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The Guardian: A NOVEL by Pamela Ann (13)



It was a little after one the morning when I came back home. Upon entering my bedroom, I quietly made my way into the closet to change. Instead of wearing my usual favored selection of robes to sleep into, this time I opted for a nude cotton slip. Sharing my bed with Jared required extra precautions. After that mortifying ordeal, I wasn’t going to leave it to chance.

Dinner with Wyatt was actually quite fun, unexpectedly so. He kept his word and acted like a gentleman all throughout the evening. I admitted, it shed a different light on him. Like I said before, if he weren’t Blair’s brother, maybe I wouldn’t have reservations about dating him. It was just as well; the man was notoriously known to have women everywhere. If Jared was wicked, Wyatt was ten times worse than that. He left litters of broken hearts everywhere. And after this painful ordeal with Jared, I’d be a complete idiot to run into another man’s arms who could potentially hurt me just as badly. Maybe even worse.

Barefoot, I guardedly walked into the bedroom. Through the darkness, my eyes took a while to adjust. Jared was in bed, appearing to be asleep with his hands behind his head. My heart skittered at the majestic sight of him spread out like a King. His large muscular frame and chiseled abdomen made my specific organ quiver.

Don’t be a continuous lovesick idiot. Shut down your damn vagina, Gisele. Lock it down, or he’ll mock you about it in the morning. Did you really want to be shamed for a second time?

I shook my head, quite disgusted at myself.

Averting my eyes from the sleeping man, I concentrated on rounding the bed until I reached my side. I didn’t realize I’d been holding my breath until my head rested on a pillow and I had successfully positioned myself without waking him up. With my back facing him, I shut my lids and focused on stabilizing my heart rate. It took about five minutes or so until it began to normalize. Slowly but surely, my mind began to drift away.

I was a hairsbreadth away from nodding off into a deep slumber when his strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me against his hard body. His scent and warmth enveloped my senses immediately. I froze while I waited for him to say something, but no word came. His hot breath caressed the back of my neck. One arm rested under my chin; the other held my hip. There was nothing sexual about it. It was as if he were expressing his apology through comfort. He uttered no words, but I knew he was wide awake.

What ran through that exceptionally brilliant mind of his?

At this point, I wouldn’t even dare try to comprehend his actions. After all, if I dared attempt to, I’d go mental. Therefore, I kept still until sleep finally caught on. The last thought that crossed my mind was, Jared would forever remain an enigma to me.

I woke with to the strange sounds of metals clashing. The sharp, screeching commotion raised the hairs on the back of my neck. Sleepiness escaped me, replaced by something foreboding.

Hurriedly, I darted towards the balcony where the sounds largely came from. My breath caught in the back of my throat when I watched in horror as I located Jared, gripping two katanas in each hand as he fought with a man wearing full Japanese armor. Their shiny weapons glimmered against the ray of the sun. Jared only wore loose black pants—bare-chested, barefooted, and not much else. He had no ounce of protection if the damn sword found a vulnerable spot to cut him. He’d be dead in a heartbeat.

Without thought, I rushed out the door. I didn’t even use the elevator as I scampered to the stairs before scramming towards the French doors that led to the garden. I sprinted towards the men, past caring that the grass felt wet underneath my soles.

“Stop!” I bellowed with everything I had, noting the vicious look on Jared’s face, as if he were out for blood as he blocked the other man’s sword, It made me quake with fear inside. They were in the middle of a grueling battle, and the sound of their swords along with the adrenaline rush probably made it impossible for them to hear me. I was ready to jump on the Japanese suited man if he kept on fighting him. Where was security, anyway? So much for hiring the best of the best. So, I dared to step farther into their domain, merely a few feet away from them, determined as ever. “STOP! Please, STOP! You’re going to hurt him!”

This time, they heard me.

Both men paused, halting mid-air. Jared’s sweat trickled all over his face, his torso, as he deeply frowned and glanced towards where I stood.

“Gisele?” Jared huffed out, frowning, seeming confused.

My lethal gaze landed on his opponent. “You better put that down!” I irrationally commanded, and he spun to face me, pierced his sword into the ground, and took off his mask, exposing a middle-aged Japanese man. Then he held his left palm up vertically while the other bunched together before connecting them both and gesturing in a graceful bow.

“Miss Weber,” he uttered with great respect in his voice.

“Gisele, calm down. I’m merely working up a sweat,” Jared grumbled. An obvious sign of an amused smile crossed his face.

Working up a sweat? While seconds away from getting killed? What is wrong with him?

“Are you serious?” Highly embarrassed, I couldn’t even come up with an apology. I glared at Jared and his idiotic smile. I began to redden, immediately feeling like a complete moron. “Why can’t you be normal for once!” I muttered before I harrumphed out of the garden and retreated back indoors.

Who in their right mind would whack swords around without some sort of armor? Did he have a fucking death wish? It sure looked like it. The man didn’t give a damn if he died. I really should stop caring. When would I learn?

Feeling like an absolute fool, I trudged towards the hallway, too heated to realize that Jared had somehow caught up to me before I took the stairs.


I stopped, and ever so slowly, I turned to face him.

His hand held both swords, and he was still chuckling at my mad behavior. His impressive chiseled abs glistened with sweat, and those gorgeous cerulean blues danced with glee.

My breasts ached, my body acutely responding to him. Not now, damn it! I scolded my treacherous body, but to no avail.

I stood there, quite speechless as I simply gawked at him, weakened by his presence and the potent virility he effortlessly exuded by simply existing. Even knee-deep in embarrassment, I couldn’t help but admire his sheer masculinity. He simply was…beautifully crafted in every way. Even his magnificent mind was mind-blowing through and through. Yes, it was an undeniable fact that Jared was the sexiest thing since whipped butter. Deny as I might, but I longed to savor him, lick every inch of his skin, purely curious to find out if he tasted just as I imagined he would—sweet ambrosia with a hint of salt.

“Aww, you were concerned someone was out to kill me,” he cooed, touched at my show of concern.

Yeah, not going to make that same mistake again.

Holding back a sigh, I sheepishly eyed him. “I didn’t realize you enjoyed the sport. Where is he—your friend, I mean? I could have Reina fix him something to eat,” I kindly offered, not sure if the guy was as amused as Jared was. I did, after all, intrude and broke up their arduous session.

“He already left.” He closed the gap between us before his eyes dropped. His fingers took hold of the thin delicate straps of my slip, slightly tugging them, as if testing their resistance. “Do try not to run outside the bedroom wearing anything X-rated. Your tits are lovely, but this poor excuse of a dress could barely contain them. It’s bad enough security can see you walking around at night, but for my sparring partner to lust after you, too, is unacceptable. Do we understand each other, Gisele?”

My heart thumped loudly against my chest. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking…I thought he was going to hurt you.”

His face softened. “I understand, but please don’t do it again, okay?”

“Yeah, okay.” I nodded before I began to climb the stairs, a little troubled about our odd interaction.

He seemed to have a problem with clothes, particularly revealing clothes. If I aimed to please him, I should cater to his desires. But I wasn’t a submissive woman. My mother brought me up to love and own my true self. If I hid the real me, I’d lose my identity. Besides, our relationship wasn’t real, so what I should or shouldn’t wear didn’t matter.

That may be true and all, but it didn’t seem to stop him from preaching his preference to me, anyway. If he had any sense, he’d best direct that towards his lover because clearly, I wasn’t his to command. Last night’s declaration enlightened me on how much he was willing to fight the attraction we had to each other. Then so be it. I was more than delighted to accommodate that request. Who’d want to be saddled up with a guy who had serious commitment issues?

At eighteen, I was supposed to explore men and sexuality. It was the age of discovery. And before I’d even begin jumping into the dating pool, I wasn’t going to let Jared ruin me for the real man who would cherish and treasure me. Therefore, until then, I’d happily wait for the right person to come along.

Since it was ten on a Sunday morning, I had no other plans but to hop back in bed, hoping I could steal a few more hours until lunch was to be served.

Situated in bed, I decided to use the phone to connect me to the kitchen. It was Thomas who answered.

“Would you want breakfast in bed, Madam? After the late night partying, it’s quite understandable if you’re too shattered to properly eat in the breakfast room.”

Nothing escaped him; Thomas thrived on busting me whenever he could. Some, he’d relay to my parents before, but most of the time, he kept them to himself. He was a meticulous man. He knew everyone’s secrets. Thomas’s innuendoes, I was accustomed to. And I supposed, his displeasure at the knowledge that I left Jared all by himself didn’t sit well with him. He couldn’t hide his disappointment.

“Good morning, my love.” I grinned, knowing how much of a softy he was. He might be displeased, but it wouldn’t be for long. Thomas adored me; he could never hold it for more than twenty-four hours. “Breakfast in bed sounds perfect. Also, I wanted to ask what’s for lunch? Does Papa have any appetite for anything in particular?” Thomas had mentioned before that my father seemed to prefer soups since he couldn’t hold much down anymore.

He cleared his throat, a gesture he made when he aimed to be intimidating. But I knew him well enough to know calling him ‘my love’ always softened his standoffishness. “He requested potato and leek soup. But the chef also has a full menu for the newlyweds. I believe he’s even made strawberry Pavlova as a special treat for you.”

Newlyweds. Oh, Thomas. The old man simply couldn’t help with the barbs. It was in his nature, and in some ways, I found it endearing. Thomas wouldn’t be Thomas if he turned his sarcasm down a notch. Trying to stifle my giggles, I repeatedly thanked him before placing the phone back in its cradle.

A massive smile pasted on my lips when my phone beeped. It was from Wyatt.

Morning beautiful. Last night was surprisingly fun. Can we do a repeat? I promise I’ll try not to sweep you off your feet.

Wyatt…should I even?

Last night was fun. I couldn’t recall laughing so much in my life. Since I’d known him all my life, the man seriously had countless stories about me. Most were embarrassing, of course. If he weren’t Blair’s brother

I loudly sighed when there was a quick knock and Reina entered the bedroom, brightly greeting me before she carefully placed the tray on the bed.

“Thank you, Reina,” I murmured then watched her smile and exit the room.

Back when we were fifteen, Blair had warned Vivienne and me not to mind her brothers. Wyatt had already tried to openly pursue me. Back then, when Blair asked if I liked her brother, I adamantly denied it. Wyatt was good looking, but Jared was the center of my universe. In my mind, no man compared.

Even still, after I had repeatedly turned him down, Wyatt hadn’t given up. It had been three years. Would it tick Blair off if I saw her brother differently this time?

Maybe I could wait to answer that question after I went on another date with him, Yeah, that seemed like a good idea.

Me: When do you have in mind?

Message sent.

My phone beeped with his reply.

Wyatt: Whenever it’s convenient for you. Name the day. I’m at your disposal.

I grinned like an idiot.

Me: At my disposal? Sounds like a sexual proposition.

Wyatt: I promised to be a gentleman, but I’m more than pleased to drop the pretense…playing the good guy truly is boring.

Wyatt was all bad. He was only twenty-three, but the man had already garnered a notorious reputation. Some even said he’d turn out like his father. Hopefully, he wouldn’t go that far. Hank Rinaldi was…well, a known philander all throughout his marriage.

I had to take all those into account, but I decided I would make a decision after my second date with him. It’d be detrimental if I wanted to pursue this route with him.

Me: Friday night. Pick me up at seven.

Wyatt: A.m. or p.m.? Say a.m. please.

Me: Seven in the evening. Don’t be late.

Wyatt: Never with you, beautiful.

Me: Until then.

Wyatt: Until then…you’ll remain in my thoughts.

Wyatt…He sure wasn’t one to hold himself back. Nope, never him.

Me: You’re crazy.

Wyatt: Always been crazy about you. Everyone knows it, too.

Damn him, but I couldn’t stop beaming like an idiot.

Me: Blair’s going to kill me. We’re going on a friendly date…Nothing else is going on.

Wyatt: Like I said, I’m good playing pretend. I don’t mind playing that with you, either.

Me: Wyatt!!!

Wyatt: Yes, Gi?

Me: You’re hopeless. What am I going to do with you?

Wyatt: Don’t ask me…I can tell you countless things, but I doubt you’re ready for it.

Another text came from him.

Wyatt: Or are you…ready, I mean?

My cheeks flamed. Ready…Ready for what? What was he insinuating? Did he have some kind of notion that led him to think I was still a virgin? He saw me pursue Jared during his father’s birthday bash. Surely, he knew I succeeded, right?

Licking my lips, I typed my response.

Me: Ready for what exactly?

Wyatt: Falling in love with me.

Me: UhWHAT???

Wyatt: You’ve realized Jared’s too old, and he’s clearly blind. Not that I’m complaining. I know you got what you wanted, but I also know revealing who you really were that night was out of the question. His tastes vary from time to time, but I know enough of him, and he prefers brunettes.

I made a melancholy sigh. It was just as well. He had no idea how close he was to the truth. But everyone knew he liked his dark-haired women.

Me: You’re right. I don’t see him that way anymore. The fog’s been lifted and gone for good.

Wyatt: You won’t regret it, Gi. I’ promise to treat you well.

Me: Promises. Promises…We shall see, Wyatt Rinaldi.

Wyatt: I’ve wasted time with others waiting for you. No woman can hold a candle to you, Gisele.

That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me. Was he drumming all these sweet nothings to sweeten me up, or was he truly being genuine about his intentions?

Me: Friday. Be seeing you.

Wyatt: Take care, beautiful.

My thumb scrolled to the very beginning, rereading our messages again. Wyatt, it seemed, wanted to continue where we left off three years ago. Time would tell.

“What’s making you smile like that?” Jared had entered the room with an inquisitive look about him, as if he expected me to tell him the truth as his eyes flickered from my phone to my face several times.

He still hadn’t worn a shirt to cover his sculpted pectoral muscles. Although, he didn’t appear sweaty any longer. Why hadn’t he showered before coming in here?

God…Why did I want him so much? Swallowing my denial, I shrugged before peeling my eyes away from his perfection. “Nothing…nothing really.”

“You’re quite terrible at lying. I won’t bite, but I do expect your honesty. I’ve done the same with you. If you tell the truth…well, it saves me time from hacking into your phone to find out the truth.”

It was my turn to panic. WTF! “You wouldn’t!” God, Wyatt referenced me being Lexi. He’d flip his shits if he realized I tricked him into sleeping with me.

“That bad, huh?” Jared’s testing me and how I hated him for it.

Damn him. “No, I was texting Wyatt. I’m seeing him again on Friday.”

“How was the Italian food last night?”


“How’d you know that?” Was he psychic now too? SHIT.

“How’d you think I found you in Croatia, Gisele? You’re tracked wherever you go.” He pointedly gazed at me, not letting me off the hook just yet. “And even if your father hadn’t had one for you, I could easily access anything to make sure you’re okay.”

My heart lurched. It nosedived and skyrocketed at monumental speeds. “What do you mean access anything?” I asked, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden.

“Anything connected to the internet…”

“You were spying on me? That’s fucking insane!” What was my father thinking marrying me to this man? God. What the hell!

But to Jared, it seemed, it wasn’t a huge deal because my outburst did nothing to faze him. “Your well-being comes first. You’re my responsibility now. I take that obligation seriously.”

“And my father allows this crazy stalking?”

“How do you think he gave your mother a wide berth, hm? Besides, you’re always going to be a target for kidnapping. I’m not going to let that happen.”

My father, too? Like two peas in a pod. They were alike, weren’t they? I had no idea just how closely they resembled…Even their crazies were the same. Dear God.

Eyeing him warily, I accusingly glared at him. “How often do you spy on me?”

He grinned as if he found my panic-stricken expression amusing. “Twice in the past week. Before that? Never.”

“I didn’t realize I married a stalker.”

He raised one elegant brow before chuckling. “You married the best stalker in the world, babe.”


He said babe…Steady, my idiot heart. Don’t fall for it!

“Well, as long as you’re not overstepping any boundaries like spying and masturbating to my naked body, then I’m all for making sure I’m safe and sound.”

He looked scandalized. “You wench!” he widely grinned. Then I saw his gaze flicker to the tray Reina brought in before dipping a finger and scooping a copious amount of whipped butter and hopping on the bed.

I screamed as I tried to block him with a pillow. But he was too strong. He swiftly yanked the pillow out of my hands before he used his buttered finger on my face, wiping it all over my face and neck.

“Jared!” I squealed with delight.

“Butter mask.” He licked his notorious finger. “Tastes good, too.”

My eyes grew like saucers, quite turned on and aghast that he licked his finger from the butter. “That was my breakfast!”

“There’s still jam…” he taunted, mischievous. “What do you want me to do with it?”

Smear it all over my body and lick it off of me slowly.

Jesus. What the hell? How am I always so horny when he was around? Blushing, I avoided his gaze. “Stop it,” I said unconvincingly.

It’s as if he knew where my lurid thoughts were leading me to, so he dropped the subject.

“Wyatt…Are you guys dating?” his question caught me off guard.

Did he intend to hack into Wyatt’s electronics as well? I couldn’t be sure. With Jared, it was hard to decipher what his intentions were.

I glared at him, incredulous. “I have butter all over me, and you want to talk about Wyatt?”

His eyes gleamed as they lingered on my face, appreciating his damn artwork before he slid off the bed, strode into the bathroom, and ran the shower. Unexpectedly, he plucked me out of the bed and carried me towards the glass shower. The water began to steam the glass, and we both stepped in there, clothes and all.

“I’ll help you wash off,” he said with an innocent look about him. Then his hands grasped the end of my slip before lifting it off my body.

“Jared…What are you doing?” I cautiously asked, aroused beyond recognition. “Last night…You said a lot of things.”

“I did,” he responded, leveling his eyes with mine as if he was trying not to look below and ogle my heaving breasts so close to him. “I meant every word.”

“Then why are you doing this?” Maybe he liked to play with fire…or the simple fact that maybe I’m an easy target. None of which made me feel any less rotten.

“I’m taking care of you,” he stated as if it was a given. Without further addressing it, Jared simply got to business. He squeezed a facial scrub before he softly began to rub it all over my butter covered face. A massive grin spread across his face as he took in the sight before him. “Aww, you look like one of those people from children of the corn.”

I pinched his side.

He guffawed even more. “No, I swear you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

I couldn’t help but join in the laughter. “You tease me too much.”

“If you didn’t look so cute, maybe you wouldn’t be an easy target.” He scooped warm water from the running spray before carefully rinsing my cheeks then the rest of my face.

My eyes dropped to his blatant hardness. Even if his pants were still on, they hid nothing from me. Jared wasn’t unaffected, after all. My naked body aroused him, too. “Oh, look, your mini me is up.”

He snickered. “Please don’t insult it by calling it mini anything.”

The sight of his hardness made me delirious. But to keep the banter going, I best not ponder how I could seduce him right this instant. We were having such a laugh that I didn’t want to ruin it. So, as much as I hated it, I had to steer to light fun.

“Aww, don’t tell me mini me has self-esteem issues, too? Poor thing. I recommend a visit to a psychologist. It’ll address whatever inadequacies it has.”

His loud laughter was music to my ears. “Ah, how I long to punish you. Spanking that nice round ass would be an honor.”

Spank me. Do me however you like…please? Would he back off if I spun around and wiggled my ass in front of him? He just might.

Damn. My frustrations were getting the best of me. Le sigh.

“They say people who apply pain before sex try to make up for their lack of”—I bit my lip, holding back a laugh before finishing my sentence—“significance.”

“I do so because it pleases me, as does my partner.” Something lethal sparked in his blue depths as he pinned them on me. “Pain adds a unique dimension to sex. It makes every little bit more exciting.” He stepped closer to my naked figure until his bare chest pressed against my aching nipples. His menacing eyes didn’t let up. I was spellbound. His alone for the taking. My legs thoughtlessly parted, inviting him to take a chance.

“I’m a well-endowed man. For me to fully enjoy a woman’s body, I have to have my entirety inside her walls, and to achieve that, the woman has to be above and beyond aroused. Pain is necessary. Both parties reap the rewards quite significantly.” He ground his covered cock into my wet center, evoking a sharp cry from me. “Tell me, does it feel insignificant to you?”

My mouth ran dry. I was parched and aroused at the glorious feel of him. I swallowed what little saliva I had left as I pressed my aching core against his hardness. “God, no…you feel…God, you feel so fucking good.”

“Why do you like to goad me?” He made a devilish smile, basking in my awe-like expression before pulling away completely.

What a tease. Why couldn’t he pull the trigger and ravish me on the spot? Trying not to show my disappointment, I attempted to play it off. “Your face...when I do it, it’s priceless. I never see you laugh, and I feel like it’s my obligation and contribution to the rest of society to remind you that you’re still human, after all.”

“Is that so?” he mused with a sexy tilt of his head.

“Like you, I can’t help it if you’re an easy target.”

He let out a boisterous laugh. “Touché.” When he sobered up, his twinkling eyes danced before me, spreading heat all over my body. We shared a moment. Jared cleared his throat, breaking the spell that he and I had been under a second ago.

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up so I can shower, too,” he offered, seemingly serious all of a sudden.

Licking my lips, I eyed him incredulously, challenging him. “What’s wrong with sharing it with me?”

His throat bobbed, and his blue eyes darkened before dropping below, ogling my bosom with unconcealed hunger. “I don’t trust myself to be naked around you.”

“Yet you have no reservations of stripping me as if you have every right to do so.”

“I do have every right…” he cheekily stated before giving my ass a loud whacking. I yelped before I felt him begin to wash my hair. Then he proceeded to the rest of my body. He was careful not to touch me intimately. He was soaked, as were his pants. His blatant arousal was prominent between us, but he kept to his word. He didn’t undress until I was out of the shower. But before I walked out of the bathroom, I took a quick peek at his magnificent member. And I wished I hadn’t. It only reminded me of what Rose was enjoying.

We found a common ground, teasing and joking after yesterday’s strenuous argument. I supposed last night’s embrace was his version of apologizing. And I’d rather have this with him…It was less threatening.

Yeah, it was definitely better this way.

My hair wrapped in a towel, I donned another slip before reclining back on the bed and beginning to eat my breakfast. Instead of enjoying butter on my toast, I opted for the fresh black currant jam.

It was right after my first sip of coffee when Jared emerged from the bathroom with merely a towel wrapped around his hips to cover his crowned jewels. His hair was wet, as if he barely took any effort in drying it.

“Do you want me to get another towel to dry your hair?”

He shook his head. “I love the feeling of water evaporating off my skin.” Instead of going back to his bedroom to change, he copied my position and sat on the bed before he stole my toast. He ate it in one bite.

“Ugh, you stole my food!”

“Bite me,” he muttered, provoking me further. “Can you make me another?” he asked before he took a sip of my coffee.

I glared at him, trying not to smile before I did as he asked. “If you’d told me you were hungry, I could’ve asked them to bring more food.”

“Nah, no need.” He shrugged. “I can always eat off yours.”

Fuck, why is he so fucking sexy? I want him—all of him. “Gee, why didn’t I think of that?”

He winked at me.

I almost died.

“You’re going on a date with him. Again.” He stated in a matter of fact tone. His jovial demeanor shifted to analyzing. “Things are getting serious?”

“Not in the way you mean. Don’t spy on me when I go. It makes me uncomfortable. I feel like I have to watch what I say.”

His deadpan expression was trained on me, compromising. “I won’t have to if you give me updates of your location.”

“Is that really necessary? Aren’t you going over the top?”

“Like I said, when it comes to you, I take everything seriously.” He downed the rest of my coffee. “Time to head to the basement. Your father wants to go over something with our new project. Can I expect to see you at lunch?”

I nodded while gazing at him adoringly.

“Thanks for breakfast, wife.” He grinned. The kind where it shifted my axis and no one else mattered but him.

I sighed. “Anytime.”