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The Dragon's Engagement: Shifter Romance (Dragon Prince Series Book 2) by Martha Woods (9)



I sat in the darkness, running my hand again and again over the swollen mound of my belly. I'd been pregnant for several months now, and it had been a rollercoaster of emotions every step of the way. On some level, I was thrilled, of course. I'd long dreamed of having a family– a real family, held together by love, and not one that had been arranged, existing out of necessity. I had always imagined my father being around in such a scenario, however, and I think, to some degree, it was the lack of his guidance, the idea that he wouldn't be around to know his grandchild, that filled me with such uncertainty. The future, as a whole, felt uncertain.

As newly appointed Queen of my people, I didn't always know what direction to take. What decisions I might make, if any, that could lead to a better future than the one that now awaited us. Between the discord among dragon shifters far and wide; including a faction of Earth dragons who'd been frightened by my father's death, as well as Baill's failed attempt at a coup; and the ever-present threat of human encroachment upon our kind, it was hard not to feel a little bit on edge these days.

I, for one, was hardly immune from such concerns. And the thought of bringing a child into this world, as beautiful as it was, filled me with apprehension. It left me wondering whether about the decisions I'd made, and whether I could truly handle the burden of the responsibilities that had been placed upon my shoulders.

Thankfully, however, it was at about this time that I heard the door open, and looked up to see a figure standing silhouetted in the doorway. His very presence an instant comfort to me, nearly making me forget all the things that had threatened to consume me, only moments before.

“Well, if it isn't the Queen of dragon-kind herself, looking as beautiful as ever,” said Fri, grinning at me across the darkness. He stood shirtless there, covered in dirt and sweat, the torchlight from outside the room causing his body to glisten, in a way that was absolutely delectable.

Seeing him home, after a long day of work, was always exactly what I needed to calm my nerves. I smiled over at him, and answered flirtatiously, “You don't look too shabby yourself. A little bit rough around the edges, maybe...”

He laughed as I stood up from the bed, and made my way over to him. “Well, somebody's got to bring home the bacon...”

I didn't even bother answering him for a moment, but brought myself into him as close as I could. He put my hands on my pregnant belly, cradling it like the most sacred of treasures. The two of us leaned into one another, and kissed softly, slowly, passionately– the dirt and the grime that covered his glimmering physique were more of a turn on to me than a deterrent, his whole being smelling utterly masculine, making me want him suddenly, more than I even thought possible.

We pulled away after a moment, and stared into one another's eyes. “You know that isn't true,” I said gently, referring to the necessity of his work. “You're a King now. You don't need to be breaking your back every day down there in those mines...”

Fri smiled, and shook his head at me. “If there's one important lesson I learned from my father, it's that to be a true leader, is to be a ruler of the people, and among them. I'm exactly where I want to be right now. And anyway, I may technically be King, but this is your kingdom, Endia. More than it will ever be mine. It isn't mine to take away from you. Besides, even if it weren't for all of that, I really just like to keep myself useful instead of sitting around all day...”

I couldn't help but beam up at him, thinking how very unlike Baill this man really was– how very differently my life could have turned out, had it not been for the two of us running into one another in the way that we had.

“You make yourself plenty useful...” I said to him, placing a gentle hand to his chest, tracing gentle little figure eights against his skin with the tip of my finger. I let my hand slide down along the planes of his stomach, loving each solid slope and each sweat drenched crevice. I reached slowly between his legs, and pressed the palm of my hand up against the crotch of his jeans. I felt an instant hardening there, and heard a slow, deep breath being expelled from between his trembling lips.

Hello there,” he said with a smirk, and I flared my nostrils at him, gripped by a heat and a wetness that I hadn't been prepared for prior to his arrival.

“Come on, working man... What do you say you let your queen take you and get you nice and clean before dinner?”

Needless to say, he didn't object at all to this proposal.

Moments later, we stood together beneath the hot, soothing streams of the shower, getting lost in one another's arms in the castles master bathroom.

I stood behind my man, my head on his shoulder. Slowly I ran a damp cloth along the surface of his chest from behind with one arm, my other hand drawn between his leg, pumping his hard cock as he kissed me over his shoulder.

I felt like I was in heaven. The luckiest woman alive, with nothing more in the world I could possibly ask for.

I watched as the day was washed gradually away from Fri's dripping, naked body– the water black at first as it zigzagged down along the course of his muscles, then a muddy brown which slowly lightened, finally becoming clear again thanks to my efforts. I loved getting him clean after a hard day's work– any excuse to rub my hands all over this man was A-Okay in my book. Now that he was clean, however, I found myself absolutely starved for him, unable to withstand my hunger for his pleasure even a moment longer.

I pulled away as Fri attempted to plant a final, soft kiss on my lips over his shoulders. I slipped around from behind him, and moved in front of him instead, placing a single, commanding palm in the center of his chest, and pressing him gently backward against the tile wall.

The moment he was braced I eased myself down onto my knees in front of him. My eyes staring wide up at him, and my lip trembling with want, I reached out for him, and pushed back the skin of his cock. He stared longingly down at me, his entire body tense with anticipation. I pushed my tongue out, and rolled it gently along the seam of his sack a few times, loving the way his nuts drew up into his body in response to me, his shaft leaping in my hand with arousal, getting hotter and harder with every lick I took.

Oh, baby,” he sighed, and then shook as I brought my tongue forward along his shaft to the tip of his dick, opened my mouth wide, and slid him down into my throat.

God, how I loved the taste of that man...

I held my mouth against his body, savoring him on my tongue, breathing through my nose as he grunted and shook with pleasure above me. I pulled back slowly on him, rubbing the tip of my tongue against the base of his shaft, moving all the way up to his bulbous tip, and holding there. I basked in his pleasure– the look in his eyes, and the way his ass clenched from the sensations.

Then I swallowed him up again, taking him down, loving the way he filled my mouth and throat, and the knowledge of just how much pleasure it gave him.

I sucked him steadily off, working my entire pregnant body into the movements as I nodded my head against his waist, shoving his cock down all the way, pulling back, and swallowing him up again and again, unable to get enough of him, or of the pleasure I was causing him. I loved the feel of his wet muscle gliding along beneath my palms as I drank him down. Rolling my hands and fingers over every inch of him, bathing him in the heat of my flesh as well as that of the water pouring down around us. The steam clouding up around us. Getting us lost in a haze of delight, a brilliant, sensual stupor, the wonder of our love taking over, like its own distinct, and beautiful reality.

I don't know how long it was before I felt the touch of his hand against the back of my head. Guiding me forward, easing me into him. Holding my lips pressed firmly against his body. His cock pulsing, leaping in my mouth, his grunts of pleasure like music to my ears.

I closed my eyes, and breathed him in as he filled me with his love. His hot fluid spilling over my tongue, sweet to the taste, making me smile around his cock as he pumped himself full of me. The knowledge of his pleasure made my heart race, as he grunted and shook, and just kept coming and coming, unable to control himself.

He spilled out of me after a few moments, seizing his cock in his hands, and continuing to drip his load softly down onto me. He coated my breasts, ejaculating across my pregnancy swollen nipples, and poured the rest of himself over the sphere of my stomach, his seed spilling down, dripping along my navel as I sat there on my knees.

I felt perfectly his. Perfectly owned by him. Perfectly possessed in that moment. His release onto my pregnancy unleashing something primal in me. Letting me know that I was his, and that he was mine. That he was my King, and I was his Queen, and with the life growing inside me, created by our love, nothing would ever, could ever come between the two of us again.

He took me by the hand, and lifted me up to face him again. The water spilled over me from behind, washing me clean of his beautiful essence, and I leaned into him for a kiss– letting the taste of him linger between our tongues, as we slid them deep into one another, sharing an intimacy that was beyond anything either of us had ever known.

As thoroughly as he'd been drained by the force of such pleasure, I had no intention of allowing him to remain so for long. The two of us made out desperately, hands running across each other's naked, dripping flesh, holding each other for dear life, grabbing on to whatever we could find. I brought his palms to my chest, and cried out as he gripped my swollen breasts, flooding me with sensations, somehow managing to make me want him even more desperately than I had before now.

After several dizzying, blissful moments entwined this way in one another's arms, I reached down hopefully, and wrapped my fingers around his cock. A couple of long, hard strokes, and I was thrilled to feel him nice and solid for me again, in what must have been record time, after having just finished milking him so thoroughly.

Fri, seeing exactly what I wanted, gave me a sly grin– a light aglow in his eyes, letting me know that he had every intention of giving it to me. Perhaps giving it to me far more than I'd even been hoping for...

I barely even had time to anticipate this as he brought his hands to my shoulders, separating our bodies for an agonizing moment, and turning me around in his arms. He pressed me spread-eagled against the same far wall against which I'd just finished blowing him, my palms shaking against the dripping tile, my ass pushed out in his direction, my legs spread, giving him access to as much of me as his heart could possibly desire.

It was one of my favorite positions, being taken like this– harkening back as it did to our first time together, and the desperation of the woods. I held my breath as I waited for him, biting my lip as I felt the heat of his body against me. His hands on my hands, his legs against mine, and the shaft of his cock sliding gently down along the crack of my ass.

He eased his body forward, and my eyes widened as I felt the tip of his erection crest the lips of my pussy. As often as we'd spent loving one another in the time we'd been together– and that was just about any time we got the chance– I still had never gotten used to the feeling of him entering me that first time. The heat of his body merging with my own. My wetness pulling him slowly in. His shaft filling me, stretching me nice and tight. His tip settling deep inside me, resting so firmly against my g-spot that it made my entire body sing.

I prayed that I never did get used to it, for that matter...

He held himself up inside me like that for so long that I almost couldn't stand it, despite the fact that I never wanted it to end. I was dizzy by the time he finally eased himself back out of me, leaving my entire body numb, only to throw himself back into me at double the speed, up into a still greater depth.

Already, I was on the verge of collapse, and it was the need for more of him, with each stroke, each movement, each undiscovered inch of him thrown so far into my body, that kept me from melting right there in his arms.

Christ, how I loved the impact of that man into me, so hard from behind. Our wet bodies slapped loudly together, the loud clapping of his flesh into mine like music to my ears, nearly drowned though it was by the roar of the shower, and the screams of pleasure issuing from my wide-open mouth.

There was no one who could love me quite like this man could. No one who could hold me so desperately. Who could fill me so thoroughly. Who could awaken such pleasure inside me, and then build upon it, reaching to more and more impossible heights with each hard pounding he gave to me. No one in the world who could give me exactly what I wanted, at exactly the right moments, the way that this man did, and yet still, somehow, leave me wanting so, so much more.

And then, at last, he gave it to me.

My body already in such a state of dizzy ecstasy that I could hardly breathe, Fri let out a vicious cry, and hurled his weight up into me. Slamming me deep with the full force of his muscle. Filling me tight with his pulsing cock, and detonating a powerful blast of sheer, overwhelming bliss from deep within me.

My mouth fell suddenly open. My toes curled. My eyes clenched tightly shut, and my ears rang as they'd never done before, just from the effort of trying to contain so much of him, all coming at me at once, pulling me beneath the surface in colossal, unstoppable waves.

He came inside me once again, pumping me full of his boiling hot essence. Drenching me in his love, spilling from me in his excess. Howling as his bursting erection leapt and jolted inside me, my muscles tightening around him, pulling him further and further into me, needing so desperately to sustain the pleasure now crashing through my body with an unceasing fury.

And that, at last, was when I felt it.

My breaking point, reached, and then obliterated.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, and felt the mother of all orgasms racing through my entire my body, from my head down to my toes, and everywhere in between, leaving no stone within me unturned. My heart felt as though it might burst from my chest, as unbearable waves of bliss crashed through me, reducing me to nothing beneath their swelling tidal force. My entire body seeming to exist on some higher plain, to have somehow, momentarily, disappeared from the earth entirely, and found itself up above in heaven, all thanks to the sheer, sweet brilliance of this man's love.

Finally, after how long I can't even begin to imagine, I felt my soul drifting back down into my body. I began to shiver, eyes still wide from the pleasure, and Fri reached out to me, pulling my body into his, and holding me close, as very gradually I settled back into myself.

“I trust that my majesty is pleased?” he whispered smilingly into my ear, and I smiled gently back at him, once I was at last composed enough to be able to do so.

You have no idea...” I whispered back to him, and melted into him once again as he leaned his head over my shoulder, and planted a long, soothing kiss against my lips.

It was hard to say at that point, what challenges the future may still hold ahead of us. But at that moment, I was certain– as we stood there beneath the soothing water, his hand on my pregnant belly, and his lips sealed so powerfully to mine– that whatever tomorrow would bring, the two of us would somehow be able to face it.

The two of us, and the kingdom we served, had survived so much until now. And by my father's name, and the name of Fri's own father, we would boldly face the challenges ahead of us. Walking hand in hand. Side by side. The way things were always intended to be among our kind.