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The Rage by Jaci J. (14)



“Babe, got shit to do. You girls are goin’ to the beach and doin’ that charity shit. Money is on the counter for ya. Sis’s got my number, so call me if ya need me,” Rampage says from beside my face. Turning over, I see him squatting down beside the bed looking at me. His eyes are soft, and a small smile is playing on those scarred lips. I like when he smiles, or the closest thing he gives to one… I’ve started calling it ‘the barely there smile.’  I see that he’s dressed and ready to leave.

“Okay, but I don’t need any money,” I tell him from under the blanket.

“You do,” He counters, letting me know he won’t take no for an answer.

He’s paid for everything. I won’t take any more of his money. I have my own money if I really need it.

“It’s fine, Rampage. I don’t need it, but thank you.”

“The fuck ya don’t. I brought you, so I pay. Use the money ‘n buy somethin’ fun, or do whatever the fuck ya want with it. I really don’t care. You’re here with me and I’ll take care of you.”

From the hard look he’s giving me, I leave it alone. He’s not the type of man you argue with.

“Okay. I’ll take it,” I whisper. I’ll be agreeable, but I won’t use it.

The car and now this. The next nice thing he does for me, I may just burst into tears. He almost looks relieved that I agree to take it.

“I’ll be back in a few hours, baby,” he says softly. Kissing my forehead, his rough beard scrapes across my skin, then he gets up and walks out. Instantly I roll over and grab up his pillow. Pulling it close, I fall back asleep, dreaming of Rampage.

              I want him. There is no doubt in my mind that I want him. There is something there in those deep dark eyes, something that calls to me. I can’t seem to stay away from him, but I know I’ll have to leave soon. The thought of leaving him and all the friends I’ve made kills me, but I won’t bring my kind of crazy into their lives, especially Rampage’s. All I can do right now is enjoy what I’ve got. I’ll take every second I can get and always remember the time I got to spend with him.


              “How is Rampage treating you?” Lil asks from the seat next to me. We’ve spent the afternoon doing a little bit of everything. We shopped on Main street, weaving our way in and out of different little shops. We had lunch at a small café on the boardwalk, then found a spot with a patio and had drinks. The girls filled me in on all the club drama; all the ins and the outs that I wasn’t aware of, but understood nonetheless.

              After lunch we rode go-karts and bumper boats. The drinks caught up to us and we went a little crazy. We had a fucking blast, and now we’re at the local convention center.

Rampage had said he would be back in a few hours when he left, but that was more than his few hours ago. He called Lil after lunch and asked to talk to me. He said shit got a little crazy and there were some issues so he would be a little while longer. He told me to have fun, but stay with the girls and not wander off by myself.

I’m surprised, and glad that he called to tell me he was okay, but it’s all good. I’ve had so much fun today. I love Lil, Cali, and Peaches. They’re like the sisters I never had, but desperately wanted.

              “He’s been great. Why? Is there something I should know?” I ask.

“Oh no, nothing like that. All the guys are emotionally retarded, so I’m just checking. I’ve never seen Rampage with a woman, so I have no clue how he treats them. Just wanted to make sure I didn’t have to punch him in the face if he was being a dick.”

“Haha! Seriously though, he’s been amazing.”

Nodding, she gives me a big smile, “Good.”

              An hour after we get back to the cabins, I hear the loud rumble off in the distance just as Lil cocks her head and says, “They’re back.”

They all pile in, parking and shutting off their engines. The guys, including a few I’ve never seen before, head right for us. A little flutter of excitement hits me at seeing him. I guess I did kind of miss him today.

The closer they get, I can see that none of them look too happy. Shit. That can’t be good. Walking right over to me, Rampage instantly holds a hand out to me, his face serious and his body tight.

“Let’s go,” he bites out impatiently.

I look down and see the blood on his knuckles, then look him over and see blood on his clothes, too. My stomach is immediately in knots over what could have happened. Looking over at Lil, her and Tank are talking quietly, but Tank doesn’t seem to have any blood on him. No one seems to notice the blood on Rampage, or if they do, they don’t care.

I slowly put my hand in his. I want to ask, but I don’t. I can tell I won’t get an answer, and truthfully, as long as he’s ok, I don’t need to know.

“Okay,” I say quietly as he leads me away.


              Sitting on the bed, I wait for Rampage to get out of the shower. I’m a little nervous because I’m not sure what to expect with his mood. As soon as we were inside the cabin, he went through his bag, grabbed a shirt, telling me to put it on and get in bed. I told him I brought clothes to sleep in, but he wasn’t having it, saying, “Want you in my shirt. Put it on, Lala,” so I did. Arguing with him at that moment didn’t seem like a great idea.

The bathroom door opens and he walks out in black sweats, riding low on his hips, and nothing else. What a sight. I can’t help but run my eyes from head to toe. From that rough, rugged face, to his perfectly sculpted torso. He is so fucking sexy.

Among all that perfection that is Rampage, what I can’t seem to take my eyes off of are the scars. They run from his lower stomach, onto his side. There are at least seven, each around 3 inches long. None are symmetrical, but they are all ugly and jagged. Whatever happened to him had to be painful. He looks over at me and I know he sees me staring, but I just can’t seem to look away.


“Hmm?” What the hell are they from?

“Lala. Look at me.” Meeting his eyes, he smiles softly. I do love that smile when he offers it up. It’s rare, and I love it. “They’re old, babe. Don’t stress about ‘em.”

Easy for him to say. They look terrible. I hate seeing his beautiful skin marred with such horrific scars.

“What happened?” I know I shouldn’t ask, but I can’t stop myself. I have to know.

“You really wanna know?”

Nodding, I get off the bed and walk over to him and touch them, “I do.”

“Happened while I was doin’ time. Stabbed seven times.”

Holy shit! I know my eyes widen in surprise. I want to know the whole story, but I take what little information he gives me. I think I finally see why they call him Rampage. From the scars on his stomach, his lips, and above his eye, to his busted up, swollen red knuckles, along with old, smaller scars on his hands and arms. His body tells the story of how he got his name.

              Taking my hand off his stomach, he kisses my palm, “You look scared,” he whispers against my hand.

“Never scared,” I counter.

“Good. Get the fuck into bed, baby.”

And I do.