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The Divorced Omega: M/M Non-Shifter Alpha/Omega MPREG (Three Hearts Collection Book 2) by Susi Hawke, Harper B. Cole (27)

All The Cake


“Everything looks great, Charlie.” I hung the license she had just handed me up on the wall. We were officially official. I knew we’d passed inspection on the new kitchen and had been given the okay to start using it, but there was something about the official document, complete with state seal, that made it feel real.

“I know.” She smirked as she pointed to the total at the bottom of the bill she had also handed me.

“That’s how you’re gonna play it?” I teased as I took out my checkbook to pay her.

The kitchen was gorgeous, at least as far as commercial kitchens went. More importantly, it meant a new chapter in the life of Pete’s.

It was one of the thousand things that had changed in the past year. I’d gone from single alpha, to having not only two beautiful babies, but also two sexy men to call my own. Not to mention extra family in the presence of Devon and Ramona, who was irresistible. She was very much like my Emily Rose and James Peter in that way.

Heart stealers, the lot of them. They were perfect.

“That’s how I’m gonna play it.” She hip-checked me before making a huge deal of putting the check away, as if this small job was somehow huge money to her. It was expensive, but it was peanuts compared to her normal gigs. “So… do you think Daniel likes it?”

I shrugged. “He seems a bit lighter lately.”

She shoved her binder in her satchel. “I blame you.”

“All I did was buy him a kitchen.”

Something had been a catalyst for him pushing for the kitchen as strongly as he had. Before he would mention it almost on a whim, but this last time he even set the wheels in motion. If I had a guess, it had everything to do with Devon’s precious girl wrapped in the baby carrier I was donning.

Devon needed a nap and I never gave up an opportunity to get some baby snuggles. I had three babies in my life, and I’d yet to feel the need to get adult only time. I knew it would come, but for now I was going to enjoy every minute of the babymoon, even if one of the babies wasn’t mine. We don’t pick our blood—we pick our family. Or at least that was how I’d survived when things were at their worst.

“Speaking of which…” Charlie pulled me from my thoughts. “I saw cake in your new kitchen.”

“Lulu’s famous cake, you mean?”

Daniel had called it when he said we’d eventually be carrying her cakes. That woman knew how to give a hard sell. Thankfully, the customers didn’t need a hard sell on her cakes and just putting on the chalk board that we had fresh Lulu Cakes in stock pretty much guaranteed we would sell out before the night was over. We would probably even make a profit on them if they weren’t so freaking awesome that the staff ended up eating them on break more often than not.

Marc skidded into the room. “Sorry I’m late.” He was always late. It was pretty much how he rolled. One day he would realize I had added a half hour buffer into his new schedule as sous chef.

Ramona cooed and Marc’s head snapped in her direction, a smile spreading across his face. “Ohhh, can I hold her?” He held out his grabby hands in the direction of the little bundle all dressed in pink.

“If it were Emily-Rose, I’d let you in a heartbeat, but I don’t know how Devon would feel about me passing her onto a stranger.” I was pretty sure he’d be fine with Marc holding her, but Devon was still broken by all that happened to him. Inadvertently breaking his trust was something I wanted no part of.

“I’m no stranger.” He put his hands on his hips. “I’m the new sous chef.”

I ignored him and handed Charlie her cake before cutting a piece for myself.

“Wait, don’t I get cake?”

“You want to mooch a piece of your grandmother’s cake off of me?” I joshed, already cutting him a piece. “Get your own.”

“Yeah right.” He scoffed. “You know what they say about cobbler’s kids not having shoes—turns out baker’s grandchildren fare no better.”

I handed him the piece of cake I cut for him before shoveling a forkful of mine into my mouth, careful not to drop crumbs on Ramona.

“Cake!” Daniel snagged my cake from me, taking a huge bite. He’d come from the bar instead of the back door. “Excellent.” He handed me the cake as he made more than a few mmm noises until he spotted Ramona “Oh, give me.”

“Fine,” I conceded. There was no way Daniel was going to take no for an answer on that one. He was so enamored with that little girl. Not that I wasn’t, but with him it felt bigger somehow. “But you spoil her.” I pretended to scold him, knowing damn well I did too.

“Wait? Daniel can hold her, but I can’t? Pardon me while I pout over here.” Marc chose instead to stuff his face with more cake.

“I was the first person to hold her after the doctors and nurses did their thing. That alone gives me special privileges—” His voice slipped into a baby speak which was annoying on most, but comforting on Daniel. It meant he was letting someone new in, even if it was someone who could only give him back coos and poopy diapers. “Doesn’t it Ramona? Who’s Daniel’s princess? That’s right, you are. See that?” He kissed her head before turning to Charlie. “She smiled. She loves me.”

“She had gas.” Charlie rolled her eyes. “Babies don’t smile this young.”

“Not true,” Daniel countered. “Babies smile between six and twelve weeks.”

“Look at you Mr. Baby Encyclopedia,” I piped in.

“Fu—hush you.”

“What are you doing here so early?” Marc interjected, less entertained by our antics than we were. “I thought I was setting up for the shift tonight on my own?”

“Fear not oh-training-one, you will have your afternoon to shine. I am here to meet someone.”

“At a bar. When it’s closed? That sounds all mysterious.” Charlie leaned in close.

“Naw, not mysterious.”

“Did I hear cake?” Devon walked through the swivel door.

“I thought you were napping.” I scolded as I glanced at the clock. He’d been down less than an hour. That hardly qualified for a nap.

“I was, but then I woke up and I missed Ramona. So I decided to find you. Best idea ever, apparently.” He headed straight for the cake

The place broke out in laughter. My makeshift family in the bar and my family upstairs made me the luckiest man alive.

“It’s delicious!” Devon exclaimed as he picked up the last of his cake crumbs with his fingers, not letting the tiniest bit go to waste.

“True enough.” I took off the carrier and offered it to Devon. “Want the carrier?”

“I’m going to say yes, but I think little Ramona is not going to be in my possession long enough for me to use it.” It was true. Daniel was happily holding her as Marc and Charlie vied for next in line.

“What?” Daniel gave Devon a look. “I’m just helping a dad out. Your arms will get tired.”

Devon just rolled his eyes.

“And that eye-roll is my cue to get back upstairs.” That, and even being down here for the short time felt like an eternity away from my babies and mates.

“Do you need anything else?” I directed my question to Charlie. It felt as though there were always more papers to sign with her. Par for the course with her line of work, I imagined.

“I got all your money, I got cake, I’m good.”

I hugged her goodbye. “Marc, you if you need anything, feel free to call Daniel.”

“Ass—meanie head.” His trying not to cuss in front of Ramona was adorable.

“Fine.” I sighed, embracing my inner exacerbated teen. “Call me. Mr. I’m-meeting-a-hot-guy is too busy.”

“It’s not even like that,” Daniel lied with a sideways look at Devon.

“You keep telling yourself that.” I gave a little wave. “I’m gone.”

“Hey.” I turned the corner into our room to find Ethan sitting up in bed, both my son and daughter happily eating. Operation tiptoe, it turned out, had been completely unnecessary. “I thought you were napping.”

“I was but then Emily Rose decided she was hungry and then James Peter decided he wasn’t going to miss out on the fun so here we are.”

“And you didn’t call me because…?”

“I wanted to feed them.”

“I could’ve at least brought them to you, so you didn’t have to get out of bed.”

“I had babies—I’m not an invalid.” He had a strong point.

“Since when does your mate doing something nice for you indicate they think you are an invalid?”

“Never.” He patted the bed beside him. “Join us?”

“Don’t have to ask me twice.” I climbed in beside him. When I ordered the king, the guys thought I was being over the top, but we all appreciated it now that it was in the room.

“Where did Devon go? I heard the door click.”

“He’s hanging out eating Lulu’s cake.” I kicked myself for not bringing a piece up to my mate.

“I bet you lose money on that cake with all the staff eating it every chance they get.”

“Staff?” I asked pointedly.

“And me—but it is so good.”

“Want me to go get you some?” I started to get out of the bed when his ankle crossed over mine. I was staying put which was fine by me. Better than fine.

“No, that would mean you would leave and I like you snuggling here with us.”

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder before kissing the top of his head.

“I wish Ryan were home.”

That made two of us. He had to stay late at work for some budget meeting. I’d gotten used to having him home when he took his paternity leave.

We’d put his name on the birth certificates for that reason. Legally being their dad meant he qualified for leave. We’d agreed to get the paternity test for medical purposes after our impromptu home birth had thwarted our plans to bank their cord blood. We might need to know our children’s family history one day. We gave the results to the pediatrician, unread. If the day came the kids either wanted or needed to know, we had the information, but for now, we were all their dads and that was perfect.

“He’ll be home soon—and don’t pout like that. It makes me want to nibble that lip and you are busy sustaining our young.”

“Your inner Kai?” He bit back a laugh.

“More my outward mocking of Kai. He’s a good guy, though. Even if he is weirder than weird.”

“You done, little lady?” Ethan asked Emily Rose as she closed her eyes, milk coma taking over.

“Here.” He slid her over in my direction and I eagerly scooped her up.

“I’ll burp her.” It took two pats on her back before she let out a frat-worthy sound. My perfect little girl. “Little James isn’t going to stay so little if he keeps out-eating his sister like this.”

“He’s a growing boy.” Ethan agreed just as the door clicked open.

“Honeys, I’m home.” Ryan called into the room before he appeared in the doorway all dressed in his suit and tie looking every bit as sexy as he had that first day I’d seen him.

“You’re home early. I thought the meeting was going to go long.” Not that I was complaining.

“I thought so too, but they approved my proposal without question.” He climbed into bed on the other side of Ethan after giving each of us a kiss hello.

“That’s because you’re a brilliant negotiator.” Ethan settled his head on Ryan’s shoulder.

“Or because I got lucky.”

“I’m thinking more that you were well prepared and had laid out all the statistics to support your request.”

Ryan needed to see how awesome he was. It was currently a mission of mine to make that happen. He didn’t give himself enough credit, thinking he was less good at peopling than he was. But I had a lifetime to show him who he was through my eyes and I planned to do exactly that.

“Whatever the case may be, I’m home with my family and that’s all that matters.” He took James Peter from Ethan and began to burp him. “Is Bella in her room?”

Ethan snuggled against his pillows. “No, she is with my mom.”

Mrs. St. John had more than made up for her less-than-stellar behavior and I’d grown quite fond of her. “She wanted to have a girly afternoon with Bella to make sure she didn’t feel left out with all the new babies in the house. She mentioned getting their toes sparkly.”

“It isn’t often that a kid gets three siblings in a such a short period of time.” Ryan said.

He was right, and Bella didn’t even know what had happened to her birth father yet. She’d find out some day, or ask, but that was far away.

“Do you think she’ll be okay when Devon and Ramona move out?” Ethan asked.

Devon’s age meant he was only able to serve food or prepare it, which pretty much relegated him to bar backing until now. That meant less money—significantly less. I paid him very well for the job, but it wasn’t enough to comfortably raise a child. The new kitchen meant a larger menu and more serving jobs, but I wasn’t sure if that was in his plan.

“I don’t know. She loves that little girl so much.” Ryan was holding a now sleeping James Peter and if I weren’t holding his sleeping twin, I’d have been snapping pictures on my phone of the two of them like nobody’s business. Turned out I was that dad. “Do you think he will be moving out soon?”

“I told him to bank his checks from the restaurant, so in theory he should have enough saved pretty soon.” I’d even brought him to the bank and helped him set up his first bank account. There was so much he needed to learn before he was out on his own. Milton had stolen his youth from him. Not that Devon would want it any different. He loved that little girl so fiercely. She might not have a traditional family, but she was surrounded by so much love that she was one of the luckiest little girls on the planet.

“I don’t mind him being here,” Ryan said.

None of us did. He was quiet, appreciative, and cleaned up after himself. Plus, he was super sweet. No, the problem with him being here had nothing to do with us and everything to do with him.

“I think he minds more than any of us. He’s so much stronger than I first thought.” So much stronger than I was at his age.

“He is. He said he wanted to go to college to become an accountant before he was swept away by the asshole,” Ryan added.

I hadn’t known that. It was nice to hear that he was opening up to Ryan.

“Well then, we might need to help make that happen. I bet being a single omega he qualifies for some scholarships.” Ethan smiled with a hint of mischief before adding, “My mom has all the brochures.”