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The Daddy Games: A Filthy MFM Romance by JB Duvane (6)


I cannot believe I’m doing this. I’m standing in a line of girls that looks like it extends for a quarter of a mile through a private parking lot outside of this modern office building. The sun has just started to come up and girls have been piling into the line for hours. I spent the night right here. I brought a sleeping bag with me that I stashed back in my car earlier this morning. The girls in line around me have been really cool, watching my space when I have to pee or go to my car, and I’ve been doing the same. We’re all in this together.

“Is this a porn studio?” one of the girls behind me asks.

“I don’t think so. The sign at the entrance says something about consulting. But who knows. Maybe the consulting firm is a front.”

“What do you mean? Like a store front?” the girl asks.

I turn back around when I hear the lock click on two huge glass doors that lead into a brightly lit lobby. The walls and floor are all covered in white marble tile and the only piece of furniture is a huge reception desk. There’s no one behind it, though. A man walks out and props one of the doors open. He looks like a totally normal guy. Not someone I would imagine worked in porn. He looks really nice.

“Ladies,” the man says in a loud voice, then clears his throat when he realizes he needs to speak even louder. “Ladies, can I have your attention, please.”

Only the girls in the first hundred yards or so can hear him, and the ones further back start to push so they can get closer. “Hey!” the man yells, holding his hands up. “Hey! Don’t push! You’ll all get a chance to come in, but that’s not gonna happen if you keep pushing!” The girls go silent and stop trying to move forward. I can hear voices in the distance asking what’s going on and other voices yelling for them to shut up. “I’m gonna let ten of you in at a time! The rest of you wait out here. It’s probably gonna take a while. There’s a lot more of you here than they were expecting.”

“Who’s they?” someone yells.

“You’ll find out,” the man says.

“Is this thing legit, man? Are they for real?” another girl yells. Then a couple more say yeah and echo the same questions. “Five-hundred thousand? For real?”

“Yes! Yes, this is legit, ladies!” he yells. “You’re all going to get a chance to meet with the men who are running this contest and you can ask them anything you want when you talk to them. We need to get started. The first ten in line, come with me.”

There’s a little bit of a squabble behind me, but since I’ve been here since yesterday I’m the third one in line and I know I’m going in with the first group. I don’t even look back as I pass through the doorway. All I can hear when I get inside are the heels of all the girl’s shoes as they click across the marble floor, echoing through the empty lobby.

“Go straight ahead into the elevator,” the man says to me. “Just wait inside.”

I stand at the back of the elevator as nine other girls pile in around me, then the man gets in and pushes the button for the second floor. When we get off, he leads us down a long hall and tells us to wait next to a door where another man is standing. A small plaque on the door says Conference Room.

“Should I bring more up?” the man with us asks the guy in front of the door. “There’s hundreds of girls down there.”

“Yeah, bring ‘em up here and line ‘em up down the hall. But not all bunched together. Keep the hallway clear.”

“For what? No one else is coming through here,” the first man says. “It’s just us.”

“Just keep it clear, Josh.”

The new guy looks at the girl who is first in line and tells her to come with him. He opens the door into a completely silent room, then he immediately comes back out, closing it behind him.

“Is that where the audition is?” the next girl in line asks.

“You’ll find out when you get in there.” The man doesn’t seem interested in talking to the girl at all. It’s so quiet in the hallway and it seems like everyone is actually afraid to talk. At least I am, so I assume the others are too. Every single movement that any of the girls make—even an arm scratch or an overly ambitions hair flip—echoes down the long, dimly lit hall.

I’m so nervous I can barely sit still. I’ve never done anything like this in my life, and now that I’m here I’m starting to have second thoughts. Especially after that date with Trey. But when I read that email, the second I got through it even before I let Brea read it, I knew. I totally knew I was going to audition for whatever this whole thing was. And I’m not only interested in the money. I mean, that’s definitely part of why I’m here. Paying for college and being set for a few years beyond that would be amazing.

But overall, I feel like I’ve stumble into some sort of serendipitous moment where I happen to be in the right place at the exact right time.

A time when I have no money and no place to be and am feeling like I don’t even know myself anymore. Maybe never knew myself at all. When I read the invitation I could feel it. I knew that this was the thing that was going to help me figure myself out. I know it’s crazy and I’m sure plenty of people would say that I need to have my head examined, but I can feel that there is something here that is going to help me find myself.

I figure I can use this as an opportunity to explore myself, and make money at the same time. I don’t really care that much about the men who are running the thing. Sure I’ll have to fuck one of them at the end, but I’ll worry about that when it happens. And it might not be bad at all. But the thought of going through a bunch of events—competing as a submissive against other girls—I’ve never heard of anything like it. It sounds insane and depraved and intense and amazing. To me, anyway. And I can’t pass up a chance at something that sounds so interesting, no matter what anyone else would think.

While I wait for the first girl to come out of the room, I watch another group fall into the line down the hall. Some of them look like they’ve been through cattle calls like this before, but some look just as nervous as I feel. I silently go over answers in my head. Answers to questions I don’t have a clue if they will even ask. But it kind of soothes me to repeat them to myself.

I’m Aubrey Weaver. I’m twenty years old. I’m unemployed and don’t have a place to live, but I’m attending college so I can definitely use the money. And finally, I would love to be your baby girl. Is that what I should say? Those guys called themselves daddies on Domlife. Isn’t that what Daddies want? A baby girl? Or a little? I have no idea. I’ve never really been into any of those titles. Not that I’ve had the opportunity to use them in real life. But if I had a Dom he could call me whatever he wanted. And I would call him Daddy or Sir or Master or anything he told me to call him. I actually get a little bit giddy thinking about it. Maybe because for the first time in my life, it feels real. Like I might be on the verge of figuring out what I want, and actually having it.

I don’t know that last part for sure. But I’m hoping that when I get in there and see these guys and find out more about this whole thing, I’ll be able to tell. And if the “Daddies” are anything like the two men I’ve seen so far, I could definitely give it my best shot. They’re both pretty hot. But I keep reminding myself of what happened with Trey, and the more I do the more nervous I get. But I refuse to let that experience ruin this for me. I need to figure out what I want and this is the way I’ve chosen to do it. I can do this. I want to do this.

When the first girl comes out of the room she has a stunned look on her face.

“What happened?” the girl in front of me asks. She’s a lot braver than I am. I want to ask these questions, but I’m pretty sure I’m not going to get an answer.

“No talking,” the man barks. I was right. The man in front of the conference room motions for the girl in front of me to go inside, then grabs the arm of the girl who just came out. “What did they say?” he asks her.

“I’m supposed to go the gym.”

“Okay, come with me. The rest of you stay put.” He walks off just as the downstairs guy, Josh, brings up a third group of girls. “Keep an eye on them, I gotta take her down the hall. We need another guy up here.”

“Want me to tell them?”

“Sure, but wait till that chick comes out. They said they didn’t want to be interrupted.”

After less than a minute the door opens and the second girl comes out. Josh asks her what they said.

“I’m done,” she says with wide eyes. “I’m outta here.” She gives me a look I can’t even decipher. She could be scared, but she also looks like she could be thinking I can’t even. Before I realize what’s happening, I’m ushered into the room and the door is closed behind me.

The only thing in the room is a chair. It’s a large, overstuffed office chair with high arms. The kind that make most people look like a little kid.

“Hello.” I look around but there’s no one in the room. “Please have a seat.” I set my bag down and sit in the chair, then realize I must be facing a two way mirror. That’s the only thing in front of me and it makes me really uncomfortable. I’ve never liked looking at myself. Not that I don’t like the way I look. I just don’t like having eyes on me. I’ve always been shy about being in front of groups of people. Although, I’ve noticed that I feel a little differently when I’m turned on.

“Can I have your name please?”

“Aubrey Weaver.”

“And your age, Ms. Weaver?”

The man’s voice is incredibly sexy. It’s deep and smooth and sends tingles down my spine. I’m surprised by my reaction, especially since I’m the only one in the room. A voice has never done this to me before.

“I’m twenty.”

“Great, thank you. Would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?”

I’m not even sure what to say. Every single thing I’d rehearsed in my head over the last twenty-four hours has disappeared. I start talking about my life up until now, babbling something about being single and having worked with computers since I was a kid but not wanting to do that as a job, and how I’m excited to be here. When I stop talking I look around the room like there had to have been someone else in here. I can’t believe all that actually came out of me. I take a deep breath and try to release some of the nervous energy inside me.

“Awesome. Okay, Aubrey, I’m sure you have a lot of questions for us. What I’m going to do is tell you a little about the event you’re here to audition for, The Daddy Games. If you have any questions you can ask them after I’m done. Okay?”

“Sounds good,” I say. I catch my reflection in the mirror and realize I’m grimacing. I mentally tell my self to relax over and over as I listen to the deep, sexy voice.

“There have been some changes to the contest since it was first posted. Where did you see it originally?”

“Uh, well, it was actually a private message that was sent to my account on Domlife.”

“Ah, yes, that’s right. So, let’s see … initially, I believe you were told that the competition would be sexual in nature, working toward a goal of being chosen by one of the two Daddies. The general idea is still the same, with the additional feature that the entire thing is now going to be streamed live online.”

I try to keep up with everything that the voice is saying, but those last few words keep replaying in my head. I focus as hard as I can on the man’s voice while I stare at the floor.

“You will be involved in a series of events, competitions that will test your physical and mental abilities as a submissive. They will range from clothed dancing to nude dancing, as well as other activities that may involve testing pain tolerance and being restrained. The other end of the range of activities will include full-on sexual acts. Everything will happen in front of a number of cameras with hundreds to thousands of people viewing and voting at any time. These online voters will help us determine the winners. They will be encouraged to vote on everything from your physical appearance to your abilities relating to each individual task. Your identity will be protected throughout all events. All of the contestants and anyone on stage during streaming will be wearing masks, unless they choose not to. How are you feeling about everything so far, Aubrey?”

“Um, okay, I guess.” The words just fall out of my mouth before I can even think and I’m more shocked at myself than I am with anything I’ve just heard. I’m trying to take it all in, but I’m completely overwhelmed with all the information. At first, the idea of everything being streamed online freaks me out. Especially since I don’t even know exactly what these events entail. But somehow in the time between the words ‘streamed online’ and the final question of how I’m feeling about it all, my mouth decides that I’m okay with all of it. But as I sit there listening to the echo of my own voice in my head, I wonder what exactly these pain tolerance tests and sex acts are? But before I can ask, the voice has already started up again, so I make a mental note to ask later.

“Awesome. Now, from the moment you become an official contestant you will be required to remain in a restricted part of this building. You will not be allowed to leave unless you are accompanied by one of our assistants. You will also not have access to your phone. It’s important that this competition and anything that happens in this building is kept in complete secrecy, since it involves outside voting. It is a competition with a lot of money at stake and we can’t have any of what goes on here be discussed on the outside. You will all be signing a non-disclosure agreement and it is advised that you don’t share your real identity with any of the other girls in the competition. Do you agree to these terms?”

“Yes, I agree.”

“Great. Each of the finalists will have a profile page that the viewers can look at. This will be a premium perk for VIPs who subscribe. There will also be a live-streaming shower cam that will be part of the VIP package, as well as a live-streaming confessional room, participation in which is optional. Your identity will be protected on all live cams, but what you do with the rest of your body is entirely up to you.

“On your personal profile page, you are not required to, and are not encouraged to give out any identifying information. You can come up with an alias if you’d like or we will just list you as a number. What will be posted on your profile page is a segment from this initial audition. This segment will be required of all participants. In a few moments, I’ll be asking you to remove your clothes and masturbate for the cameras. If you are interested in continuing with the audition, you are welcome to stay. If not, you can exit the room right now and tell the man outside that you do not wish to continue.”

I sit there and stare at my stupefied face in the mirror while I absorb everything I’ve just been told. I’m starting to wish I’d been taking notes because my head is swimming. For a split second I wonder if I am capable of doing this, of spreading my legs and masturbating in front of complete strangers, and a camera. Of having it posted online. But my trepidation only lasts that long. Seconds. Because I can feel an urgency bubbling inside me and I know that I want to do this. I realize that there is something in this man’s voice that is giving me a feeling. The feeling. It’s spreading through my entire body and it’s causing every single hair to stand on end. I can picture myself doing everything that he’s mentioned. I can picture it so well that I can actually feel it in my body. I close my eyes and can feel myself giving in to this whole thing. “Yes,” I finally say.

There’s a long pause and I’m not sure if he heard my answer. I almost say it again, but I don’t want to sound overly enthusiastic. I’m relieved when he comes back before I say it again.

“That’s really awesome, Aubrey. I want to make a few more things clear. All of this will be in the contract and non-disclosure form you sign, but I’d like to get you on camera agreeing to the terms. Some of the challenges in The Daddy Games will test your endurance regarding pain during a sexual encounter, with methods including, but not limited to, spanking, paddling or whipping. You will not be asked to harm yourself and you will not be in any danger. You will always have the option of stopping any challenge with the use of a safe word. While using the safe word in and of itself will not disqualify you from the competition, we cannot guarantee your further participation based on the way the audience votes. Do you agree to these terms, Aubrey?”

I don’t even have to think about my answer. “Yes.”

“Okay, just one more thing we need for your profile page. Are you a virgin?”

The question surprises me for a moment, but I know that’s just a reflex. I don’t care if they know. In fact, I imagine that the label of virgin might actually help me out here. “Yes, I am. I mean … I’m a PIV virgin?” I say it almost apologetically for some reason.

“That’s totally fine, Aubrey. Thank you.” I’m relieved that he seems to know what I mean by that. For some reason I don’t want to have to say the words penis and vagina out loud to a room occupied by no one but me. “As you most likely read, the winners of this contest will receive five-hundred-thousand dollars and will become a baby girl for one of the two Daddies. The winners will not be introduced to their respective Daddy until after all votes have been tallied and final a decision has been made. The Daddy Games will culminate with the winners having PIV intercourse—streamed live—with the Daddy that the online voters have helped them choose. As a virgin, is that something you feel like you can do, Aubrey?”

“Yes.” Okay that was a little too quick. If I was trying not to appear too enthusiastic I just blew it.

“Well, that was easy. I’m very glad you’re on board with The Daddy Games. Now, before your videotaped audition segment, do you have any questions?”

I sat there for a moment and not a single questions came into my head. I knew I had them. I had tons of questions. But I couldn’t think of a single one when I knew that someone was watching me through that mirror. “Um … not right now. If I have some when I leave will I be able to ask them later?”

There was silence for a moment. “Yes, of course, Aubrey. Are you ready to continue?”

“Yes, I am.” I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to do this. I’d never masturbated for anyone before. Not even Danny. I’d masturbated while I sucked his cock plenty of times. But I’ve never played with myself while someone watched. I was surprised by how much that thought turned me on. I almost laugh when I realize that a few seconds ago I was left speechless because I knew I was being watched.

“If you reach your hand down on the left side of the chair you’ll find a mask. Go ahead and put it on and remove your clothes. And keep in mind that this is for an audience, so feel free to be as vocal as you’d like.”

Fuckfuckfuckfuck, I think to myself as I reach my hand down and feel the soft rubbery material. I’m doing this. I’m really fucking doing this.

I bring the semi-transparent mask up and look at it. It’s actually really creepy. There’s eyeshadow and lipstick and blush painted on a face that looks like in belongs on a life-sized doll. I pull the elastic band back and place the mask over my face. Then I start to remove my clothes. I almost feel numb while I’m doing this, almost like a part of my brain has shut down. The part of my brain that knows what I’m about to do is utterly insane. The part that knows that they’re watching.

But that knowledge also causes the space between my legs to feel like is has caught on fire.

I pull everything off as quickly as possible. I don’t know if the stripping was supposed to be part of the audition and I hope I haven’t blown it already. But it’s too late to worry because I’m naked now. I sit down on the edge of the chair so that my ass is hanging off the edge and lay back. I’m not sure where the camera is, but I figure the wider I can spread my legs, the better. So I swing each leg over an arm of the chair and pull my pussy lips apart.

Before I took my clothes off, I was worried that I was going to be too scared to get wet. It’s not until I run my fingers over my clit that I feel how incredibly turned on I am. And it’s not until I actually feel my juices on my fingers that I realize why I’m reacting this way. The very thing that freaks me the fuck out in regular, daily life—being watched or looked at—that seems to be one of the things that turns me on more than anything.

While I circle my clit with my fingers, I think about the two men that are watching me through that mirrored glass and I love it. I love knowing that they want to watch me and that they’re turned on just by looking at me. I keep hearing that sexy voice in my head, the one that was asking me the questions. I hear him tell me how hundreds of thousands of people will be watching me. I hear him go into detail about how he’s going to fuck me when I win the contest.

I keep circling my clit with one hand and playing with one of my breasts with the other. Deep moans come from my throat and I let my head fall to one side as I feel the intensity build inside me.

In my head, that deep, sexy voice tells me how much I’m going to love the way his cock feels inside me. I can almost feel his breath on my neck as he tells me that it’s all been worth it, all the waiting. He tells me that he’s the one I’ve been waiting for. That he wants me as much as I want him. And as I bring myself to orgasm, I believe every single word that voice says.




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