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The Eternal Edge Of Aether (Elemental Awakening, Book 5) by Nicola Claire (21)


For This

Five Years Later

I walk into the lounge and barely miss getting hit by a lightning bolt. I duck just in time, swearing profusely. I hear a giggle from behind the couch.

“Alessandro!” I growl.

A vine curls around my ankle, growing up between the wooden floorboards of our home. Little white flowers blossom along its length as it wraps itself around my lower leg. I stare at it and scowl.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

All I receive is a high pitched giggle in reply, and then the vine tugs.

I go tumbling onto the couch cushions and scrabble to gain my balance. The vine only grips me harder. I mutter another curse and flare Pyrkagia. The vine disintegrates.

“No fair, Daddy,” a little voice says.

Then promptly the flames are doused in water.

“Come here, you little monster,” I growl, laughing.

He climbs over the sofa and falls with a soft plop onto my stomach. I wrap my arms around him and hold on tight.

“What have I told you about using your Stoicheio in the house?” I ask, nuzzling his neck with raspberries.

He squeals and squirms, a wind whips through the lounge, on it the sweet scent of Gi. The curtains catch on fire.

“Alessandro!” I shout, jumping up from the couch and rushing towards them. I wave my hand, and the flames snuff out. Left behind is a clump of charred material. My son slowly walks over and stands at my side. We both stare at the mess forlornly.

“Mummy’s gonna be mad,” he says.

“Yes,” I agree.

“Should we run away?”

“No,” I say. “She’d find us.”

“Not if we hide.”

“Your mother has a knack for finding lost things.”

I stare out of the window at our village which is fast becoming a town. Trees grow between houses, some of them within the buildings themselves. Leaves rustle, and the birds sing. All around us is the Amazon, regrown and magnificent. Living in harmony with over sixty Gi and seventy Pykargia, a collection of Nero and Aeras and Alchemists, and now, at last count, one hundred human beings.

I look down at my son and grin widely.

“We can replace them,” I say. “Before she gets home.”

He brightens, his bottom lip slipping free of his teeth.

“Really?” he says.

“Absolutely. I am a king. I can make things happen.”

“Like curtains?” my son asks.

“Yes,” I say, bemused. “Just like curtains.”

I pat him on the rump and tell him to go play. He squeals as he runs from the room. Outside, I hear Marcus calling his name. Within seconds, a group has gathered to play soccer, every one of them wanting Alessandro on their team. A scuffle breaks out. Marcus and Nico argue over which side my son should play on. Alessandro stops the fighting simply by stealing the ball away. Everyone scrambles to tackle him.

I laugh to myself as I start to take the burnt curtains down. I’ve just managed the last hook when Cassandra walks in.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

I look over my shoulder and smile at my Thisavros. I can not help it. She looks radiant. Pregnancy suits her. And this one I will not miss. Not even a single day.

I throw the curtain out the window and turn to face her, then start stalking closer.

“Oh, no,” she says, laughing. “You’ve got that look in your eye. I want answers. What did you do to my curtains?”

I chase her around the couch and into the dining room. We stand either side of the long table. Casey’s panting, I’m laughing.

“What curtains?” I say.

“The curtains you just threw out the window. They looked charred.”

“Nonsense. You’re seeing things.”

I move to the side. She mirrors me. We circle the table.

“Did Alessandro use his Stoicheio in the house again?” she asks.

I have a choice. I could confess my son’s sins to his mother and thereby teach him a valuable lesson. Or I could protect him for just a few more years. He has time enough to become a man. And there are many good men here to teach him.

“I lost myself in a daydream,” I say and waggle my eyebrows at her. “Pyrkagia flared.”

“Hmm-mmm,” she mumbles. She doesn't believe me.

I have to strike fast.

I jump over the table, making chairs go flying. Casey shrieks and starts running down the hallway. I chase her, allowing her time to make the bedroom without too much pressure, and then I am on her. I carefully tumble her to the bed, making sure she and the baby are safe.

“About that daydream,” I say as I kiss down the side of her neck.

“About my curtains,” she shoots back.

I silence her with a kiss and then another, and then I make her forget her own name.

Outside the Amazon thrives. So does Aetheros’ people. I can hear my son squealing. I can hear laughter and chatting. I can feel Air breeze and Water trickle. I can scent Earth and am warmed by Fire. And tonight, when the sky is dark, I will be blessed with a thousand stars, twinkling.

Casey moans, I watch as she comes apart beneath my fingers. And then we are joined as one; one heart; one soul; one Thisavros connection. My Oraia makes my body sing. I return the favour.

We lie for long seconds afterwards, in each other’s arms, basking. And then duty calls when Rhea knocks on our home’s front door with Isadora standing beside her.

The life of a King and Queen is never quiet, but we have our moments. We find time to celebrate each other. And we never forget to thank Aetheros for our continued good fortune.

It is late at night when I finish with my Council. I walk down the hallway to Alessandro’s bedroom and hear Casey talking quietly.

“You know,” she says, “Stoicheio are very precious.”

I stand outside the room and listen. Neither of them knows I am here, observing.

“I know, Mummy,” my son says.

“You are special,” Casey adds. “You have more than one.”

“I’m lucky.”

“Yes, you are, darling. But being special means you have to try harder.”

“I do?”

“Yes. Everyone else will look to you, Alessandro. Aetheros is watching.”

“I don't want him to watch me.”

“Why ever not? He’s our god, and he loves us. He loved you so much that he made you special.”

“But why am I special, Mummy?”

“I don't know. I just know you are. And one day, you might be called upon to use your Stoicheio. To lead and protect us, just like Daddy.”

“I will be a good King, Mummy.”

“Yes, you will. But only if you are careful with your Stoicheio.”

There is silence for a moment, and then Alessandro says, “I won't use it in the house again. I promise.”

“That’s my good boy,” his mother croons.

“But can I get Daddy when he steps outside of it?”

Casey laughs. I shake my head.

“The best time, Alex, is when he least expects it. Don’t let him see you coming, OK?”

“OK, Mummy. I’ll get Daddy real good.”

My Thisavros laughs. My son giggles. And I smile to myself and then knock on the door frame. I enter the room, and my family goes silent; equal looks of guilt on their faces.

“What are you still doing awake?” I mock growl.

“Talking,” Casey says a little too quickly.

“Hmm-mmm,” I offer my Thisavros. She grins unrepentantly.

I reach down and kiss her softly, and then gather my son in my arms and hug him to me. We all cuddle together as the stars above our heads shine brightly, and Aeras breezes and Nero trickles and Gi scents sweetly. Pyrkagia swells, but it is inside my heart. It’s all around me.

And I send a prayer up to my god, thanking him.

For life.

For love.

For this.

My family.