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The Bartender (Sweet Texas Love Book 3) by Shanna Handel (10)


Sweet Texas Love - Book Four

Please continue reading for a sneak peek of Buttercup, book four in the series, coming soon!

Buttercup’s eyes roved over the room, taking stock of everything that she owned in this world. She had ten minutes, maybe fifteen at most. Then she had to be out of this house, out of this town, out of this life.

Grabbing the keys from her dresser, Buttercup caught a glimpse at her refection in the mirror. Purple circles hung like crescent moons under her dull, green eyes. The pale shade of her skin dramatized the dark rings. Her hair hung down around her shoulders, the red tint gone from lack of hours in the sun. When had she become so thin, so gothic looking? The sight of her collar bones sticking out disgusted her. She turned from the mirror.

What to take? Kneeling on the floorboards, Buttercup fought with the big, green suitcase grunting as she pulled it out from under the metal bed frame. The beaten leather now had another long scratch running along its smooth surface, a battle scar from one of her many moves.

Heaving the heavy suitcase onto the mattress she said to herself, “Think, Buttercup. What can you possibly need that is more important than your life?” Clothing. That was the only thing she could think to take. Everything else held memories.

Throwing open the closet doors, she took down armfuls of the hanging clothes, stuffing them into the case. The purple dress Carrie had bought her for Ray’s wedding lay on top. Ten years later it was still her favorite, but the fabric hung limp from her thin frame. Buttercup laughed, bitterly. The entire town of Poke had made it their mission to fatten her up and now, she was much thinner than when she had left.

Glancing at the clock on the wall Buttercup’s heart began to beat against her ribcage. There was not enough time—there may be no time. She opened the top drawer of the dresser. Digging around until she hit the back of the drawer extracting what she had been searching for.

Stuffing the manila envelope into the purse that was slung over her shoulder, Buttercup turned to the door. A stream of sunlight hit the diamond on the ring finger of her left hand, blinding her momentarily with its sparkle. Considering the ring for a moment, she tore it from her finger. The weight of it in her possession wasn’t worth the money it might bring her. She stepped back to the dresser leaving the ring on the center of its bare top.

Leaving the suitcase open on the bed with clothing spilling out, leaving everything, Buttercup walked over the threshold of the bedroom door. There was nothing for her here and if she stayed any longer there might not be anything left of Buttercup.

But where could she go? Taking one last glance at the purple dress, she grabbed it, shoving it into her purse as she ran from the room.

“I swear if I have to pick up one more sweaty sock I am going to lose my mind,” Jessica yelled from the living room of her Texas ranch. Grabbing the black culprit from her five-thousand-dollar cream colored couch, she stomped in the direction of the laundry room.

Rounding the corner while grumbling to herself, Jessica ran smack into the broad chest of her husband. Ray stood looking down at her, seemingly amused by her bad mood.

“I heard you all the way from the back room, Miss Jessica.” Looking down at her hands he said, “All this over one little sock?”

Jessica’s temper flared. Wanting to flip her long, blonde hair over her shoulder in a sassy retort, she stopped herself before she could complete the old habit. Instead, she ran her fingers agitatedly through her chin length locks.

“It’s not just this sock, Ray. This is the hundredth one I’ve picked up this week. It’s driving me crazy.”

“Well, what can we expect with three rambunctious boys running around here?” Ray let out a laugh, his brown eyes shining happily. His dream of Jessica and he, filling up their house with children had come true, and he was in love with her and their boys. His dark hair and beard had a few more silver strands than when she first married him, and his eyes a few more smile lines, but they only served to make her man even more handsome in her eyes.

Even his good looks and contagious smile could not improve her mood today. “I have our anniversary party to prepare for and nothing’s going to get done if I have to spend all of my time picking up dirty laundry,” she huffed. “Then Colton and Harry have t-ball, and Evan has a soccer game.” Jessica threw her head into her hands. “I just can’t keep up with it all.”

Her husband’s brown eyes flashed at her knowingly. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, “Does someone need a stress relief spanking?”

Throwing a hand on her hip and with a roll of her eyes, Jessica sassily retorted, “No, someone does not need a stress relief spanking.”

“Offer revoked, little lady. Now, you are just getting yourself a good, old-fashioned spanking.” Ray grabbed a firm hold of Jessica’s arm, pulling her into the laundry room and shutting the door behind them.

Ray had always been strong, but since they had their third son he had begun working out. His goal was to have the energy to be able to keep up with his young boys, he had achieved that as well as a stunning physique. Now, his muscles bulged in his shirt as he swiftly bent Jessica right over the top of her front-loading washing machine.

“Oomph.” Jessica braced herself over the top of the machine as the first hard smack came down onto her jean covered bottom. Glad she still had her pants on, Jessica could tell by the intensity of Ray’s swat that he was not in a playful mood.

“When you get stressed, you act like you have the right to march around this house snapping at everyone,” he lectured as he spanked.

The spanks were coming hard and fast. Jessica’s skin was starting to burn, but she still couldn’t hold her tongue. “I am not snapping. I have every right to be upset about having to pick up everyone’s crap all the damn time,” she huffed.


“Is that so? And words like, ‘crap’ and ‘damn,’ are allowed in this house? I think not.” The spanks came down harder. Jessica, not one to cry, began to sob. Not from the pain, just from the feeling of being absolutely overwhelmed by the life she had created.

The spanking stopped. “I think I’m rushing things a bit, aren’t I?” Ray’s strong hands wrapped around Jessica’s waist. In one fluid move, he had her turned around and sitting up on top of the washing machine. Centering himself between her thighs, Ray wrapped his arms around her waist. “Now, tell me everything you are frustrated about, honey.”

Sniffling and drying her eyes, she asked in a small voice, “Then I won’t get spanked?” The feel of her husband’s rock-hard body between her thighs, his hand gently rubbing her lower back calmed her, melting her tough exterior.

“You will most certainly be getting your bottom warmed by me. Your attitude has gone from bad to worse, today. But first, I want to know how you’re feeling.”

Giving a heavy sigh, Jessica looked down at the buttons of her husband’s shirt. “I think I just signed up for too much stuff. I can’t keep up with it all, Ray.”

“Ah,” his voice was soft as he spoke.

“You don’t need to tell me ‘I told you so’ either, Ray Stevenson.”

There was a sparkle in his eyes as he spoke. “I know, honey. But I did warn you about this.”

“I know.”

With his fingertip, Ray tilted Jessica’s chin up, so her gaze met his. “And what did I say would happen if you overbooked yourself and got feisty with me? Hmm?”

Wanting to roll her eyes, Jessica somehow found the strength to resist. She did not want to say the humiliating words. Ray waited patiently, a small, amused smile on his lips.


“I believe the exact words were, ‘young lady, I do believe I’m going to be purchasing a paddle to use on you this spring’.”

Raising one eyebrow, Ray asked, “And you signed this family up for every sport in the season, you volunteered to head up the school PTA, and you just joined the Athletic Booster Club for the Town of Poke. Did I miss anything?”

“The party,” she mused.

“Ah, yes, the party.” Ray and Jessica would be married ten years this spring, and Jessica wanted to throw a party to end all parties in this town. Knowing how much hosting even a handful of people stressed Jessica out, Ray had begged her to reconsider and spend a quiet evening out with him. He wanted to take her to Georgios, the same eatery where they had their first date. Sweetly tucking a stray lock of her hair behind her ear, Ray said, “I really hate to be a know it all here, but, Jessica, I saw this coming. Why do you do this to yourself? You won’t even enjoy our special day.”

She didn’t have a response, so she sat silently on top of her washing machine while her husband looked her over.

A moment later, Ray said, “Change of plans for today, hon. I’m calling Wes. I’m sure they can handle the boys for us, today.”

“No way, Ray. They cannot miss the first game of the season.”

“Then Wes can take them to the games.”

“It’s too complicated. There is no way they will be able to get everyone where they need to be, and have all the gear and…”

“Enough.” The tone of his voice was one Jessica knew well. It was his, ‘Daddy is in charge and unless you want your butt tore up you’d best zip it, now’ voice.”

“Fine,” Jessica muttered.

“I will call Wes, pack up the boys myself and take them to go play on the ranch for the day. You know they will be way more excited about riding with their uncle than playing sports anyway.”

It was true. Her sons loved sports, but they were true blue Texans, through and through. Her little cowboys loved nothing better than to spend the day at The Lonestar Cattle Company, soaking up Wes’ attention, riding, and being spoiled to death. The deep freezer at the ranch was always chock full of homemade pies, cookies and cakes. All ready to be defrosted at the first sign of a little Stevenson boy clomping up the front steps in his muddy cowboy boots.

Jessica heaved a deep sigh, finding it difficult to relinquish control. “Okay. I’ll start planning the party, then.”


“Well, then I will start cleaning up this pigsty of a mess.”


Jessica threw up her hands in frustration. “Then what am I going to do, today?

“You, my little lady, are going to go shopping with me.”

Her mood brightening, Jessica said, “Oh, fun. I need a dress for the anniversary party.” Her mind began to wander to the chic boutiques with the high price tags lining the streets of downtown Clinton.

“Guess again.” The look he gave her told her everything she needed to know. There would be no trying on of pretty dresses, no peeking in windows of home décor stores, no searching for party decorations.

Jessica groaned. “You can’t mean it, Ray.”

“Oh, yes, I can, and I think it’d be best if you called me Daddy for this trip, young lady. You seem to need a reminder of who’s in charge around here.”

Ray grabbed her around the waist once more, lifting her up as if she weighed about as much as a bag of flour, and gently set her on the ground. Opening the door to the laundry room, and holding out a hand to gesture for her to exit, he said, “Now git.”

Jessica walked out, receiving a sharp slap on the rear as she did.

Chuckling to himself, Ray said, “Hustle up. We don’t want all the paddles to be sold out, now do we?”

* * *

Entering the adult super store reminded Jessica of her earlier dating days. She had been a Dominatrix, playing games and creating scenes at a local BDSM club. Seeing the leather outfits, masks and whips made her cringe to herself. My how the tables had turned. Holding her husband’s strong hand in hers, Jessica gave a happy sigh. She was a taken in hand woman, and she loved it.

Ray turned to her, a twinkle in his eye. “What was that sigh all about, honey.”

Looking up at her brown eyed man, she said, “Nothing. Just happy.”

Reaching out and running his fingers over the leather Cat woman like outfit on the mannequin, he asked her, “Hey, didn’t you used to wear this stuff?”

“That was a long time ago, Ray. Though, I could probably pull some things out of the back of my closet and whip you into shape if I ever wanted to.” Jessica laughed at her joke.

Ray froze. He turned to her, raising a dark brow and narrowing his eyes. “Is that so, little girl? I’d like to see you try.” Giving her hand a tug, he reached around her waist with his other hand and gave her bottom a hard squeeze that brought her up onto her tippy toes. Leaning down, he whispered into her ear, “I should take you out to the car and whip your behind just for suggesting such a thing.” Flutters ran through Jessica’s tummy as her husband tightened his hold on her rear. “Do we need to visit the car, Miss Jessica?”

“No, Daddy,” she breathed.

“Then behave yourself.” Giving her a long, hard stare, Ray released his grip on her. Back to his jovial nature, he tugged her around the store, browsing casually.

Her cheeks flushed with desire—there was nothing in this world she found hotter than when her husband’s dominant nature showed itself. Jessica cast her eyes down trying to behave herself. She filed away the little joke she had made about the cat woman suit just in case she ever wanted to earn herself a spanking.

“Now, this is interesting,” Ray said, holding the edge of a long pink nightgown. Jessica focused her eyes on the garment. Across the front in red letters were the words, ‘Daddy’s girl’. On a hanger next to the gown were white panties boasting pink words reading, ‘Spank me’.

Her face was now on fire as her husband grabbed a pair of the panties.


His eyes cut to her, giving her, ‘the look’.

“I mean, it’s too much.”

“Not for a woman who’s been as naughty as you. Trying to boss your husband around, stressing out, yelling over socks.” Again, he raised his brow.

She knew the words he wanted her to say. She looked over the words on the panties her husband held. She couldn’t say—anything.

Ray’s jaw set in a hard line. “Go wait in the car for me, young lady. I will finish my shopping. Then I am taking you home to paddle your behind. Am I clear?”

The words came, but it was too late. “Yes, Daddy.”

Lifting his hand, he pointed his finger in the direction of the car. “Go.”

Turning, Jessica went, receiving a loud smack on her behind as she did.

Ignoring the curious gaze of the saleswoman, Jessica walked straight out the door, the tinkling bell announcing her departure.

With a sigh, she sat down in the passenger seat of the car. She could just make out Ray through the store windows, walking slowly touching this and that. Sitting back in the seat, Jessica felt her tummy do flip flops as she thought about what would be her fate when they got home.

When Ray seemed satisfied with his purchases, she watched as he walked to the counter looking to be talking amicably with the sales woman, as she rung up the purchases. Jessica sat forward craning her neck and trying to see what her husband was buying, to no avail.

“Damn,” she whispered to herself, allowing herself one little cuss word out of earshot of her husband. Her butt was going to be on fire soon anyway. Might as well let one more out. “Damn.”

Ray returned with a large, hot pink, black handled shopping bag that had the name of the store, ‘Naughty’, across the front in huge letters. He gave her a wink as he walked around to the rear of the car, putting the bag into the trunk. Taking his seat on the driver’s side, he gave Jessica a hungry look, his hand squeezing her upper thigh.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she answered honestly, shivers running through her.

* * *

Jessica laid over the edge of the bed, wearing nothing but a humiliating pair of panties that proclaimed, ‘It ain’t gonna spank itself’.

Ray’s footsteps came up behind her. She looked over her shoulder as she felt a soft thud of an object landing beside her. Resting on the floral comforter was a black leather paddle. Jessica gulped.

“We are going to have ourselves a little spanking therapy, Miss Jessica. You need to learn how to handle your stress, and I am going to teach you by warming up that beautiful bottom of yours.”

Shivers ran through Jessica, as Ray softly ran his hand over her panties. He let out a deep chuckle as he said, “Not gonna spank itself, is it?”

Jessica let out a groan.

“These are your stress relief panties from now on. When you need a stress relieving spanking, you can just put these babies on and I’ll take care of the rest.”

“I highly doubt that will ever happen.”

Leaning down next to her ear, Ray whispered, “You had best do as I say, Miss Jessica. Because if you don’t ask for it and I have to give it to you, it will be twice as hard.”

Giving a shudder, Jessica remained quiet.

“Now, I think I would like to start out this session with my hand. A little warm up, if you will.” Jessica tried not to squirm with pleasure as Ray’s hand made small, soft circles on her rear end. The circles changed over to soft little pats as Ray began his lecture.

“You have been an ornery little thing, running around here, cussing and bossing, haven’t you, young lady?”

“Yes, sir.” The pats transformed to harder slaps, the sound echoing through the room. Jessica’s skin started to tingle where her husband’s wide palm landed.

“Who is the boss in this house, Miss Jessica?”

“Daddy is,” she whispered.

A hard smack landed on the seat of her panties, causing her to lose her breath.


“Daddy is,” she said louder.

Two even harder spanks came down, right on the tender place where her bottom met the tops of her thighs.

“Who. Is. In. Charge?”

“Daddy is!” she cried as the spanks began in rapid succession.

“That’s right, little girl, and you’d best learn that quickly. Or you won’t be sitting down again anytime soon.”

Jessica cringed as Ray tugged at the waist of her panties. Bunching them up just below her cheeks he came around to the side of the bed.

Creating a mound of pillows on the center of the bed, Ray said, “Crawl up here on your knees so your tummy is settled over these pillows and your bottom is up in the air. Then I can give you the proper paddling that you need.”

Her face felt hot as she crawled, the panties constricting her movement, onto the bed. Positioning herself over the pillows, she left her bare bottom sitting exposed like a target for her man.

“Good girl,” Ray murmured, sounding as if he was appreciating the view. Running his hand over her warmed skin, he asked, “Comfy?”

“I guess,” she answered. “But not for long, I assume.”

Ray laughed. “You know what they say about assumptions—they get your bottom spanked.”

She gulped as she felt the paddle being lifted from the bed. Silently, it came down through the air, landing on the center of her bare bottom with a loud thwack. The feeling from the contact of the leather was a stinging, burning sensation that melted her core. Hovering somewhere amazing between pleasure and pain, Jessica moaned as Ray continued to paddle her bare bottom with the leather paddle.

Ray murmured, “I think I’ve just found myself a new hobby. And a new favorite place to shop.”

With that statement, the paddle began to come down faster and harder covering every inch of her sensitive skin. Crossing the line into a punishment spanking, Jessica mentally kicked herself for her mouthy attitude.