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The Billionaire's Deal (Mercury Billionaires Book 6) by Nicole Casey (38)



I didn’t really think that a private ambulance was necessary but I had to go over and thank Adam anyway.

“Thanks for taking care of Joe like that. Maybe you aren’t all bad after all.”

The billionaire brat bowed graciously and told me that it was the least he could do. He then wished me a good night and walked up to his yacht.

Was that it? Was I going to get away from therefore without any sort of a fight or argument? As I watched Adam walking on to his craft I knew that he wouldn’t have provoked such strong reactions in me if he hadn’t been so attractive.

He had khaki colored shorts on and I admired his strong legs as he jumped on board. He was the kind of tall and strong man that I had always dreamed of having by my side, so why did he have to be so rude and nasty?

I turned and walked away. It was probably the last time I would ever set eyes on the billionaire, so what was wrong with fantasizing a little about being with him?

The smart, elegant restaurants in Puerto Madero were buzzing with the city’s rich and famous. I felt out of place here so I quickened my stride as I carried on and imagined what it would be like to rip off his clothes and make love on his luxury yacht.

I was sure that he was a good, experienced lover who would know exactly where to touch me. Even when he had put his hand on my thigh in the back of the limo I had felt a thrill running through me.

What the hell…?

My phone was ringing and the name that appeared on the screen was “rich brat”. I quickly recalled storing Adam’s number with this name when I had called the previous day looking for my brother.

“What do you want now, rich brat?”

“Well, that’s not a very nice way to answer the phone. Especially when I’m calling to say that I have a bag with your little brother’s passport and papers in it. I thought you might want to collect it but I see that you don’t.”

I sighed as loudly as I could into the phone.

“Oh, okay. I’ll go back and get them just now.”

It took me 5 minutes to get back to the yacht. I called out but no-one answered, so I reluctantly climbed on board. It was my first time onboard a private yacht so it took me a few minutes to get my bearings.

I walked into the cabin and there was still no sign of Adam or the bag I was meant to collect. It was a bigger room than I had expected it to be, with a giant bed and mirrors on the wall. I walked back out on to the deck.

The boat moved slightly and I grabbed a handrail to steady myself. It wasn’t until I heard the engine that I realized what had happened. He had tricked me into getting on board and was now sailing off with me as a hostage.

Adam appeared on the deck after a few minutes. He was wet all over and only had a pair of shorts on. There was a giant grin on his face and a half empty glass in his hand.

He took the controls again and steered us out onto clear water while I tried to calm down. I bit my tongue in order to not shout at him or say anything foolish.

I felt a confusing mix of emotions as he swaggered towards me. I should be furious but I was incredibly turned on instead.

He offered me a glass but I pushed it away. It fell to the ground and smashed into tiny pieces. He just laughed.

“Looks like we are going for a sail together, Jess. Just you and me.”

“This is kidnapping. Let me off this boat right now.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“I do. I want to get off. Now.”

He was now standing very close to me and I hit him on the chest. It was a weak punch that I was immediately ashamed of but the touch of my first on his broad, hairy chest seemed to break down our defenses at last.

Adam grabbed my fist and pulled me closer. It hurt a little and I slapped his chest with my other hand. The billionaire laughed and grabbed my waist.

“I don’t even like you.”

“In that case, I don’t like you either.”

Time stood still while we looked at each other. Neither of us knew how to make the next move. Would it be a slap or would it be a passionate kiss this time?

I could feel his big hands through the thin fabric of my clothes and I lost all control for the first time in my life. My free hand moved onto his stomach and then down.

I looked at him defiantly. Was that fear or pleasure on his face as my hand slipped inside the waistband of his shorts?

“Let go of my hand or I’ll pull your shorts down.”

“Go ahead if you dare.”

It felt like we are acting out our parts in a bad movie but we had to keep up the pretense a little longer for some reason. It was as though our bodies were giving us one message and our brains were trying to stop us acting on it.

My hand moved inside the waistband and I could tell instantly that we were very aroused, just like I was. My hand skirted around the area where we both wanted it to be, teasing and taunting him with the power I now enjoyed over him. This felt good and I wanted to make it last.

He needed me just like I needed him. For some reason, there was no doubt of that in my mind. His eyes were now pleading with me. Who was in charge now then, rich boy?

“I’m not the sort of girl that a man like you can take advantage of easily.” The words stumbled out and I knew that they didn’t make any sense.

“I don’t know what you mean. You are just a guest here. A beautiful, attractive guest with a great body.” His voice was gruffer and deeper than ever before but there was now tenderness in her eyes at last.

I looked down at his shorts and pulled the waistband open daringly. I felt alive with the power and the control that I have over him at last.

His hand was also now under my dress. He touched my inner thigh and then moved inwards, making me shudder with every inch of skin that he discovered.

If felt like a wrestling match or some form of martial arts more than a couple about to make love for the first time. The feeling of anticipation was electrifying, as we each waited to see who would make the first definitive move.

He did. With a deft move, he kissed me deeply and pulled down my underwear at the same time. I felt his fingers begin to probe and I tugged down his shorts so I could explore more freely too.

Adam forced me backwards and I thought I was going to land on the wooden floor but I ended up on a soft bed that I hadn’t even noticed before now. Were we in the cabin or still out on the deck? I was completely and utterly disoriented.

He tried to lift off my dress but it got stuck, as he hadn’t noticed the buttons round the back of it. I tried to help but for a few seconds it looked like our moment of passion was going to end in embarrassment or an accidental strangulation.

In the end, he simply ripped the dress off and threw it into the water with my handbag still caught up in it. My bra followed next and it floated away to who knows where as he hungrily kissed me all over.

I let my imagination run wild as I rubbed myself up and down his body and then wrapped my legs around his waist. He was groaning with pleasure and I realized with a start that I was making some sort of deep, guttural sounds as well.

Our breathing seemed to be strangely synchronized and I vaguely remembered that being some sort of tantric technique. Was he doing it on purpose or was I?

We had turned in to wild animals and the only sensible course of action now was to go with the flow.

“Kiss my back.”

He obliged, rolling me over and running his tongue all the way up from my ankles over my buttocks and on to my shoulder. I could feel the whole of his naked body pressing against mine as he moved down and then back up again, more slowly this time.

I held in a scream as he moved in closer and pushed my legs apart. He was showing a strange mixture of roughness and tenderness that I was thrilled by. I had no idea whether his next touch would be gentle or brutish, and I loved the sense of the unknown that this brought to our passion.

As we sailed out in the immense Rio de la Plata I screamed out loud and I think Adam did too. There was no one to hear our wild, primitive cries as we each discovered the joy that had been hidden deep inside of us for too long.