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The Beauty of Us (Fusion #4) by Kristen Proby (4)


“You did great, Trev,” my boss, Mark, says happily in my ear. “Wrapping early is great, and makes up for the holiday day we lost last week. The footage you’ve sent is great. It’s going to be a good show.”

“I think so too,” I reply, and wave as the sound guy leaves. “Hey, I’m going to stick around in Portland for a few extra days.”


I take a deep breath.

“Because I need some vacation time,” I reply, not lying in the least. “It’s been a few years.”

“How much time are we talking about?”

“I’m going to be here through next week. I’ll be back in my office the following Monday.”

“A whole week.” His voice has lost the excitement of a few moments ago. “I was hoping to go over some new show ideas next week.”

“I’m sorry, Mark, but it’ll have to wait. I wasn’t due to be back in the office until late next week anyway, so this is only a few extra days.”

“You’re right,” he says with a sigh. “You have the apartment until Wednesday morning. You can have my assistant arrange for you to keep it.”

“I’ll be checking out early.”

“Trevor, what’s going on?”

“Nothing at all, just taking some time for myself.”

“Okay. I’ll see you when you get back.”

I end the call and have a brief chat with the camera guy, then go in search of the girls.

Mia is, naturally, in the kitchen.

“Can you take a ten-minute break?” I ask her, earning a glare.

“Give me a few,” she says.

“Great, meet me in your office.”

She nods, going right back to whatever she’s working on on the stove top.

Kat and Cami are in the bar.

“I need to borrow you guys. Can we please meet in the office?”

“Sure,” Cami says as Kat turns to her employee and tells her to let Kat know if she needs anything.

“Where are Addie and Riley?” I ask.

“In the office,” Kat says.

“Perfect.” I lead the ladies into the office, and each of them immediately sits at her respective desk. They’re beautiful women, and not a little intimidating when they’re all seated in the office.

“Mia’s on her way,” I inform them.

“Are we in trouble?” Addie asks with a smirk.

“On the contrary,” I reply just as Mia hurries in.

“You’ve got five minutes,” she says impatiently.

“That’s all I’ll need.” I rub my hands together as my gaze travels to each woman. “I have excellent news. We’ve wrapped shooting.”

“What?” Cami says with a frown. “I thought we had to film through Tuesday.”

“We got everything we need,” I reply. “Today’s interviews were the last of it. I’ve already sent the rest of the crew home.”

“It’s convenient that you wrapped on a Friday,” Cami says with a nod.

“I don’t mean to be rude,” Mia says with a smile, “but thank God.”

“You all did so great.” I hold each of their gazes with mine, speaking in earnest. “Seriously, you couldn’t have been better. My boss is already very pleased.”

“Good.” Riley finally speaks up, avoiding my gaze now. “I’m happy to hear it was successful.”

“I think we’re going to miss having you around,” Kat says. “We should have a party to celebrate!”

“Absolutely,” Addie says with a nod. “We should have it at my place. There’s plenty of space for everyone. I can call Jake and have him get the ball rolling for tonight, if that works for everyone.”

“That’s short notice,” Mia says.

“We have people,” Addie says, waving Mia off. “I expect to see you all at my place, tonight, around seven.”

“Okay.” Mia stands and rubs her neck. “I’ll call in an extra cook and duck out early.”

“Wow,” Kat says, raising a brow. “You didn’t even put up much of a fight.”

“You’re very funny,” Mia says, and walks out of the office. All of the girls stand, each of them shaking my hand as they leave. Riley’s hung back, and as she approaches me, I block the path to the door.

“Can we talk for a minute?”

“Okay,” she says, and backs up, leaning on the front of her desk.

“How do you feel?”

“Peachy.” Her smile is fake. “It’s just fantastic that you’re leaving early.”

“Is that what you think? No.” I move to her and take her shoulders in my hands. “I’m not leaving early. I’m actually staying longer.”

She frowns and seems to sag in relief, all at the same time.

“How long?” she asks softly.

“Until the following Monday.”

She nods, her face flushing. “I’m ridiculously relieved.”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I’m fine,” she says, but I can see through her. And I get it. I’m not ready to say good-bye either.

“I’m going to need a place to stay.”

Her lips twitch in humor. “There are plenty of hotels in Portland.”

“True.” I nod and pull her against me, letting her feel the length of me against her. “But that wouldn’t be nearly as nice as seeing you whenever I like.”

“You have a point.” Her hands travel up my arms and around my neck. “I guess it wouldn’t be so bad to share my things with you for a bit.”

“That’s very generous.”

“You’ll have to earn your keep,” she says, her voice very serious. God, she makes me laugh.

“Of course.” I purse my lips, trying to keep a straight face. “You know I can cook, so there’s that.”

“There’s that,” she agrees.

“I’m handy with laundry.”

“That’s a bonus,” she says with a smile. “I hate laundry.”

“I kind of enjoy it, actually.”

“Well, then by all means, feel free to do laundry.”

I smirk. “What else can I do for you?”

Her hand glides down my chest and she cups my dick in her hand, immediately waking it up. “I have a few ideas.”

“I love your ideas.”

“I haven’t even told you what they are yet,” she says with a laugh.

“I can already tell your ideas are awesome.”

“You’d be right. When are you moving in?”

“I was thinking I’d go back and pack up now while you finish up work.”

She shocks me by wrapping her arms around me and hugging me tightly.

“I have a rock hide-a-key by the front porch,” she mumbles into my chest. “Just go make yourself at home.”

“Are you sure?” I tip her chin up so I can see into her blue eyes. “If you’d rather I kept the apartment, I can do that.”

“I’d rather have you with me, for as long as I can.”

I cup her face and kiss her until we’re both breathless.

“Thank you. I’ll see you tonight.”

“And don’t forget about our wrap party tonight. You should invite the crew.”

We used a Portland-based camera and sound crew rather than fly everyone up from L.A. and pay for their lodging and meals on top of salary.

“I’m sure they’d like that. I’ll let them know.”

“Okay.” She smiles as she steps away from me. “Now leave before I strip you naked and have my way with you on my desk.”

Her lips are wet and parted, her hair twisted up nicely, just begging to be tousled by my fingers. I can’t resist leaning in and pressing my nose to her neck. She shivers beautifully.

“That’s not much of a threat, Riley.”

She laughs and buries her fingers in my hair. “I really don’t have time for this.”

“Yes, you do,” I reply, letting my hand slide up her bare thigh beneath her skirt. “You own the fucking business.”

“That door is unlocked,” she warns me. Her head falls back with a sigh as my fingers find home plate. “Someone could walk in.”

“I don’t seem to give a fuck.” But I’m blocking the view from the door with my back as I push her onto her desk. I’m not going to fuck her, not right now, but I’m going to make damn sure she spends the rest of the day thinking of me.

“Trevor,” she breathes. She’s holding on to my arms, her nails biting my flesh through my shirt. “Oh my God.”

“That’s right, sweetheart.” I bite her earlobe and then press my lips to her ear. “Come. Right now, Riley.”

She obeys without a moment’s pause, clinging to me, her pussy contracting around my fingers.

“You’re so damn gorgeous.”

“You’re good at that,” she replies, swallowing thickly. “My turn.”

“Nope.” I lick my fingers clean and then straighten her skirt and back away. My cock is pulsing like a motherfucker, but we’re both going to have to wait until later. “I’ll see you later.”

“Should I say thanks?” she asks with a laugh.

“That works.” I kiss her, hard, then walk out of the office whistling. I ignore the smirks from Cami and Addie, sending them a wave as I walk out of the restaurant.

I have some packing to do.


The girls are dancing in the middle of the room. Jake and Addie’s house—“mansion” is a better word—is massive, and the perfect place to accommodate so many people.

Two of our crew showed up as well. I think they were just curious to get a look at Jake Knox’s house, as they’re both big fans, and Jake has stayed away from the restaurant while we filmed, wanting to maintain his privacy.

They’re both standing with him now while he holds his baby girl, chatting and laughing.

“They’re something,” Landon says beside me, pointing at our girls. “They’ve done this since they were kids.”

“You’ve known them for a long time,” I reply, and take a sip of my beer while I watch Riley move out of rhythm in her skintight red dress.

Fuck me, she looks amazing in it.

“Most of our lives,” Landon says.

“Did you always have a crush on Cami?” Mac, Kat’s fiancé, asks.

“I started to notice her as something other than my sister’s friend when I was in high school. We’ve always been good friends, and when we got older, the chemistry was off the charts.”

“But you never pursued her?” I ask.

“I went to college, and then into the navy,” Landon says, shaking his head. “She got married. We went in two different directions.”

“Until last year,” Mac says.

“Yep. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“I know what you mean,” Mac says, staring at Kat. “I wasn’t looking for her, but there she was, terrified on that plane.”

He goes on to tell me about how Kat has a phobia of flying, and he was sitting next to her on a flight down to California.

“All of these women are impressive,” I add, and smile when Riley spins, almost crashing right into Cami. “Riley has no rhythm.”

“She never did,” Landon says with a laugh. “But she doesn’t care. You have to admire that about her.”

I love her for a million different reasons.

“Do you love her?” Landon asks me, catching my attention.


“No, Mother Teresa. Yes, Riley.”

I take a sip of my drink. “I don’t know if I should answer that question when I haven’t even told her how I feel about her.”

“As long as you’re not just in it for the sex, I’m fine,” Landon says. “Because she’s not really that kind of person.”

“I know,” I reply with a smile. “She told me early on, and we are exclusive.”

“Great.” Landon waves at Cami, who’s waving at him from her dancing spot.

The song ends, and the girls scatter, each going to her man. Mia pours herself another drink.

“Hi,” Riley says happily.

“Hello there, beautiful.”

Her chest is heaving from being out of breath, highlighting those sexy tits, and I can’t stand not having my hands on her anymore.

“I’d like to speak with you,” I murmur to her, taking her hand in mine and leading her out of the room and down the hallway to a bathroom.

I shut the door behind us and pin her against the wall.

“What’s wrong?” she asks.

“Not a fucking thing.” I kiss her forehead. “Watching you dance in that dress just about undid me.”

“You’re drunk,” she says with a giggle.

“Nope,” I reply. “Unless you count being drunk on you.”

“So, do you want to go at it in here? Because I’ve never been a fan of bathroom sex.”

“No?” I cock a brow and let my hands glide down her sides to the hem of her dress. Her legs are bare beneath it, as they were earlier, and I’m happy to discover she’s not wearing panties. “What don’t you like about it?”

“It’s rather unsanitary, isn’t it?” She wrinkles her nose, then bites her lip when my fingertip drags up the crease of her leg, right next to where it meets her sex.

“I’m quite sure that Addie and Jake have a diligent housekeeper,” I reply, and plant my mouth on her neck, just below her ear, as my finger finds her clit.

“I don’t remember her name,” Riley whispers.

“I don’t give a fuck,” I reply, and slip my finger through her wetness and into her. Her leg is wrapped around my waist, begging me to go deeper, to free my hard, pulsing cock and take her, right here.

But I’m not going to.

“Trevor,” she moans, and I cover her lips with my fingers.

“Shh,” I croon, and gently bite her collarbone. “We don’t want someone to hear you.”

“The music is loud,” she replies, and fists her fingers in my hair. “I want you.”

“Best words ever,” I growl, and add a finger inside of her, making a “come here” motion, and watch as I bring her close to the brink of orgasm. “Do you know how fucking beautiful you are?”

Her eyes are closed as she bites her lip and shakes her head back and forth.

“Your body comes alive under my touch. It’s the most amazing thing in the world to watch.”

“It’s pretty great to feel too,” she says. Her voice is hoarse and full of lust.

Just as she’s about to fall over the ledge, I pull away. Her eyes are glassy as she frowns at me. “Where are you going?”

“Back out to the party. You don’t like bathroom sex, remember?”

“You’ve changed my mind. Besides, you can’t do this to me twice in one day. It’s cruel.”

“You came twice,” I remind her, but she shakes her head.

“That’s only part of it,” she says. “I get off on getting you off.”

My cock has never been this hard.

Her cheeks are flushed beautifully, her nipples hard against her dress.

I lean in and kiss her cheek, and then her earlobe.

“Later,” I whisper, and take her hand, leading her back out to join the others.

“Now,” she replies, and quickly frees my cock from my pants. She squats and immediately takes me into her mouth, and if I were a younger man, I’d come on the spot.

As it is, she uses both hands and that mouth of hers that was made for sin, and I’ll be damned if I can hold back any longer.

I come fast, right into her mouth. She swallows and smiles, then stands and tucks me back in my pants.

“There. Now we can wait for later to get down to business.”

She winks and leads me back to the party.

“Oh, good, you’re back,” Kat says when she sees Riley. “I was just telling Mac about that time in college that we took that road trip down to San Francisco.”

“Oh lord, that was the worst trip ever,” Riley says, rolling her eyes.

“Are you okay?” Cami asks, tilting her head. “You look a little flushed.”

Riley smiles and shrugs one shoulder. “I think the alcohol is kicking in.”

She hasn’t even finished her first drink, but we’ll keep that secret between us. Riley sits next to Addie, who’s now holding the baby.

“We had three flat tires on that trip,” Riley says as I take a seat next to her. “We were stranded on Mount Shasta for almost twenty-four hours.”

“Did you all go?” Landon asks. “I don’t remember this story.”

“No, it was just Kat and me,” Riley says. “And neither of us knew how to change a tire.”

“I’m a genius,” Kat reminds us all with a smile. “I knew how, I just didn’t want to.”

“What she said,” Riley says with a shrug. I glance around the room, noticing that the two crew members have left.

“Hey, man,” Jake says to me, “thanks for being so understanding about not asking me to interview for the show.”

“It’s not a problem,” I reply. “This show is about the restaurant, and if you want to remain private, that’s your right.”

“Not everyone is so understanding,” Addie says, rolling her eyes. Riley holds her hands out to the baby, who happily leans toward her, drooling like crazy.

“Aw, are you teething, little princess?” Riley kisses the baby’s cheek. “You look more like your mama every day.”

“Thank God,” Jake says, looking at both his girls with love written all over his face.

“You’re so smitten,” Cami says to him. “It’s awesome.”

“How could I not be? Have you seen them?”

“They are beautiful,” Kat says with a smile. “You guys just keep having babies, because I’m not going to. I’ll spoil yours.”

“We can do that,” Jake says, earning a glare from his wife. “Not today.

“You’re damn right not today,” Addie says as the baby starts to fuss. “I love this little love, but she’s a handful all on her own. I think it’s her bedtime.”

“I’ll take her up,” Jake says. He retrieves the baby and takes her out of the room.

The girls start discussing the restaurant, and I rub light circles on Riley’s back, working my way lower and lower until I can feel the top of her crack and let my hand rest there, tickling. Her voice skips in whatever it is she’s saying and she tosses me a look, then returns to her conversation.

I want to keep her in a constant state of arousal all evening. My hand roams to her thigh. She has her legs crossed, and her bare knee is practically begging for attention. I let my hand rest on her thigh for a few minutes, and just when she seems to calm down, I tighten my grip, slide my fingers to her knee, and watch in amusement as goose bumps erupt along her perfect skin.

“So, now that the crew is gone, how have you enjoyed Portland, Trevor?” Mac asks from across the room. Kat is in his lap, cuddling into him with a very satisfied grin on her face.

“It’s a beautiful city,” I reply honestly. “The food is great. The company has been even better.”

I smile down at Riley, who blushes.

“It’s no secret that I’ve been seeing Riley.”

“Definitely no secret,” Cami says with a grin. “But I think it was good of you to keep it pretty professional whenever we were filming.”

“I’m not an idiot, and I’m not willing to give the crew any reason to gossip about any of us. News travels quickly, as I’m sure you know.”

“It’s a wise move,” Landon says with a nod.

“So, I’ve decided to stay for a few extra days,” I continue, watching Riley as I speak. My thumb is still wreaking havoc on her knee. “I’d like to spend as much time with Riley as I can before I head back to L.A.”

“That’s sweet,” Cami says. “You make a really beautiful couple.”

I smile at Riley and sweep her dark blond hair over her shoulder and off her neck, which I know drives her crazy.

Women have a thing about having their necks touched. It’s their Kryptonite.

Riley takes a deep breath and smiles at Cami.

“Thank you. It’s his glasses. They’re sexy.”

“I’m quite sure it’s simply you,” I reply, and lean in to place a kiss on her neck, discreetly licking her and making all of the hair on her body stand up.

She’s so bloody turned on, it’s fascinating.

We spend the next few hours talking with the others before we say our good-byes and are in my car on the way back to her house.

She’s uncharacteristically quiet, turned toward the window and watching the streetlights as they whip by on the freeway.

I reach over to touch her knee, but she jerks out of my reach and glares at me.


I cock a brow. “No?”

“No. You’ve been torturing me for hours. Do you have any idea how fucking uncomfortable I am right now?”

“Oh yeah, it’s straining against my jeans, sweetheart.”

“Good.” She turns back to the window and sits in silence until we get to her house. She storms out of the car and through the front door, me right on her heels. “I’m going to take a shower.”

“Great idea.” I smile and follow her back to her bedroom, but she stops and whirls, rounding on me.

“Alone, Trevor. I’m going to take a cold shower, alone.”

“Fuck that.”




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