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The Last Alpha Dragon: M/M Alpha/Omega Shifters MPREG (Full Moon Mates) by Kallie Frost, Harper B. Cole (9)




I knew the second half of my pregnancy would fly by, but I hadn’t expected it to go quite so fast. I woke up one night, one day before my due date, to a strange, cramping pain. I sat there feeling everything tighten inside of me, to the point that it hurt. It released again and I took several deep breaths. I was about to try and go back to sleep, when it happened again. Was I imagining things or did it hurt more? It happened two more times, before the pain was intense enough to wake Rask through our bond.

“Are you alright, my omega?” he asked. “You are in pain.”

“I think I'm in labor.”

He sat up so fast he nearly broke my nose. “What?!”

“I'm…” I grabbed my stomach and doubled over as another contraction hit me. He cried out in alarm and clutched his own stomach. “I’m having contractions. They’re coming really fast.”

Rask jumped out of bed, stumbling as the contraction worsened. “Nolan!” he screamed. “Doctor!”

I flung my legs over the edge of the bed and concentrated on breathing, like Nolan had told me to do. When he came to the island for the final week of my pregnancy, he brought a ton of equipment as well as Avery, one of his nurses. Avery was a young alpha lion, who hit it off with Rask quite well. They was downstairs sleeping and I knew that they and Rask would take care of everything.

Sure enough, Nolan and Avery were in the bedroom in a flash. Nolan gave me a quick check and took some information, before determining that I was indeed in labor. And it was progressing fast. He had a bunch of equipment stacked up in the corner, but he and Avery started pulling it out and preparing. Avery strapped a blood pressure monitor around me, while Nolan instructed Rak to get some towels under me around the bed.

“What happens now? I don't think I'm ready!”

“Like it or not Chandler, the baby is ready. Just relax. Nolan and I have this under control,” said Avery.

Nolan instructed me to position myself the way he wanted me. Then, he snapped on a rubber glove and had me lift my legs so he could check things out. I yelped in surprise as his finger probed me. He lifted his head and gave me an unapologetic glare.

“Exactly how long were you having contractions before you called me?” he demanded.

“Ten minutes? I guess, maybe?”

“Are you serious? You didn't have any before going to bed?”

Another contraction started. “No,” I said, through gritted teeth.

“Well, you're progressing quite quickly. It's very lucky that I decided to stay here. The mansion may even be too far. You’re dilated nearly all the way. I'd say a few more contractions and he'll start crowning.”

“This quickly?” asked Rask in alarm.

“Everyone is different,” said Nolan. “It could be a dragon thing. Or it could simply be Chandler himself. Nonetheless, it's a good thing that I'm here. Now let's focus on making Chandler comfortable.”

“Yeah,” I said. “How about that epidural? Cause now would be a great time.” The last word came out as a shout as the contraction reached its peak.

“I'm afraid, you're progressing too quickly…” Nolan looked almost embarrassed. “There isn’t enough time to administer the epidural.”

“Are you kidding me?!” I demanded. “No time?!”

“The epidural has to go into your spine,” said Nolan patiently. “In order to put it in properly I need you to hold completely still, even through a contraction. Can you do that?”

I was already shaking as the contraction eased off. The answer was obvious. I shook my head.

“Then I'm afraid I can't do it. If the epidural is inserted wrong, not only could it make the childbirth more difficult, but could deliver the medicine to the wrong place and be useless, or worse seriously injure you. Even a shifter can be maimed. We’ll have to do this the old-fashioned way.”

I groaned and took the hand that my mate offered. I tried to distract myself by watching Nolan and Avery bustling around, but it only served to remind me what they were frantically preparing for. Another contraction started and I latched onto Rask’s hand. Distantly, I could sense that I was really hurting his fingers. I tried to focus on that pain. Somehow, it was a distraction from the pain I was feeling. It was a different sort of pain, I supposed.

“We will bear this together,” he told me, jaw clenched in pain. “Though I wish I could take it from you entirely.”

It only took two more contractions. Nolan checked me and announced that he could see the head already.

“Now, Chandler, remember to keep breathing through the contractions and push when you feel the urge to push.”

“I don't know what that means!” I snarled at him. “I've been breathing and pushing!” My voice grew louder as the latest contraction strengthened. “I don't feel any sort of urge to—”

And then I did. Just like that, I suddenly, really, wanted to push. So I did. It hurt. Oh, it hurt like hell. I screamed, crushing Rask’s hand in mine. He screamed too, throwing his head back with a roar. I could hear Nolan, or maybe it was Avery, encouraging me. Maybe it was both of them.

The contraction overtook me and I pushed again.

And then suddenly the pain seemed to cease and I actually felt the baby slide out. A horrible, oppressive silence that seems to stretch for hours fell over the room. And the baby began to cry.

The sound brought tears to my own eyes; tears of joy. Rask kissed me and moved around to help Nolan. He cut the cord and they moved swiftly to clean off the baby and make sure that everything looked okay.

I was still gasping for breath, so exhausted I felt as though I would fall asleep before I really saw him. And then, beaming, Nolan came over and laid a small bundle on my chest.

I stared into his face for the first time and fell instantly, completely in love. Rask knelt down next to me and put his arm around my shoulders, resting his head against mine.

“He's beautiful,” Rask whispered.

I felt tears sting my eyes again. “He is,” I murmured.

His skin was warm against mine, his little hands were balled into tight fists, and his eyes were squeezed shut.

“Does he need to nurse?” I asked.

“He'll be okay for a few little while,” said Nolan. “He'll let you know when he's ready. For now, the best thing is for him to just have contact with your skin.”

Sure enough, the baby knew exactly when he wanted to nurse. As I stared at him, his eyes opened and I found myself looking into a pair of bright blue orbs. Then, he closed them again and turned his head, mouth working against my skin.

“He's looking for a nipple,” Rask practically giggled.

I sat up further and adjusted my grip on the baby, guiding him to my nipple. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Avery come to my bedside.

“Here, it can be a little tricky at first.” His hands hovered above mine. “Do you mind?”

“Please.” Avery adjusted my hands and my grip on my baby, showing me the best way to hold him. “Thanks.” I had never felt a sensation quite like the baby nursing. It was uncomfortable, and yet strangely peaceful. Rask took a position behind me on the bed and I leaned against him gratefully.

“Have you thought of a name?” Rask asked.

“I was thinking Reve.”

“Dream,” Rask translated from his native language. He smiled at me and said something else in French. “It's perfect,” he said in English. “Just like him.”

“Just like both of you,” I corrected.

Rask kissed Reve on the forehead, before kissing me. “And I love both of you, more than anything.”

I adjusted my grip on the baby slightly and smiled contently.

“We’ll leave you to it,” said Nolan. “I'll be downstairs if you need anything. I'd like you to stay in bed for as long as you can, if you do need to go to the bathroom have Rask help you, or give one of us a call. Tomorrow we'll discuss your recovery, do a couple of health checks, and in another day or so I'll leave and you'll be on your own.”

Being on my own had never sounded so daunting. Yet, somehow, Nolan had been right; I was ready for this. Reve fussed and I picked him up, carefully cradling his head, and began to burp him for the first time.