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The Billionaire Bachelor: Clean Billionaire Romance (Matched With A Billionaire Book 1) by Judy Corry (7)



Kate held her phone up backstage to catch Drew's interview live for Alexis. Alexis didn’t want to wait for it to air all the way in California, so she'd instructed Kate to video the interview to her in real time. But Alexis had nothing to worry about. Drew had charmed Clary Haskins with his smart wit and good looks from the moment he'd stepped on stage.

Drew was undeniably attractive. She'd always thought so. He had brilliant blue eyes and a strong, masculine jaw that rivaled a Greek god's. And his smile. It was disarming. Even after all these years, she still felt like a little schoolgirl with a crush on her older brother's friend every time he smiled at her. And she wasn't even interested in dating anyone at the moment. Imagine what it would be like for all the women in the audience who were.

"So how was it dating twenty-five women at the same time?" Clary asked Drew. "I have a hard-enough time telling my husband and my boyfriend apart." She covered her mouth and looked to the audience with an exaggerated embarrassed look. "Oops, I guess that's not a secret anymore."

"Now Clary…" Drew chided, playing along.

"Okay, fine. My husband is the one with the beard. But sometimes it gets confusing when we're all in the same house."

Drew laughed, and Clary blushed.

"In all seriousness though, how in the world did you remember all those girls’ names?"

"It was actually quite difficult, but the producers have a few tricks that helped immensely." In other words, they fed them to him. But of course he couldn't ruin the movie magic for all those ladies in the audience.

"Do you and your fiancée see each other often?" Clary asked innocently.

"Who said I had a fiancée?” To someone who didn't know him well, it would appear like he'd maintained his unruffled exterior, but Kate saw a slight crack in his facade. They'd need to work on that question a bit more. His guilt over not getting engaged might be the thing to ruin it all.

"Come on, Drew, give Auntie Clary a hint. I promise I won't tell." She winked at the audience.

"Sorry. It's top secret." He did better that time. No truth shining through the cracks.

"Are you at least happy?"

Drew nodded. "Very happy. It was an experience I'll never forget, and I got to know a lot of really great women."

They continued to talk for a few minutes more and the audience seemed to hang on to every word.

"Well, I can see I won't be getting any information out of you today," Clary said. "It was great to have you on the show." She turned to the audience. "Make sure you tune in tonight at eight, seven central, to ANB for the two-hour premiere of Finding Your Soulmate to watch Drew on his incredible journey to find love."

She thanked Drew for coming, and then he walked offstage to the applause of hundreds of fans.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Kate threw her arms around him in a congratulatory hug. Then, realizing a supposedly married woman probably shouldn't be throwing her arms around a supposedly engaged man, she stepped back awkwardly and cleared her throat. "Seriously, you did so good out there," she said in a much more reserved tone.

"Thank you," Drew said breathlessly, not seeming to notice her discomfort. "It was actually fun. Talking with Clary was like talking to my grandma…the nice one, that is." His mouth quirked up in the half smile that did funny things to her stomach. "Let's just hope the rest of the interviews go as well as this one."

Which reminded Kate, she still had Alexis on the phone. "Here," she said, holding up the phone. "Alexis wants to talk to you."

Drew took the phone, and Kate went to talk to the stage manager to see if there was anything else they needed to do before rushing off to the next event.

* * *

"Are you excited to see Gwen again?" Kate asked Drew the next Friday as she drove him to the secret house he and Gwen would be staying at for the weekend. Dion was picking up Gwen at the airport that afternoon. Within a few minutes, Drew would get to see his girlfriend, and Kate would be meeting the girl who had finally stolen Drew's heart.

The first impression she'd had of Gwen from watching Monday's show hadn't been super awesome, so she hoped, for Drew's sake, that Gwen's second impression was much better.

"It’ll be good to see her again. It's hard to grow a relationship to the point it needs to get to, when you only see each other every other weekend. Talking on the phone just isn't the same."

Kate nodded. "Well, then I hope this weekend is a good one. Do you guys have anything fun planned?"

Drew stared at Kate like she was missing a screw in her head. "You do realize we can't go anywhere, right? Like, we'll be stuck in the house with nothing but each other and movies and whatever else is in the house to keep us entertained."

Kate shrugged. "You're a homebody. I thought it would be right up your alley."

Drew smiled and shook his head. "I'm a homebody when I choose to be, but when I'm forbidden to leave, it just kind of feels like jail." Then he seemed to realize how that came out and hurried to say, "Not that being alone with Gwen is a punishment. It would just be nice to go on a real date one of these days."

"I bet that after living in that huge house of yours, staying in a regular-sized house like us commoners probably gives you claustrophobia." Kate winked, loving that she could give him a hard time about that. When he scowled, she added, "I totally get it. You want to broadcast your love to the world instead of keep it a secret."

"Something like that."

She had certainly done that. She'd wagged her engagement ring in everyone's faces and totally earned her and Nolan the title of PDA couple among their friends. And what a huge piece of humble pie she'd been dished to teach her a lesson.

They arrived at the house. Kate maneuvered the car into the garage.

"It's so nice not having to use a disguise this time. The last place we stayed at didn't have a garage, so I totally had to dress up like a crazy, homeless holy man." He chuckled. "Oh, yeah. You saw that one, actually."

"You got your holy-man costume for this? I bet Gwen just loved that." Kate laughed.

Drew smiled. "She made me take it off as soon as I got in there."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Kate burst out, feeling her cheeks flush. "TMI. I do not need to know about that."

Drew's face immediately turned beet red, even his ears. "That's not what I meant." He cleared his throat. "You remember that nickname they gave me in college?"

Kate thought back to how Aiden and Drew had talked about how their new college friends made fun of Drew for choosing to remain a virgin until he was married. "You mean Saint Drew?" Was it possible that after all these years he was still a virgin?

Drew nodded, a flash of embarrassment crossing his face. "Saint Drew is still saintly."

Kate arched her eyebrows. "I'm impressed." And despite how awkward it was, she couldn't help but ask. He was the one who brought it up anyway. "How does Gwen feel about that?"

"She's not a fan, and totally tries to corrupt me. But I didn't make it twenty-eight years without having a strong will."

More like a stubborn stick-in-the-mud personality, Kate thought, remembering all the other things he'd been stubborn about in the past.

"Good for you, Drew. I'm really proud of you for standing up for that, even though you've gotten a lot of crap about it through the years."

"It's not without difficulty. Believe me.” He unbuckled his seat belt. "This whole show is set up for that to happen. Even these weekends. Dion certainly doesn't understand it. But I'm just thankful that at least I have Alexis to stick up for me. She makes sure each of the houses we stay at has two bedrooms, so I can lock Gwen out at night if I have to."

Kate gasped. "Do you really have to lock your door to keep her from sneaking in?"

"Now that was a joke." Drew laughed, his eyes bright with humor as he opened his door to climb out. "She's been understanding. She even tells me it helps her feel special—that if we do get married in the end, she'd feel lucky that she was the only one to have that part of my life."

It was all so sweet. Gwen really was a lucky girl. Kate only wished she was good enough to deserve someone like Drew.

Drew put his bag over his shoulder and Kate followed him into the house. A tall blonde was just coming down the hall when they stepped into the kitchen. Gwen in real life.

"Drew!" She squealed and threw her arms around his neck, showering him in kisses and putting her fingers all over his face.

Was he going to tell her how much he hated having his face touched? Kate didn't think that could have changed in the last few years.

"I missed you so much," Gwen said. She kissed him on the lips then grabbed his hand to pull him into the next room.

"H-h-h-hold on," he said, pulling her to a stop, his tall frame towering over her. "I don't think you've met Kate yet."

Kate slipped a smile on her face, happy Drew would still acknowledge her presence even when he had his gorgeous girlfriend tugging him into another room.

Gwen stopped, turned around, and forced a smile on her burgundy lips.

"Gwen, this is Kate, my handler, though better known as one of my good friends. Kate, this is Gwen."

"Nice to meet you, Gwen," Kate said. "Drew has told me so much about you."

Actually, he hadn't, come to think about it. He'd only mentioned her in short spurts with all the craziness of the past week. But she figured he'd appreciate it if she covered for him. Plus, Alexis had been insistent about the importance of keeping Gwen happy. Happy girlfriend for Drew meant Drew would be happy and therefore much more willing to follow through with his promises.

"Wish I could say the same for you," Gwen said, a sour expression on her face. "Drew told me he got a new handler, but apparently, it wasn't important enough to say any more than that."

Kate bit back the retort she had on the edge of her tongue. The only thing keeping her from telling Gwen off was the fact that she needed this job to accomplish her goals where her screenplays were concerned, and also her love for Drew. If anyone else had spoken to her like that, Kate wouldn't have hesitated to give them a piece of her mind.

Drew had warned her that Gwen didn't make the best first impression…but really? This was absurd.

Drew mouthed I'm sorry from behind Gwen.

Kate unruffled her feathers and decided to do away with the niceties and just get down to business. She pulled out her notepad and pen, and asked, "What would you guys like me to bring you for dinner?"

Yes, it was kind of ridiculous that they couldn't order their own food, but it was not above delivery guys to sell out for a much bigger payday than their tip would ever give them.

"Oh, I don't know," Gwen said, tucking her arm in the crook of Drew's. "What do you feel like eating, Drewy?"

Drewy? Kate had heard a lot of horrible pet names before, but this one was just terrible. Drew was not a Drewy. No way. That was the name for someone's whipping boy.

But Drew didn't seem to mind the term of endearment. Could he possibly like it?

"I could go for a pizza." Drew shrugged.

"Oh, you know I can't eat pizza this late. Carbs are a big no-no after six. Don't you remember?" Then she pinched his side as if checking for fat. Gwen looked to Kate. "Tell Drew he can't eat pizza this late in the day, or it will stick to him. And we can't have our bachelor getting chubby. His fans want to see his ripped abs."

"I'm sure Drew is more than capable of deciding what he will or will not eat," Kate said, the annoyance level surging even higher.

Gwen scrunched her nose at Kate, clearly not liking being stood up to. She turned her attention back to Drew. "How about we get something from that place we ordered from last time? They had the most amazing soup and salad."

"Adrianna's?" Drew guessed.

"Yes, that's the place."

Kate wrote the restaurant name at the top of her pad and drew a line under it.

"What would you like to order?" Kate asked.

"I don't have the menu memorized." Gwen set a hand on her hip, the other reached out to Kate for something.

When Kate didn't understand what was going on, Drew cleared his throat and said, "I think she wants to use your phone."

Oh. Realization dawned on Kate. They weren't allowed to have their phones while on secret weekends. No contact with the outside world, besides the cheap unit that only made phone calls in case they accidentally snapchatted a picture of themselves for the world to get their hands on. So. Many. Rules. So much secrecy.

Kate unlocked her phone and handed it to Gwen. Gwen's fake nails clicked on the plastic of her case.

A few minutes later, Gwen and Drew had made their decisions and Kate jotted them down. She took her phone back and told them she'd be back soon.

After Kate pulled out of the driveway, she called Adrianna's to place their orders. Then, at a pizza place nearby, she ordered a small supreme pizza for herself and another medium pepperoni and tomato for Drew, which was his favorite.

No carbs after six, my eye. It was Friday night. Friday night had always been pizza night. And she and Drew would have pizza if they wanted to.