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The Maybe Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 6) by Christina Benjamin (31)



Zander blinked as the first light of dawn broke through the mist, lighting their shelter. They’d somehow made it through the night. Their fire had died out long ago but Megan refused to let Zander give up. She proved him wrong, time and time again. He was humbled by how fiercely she fought to protect him against the elements and his own dark thoughts. She had so much faith in him. And maybe it was time he had some too.

* * *

Zander’s heart ached as he watched Megan prepare to hike back down to the road again. Though he knew it was their only chance of survival, he didn’t want to let her go. He felt so much stronger when he was with her. The prospect of spending the day alone was eating at his resolve.

“Okay,” she said, leaning in to kiss him lightly on the lips. “I guess I’m ready.”

He nodded, holding her to him for a moment longer. “Megan . . .” he started, his forehead pressed against hers. “I need to tell ye

“No,” she said, pressing a finger to his lips. “You can tell me when I come back.”

He bit back the strangling ache in his throat and nodded.

“I’ll come back, Zander. I promise you.”

She kissed him once more and then disappeared into the mist.


Megan finally stumbled out onto the service road, collapsing to her knees. Her lungs were burning and even her inhaler didn’t seem to help, but she had to keep going. She told herself she’d only rest for a minute, but as the seconds ticked by, it became harder and harder to find the will to climb back to her feet. She ate the last of the chocolate bar she’d been saving, hoping the sugar would give her the last bit of strength she needed.

It was still raining and the cold wet drops mixed with her tears as she sent up a silent prayer for strength.

“Just a little bit further,” she told herself heaving to her frozen feet.

She took two faltering steps and pictured Zander waiting for her. It summoned strength from some unknown reserve. Megan trudged forward, picturing everyone she loved—her mom and Stan, Sam and Devon, Zander . . . She couldn’t give up. “Just keep going,” she begged her frozen limbs. “Just a little bit longer.”

All at once the forest filled with the roar of an engine. Megan screamed when she saw headlights splitting the mist. Salvation! Her lungs crackled as she screamed and waved her arms, running toward the vehicle like a crazed banshee. It came to a halt feet from her and the doors of the muddy truck sprang open.

Two rangers ran toward her.

“Miss Fields?” the one with the flashlight asked.

“Yes!” she yelled shaking with relief.

“We’ve been looking for ye.”

“You have?”

“Yer friends said they received an SOS from you and Mr. O’Leary?”

Sam and Devon had come through.

“Yes! Yes! He’s injured. I can take you to him.”

* * *

When Megan caught sight of the last scrap of red sock hanging from the tree outside their shelter she wept. She’d made it. They were going to be okay.

She led the two rangers to Zander’s lean-to, shouting his name as she pulled back the tarp. He lay just where she left him, clutching a single yellow daisy in his hands.

“Zander! I came back,” she said, kneeling to shake his shoulders.

He didn’t move and panic stabbed her in the heart, stealing her breath. She touched his ice-cold cheeks and recoiled with fear. “No! Zander! Zander?”

The rangers rushed passed her as the world blurred.

No! It couldn’t end like this. She’d made it. She’d found help and made her way back to him. Zander didn’t get to give up now. She’d done her part and she needed him to be okay. She rocked back and forth on her knees praying for a miracle as her tears traced lonely paths down her frozen cheeks.

Megan’s chest burned with excursion and fear. Her breaths came fast and shallow as she whispered Zander’s name over and over again like a prayer.

A rasping cough brought Megan back to reality and she froze with disbelief when she saw Zander flinch away from the smelling salts the rangers held under his nose. He was alive!

She crawled over to him, unable to believe her prayers had been answered. Zander’s eyes looked wildly around, finally settling on her. Megan reached out and took his hand. “I came back,” she whispered, finally letting exhaustion pull her under. She slumped against the wet earth, gasping for breath and then the world went black.