Jessica W., Denise R., Jasmine, Jzn, Cassandra, Rocio, Hadassah, L Manzano, Erin H., Abigail H., Gaby N., Jenna T., Sandra F., Vannah, Royala, Emily R., Sabrina, Book Crazie, Vhiskey, Andrea M., Christine O., Shannon, Lina, Megan J., Alexandra, Melisa, Jamie K., Megan M., Alexis K., Kimberly, Maud, Shara, Jenny P., Mia, Michelle M., Emily G., Jayden, Dani, Joana, Shelly, Johanne, Tracey B., Myranda, Annabelle N., Kathleen S., Heidi, Andrea L., Joanne, Chelsea Q., Parryse, Sophie K., Nadine,Lea, Vandana, Julie, Linda M., Chelsea C., Joselyn, Amanda F., Julianne T., Kass, Aiko, Jessica L., Bingkat, Siomara, Candice, Senan, Logan R., Mariana, Devin F., Ivan, Nicolette, Jess S., Autumn T., Lovelene, Tayla, Carly V., Victoria C., Ashley, Sarah M., Margo, Megan E., Swati, Roshell, Nicola, Alexandra R., Keo, Roz, Ali B., Rehan, Megan M., Maggie W., Nkisu, Avery, Jannin, Gavin, Myrtle, Nichole, Aila, Chelsea H., Winnie, Clare, Ana, Yeechi, Carmela, Robyn, Erin C., Brianna M., Dina, Aentee, Laura S., Jenara, Randi, Brianna, Daphne C., Janine, Lily-Jo, Bre, Emily M., Daniel R., Addison, Amber, Helen N., Cleo, Ngu, Madison W., Janessa, Fatima, Anne, Ciara, Karina, Kaitlin D., Maxx, Liza, Melissa R., Danielle E., Kara, Vivien, Mara, Meyan, Hoai, Annalisse, Heather K., Duane, Madeline, Misha, Dorothy H., Jordan, Salwa, Monique, Alice W., Meghann, Malene, Natalia, Lisa, Zoe, Jenna R., Raisa, Anna C., Brian G., Grace, Tho, Ellen V. Desi, Alicia S., Amanda L., Denise C., Katelyn, Dianna H., Sokha, Amani, Jennifer, Kristie, Amber, Moa, Wendy, Fiona, Eveline, Merilliza, Vinky, Mary B., Sarah L., Lee F., Karina, Barbara, Bonny, Kate R., Cassidy, Yaprak, Irene, Ana, Raissa, Lauren, Joyce, NeSsa, Alyssa L., Leila K., Jennylyn, Aimee, Pammy, Sophie P., Zoe, Katie G., Jessica N., Angel, Rennie C., Samantha M., Skyly, WanHian, Angelia