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The Drummer's Heartbeat: A Winter Romance (Vale Valley Book 11) by Giovanna Reaves (16)

Chapter Sixteen

Chance opened the door to his apartment the following night and was greeted with the sound of Christmas music, a holiday decorated apartment, accompanied by the scent of freshly baked cookies coming from the kitchen. It wasn’t often, but he enjoyed coming home to Grayson cooking in the kitchen.

“I take it you’re feeling better?” Chance asked as he walked up behind Grayson to rest his hands on his hips, kissing him on his neck.

He’d noticed the bite mark on the nape of Grayson’s neck from their night at the lake hadn’t faded, and it worried him a bit. He’d asked Grayson if the bite on his neck bothered him, the answer was always the same ‘no’. There were times his young lover would stare at him as if he had something other than the bite on his neck was bothering him, but he’d yet to reveal what it was. Chance wondered if he should prod the answer out of the boy, but he needed Grayson to understand and realize the trust growing between them.

Chance had also been worried about his boy’s health, Grayson had woken up that morning feeling achy and nauseous, and to him, his boy felt a bit warmer to the touch. He figured it was exhaustion catching up to Grayson, he’d been on the move since returning home from school and hadn’t really stopped to rest. He’d instructed his boy to stay in bed and sleep the day away after canceling all of his appointments. Chance knew Grayson wasn’t feeling well when his boy didn’t complain but rolled over and went back to bed.

“Yeah, I woke up around noon and was in the mood to bake.”

Chance looked over Grayson’s shoulders and saw that it was lined with all kinds of cookies laid out on the counter. There was chocolate chip, gingerbread, snickerdoodle, and a few others.

“I knew your sweet tooth would get the better of you one of these days.”

“What do you mean?” Grayson asked turning around he had flour on his nose and cheeks he looked absolutely adorable.

“I can’t eat all this.”

“You won’t have to, silly, I called Father Lance, and he’s sending someone to pick up some of the cookies. I also made some for your guys, and a few for the health center.”

“Cookies at a health center, is that allowed?” Chance asked in a joking manner.

“If it’s made right and by me, then it’s all healthy.” Grayson tilted to the side staring at him intently.

“What’s with the look?”

“You know I was just thinking. If you grow your beard longer and dyed it a bit whiter you could play a very sexy Santa Claus next year, and I could be your helper.” Grayson’s eyes glossed over, and Chance could already tell his boy was thinking of something naughty.

“Maybe if you’re a good boy I’ll come down your chimney with special gifts for Christmas.”

Grayson hummed. “Maybe I should keep sexy Santa all to myself. My own personal Santa Claus,” he mused. “I guess I should admit I haven’t been a good boy this year. Does that mean Santa’s going to give me a spanking?” he pouted.

Gods he adorable. “Why haven’t you been a good boy?” Chance asked palming his boy’s ass.

Grayson went to his toes and pressed their lips together. “Because I love being a naughty boy.” He gave Chance a quick peck then turned back to his task. “Now, go wash up. I made dinner.”

“Wow, you have been busy today, baking and cooking. Maybe I should keep you home more often.”

“Maybe one day you’ll be able to, but for now you’ll just have to deal with a busy lover.”

“Cheeky brat,” Chance said as he walked into the bedroom to clean up.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the gift he’d had made for Grayson that went with his permanent collar. It was unexpected, but things were moving fast between them, oddly enough Chance wasn’t bothered by it. He’d talked more about mates with Scott and realized what Grayson was sacrificing by waiting for him to claim him.

After speaking with Scott, Chance understood why Grayson tried pushing him away around Thanksgiving. But since they’d gotten closer, and their connection continued to grow deeper each day they were together.

Chance also came to the realization that his six months contract was no longer valid. Since the mating process started, they were essentially engaged, but Chance wanted to make things legal between him and Grayson. I want to make him my husband in every sense of the word. He just needed to find the perfect place to make it happen the way he wanted. He was ready to make things permanent with his boy.

“Dinner’s ready,” Grayson called out from the kitchen.

“I’ll be there in a second,” Chance yelled back smiling as the perfect spot came to him. Putting the box in his drawer he closed it and went to clean up. It was time to let his boy know how much he loved him.

* * *

Grayson groaned once he had the first bite of his chocolate, strawberry, and cinnamon ice cream topped with raspberry sauce. It was the first thing he’d been able to eat all day, and he couldn’t figure out why. Nothing he ate lately agreed with his stomach.

Fuck, Ren knows how to make a crepe the way I like.

“I take it that you like the new chocolate sauce I whipped up?” Ren the owner of Sweet Bites asked.

“Dude, it’s awesome,” he said taking another bite.

“I’ll bring you extra.”

He’d just gotten back from the Christmas market to see if Flora needed anything, since she was managing the weekend stalls. He’d bumped into a few people he knew like Vic and Kallen, the cute swan who had found his way to Vale not too long ago. As well as Mateo and Father Lance, both couples seemed to be connected at the damn hip.

He’d met Mateo when he’d picked the cookies up from the apartment. He’d also stopped by for a second to watch Chance and his band do sound check for the tree lighting later that night. There were so many things happening all at once around town, Grayson was having a hard time keeping up.

“I guess I should have known this would be where you’d be, if you’re not at your brand-new center.”

Grayson froze when he heard that voice and looked up, his eyes widened when he saw a swelled stomach as his gaze moved up and landed on the sweet face of his best friend Anita. “You’re pregnant,” was the first words that came out of his mouth.

“After months of not seeing me, that’s all you have to say?”

Instantly he stood his feet and carefully pulled her into a hug. “Oh, goddess I can’t believe you finally came,” he said pulling back from their hug. “What made you decide to come here? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? Where are you staying? And wait who’s the baby father?”

“Goodness I forgot how chatty you get when you’re excited, small town,” Anita said as they sat down beside each other. “I’ve kept a couple of things from you.”

“Besides, getting pregnant, you mean?”

“Yeah that and you’re not the only one I know who lives in Vale Valley,” she said pulling his plate away from him, and taking large bite moaning like he did when he had his first bite.

“Who?” he asked in surprise.

“Erica Torrent, she’s my sister.”

“Wait, what? Why didn’t you tell me?” Then his eyes widened. “That means you knew I was a shifter all this time.”

“I didn’t know what you were, but I knew you weren’t only human.” Anita sighed. “Erica and I weren’t always close growing up, and I blamed her for a lot of things that I caused in my life. That I’m still causing in my life and expecting her to bail me out of it.” She brushed a hand over her stomach and Grayson got the point. “I made things worse between us when she ran off and married Peter by siding with our parents. I was unhappy and hated that she was and still is happy. But now I want to be a part of her life. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just…”

“Didn’t want me butting in and trying to make things better.”

“Yeah, you have a tendency to try and fix things for me even when I’m not ready for them to be fixed.”

“I guess it’s the small town in me,” he said with a smile. “I want to fix things and share my world with everyone.”

“I guess.” She smiled, and Grayson was able to see she was trying not to cry. “And just for the record, I knew how unique Vale Valley is, and that’s why I kept it to myself.”

“I never meant to keep being a shifter from you. I just knew how skeptical humans can be.”

“Don’t worry about it. I heard enough about how great this place was from Erica. I just wasn’t ready to come here and receive the love this town has to offer.”

“So, who is the baby daddy?” Grayson asked again.

“Professor Jamison.” Grayson gasped at her proclamation. “I know, you warned me not to get involved with him. But he was so hot I couldn’t help it. You saw him. Tall, handsome, graying sidelines, and those shoulders.” She smiled and shivered.

“I see those shoulders gave you more than you wanted.”

“I forgot how brutal you can be sometimes. But you’re right. And before you ask, yes, he knows about the baby, and he wants nothing to do with us.”

“Can I have Chance and my dad kick his ass?”

“Chance, you mean Erica’s best friend?”

“Yes, him,” Grayson said with a dreamy smile. “Gods, Erica he’s my everything.”

“So, small town came home and fell in love. Good for you.”

He smiled, but Grayson couldn’t stop thinking about her situation. There were so many things that Grayson wanted to tell her, but by the look on her face, he didn’t want to make her feel any worse than she already felt. He loved her no matter what and would stick by her side. For months he’d worried about her and her she was being honest with him about what was going on with her, and that was all he could ask for.

She even kept my secret.

He took her hands in his and smiled. “I’m here for you, no matter what.”

She sighed, visibly relieved that Grayson wasn’t going to lecture her on her stupidity, she probably heard it enough from Erica who was known for not pulling any punches. They sat and talked for a bit longer sharing another crepe and was happy that he hadn’t gotten nauseated the entire time they’d been talking. He knew he should at least try to figure out what the heck was the problem but chalked it up as fatigue.

Grayson pushed it all aside instead gushing about Chance to Anita, and how wonderful and attentive he was. He didn’t leave out his center and that his weekend sales at the market was going great. After leaving Sweet Bites, they walked around Vale Valley and enjoyed the beautiful winter day, just reconnecting as friends.

* * *

Chance harmonized along with Scott as they did a sound check using an old Christmas classic, “Silver Bells”, with an upbeat tempo. It was a hectic few days in Vale Valley with Grayson’s grand opening, the Christmas market, and the annual tree lighting later that night. He and the band were going over a few keynotes they wanted to hit perfectly. Although it was an event they played every year, there was nothing wrong in a little practice.

“All right, guys, I think we have it,” Scott said when they finished the note.

Chance placed his sticks down and stood.

“Looks like we have an admirer. Well, I should say you, Chance,” Jerry said causing Chance to look up.

People were milling around not paying them any attention except for Jafaris Robinson, the town’s deputy mayor. Getting the feeling that the man wasn’t there as an observer, Chance jumped off the stage that was set up for the band to play that night. He walked over to speak with the man.

“Mr. Deputy Mayor, is there something we can do for you? A song request perhaps?”

“Why haven’t you given her an answer?” Jafaris snapped.

Okay, what the ever-loving fuck? “Give who an answer?” Chance asked.

“Rosemary. I know she asked you to be the town’s next mayor, what’s taking you so fucking long to say no?”

Seriously, what the hell is this dude’s problem?

Chance crossed his arms over his chest flexing his muscles that was not hampered by his coat in any way. He’d spoken with Rosemary the day she’d helped Grayson prepare for his center’s grand opening. He told Rosemary that he still needed more time and would have an answer for her after the new year. Rosemary seemed a bit hesitant to say yes but told him she would wait until then for his answer.

“I wasn’t aware I needed to give my answer in a specific timeline. If you want the job,” Chance said finally. “Why don’t you run for the fucking position?”

“It’s not how things work in Vale Valley,” Jafaris growled getting in his face but backed down when he saw that Chance didn’t care for his posturing. Chance felt as if he wanted to bare his teeth and growl at the man like an alpha wolf. “The town’s magic picks who it wants, and for some reason it picked you. It will only change if…” He stopped speaking and stared off into space.

“If what?” Chance asked wanting to know what the man was thinking.

“Nothing, just forget about it,” Jafaris said and walked away leaving Chance confused by their encounter.

“Okay, that was fucking weird.” Brushing it off, Chance went back over to the guys to set up for the night.

Maybe Rosemary needs to be more worried about Jafaris. The guy seems a bit off lately.

That night the celebration went off without any problems. The light festival was the highlight of the night along with their concert. They partied into the night.

A few times during the night, Chance spotted Grayson dancing with Quintus and a girl he hadn’t seen before. Watching his boy dance and have fun made his heart flutter, and in Chance’s opinion, it was the best Christmas concert Scott and the Crimson Knights ever played.