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The Gift of Goodbye by Kleven, M. Kay (11)

Chapter 11

Today, between customers at the Emporium, I found myself thinking about my father. He always loved the flower gardens that surrounded the outside of our Kansas home. Now that the snow had turned to rain and the sun had come out, soon the bright yellow daffodils, purple crocus, and crimson red tulips would show their faces in the gardens. I’d email him tonight. I hadn’t heard a word from him since Mom had called me, slurring her words. Off in my own little world, I jumped when I heard a customer come in the front door.

“Is Thomas Cutler here?” a deep voice asked.

“Yes, give me a moment and I’ll get him for you. He’s in his office.”

“Does that make you Anna Louise, then?”

“Yes, it does. I’ll be right back with Thomas.”

“I’d like to talk to both of you, if I could.”

“Sure. One moment, please.” I rushed into Thomas’s office and whispered that there was a man here that wanted to talk to both of us.

Thomas followed me back out to where the gentleman stood. “Hi. I’m Thomas Cutler. Can I help you?” The men shook hands.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Cedric Benson, the theater director at New York University. Your son Daniel sent me over. Said your employee, Anna Louise, writes music and plays the piano like no one he’s ever heard before.” He smiled over at me. “I’d like to hear her play. Could she do that?”

“Sure. Play ‘The Gift of Goodbye’ for him, Anna Louise. If that doesn’t curl his toes, I don’t know what will.” Thomas laughed and led us over to one of the baby grand pianos, not the old upright I usually practiced on. I sat down and began to play.

The look on Mr. Benson’s face when I finished blew me away. Thomas had a big grin on his face.

“Daniel was right. You are exceptional.” Mr. Benson paused, then said, “Young lady, would you be interested in writing the musical score for the next play to be presented this fall by our theater group at NYU? Daniel will be one of the actors in the play. The script is being written as we speak. It’s about a brother and sister who grow up on the streets of New York because their parents are addicted to drugs and alcohol. How the brother protects his sister, who is younger and quite attractive. They go on to become world championship ice skaters in the couple’s division. The play ends as the two are hurrying across the street to get to the rink when they are struck and killed by a drunk driver running a red light. The driver turns out to be their father. Their mother is high in the passenger seat. The working title so far is called Streets.”

I looked over at Thomas, not knowing what to say.

“Say you’re interested,” Thomas urged me, giving me his stamp of approval.

“I’d be interested. I’ve never written a whole score before, but I’m willing to try.”

He handed me his card. “Make an appointment with my assistant and we’ll talk more. Nice to meet you both.”

“Wait a minute,” Thomas said as he was about to shake Mr. Benson’s hand, again. “I have a CD of Anna Louise’s music that you might like to listen to. Made a few extra copies of some songs we recorded one cold January day.”

“Thanks. I’d be very interested in hearing more of her songs,” Mr. Benson said as he followed Thomas to his office.

Giving Mr. Benson the CD, Thomas shook his hand and saw him to the door. Turning back to me, he gave me a high-five, then hugged me. “Congratulations, Anna Louise. I know you can do it.”

“Thanks, Thomas. My knees are still shaking. I can hardly wait to talk to Daniel when I see him.”

“Speaking of the devil.” Thomas laughed, seeing his son come in the back door.

“Did I do something wrong?” Daniel asked.

“Mr. Benson from the college was just here and asked if Anna Louise would write the score for this fall’s theater production. Said you sent him. Is that right?” Thomas strolled over to Daniel.

“I sure did. Congratulations, Anna Louise. Does Mara know yet?”

“Thanks. And she doesn’t know yet. Let’s both text her.” I laughed and threw my arms around his neck.

“Let’s. I won’t tell her you hugged me, though.” Daniel’s cheeks turned a nice shade of pink.

“Guess we’d better get back to work,” Thomas said. “Daniel, there’s a delivery for you this afternoon. Bob and Carl are on their way.”

“Okay, Dad,” Daniel replied as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.

Later, Mara and I celebrated dinner out, her treat this time. Then, when Daniel stopped by to see Mara, I decided to go into my room and email Dad.

~ ~ ~

Hi Dad,

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Wondering how things are going in Wisteria. Spring usually means lots of yard work for you and soccer for Grant. I hate to ask, but how is Mom these days? How are the newlyweds doing?

Have some exciting news to fill you in on, too. Just today, the director of the Theater Department at New York University came in and listened to me play and asked me to write the musical score for this fall’s theater production. Daniel, Thomas’s son, who goes to NYU and wants to become a Broadway actor, sent him over.

Tired tonight after such a big day. Hope all is well with you. Email me when you can.


Anna Louise

~ ~ ~

Together, Thomas and I cleaned out a big, old, walk-in closet that hadn’t been used for much of anything since Mr. Cutler had remodeled the Emporium. Thomas anointed it my new office where I could begin writing the new musical score for Mr. Benson’s fall production, whenever I wasn’t busy in the store. First, a desk and chair arrived, along with another smaller black office chair, then came a computer, printer, and paper, as well as all of the writing tools I’d need. There were plenty of shelves available in the room too.

“Send Mara in with a few of her paintings, would you?” Thomas asked. “I’d like to purchase one for your office.”

“I’m astonished at all you’ve done, Thomas. I have never met people like you and Mr. Cutler before.” Tears filled my eyes. “Thank you.”

“Your welcome. But, I have to say that in all my years, I’ve never heard anyone play the piano like you can. It would be a shame to let all of that talent go to waste. I’ll do all I can to help bring your brilliance to the stage and concert halls. My father would take me over his knee if I didn’t.” He rubbed his butt and laughed as he walked out of my office.

I met with Mr. Benson and we talked for hours. So, whenever I wasn’t busy in the store or practicing for my lessons, I was busy getting ready to write the music that would feature Aiden as the brother and Elizabeth as the sister in Streets. My head popped up when I heard the front door open and close. I stepped out of my little office, and to my surprise found Chase standing there.

“Hi, stranger,” I said as I made my way toward him. “Good to see you.”

“Sorry, I haven’t been in touch, but that pregnant sister I told you about had her baby a couple of weeks ago. I went home to Missouri for a few days to meet my new niece, Emily Grace. She’s beautiful, of course. Almost wanted to bring her back with me, but her parents wouldn’t hear of it. So here I am, on a Friday morning, hoping you’ll have dinner with me tonight.”

“I’m sure Mara will be with Daniel, as usual, so I’d love to have dinner with you. Would you like me to meet you after work or do I need to get dressed up?”

“No need to get dressed up. You look fine to me. I’ll meet you at Beetle’s Bar and Grill about five-thirty then. Sorry, but I’ve gotta go.”

“See you at Beetle’s.” I smiled and waved as he high-stepped it out the door.

Preparing to write the opening song for Streets took up most of my day, but before I left the Emporium to meet Chase, I brushed through my long, dark hair and freshened up my face, then said goodnight to Thomas, going out the front door and into a cab.

“Beetle’s Bar and Grill,” I said.

Chase and I were escorted to one of the last open booths as Beetle’s began to fill up around us. It seemed to be a popular Friday night hang out.

“Another new restaurant for me to enjoy with you,” I said, glancing around at the crowd. “Everyone here appears to be of the working class, like you and me.”

“Pretty much,” Chase replied as he handed me a menu of food and drinks. “What would you like to drink?”

“I’ll have a diet soda, but you have whatever you like.”

“Think I’ll have a beer to celebrate the birth of my niece and having dinner with my favorite friend.” He gave me a sly grin as the waitress arrived at our table.

“One diet cola and a light beer from the tap.”

“Are you ready to order?” the pleasant, middle-aged woman asked.

“No. Not really,” Chase said. “We’ll order when you return with our drinks. Thanks.”

As soon as she delivered our drinks, we ordered, then started talking and didn’t even notice when she returned with our burgers and fries. “Can I get you anything else?” she asked.

“This is great. Thank you,” Chase replied, digging into his burger.

“Chase, I have some good news to tell you, and then I have some really good news to tell you. First, Daniel told the theater director at NYU about how I play the piano and write songs, so he came in a few days ago and asked me to play something. I played ‘The Gift of Goodbye’ for him, after which, he asked me to write the musical score for the play that will be presented this fall by the NYU theater department. I couldn’t believe it.”

“I believe it, Anna Louise. Congratulations. I hope you said yes.”

“I did. Thomas encouraged me. He and I even cleaned out an old walk-in closet, turning it into an office where I can write when it’s not busy in the store. The Cutlers are amazing people.”

“Indeed, they are,” Chase replied. “May I have the honor of escorting you to the opening night production of this falls play at NYU?”

“I’d be honored, Mr. Monroe. I have an awful lot of work to do before then, though.”

“I have faith in you. It’ll be an outstanding musical score.”

“Thanks, Chase. But, speaking of the Cutlers being amazing people. The really good news I have is that the Cutlers have become Savannah’s foster parents. She’s living with Thomas and his family now.

“That is wonderful news, Anna Louise. Things are beginning to look up for Savannah these days.”

“They certainly are,” I replied. “I’ve finished eating, if you have.”

Making our way out of Beetle’s, we started walking and ended up strolling along Central Park taking in the fresh air under the bright streetlights, eventually sitting on one of the park benches talking about the Emporium and the New York Times while sliding closer and closer together as the cool, night air moved in. “Maybe we should catch a cab to my place for something warm to drink before we freeze to death,” Chase said. “You haven’t seen my new digs since we left the Blue Sky Apartments.”

Shivering, I agreed. Chase hailed a cab and off we went. He led the way up the stairs to his apartment on the second floor. The building was definitely an upgrade from the Blue Sky Apartments. “Not bad, Mr. Reporter Man,” I said, stepping inside.

“It works for a busy newspaper reporter like me.” He walked over and rubbed my arms to warm me up. “Not much to see: a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room. At least the furniture is a step up from the Blue Sky Apartments.” That made us both laugh, especially me as I remembered my old lumpy, bumpy sofa. “Have a seat. I’ll make us each a cup of coffee. I bought some of those flavored packets. Do you have a favorite flavor?”

“I love roasted hazelnut if you have it.”

“Sure do. It’s my favorite, too.”

“Thank you,” I said as he handed me the mug of coffee. “Your apartment is very cozy.”

“Thanks.” He set his mug down on the coffee table and picked up the remote, flipping on the television. “Would you prefer the news, a crime show, or a movie, ma’am?”

“How about a movie without sex or murder in it?” I suggested.

“I only have about three hundred channels, so I’ll see what I can do.” He laughed, zeroing in on a romantic comedy.

Chase picked up his coffee and sat down on the sofa right next to me. “A toast to Friday night with a great friend,” he cheered as we clinked our coffee mugs together.

The romance in the movie seemed to draw us closer together and before long we weren’t just watching the movie, but sharing a few romantic kisses too.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you like that for a long time,” Chase mumbled. “I think ever since I saw you holding that mop and pail the first day I met you.”

“That had to be a sad sight for sure.”

“Not to me. Your big brown eyes made my heart flutter when you turned and looked at me for the first time.”

“I bet you left a string of women behind when you graduated from college in Missouri and flew off to the big city.”

“Not really. I dated, but wouldn’t let any relationship become too serious, knowing I would be heading to New York the minute I graduated. Didn’t want the entanglement, I guess.”

“I never really had a boyfriend because of my mother.” I turned to face Chase.

Chase drew me close and kissed me again.

“I’ll never forget the sound of your voice behind me that first day. I think I screamed, then turned and saw you. Tall, dark, and especially handsome.”

“That old line again,” he said, then his eyes grew sensual and I couldn’t resist his kisses.

Needless to say, I couldn’t tell you how the romantic comedy turned out because the next thing I heard was a woman screaming at the top of her lungs from the television. A horror movie now graced the screen. “Chase, I have to go. It’s nearly two o’clock in the morning.”

“I’ll see you home. Just let me grab a jacket for each of us.”

Chase walked me to my apartment and kissed me goodnight. I slipped out of his jacket and handed it to him, then he hurried back out to the waiting cab. Once again, I had to tiptoe past Mara and Daniel sound asleep in each other arms on the sofa. I knew Chase would dominate my dreams tonight.