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The Boss' Everything by Michelle, Nadia (5)

Chapter Five


As Josie puttered around her apartment, sorting her mail, throwing out perishables and making arrangements for the neighbor to come water her houseplants for the next month, she had to admit to herself letting Jax take charge was both a novelty and a relief. For so long, she had to struggle to survive. After her parents had died her first year in college, she had had to work two-part time jobs in order to make it.

The scholarship she had won only covering classes and books. Once she had graduated, she had made the mistake of moving in with Lawrence, and had, at his insistence, taken debt she couldn’t afford to finance the lifestyle he wanted to become accustomed to. As a med student, Lawrence had limited time and funds, but a love of luxury that he had insisted Josie help provide. Although she had found a good job right out of school, and was making decent money, she had spent far more than she could afford to keep Lawrence happy.

At the time, the event had seemed tragic, but in time, Josie would come to think of the day she had come home to find him in bed with the neighbor as a blessing. Once she had kicked him out, she began to realize how far from the woman she wanted to be, she had become. In trying to keep her waning relationship with Lawrence alive, she had lost sight of who she was and what she wanted out of life.

Deciding on a fresh start, Josie had sold all of the fancy toys Lawrence had convinced her they had “needed” and had been well on her way to paying off her debts when the job at Malone Montgomery came to her attention. The lure of increased salary had prompted her to move out of the overpriced condo she and Lawrence had shared and move to a more affordable apartment closer to the office. Now, here with Jax, Josie felt as if she could finally breathe easily for the first time in years.

For the next month, Josie could just be, and Jax would take care of all the tiny details that had always frustrated her so. Josie planned to enjoy this month, and allow Jax to care for her; soon enough, she would have to return to her normal life. As Josie loaded the last of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, she went searching for Jax. She had left him in the tiny living room some time ago. The more she thought about it, the more she realized she hadn’t heard him for quite some time.


While Josie was busy in the kitchen, Jax had decided to make himself at home. Going through the small space was a revelation for Jax. With his own research, and overheard conversations between her and other employees, he had known Josie was a writer: He just hadn’t been aware of how much of herself was invested in her writing. In the cramped room that acted as her bedroom/office, Jax had found several composition journals, the type most school aged children carried, filled with story after story. Grabbing one of the booklets at random, Jax kicked off his shoes and laid against the headboard, as he made himself comfortable.

It wasn’t until Josie called out for him that he surfaced from his intense study of her work. Beautiful and brilliant; his little Josie was amazing. Now, more than ever, Jax was glad her time with his firm was at an end. As much as he hated having to share any part of his Baby Girl with others, the world needed this kind of beauty and creativity in it. When Josie walked into the room, spotting him lounging on her bed, Jax had to hold back a smile at her red-faced and squeak of embarrassment as she caught sight of what he held.

“Baby Doll; I have no words: You are so amazingly talented. I want to know what happens next: why haven’t you completed any of these stories? They all end halfway through.”

Speeding across the small space, Josie snatched the booklet from his hand and hurriedly tucked it in the small bookcase that sat beside the bed.

“It’s nothing; I just like to jot down a few stories when I’m bored. They aren’t at all ready for reading.” Visibly composing herself, she continued firmly, “And you had no business rummaging through my belongings Jaxson Montgomery! Really! You’d think you owned the place.” Taking a deep breath, Josie turned away from him still laying on her bed and went to her tiny closet, gifting Jax with the tempting sight of her backside. “I just have to pack a few things and I’ll be ready to go.” Smiling at her back, Jax rose to join her across the room.

“Baby, you might as well get used to it. There isn’t an aspect of your life I will not be completely informed about.” Pulling her bristling form against his own, he hugged her and whispered in her ear “Now what are we packing up here? You have all the clothes you’ll need at the house.” With a ‘hurmp’, Josie untangled herself from Jax’s arms and went to the tiny chest of drawers in the corner of the closet.

“Yes, there are many beautiful clothes and accessories, but whomever picked the clothing neglected to pack underwear!”

With a laugh, Jax pulled Josie out of the closet, and into the room. “No Baby Doll. Mandy didn’t forget: I told her not to bother with them.” Smiling at her astonished look, he kissed the tip of her nose, and herded her towards the exit. “Now let’s go. Mom’s famous cookies are waiting!”


Meeting Jax’s family was both a harrowing and enjoyable experience. Everyone she met was so friendly and welcoming; each person making her feel as if she were family, but the sheer number of people was overwhelming! With the exception of a few of the spouses, every single person Josie met was tall, blonde and blue-eyed.

Upon arrival, Jax was mobbed by a bevy of scantily clad blondes vying for his attention. Before Josie could even begin to feel put out, the mob swamped her. Transferred from one hugging set of arms to the next, Josie lost track of the names and faces. By the time Josie was standing in front of the older couple from the pictures on Jax’s wall, Josie was thoroughly flustered. Arm slung over her shoulder, Jax introduced her to his parents

“Mom, dad; I want you to meet my girl Josie. Josie, this is my mother Helena and my father, Joseph Montgomery.” Before she could utter a word, she was again pulled into a welcoming embrace.

Helena Montgomery was a very affectionate woman, and showed no reservation at showering Josie with some of that warmth.

“Oh my dear, we’re so happy to finally meet you! When Jaxson told us he was finally bringing you to meet the family, I almost died of shock! For years we’ve tried to get the boy settled, only for him to find his woman right under his nose!” Pulling back slightly, Helena scanned Josie head to toe. “Let me get a good look at my future daughter in law! Joseph!” She called over her shoulder, “Look at the girl. We’re going to have some beautiful grandbabies! Oh I can’t wait!”

As Helena continued to beam at Josie, who was trying valiantly not to bolt to the nearest exit, Joseph Montgomery detangled his wife’s grip from around Josie’s shoulders. Tucking her into his side, Joseph reached out his free hand to Josie. With an apologetic smile, he welcomed Josie.

“Don’t mind my wife dear. She’s really excited since this is the first time Jaxson has introduced a woman to the family. Welcome to the annual Montgomery family BBQ my dear. Jaxson, take Josie out onto the patio for something to eat. Trent had portable tents set up on the lawn for the guests to change into, so feel free to go swimming any time.” Looking back down at Josie, Jax’s father explained “Trent is our niece Mandy’s husband. The annual Montgomery BBQ is usually held at our home, but Mandy wanted to host this year, so Trent pulled out all the stops. She would be here meeting you now, but she needed to put Lulu down for her afternoon nap. She should be down any time now.”

Following the older couple, Josie could only latch onto Jax’s arm in silence. So many people, so much activity… So many assumptions about her presence in Jax’s life! The entire experience had been so overwhelming; and the BBQ had barely even started! Josie was unused to large families. Neither of her parents had had any family by the time Josie was born.

As Josie’s mother had stated many a time, Josie was their “miracle baby” born late in her parents’ marriage after a decade of unsuccessfully trying for children. Theirs was a quiet household. Nothing in her upbringing had prepared her for such a boisterous get-together.

Noting her tenseness, Jax pulled her tighter into his embrace. Lips pressing on top of her head, he whispered “No worries Baby Girl. They are a loud bunch, but very loving. We’ll go find a quiet spot to sit and eat, until you’ve acclimated a bit, then we’ll go visiting, okay?”

Nodding in agreement, Josie could only hope she wouldn’t make a fool of herself in front of all Jax’s family. They were already planning their wedding, baby shower and practically selecting a college for her theoretical children.

She’d hated lying to them, but also didn’t want to do anything that would put a damper on their obvious delight at Jax’s presumed relationship. Frowning in consternation, Josie mentally added ‘explain relationship to the family’ to her mental list of things she needed to discuss with Jax later. For now, she just hoped she wouldn’t do anything embarrassing in front of his entire family!


Wine was definitely called for, Jax thought with a grimace. His boisterous family was a handful on the best of days; today they seemed to be at their most gregarious. Maybe if he plied his baby girl with a few drinks, she would unwind a little and start to enjoy the event. Although she smiled at everyone, and made the appropriate comments to everyone who spoke to her, he could tell she was still ill at ease.

Leaving Josie for a moment discussing the pros and cons of various colleges with one of his youngest cousins Hillary, Jax moved over to the bar to grab a few drinks. And of course was waylaid by Mandy on his way back. Latching onto his arm with both hands, Mandy pulled a resisting Jax back to the now empty bar, excitement written all over her face.

“Jaxson Montgomery. I didn’t think you had it in you! You totally took my idea! So what was it, kidnapping or blackmail? I want to say blackmail, because you wouldn’t have let her out of the house that soon if it were kidnapping. I know she’s not here of her own volition… she’s way too tense and probably would have bolted when the hoard of cousins surrounded her!”

Moving his free hand up, Jax covered her still running mouth; physically stopping the flow of words. “Breathe Mandy. You’re going to choke on your words there. And no more of this talk; to anyone. Josie is with me, and that’s all you need to know.” Removing his palm, Jax lowered his hand hesitantly, as if ready to silence her again if need be.

Laughing up at him, Mandy smirked knowingly at his serious expression. “Oh come off it Jax. In all the years you’ve been on your own, you’ve never brought a woman home. No one I set you up with ever made it to the second date, and I was starting to think you didn’t swing that way. Of course I’m going to be interested in whomever you finally did bring around!”

Turning away from the curiosity shining from her eyes, Jax made a show of looking around the yard.

“Where is your husband woman? He promised he was going to reign you in after you tried to set me up with that Patty woman. He should be here monitoring you.”

Rolling her eyes at him, Mandy huffed in frustration. “Give me a break. Patty is my friend, and I thought you guys would get along. How was I to know she wouldn’t take your rejection that well?” Looking slightly guilty, Mandy broke eye contact. “But now that you’ve reminded me, I should probably warn you Patty said she was planning on dropping by this afternoon.”

At Jax’s frustrated growl, Mandy’s eyes popped back up to his. Raising both hands in a placating gesture, she continued quickly “I know, I know! I’m sorry! You didn’t say you were bringing anyone, and she is my friend. I’ll catch her when she gets here and tell her to back off, okay? No need to get your panties in a twist mister.”

Sighing heavily, Jax studied the placating gaze of the dear, overbearing cousin he regarded as a sister. He knew she meant well, but sometimes he would gladly sell her to a traveling band of gypsies rather than have to deal with her shenanigans.

“Okay DeeDee. Just keep that woman away from us. She doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, and I don’t want Josie to have to deal with any unnecessary drama today, okay?”

Pausing in her perusal of Josie with their cousin, Mandy glared up at Jax “you know I hate that nickname!” Never lifting his gaze from where his woman stood with Hillary, he was pleased to see her eyes glued to him.

Smiling at Mandy’s miffed tone, Jax returned his gaze to his cousin and made a bid to end her interrogation. “That’s why it’s so fun. Come on DeeDee, let me introduce you to my Josie. Maybe now you can finally turn all your matchmaking energy towards one of the other cousins.”


Sometime later, after several glasses of wine and three cups of a suspicious fruity concoction Mandy had shoved into her hands, Josie was feeling on top of the world. Everyone was outgoing and friendly, doing their utmost to make Josie feel welcomed. After her initial hesitation, Josie was able to relax and enjoy her afternoon. Except for the occasional trip to the buffet to refill her plate, Jax did not leave her side. Thoroughly attentive, he had made sure every one of her needs were met.

Throughout the BBQ, Jax’s frequent, casually possessive touches began to feel second nature. Indeed, so accustomed to the slight tingle that accompanied his touch, Josie felt odd when, having left his side to find the restroom, she was no longer plastered to his side. Arguing that she was an adult, and could make her way to the bathroom on her own, Josie now regretted leaving him behind. How long had she longed for his attentions? How long had she followed his every move with her eyes when she was supposed to be working? Now that she was finally basking in his company, she should soak up every moment of their time together; even if that time was his accompanying her to go pee.

A few minutes later, call of nature satisfied, hair straightened and makeup reapplied, Josie made her way back outside when a tall brunette stepped in her path. Recognizing the woman who had arrived shortly after their own arrival, Josie began to smile when, with an angry grimace on her striking features, the woman swept Josie with a look of disgust.

“I don’t know what Jax is playing at, bringing you here. Don’t get any ideas about anything long-term with him. He’s just scratching an itch with you. I am the one he’s going to settle down with.”

Lips pinched in an unbecoming grimace, the brunette started down at Josie with a condescending look Josie was all too familiar with. The look was one Lawrence had perfected in the course of their relationship. The brunette had taken Josie’s measure and found her wanting.

Faced with such hostility; the certainty she wasn’t good enough for Jax, she almost allowed the need to run overcome her. The nagging self-doubt that often plagued her own thoughts threatening to overwhelm her. That was, until she remembered why Jax had brought her here; why he had negotiated a month of her time as live-in lover. Women like this; insistent, adamant and unwilling to take no for an answer.

The woman may have been Jax’s lover at one time, but Josie doubted there had ever been anything of a serious nature between the two…nothing to the extent of what this woman was inferring. Armed with the knowledge, Josie allowed her frustration and anger at the woman’s words to free her tongue; her words wiping the condescending look for the woman’s face.

“Listen Bambi; your name is Bambi, yes? Or something equally insipid, suitable for the porn star image you portray all so well. I don’t care if Jax banged you from here to kingdom come; he’s mine now, and I’m keeping him.

Get the idea of you ever being more than a booty call to him out of your head. I may not have the stripper look going for me like you do, but everything I have makes Jax harder than steel. Jax can’t get enough of my body, and when I have him naked and panting, I can assure you his every thought is one hundred percent on me. I doubt he can remember his own name, let alone some slut with stringy hair and a bad boob job. Go and set your sights on someone else’s man. Jax is taken.”

By the end of her tirade, the brunette was livid. An unbecoming shade of puce sweeping over her neck, and across her cheeks. Stepping toward Josie with the intent to hit her, the brunette was halted by the arrival of Jax.

Coming up behind Josie, arm snagging her across the waist, dragging her into his body, Jax kissed the top of her head, eyes never leaving the brunette. In a casual tone that belied the tension in his body, Jax commented to Josie “Baby Girl, you were taking too long and I missed you. I had to come and see what was taking so long. I see you’ve met Mandy’s friend…” addressing the brunette, Jax continued on as if unable to recall the woman’s name “Paula? Pam? Sorry, I’m horrible with names. Pam, this is my woman, Josie. Josie, this is Mandy’s friend from college.”

Josie doubted the woman could be any more shocked if Jax had stated he met the president while wearing women’s lingerie. Looking from Jax’s implacable face to Josie’s smug one, the brunette didn’t bother to utter another word. Turning on her heel, she made her way back to the BBQ, leaving Jax and Josie alone in the hallway.

“Phew!” he commented with a chuckle. “That woman could try the patience of a saint. Mandy tried to set us up, but I can’t stand the woman. Unfortunately, she doesn’t like rejection, and can’t take no for an answer.” Pulling her around to face him, Jax continued with a pleased smile. “I’m glad to see you were able to hold your own with the she beast.” Smile widening, he shook his head in wonder. “I wish I could have recorded that encounter. The look on her face!”

Remembering the conversation, embarrassment sufficed Josie. The things she had said! And Jax had heard everything. Closing her eyes in mortification, she tried to console herself with the knowledge that, not only was Jax pleased at the exchange, the likelihood of his having been intimately involved with the woman was little to none.

She hadn’t realized until just now, how the thought of Jax in the other woman’s bed had caused an ache in her chest. Now, she could put the saddening thoughts of his possible romantic entanglements firmly out of her head. The brush of lips across her own snapped Josie’s eyes wide open. Leaning back away from the embrace, Jax continued to smile down at her.

“Okay Baby Girl, let’s get back to the party. Mandy said she was bringing out the desert in a minute, and you have got to try mom’s cookies…They are to die for. No more dilly dallying inside; let’s go have some fun.”

The rest of the afternoon sped by in a pleasant blur. The brunette, whose name was Patty she later learned, was the only exception to the enjoyable atmosphere. Lounging in one of the many deck chairs set up around the pool, the brunette showcased her magnificent figure in the skimpiest bikini Josie had ever seen. Eyes shaded with dark sunglasses, Josie never the less felt the woman’s stare throughout the rest of the evening. In for a penny, in for a pound Josie thought with a shrug; playing up her “relationship” with Jax for the woman to choke on.


The ever observant, Jax contributed to the role by increasing his possessive touches; dragging Josie down to sit on his lap, hand feeding her bite after bite of his mother’s delicious cake. Every action serving to both reinforce their bond for all to see. By the time dusk rolled around, and the temperature cooled, Josie was barely able to keep her eyes open. After making the rounds; extending their farewells to all of Jax’s family, he finally escorted her to the car.

“I want to wake up in my own bed.” He’d responded when asked why he chose not to stay the night in the room offered at the family's home. Josie had seemed glad of his decision. As pleasant a time in their company, she seemed to have missed the quiet serenity of Jax’s house this pleased him greatly. Once tucked securely in the passenger seat, Jax having engaged the seat belt for her, she fell instantly to sleep.

As he drove home, Jax continued to spare glance after glance at the sleeping beauty beside him. Smile edging his mouth, he could hardly contain his pleasure at the events of the day. As he had known, his family loved his Josie, and she fit right in with the exuberant pack.

The only blot on the day being Patty’s annoying presence. Although; now that he thought back on it, maybe the encounter had been a blessing. Nothing was hotter than watching his woman go toe to toe with the annoyance as she put her in her place.

Jax was getting hard just thinking about the encounter; remembering the words she had thrown at the woman in her anger. “He’s mine now, and I’m keeping him.” Reaching down to adjust the hardened flesh pressing uncomfortably against his zipper, he smiled at the memory. He was so close. It wouldn’t be too much longer now; Josie and forever were finally within reach.




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