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The Pick Up (Up Red Creek Book 1) by Allison Temple (20)

Adam followed Kyle towards the house on autopilot. The turn of events over the last few minutes had him off-balance. The drive to the house had gone so well—Adam had managed to keep up an appropriate conversation—and he had been fully prepared to drop Kyle off and go home where Netflix was waiting to entertain him for the rest of the evening.

And then Kyle had kissed him. It had been the most awkward, impulsive kiss of Adam’s entire life. The whole scenario reminded him of frantic teenagers trying to string the evening out for another five minutes, while parents lurked beyond curtains at the front door. He fought an undignified giggle as he followed Kyle up the front walk of the house.

Kyle cursed softly, and Adam watched, still dazed, as Kyle bent down to pick up a set of keys off the ground. Kyle’s long fingers shook as he tried twice before he managed to get the key in the lock. They stumbled inside.

Neither of them bothered to turn on a light as Kyle closed the door and Adam crowded him up against it. If he was going to break his rules, he was going all in. His hands came up to hold Kyle in place so he could kiss him like he needed. The hair on his scalp prickled, and he felt dizzy as Kyle pressed their lips together. If the kiss in the car had been good, having the space to explore made everything better. Kyle’s fingers threaded through his hair and tugged him forward, and Adam used the momentum to bring his body closer. Their mingled breaths in the hall were loud.

He nudged Kyle’s head to the side and kissed down his neck to the collar of his shirt. The skin there was as warm and inviting as Adam had hoped.

Kyle squirmed and tried to get his mouth back on Adam’s. Adam growled as he grazed his teeth along Kyle’s collarbone and refused to give up the inches of skin he’d won.

“Mr. Hathaway, I had no idea you’d be so pushy.”

Mr. Hathaway. The name made Adam moan as he licked over Kyle’s throat. Kyle gasped, and Adam took the opportunity to fit his lips back over Kyle’s again and slip his tongue inside the other man’s mouth. He swallowed the next gasp as he explored the warm wet inside.

“This is a bad idea,” Adam whispered against Kyle’s lips.

“Don’t care,” Kyle said. His palms slid down Adam’s shoulders and along his sides.

“You’re a parent, Kyle. This is inappropriate.”

“Don’t care.” Kyle’s hands, those broad hands and long fingers that had fascinated Adam since the first time he’d seen them, slid under the hem of Adam’s T-shirt and spread across the small of his back. Adam pushed his hips forward as Kyle thrust to meet them. The ridge of Kyle’s erection ground against his thigh.

“Fuck.” He groaned as he tried to find a way to grip Kyle and increase the pressure against his body. “How the hell do you keep that tucked away in skinny jeans?”

Kyle laughed and rocked against Adam’s hip again. “Hidden talents, Mr. Hathaway.” He kissed along Adam’s jaw while his fingers burned a trail along Adam’s skin. Adam lifted Kyle onto his toes, seeking the right friction, although it was starting to matter less and less. His erection was already at full mast, and everyone still had their clothes on. His hips rocked mindlessly, and he whimpered as Kyle’s nails raked over his back.

“I don’t think I’m good for anything but quick and dirty tonight,” Kyle said, but Adam was barely following as he continued to hump the other man against the door.

He staggered as Kyle’s hands came up his chest. Kyle turned him, and something solid hit the back of his knees and he sat down on a low bench. His head was covered in swishing fabric. Kyle cursed as he tossed it to the floor, diving back in on Adam’s mouth as he climbed up into his lap to straddle his hips.

Adam wasn’t capable of more than a strangled “huuuhhh” as Kyle’s broad hands came up to cup Adam’s face, while his hips continued to grind. Kyle stroked a thumb across one of Adam’s cheekbones, below his eye, then let it drift until it rested on the edge of Adam’s lower lip and tugged softly.

Adam’s eyes adjusted to the dim light of the hall. He could see Kyle, silhouetted against blue light that filtered through the window by the front door. His dark eyes were wide, his mouth parted as he took in shallow breaths. Adam’s lips tightened around Kyle’s thumb, and he sucked it into his mouth, letting his tongue swish around it. He forced himself not to bite down when Kyle’s hips jutted forward at the sensation, then reveled in the animal noise that came from the back of Kyle’s throat.

Adam explored with his hand, until he felt the length of Kyle’s erection outlined against the front of his jeans. He couldn’t be certain until he saw it, but Adam was pretty sure Kyle’s dick was going to be like the rest of him: long and lean and irresistible. As he stroked, Kyle made the same needy sound in his throat again and pulled his thumb from Adam’s mouth. He set his hand on Adam’s shoulder instead, struggling for stability as he rocked against Adam’s palm.

Adam leaned in, sucking at Kyle’s collarbone as he moved to unfasten the button of Kyle’s jeans and tug the zipper down. He slipped his fingers under the elastic of Kyle’s boxers, and his own breath caught as he gripped Kyle’s dick.

“Oh god.” Kyle gasped as he thrust into Adam’s fist. “Oh god, Adam. This is going to get— Huh . . .” He sucked in a breath. Adam continued to mouth at whatever part of Kyle’s neck and shoulder he could get at, considering that he hadn’t bothered to unbutton Kyle’s shirt. Kyle sucked in another breath. “This is going to get embarrassing really quickly if you . . .” another gasp, “if you don’t slow down. I haven’t . . .” His fingers clenched against Adam’s shoulder, and Adam increased his rhythm and tightened his grip. Kyle’s voice cut off in a strangled gasp. He was thrusting in earnest now.

“Come here.” Adam mashed their lips together. There was no finesse left in him. His fingers tangled in Kyle’s hair, holding tight, and forced their mouths to stay connected. Kyle was losing control, and Adam was only too happy to take it from him. His tongue licked at the inside of Kyle’s mouth, demanding, and he suppressed a shiver as Kyle bit at his lip. Kyle trembled against him, and the way he was coming apart made Adam want to see how far he’d go. His hand picked up the pace around Kyle’s cock, making Kyle moan.

“Gonna . . . Oh god, Adam, I’m . . .” He let out a noise like a sob, and Adam’s insides caught fire.

“Do it.”

Kyle thrust once, twice, and then his hips stuttered and lost their rhythm as he groaned against Adam’s cheek. Warm come spread across his hand and fingers. Heat spread through Adam, though his own body was still strung tight. He let Kyle set his own pace as the orgasm passed, and then his head flopped to Adam’s shoulder, his mouth slack, panting, his whole body going soft. Adam tilted his head against the wall, eyes closed. He listened to the ragged sound of Kyle’s breathing in the silent house.

As Kyle seemed to collect himself, one of his hands slid down the front of Adam’s jeans toward Adam’s own still hard dick. Adam tried to shift away, but there was nowhere to go on the tiny seat they occupied, so he settled for putting his free hand on Kyle’s wrist.

“It’s okay,” he said.

“But you—”

“I think we’ve made enough of a mess already, don’t you?” He pulled his sticky hand out of Kyle’s pants. He grimaced at the cooling wetness coating it.

Kyle laughed and pushed himself off Adam. He made no motion to zip up his pants, but instead leaned forward and kissed Adam, just a quick peck.

“One sec.” He shuffled away down the hall. A minute later, he returned, a wet cloth in his hand, which he passed to Adam. “I’ll be right back. Feel free to turn on a light!” He jogged up the stairs.

Adam felt a little giddy as he located the whitish shape of a light switch to the left of his head. He flipped the switch and blinked until his eyes adjusted.

He was sitting in the Fenton’s front hall, the same mundane everyday hall he’d stood in the night Kyle had invited him for dinner. The bench was very firm, and his spine began to ache. He planted his feet to stand. He shifted, and one of his shoes slid out from underneath him. There was a small coat, yellow and shiny, beneath his foot, and Adam knew if he picked it up, there would be big multicolored buttons on the front. He knew this, because he had seen the same coat hanging in his class’s cloakroom when Caroline had worn it to school.

Holy shit.

Holy fucking shit.

He had . . . Adam’s blossoming panic was sidetracked for a second as he tried to come up with a word for what had happened. He hadn’t exactly had sex with a parent, but he had . . .

“Okay!” Kyle called as he came back down the stairs. He wore a pair of shorts and a T-shirt that said Will Cook for Sex, but Adam could barely let it register over his growing panic.

Holy fucking—

“I think this calls for a drink. What do you say?” Whatever expression was on Adam’s face made Kyle frown. “What?”

“We shouldn’t have done that.” Adam’s voice came out as a croak.

“Excuse me?”

“We shouldn’t—I shouldn’t have done that.” Adam closed his eyes and tilted his head back against the wall again. Maybe if he kept his eyes closed, he’d wake up at his apartment, dozing in front of the TV.


“I shouldn’t . . . That wasn’t . . .” Adam couldn’t come up with another way to express it.

“Why the hell not, Adam?” Kyle sounded pissed.

“Because you’re a parent. It’s so inappropriate for a teacher and a parent to—”

“What? Is there a school policy against it?”

Adam shrugged as his gut knotted. “I have to—” He swallowed as bile pooled in his throat. Kyle frowned and pursed his lips, and fuck if that didn’t make Adam want to kiss him all over again.

“We’re consenting adults. It doesn’t have to be a big—”

“I have to go.” Adam lurched toward the door, but Kyle stepped back into his line of vision.

“No,” he said. “I don’t know what to say, but please don’t go. Come into the kitchen with me and have a drink.”

“I can’t. I have to drive.”

He was the worst kind of coward.

“Have a fucking water, then!” Kyle took in a deep breath. “Sorry. Please. Please come into the kitchen for a minute.”

Adam shook his head again as his hip bumped against the doorknob. “I can’t.” He wrenched the door open and stumbled out into the darkened driveway. He half expected Kyle to follow, all long limbs and a million words a minute, still trying to get Adam to stay, but nothing came.

His mouth was dry, and his heart thumped in his ears as he managed to get his key in the ignition. It made him think of Kyle’s own trembling hands as he’d tried to get the door open. How long ago had that been? Five minutes? Ten? Ten minutes ago, when he had still been trying to be professional Mr. Hathaway? Ten minutes ago, when he hadn’t known the sound Kyle would make as he came in Adam’s hand?

“Fuck.” He let himself thunk his head against the steering wheel once before he put the car in gear and backed out of the driveway.