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The Highlander Who Loved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 4) by Allie Palomino (29)





Six months later



“He’s beautiful.”

Katie had been unable to move her eyes away from the baby in her arms. 

“He looks just like his papa,” she whispered.

James, holding her from behind, kissed her head.  He watched as Katie stroked the baby’s nose and forehead.

“Like his mother.”

Katie looked up at James and they shared a tender kiss.  Looking back down, Katie laughed when the baby yawned.

“Callum Rhiseart Menzies. He looks like a Callum Rhiseart. Strong names.”

James kissed her head. “My grandsire was a fierce, strong man. Loyal and loving, too. A fine relative to take a name from. He was a tall and large man. I canna believe this large bairn came from my petite wife.”

Katie chuckled.

“My body can believe it. ‘Twas nay easy birthing yer son, James.”  James squeezed her gently.

“Well I know, mo stòr.  Watching ye bring our son into this world as ye did humbled me as it made me crazed. Ye brought our son here valiantly with pain that I cannot ever fathom, like a true warrior.”  He nuzzled her head. “And for the verra first occasion in my life, I understood what it felt like to be impotent- unable to assist ye through the ordeal and pain.”

His arms around her squeezed her gently again as he inhaled her hair. He kissed her and rested his chin on her head.

“It is the most powerless I have ever felt, mo stòr. It was maddening to watch ye so pained and nay have the ability to help ye. But it was also the most wondrous occurrence of my life.”

She felt James take a shuddering breath behind her and turned her head to kiss his arm. Katie realized, not for the first time, that she had the most remarkable husband. He was strong and powerful, and gentle and thoughtful.

He was perfect.

She was blessed.

“Did my family leave?”

James laughed. “My sister is cunning. Glad I am that ye are nay similar. Connor has the patience of a saint.”

Katie laughed.

“We have many a thing in common, but aye, I understand yer meaning. When they arrived, she hurried to me and begged me to feign tears. She said the only reason she was able to convince Connor to make the journey here with her being with child, was that I was in tears needing my sister’s support. He’d relented.”

James snickered, shaking his head.

“The problem was that he overheard her speaking to me.”  Katie snickered.  “Ye should have seen his face!  His eyes were wide and mouth agape. ‘Feign?  D’ye nay have any pity on me, woman?’ He’d asked her. Maddie smiled at him, hobbled over, and kissed him.  She told him that she may have exaggerated a wee bit, but that I, indeed, was grateful to have her here. I agreed with her from where I was as she patted the side of his face, and ‘twas as if the anger left him.”

James outright laughed. “My sister has that man wrapped tightly around her finger. If she desired the moon and stars, he would find a method to wrangle them for her.”

Katie nodded her head, laughing. She looked up at him.

“I know of such a man who has already given his wife the moon and stars.”

James’ golden eyes softened and he leaned forward. Their lips touched and their tongues danced, as their kiss grew passionate.

“How long before we could make love?”

He asked the question as their foreheads touched.

“A month or two, Sweet James. The women said it was more towards a month and a half but they’ve felt well after a month’s passing.  I’m sorry.”

He kissed her quickly. “Doona be sorry, mo stòr.  Never. I would never place my carnal desires above yer wellbeing.”

Our desires.”

He kissed her.

“Ye have made us a family today. Ye have given me the greatest gift I have ever been bestowed.”  He cupped her cheek.

“Ye are a miracle, and ye gave me a second one.  How am I deserving of such blessings?  I doona deserve ye or Callum, lass, but I’m never letting ye or him go.”

Katie closed her eyes, smiling.  She opened them with tears gathering.

“The sweetest words roll off that tongue. Poetry, it is.”

James grinned. “Aye. And this tongue has many uses, nay solely for pretty words.  Two months willna be so difficult.”

Katie gasped and cupped her hand over his mouth, causing James to laugh.

“Ye well know that ye enjoy its other uses, Lass.”

She gasped again, her cheeks as red as he’d ever seen them.

The baby yawned and made little moans.  Their attention returned to the baby in her arms.

“He’s beautiful.”

Katie’s voice was airy. Tears gathered anew and fell slowly down her face as she looked up at James.

Mo stòr…”

“I have been blessed with a loving husband and sweet baby. More than a year ago, I never believed I would ever have this life.  Thank ye, my Sweet James, for all of yer gifts, but mostly for yer love. I love ye with my heart, my body, and my soul, James Rhisheart Menzies.”

James kissed her eyes tenderly, moved to her cheeks, and then gently pressed his lips to hers.

“With my heart, my body, my soul, and my life, I love ye, Katherynne Eleanor Menzies.”