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The Rancher's Conditions by R.S. Chapman (11)

Chapter 11

It was Monday morning, and Layne knew Erik was back by now. She found her cell phone and punched in his number. It was answered after three rings, and she didn’t hesitate to tell, not ask, him that she wanted to see him this afternoon. It was very important. And no, she couldn’t do this over the phone, and no, she couldn’t explain why right now.

“You actually want to come here to talk to me? You understand we’ll be alone?”

“Oh for Pete’s sake, Erik! I’m not afraid of you. I have an idea I think we should discuss.”

“And you can’t do this now, over the phone?”

“I could,” Layne replied, “but I don’t want to, and I’m not going to.”

There was a short pause. “Well, if it’s that important, you know you’re always welcome. This afternoon is fine.”

~ ~ ~

Erik was waiting when Layne drove up to the ranch. “Hi,” he greeted, opening her car door and watching expectantly as she slid out and stood in front of him. “Would you like to go in?” he said, nodding toward the house, “or tell me whatever it is, out here?”

“Here is fine,” she replied, looking around. “We can start here.” She took a few steps to get a clear view. “Is that place still vacant?” she asked, pointing to the dwelling behind Erik’s massive home.

Erik nodded. “Yeah.”

“May I look at it?”

Erik shot her a somewhat confused glance. “Sure,” he said, “but why? It needs quite a bit of work.”

“Okay, but when that’s done, it would be quite livable, wouldn’t it?” Layne asked, walking toward the house.

“Sure, but again, why?” Erik produced a key and opened the door for her. “It smells kind of musty, being closed up for so long after my foreman moved into a larger house.”

Layne took a slow, leisurely stroll through the entire place, room by room, taking notes and asking questions of Erik as she went. Was it insulated, air conditioned, heated, water quality - everything she could think of. Erik gave an affirmative nod to all.

“Is there any time,” he said, “in the somewhat near future, that you’re going to tell me what the hell this is all about?”

“Sure,” Layne answered, checking her notes before sliding them into a pocket. “But more on that later. Right now, you got any leftover turkey?”

Erik’s incredulous looks were becoming common. “Um, I sent most of everything home with Molly and Lucy, but I suppose there’s still a bit left. Why?”

“Good,” Layne said. “I’m hungry. I need a turkey sandwich.”

Shaking his head, he took her hand and started back to the main house.

Erik picked what little meat remained from the bones and Layne spread mayo on fresh white bread.

“I agree,” he said. “There’s nothing better than a leftover turkey sandwich on white bread,” he said, placing the dish of meat in front of Layne. He pulled open the massive refrigerator door and peeked inside. “What do you want to drink?” 

Layne responded that she was fine with water, so he grabbed a beer and joined her at the table.

“Okay,” he said, “now, tell me what this is all about? Am I wrong in assuming that you don’t want to rent the place?”

Layne looked up from her sandwich and met his steady stare. “Well, I have a feeling my roommate will probably be leaving soon, so I’ll be looking for another place, but no, not here.”

“Barb’s moving out? She’s not leaving the practice, is she?”

“No, she’s not leaving the practice. She’s got a boyfriend.”


“Back to the house. Did you enjoy your time with Molly and Lucy?”

“Loved it!”

“Would you like to see them more often? At least Lucy?”

“I’d like seeing both of them much more, but the court says no school days for Lucy. That limits it, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, right now it does,” Layne agreed, “but it doesn’t have to be that way.”

Understanding slowly spread across Erik’s face, turning it into a huge smile. “The house.”

“Yes, the house.” Layne nodded. “Just waiting for some TLC from you to begin with, and then from Molly and Lucy!”

“Do you think they’d do it?” Erik asked, practically bursting with excitement. “Would you ask them?”

Layne shook her head. “No, that’s your job, Erik. Coming from you, it would mean so much more. If you remember, Molly absolutely loved it here. She loves the ranch and everything about it, and it goes without saying that Lucy does too.”

“At least, could you be with me? Help answer any questions they may have?”

“If that’s what you want, yes. I’d wait until your next visitation, though, and ask Molly to come along so she can see the house. I can’t see Molly refusing your offer, but she may have a few ideas about colors and whatnot.” Layne thought for a brief moment. “Also, Erik, and this is really important. Understand Molly’s financial situation. She can’t afford to rent the house or furnish it.”

“I’ll take care of everything. She’ll have no expenses whatsoever, I promise. I’ll get new furniture too.”

“That would be wonderful, but you may want to wait on that too,” Layne suggested. “Maybe Molly has a favorite chair or loves her bed, things like that.”

Erik reached clasped Layne’s hand. “Thank you,” he said, “for suggesting something that was right in front of my eyes. I’d love to have them here.” He let go of her hand and dug into a shirt pocket and pulled out a cell phone.

Layne finished her sandwich while he talked with Molly. As he finished and placed the phone back in a pocket, she looked at him expectantly. “What’s the word?” she asked.

“Lucy’s got something going on with school on Saturday, so this weekend is out, but the next is okay. I invited Molly to come too. I’ll pick them up right after school on Friday.”

“Okay. There’s one thing to think about, Erik. If she loves the house and accepts your wonderful offer, you’d probably want them here as soon as possible, right?”


“But it will take a while to get the place in shape, right?”

Erik nodded. “I suppose so. Depends upon what needs fixing.”

“Then I suggest moving them into your home until all the work is done. What are your thoughts on that?”

“I’ll call the moving truck right now!”

Layne laughed out loud. “I’ll take that as being in favor of getting them here as fast as possible.”

“Yeah, I’m in favor of that for sure.” He searched Layne’s eyes. “I’m, uh, wondering . . .” He hesitated. “If you’d sort of . . . be on call, so to speak. I mean, I’m going to have lots of questions at first, I’m afraid.”

“But Molly will be there too, you know. Ask her, she’ll know what to do.”

Erik gave her a sheepish look. “I know that, but just having you around would make me feel so much better.” He reached for her hand again.

“Layne,” he said, “I got off to such a bad start with you, well, several times, I guess. But please, please believe me when I tell you there was nothing romantic between Joyce Callaway and me. I swear. I’d like to have you back in my life again, in friend with me. Is that possible?”

Layne met his searching eyes, knowing that she had fallen more than in like with this man. “Yes.” She nodded, replying softly, “Yes, it is.”

~ ~ ~

The next weekend finally came and Erik drove to Leesville to pick up Lucy and Molly. They drove into the ranch and found Layne waiting on the swing. She waved and jumped off the swing to catch Lucy, who ran directly into her arms and gave her a big squeeze.

“Look,” she exclaimed, holding up a Cabbage Patch doll, “Uncle Erik got this for me. Isn’t she pretty? You can hold her if you want.”

“She sure is pretty,” Layne agreed, taking the doll and cradling it in her arms. “What are you going to call her?”

“I’m going to call her Rhonda. Grandma said that was my mother’s name, and it was okay with Uncle Erik to name her that.”

Molly also gave Layne a tight hug. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us,” she whispered. “Erik’s told me what he’d like to do.”

“What are your thoughts about all this?” Layne asked, as Molly released from her bear-hug grip and took a step back to look at her.

“I can’t begin to thank you and Erik,” she said, tears coming to her eyes. “Mere words just aren’t enough!”

Erik come up behind Molly and wrapped his arms around her. “Come on, let’s see the place.” He took Molly’s hand and started toward the house. “Remember,” he said, “use your imagination. The house needs a bit of work.”

Erik took Molly and Lucy through the house, room by room as Layne trailed quietly behind, watching as he patiently explained his plans and asked for suggestions. He wanted the place to be exactly the way Molly and Lucy wanted it to be. He was showing his true self — kind and caring — and Layne was swept away by this. She knew now, beyond any doubt, that she was totally in love with this man.

After the tour, they returned to the main house where Erik sat down with Molly to list the belongings she would bring with her in the upcoming move. She had six weeks before her rent was to be renewed and increased, so she thought it best to stay in Leesville until the little house was ready. Although Erik would have preferred Molly and Lucy to immediately make the temporary move into his home, he reluctantly agreed.

Once he and Molly finished with their list, Molly asked if she and Lucy could go back to the house for another walk-through.

“It’s your house.” Erik laughed. “Help yourselves, but be careful. By the looks of the sky, it could start to sleet any time, and the grass could get slippery.” As he watched the door close behind them, Erik smiled up from the table at Layne. “What did you think of the house?”

“Perfect. They’re going to love it.” Layne met his smile with her own. “This is a wonderful thing you’re doing, Erik. This is more than you or I could have wished for, Molly and Lucy living right in your backyard!”

“If it weren’t for you, none of this would’ve happened, and I love you for that.”

Layne searched the depth of his eyes. “Tell me something,” she said softly. “Since you’re talking about love, do you mean in friend in love with me, or in love, in love with me?” 

“I mean in love in love. I am totally in love with a great friend,” he replied, studying her in return. “You’re everything any man could ever desire. You’re intelligent, educated, thoughtful, and caring. You had the courage to leave a good job and strike out on your own. Not many people would have done that.” Erik studied her for a short moment. “You’re kind of pretty too,” he added with a boyish grin before becoming serious. “But what about me?” he said. I really want to know how you feel. Where I stand in your life?”

Layne walked to the table and put her hand on his shoulder. “I love you, Erik. I’m in friend in love with you, and in love in love with you.”

Erik took her hand, pulled her down onto his lap, and gently kissed her. “You’ve just made me the happiest man in the entire universe,” he said, pulling back to gaze at her, “and I will love you forever.”

~ ~ ~

Molly and Lucy returned from their tour, more excited than ever, talking a mile a minute. The dining room table was set and waiting. Erik had planned on a restaurant meal in San Antonio, but the rain was increasing and turning to sleet, and a trip on a slippery highway was unwise.

Molly and Lucy retreated to their bedrooms shortly after the late dinner. They’d had a long, exciting day, and waved goodnight as they climbed the long staircase. Erik and Layne were left alone in the living room, sipping an after-dinner drink.

“Layne,” Erik said, drawing a knee up under himself and turning to her, “it’s getting nasty out there.” He nodded to a window. “The rain is freezing on the glass.”

She followed his nod. “I see that,” she agreed. “What do you suggest?”

“I suggest you stay here tonight. I think you’ll agree it’s not safe to drive.”

She took another look at the freezing rain on the window. “Yeah, this isn’t a good time to be on the road. Would you mind if I stayed over?”

“Not at all,” Erik replied. “In fact, I’m going to have to insist on it. It’s much too dangerous to be on the road tonight.”

“I know you have enough bedrooms.” Layne chuckled. “Where would you like me go?”

“Take your pick. There’s three empty upstairs and two, well, only one, I guess, since one of them is mine,” he corrected, “down here.”

“Your choice, just point me in the right direction.”

Erik cast Layne a strange look. “My choice? Are you serious?”

“Yes, wherever you want me,” Layne replied simply.

“What would you do if I suggested sleeping with me, in my room?” Erik stood quietly, as if not knowing what reply he was about to receive. “I’d be willing to share it with you, unless of course, you’d rather not?”

That was exactly what she wanted to hear. “That’s fine with me,” she said, knowing full-well what was about to happen.

“Well then,” Erik said, gently taking her hand and leading her toward the hallway, “let’s go.”

It didn’t take long to get to Erik’s bedroom, and as he closed the door behind them, she said coyly, “What exactly did you have in mind?”

“I want to make love to you, and I want you to make love to me.” Erik smiled quietly, searching her eyes. “It’s as simple as that.”

He pulled her close and gently kissed her before pushing away from her lips. “Let’s do this my way,” he whispered, reaching for the top button on her blouse and freeing it. Then slowly on to the next button, then the next and the next, until the blouse was open. Then, with a gentle tug, he pulled it free from her jeans and slid it off her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor.

“Your turn,” he said, still searching her eyes.

With a muffled groan, Layne started at the top of Erik’s shirt, then on down the line of buttons before a short tug freed it from his jeans. Then, like her blouse, it fell to the floor as she swept it free of his shoulders.

“My turn,” Erik whispered.

She stood before him in her lace bra, erect nipples staining against the flimsy fabric. He tipped her chin to meet his lips as his hands circled behind her and unclasped the bra, and sliding the straps from her shoulders, allowed it to fall to the floor. He pulled her close, running light kisses down her neck, then down to her exposed breast. He circled the nipple with his tongue, then gently suckled it.

“Stop me now,” he whispered hoarsely, “if you don’t want this to go any further.”

“I will never stop you,” she whispered back, slamming the door on any reservations Erik may have had. She pulled his head close against her breast. “My turn,” she said, gently pushing his head away.

A tug or two pulled his undershirt free of the jeans, and as he raised his arms, Layne pulled it over his head and let it drop to the floor.

“Your turn,” she said softly.

Erik gently backed away and pushed her back onto the bed, then crouched down and pulled off a hand-tooled boot. He examined it closely.

“Beautiful,” he commented, placing it neatly at the end of the bed. He came back to where Layne was sitting and kissed her, slowly and leisurely.

Layne had to continually stop herself from rushing through Erik’s undressing game. She wanted him. She exchanged places and sat him on the edge of the bed and removed one of his boots, then went on to the second.

“One boot at a time.” He smiled, pulling the booted leg away and pulling her back onto the bed. He kneeled for her other boot, also placing it at the end of the bed.

Soon, one at a time, the remaining boot and socks joined the other discarded clothing, and it was Layne’s turn again. She reached for Erik’s fancy western belt, and paused for a moment, figuring out how to work the jeweled buckle. She finally unlatched it and unbuttoned the top, exposing the zipper. She slowly pulled it down, allowing her to slide his pants to the floor. He stepped out of the clothes at his feet and kicked them across the floor to the others.

Layne caught her breath. Even though she’d seen him before, there was no hiding Erik’s erection, working its way out of his shorts.

Now it was Erik’s turn. He slowly unfastened Layne’s belt and wiggled her jeans to the floor before picking her up in his arms and carrying her to the bed. He joined her at her side.

“There’s one more piece,” he whispered. “Is it your turn or mine?”

“Ladies first?” Layne questioned, raising up on an elbow to look at him.


Layne rolled over, straddling Erik, and put her fingers under the waistband of his jockey shorts. She started to pull them down, but stopped. “Not sure I can get over this obstacle.”

Erik looked down and pulled the shorts off over his erection.

“That’s better,” she said, completing the removal. She rolled off, and slightly quivering, she waited quietly beside him.

After Erik turned and kissed her, Layne arched her back, allowing him to deftly remove her panties and work them down her slender legs. His hand slowly worked up her legs to linger at the moist folds between them before moving on to caress her firm belly.

Layne lay perfectly still, reveling in the touch of his hand tracing across every inch of her. The feel of his warm fingers caressing her breasts made her hold her hand over her mouth for fear of crying out, but there was no holding back as Erik traced the outline of a nipple with his tongue before gently taking it in his mouth and sucking it.

As much as she loved his touch and the ecstasy it caused to wash through her, it was her turn. Layne gently pushed Erik’s head from her breast and reached over to feel his rock-hard stomach beneath her hand, savoring its washboard muscles beneath it.

Her hand shyly traveled lower, and she felt Erik’s sharp intake of breath as it reached and clasped his erection. She swung her leg over and mounted his body again, reaching behind her back, ready to insert him into her.

“Wait, wait,” Erik said, quickly pulling back. “I’m not using protection!”

“Neither am I,” Layne whispered, “so I have one condition.”

“What?” Erik managed.

“If you get me pregnant, you promise to marry me. That’s my condition.”

Erik looked up at Layne’s smiling face. “Well then,” he replied, “I have a condition too.”

“What?” Layne answered, still straddling him and gently holding his erection.

“My condition is, if I don’t get you pregnant now, you promise to marry me!”

Layne thought about this for a very brief moment, then nodded. “Sounds like a good deal to me,” she said, slowly lowering her body and kissing him.

“Wait,” Erik whispered, grasping her shoulders and rolling her onto her back beside him. “I’m nowhere finished with you.” He rested his head on his elbow, and with the other hand, drew lazy circles around her breasts, then down around her navel.

Layne began to shiver in anticipation of what was to come. “Erik, please,” she said, trying to pull him over on top of her.

Gently, ever so gently, Erik spread her legs and lowered himself between them, resting on his elbows again. He lowered his lips to hers, and brushed them with a fleeting kiss. The tip of her nose came next, then her fluttering eyelids.

Layne thought she may die, she wanted him so badly. She slid her hands down the muscular expanse of Erik’s back and clasped his waist, pulling him hard against her. “Please,” she begged in his ear, “please.”

Concerned with Layne’s comfort, Erik rearranged himself between her legs. He raised his head a bit and gazed down at her. “There’s no turning back, you know,” he said softly.

Layne nodded slightly. “I know.” She smiled. “I know.”

With that, still carrying his weight on his elbows, Erik slowly inserted himself into her, causing her to take a slight intake of breath, unaccustomed to the wonderful fullness she felt.

He took her slowly, savoring every thrust, teasing her, aware of her moans of pure pleasure that mounted and mounted, building to uncontrollable waves of ecstasy. She was totally out of control, clasping Erik tightly to her body as she heard his loud moans, signaling his own release.

Spent, and locked in each other’s arms, Erik remained between her legs. A few moments later, as he started to move away, Layne stopped him.

“No,” she said, clasping him even tighter, “please stay.”

And that was how they found themselves the next morning, when they woke up . . .

~ ~ ~

Erik was in the kitchen, whistling a merry tune, when Lucy padded in, holding the doll he’d given her.

“Good morning, Uncle Erik,” she said, running and throwing herself into him with a huge hug.

“Good morning yourself,” he replied. “How’d you sleep?”

Even though the house was large enough to smother any sounds, he wasn’t sure of the amount, if any, of noise he and Layne may have made during the night. When she finally appeared, he figured Molly’s face would give him a clue.

“I slept fine,” Lucy said, sitting her new doll upright in a chair. “I slept with Nana in the really big bed.”

Just then Molly walked into the kitchen and greeted Erik.

“Good Lord,” she exclaimed, looking around, “what smells so good?”

“Gotta fix my girls a good breakfast.” He studied Lucy for a moment, playing with the doll. “Lucy, how would you and Rhonda like to set the table?”

Lucy jumped at the chance, and once Erik showed her where everything was, the table was set in no time.

“Oops,” Erik said, looking at the setting, “we’re one short, honey. Layne stayed with . . . us last night.”

At those words, Layne poked her head in.

“Good morning, everyone.” She explained the reason for staying over, and said to Molly, “The only problem I had, was figuring out which bedroom to sleep in. There’s so many.” But only one to sleep in...

~ ~ ~

After the breakfast dishes were washed, Molly took Lucy’s hand and walked to again inspect their soon-to-be new home. The weather had cleared and the day was off to a clear, bright start.

Layne and Erik were in the living room, enjoying another cup of coffee. He put his cup down and approached her.

“Layne,” he said seriously, “I love you. I’ve always loved you.” He reached out and gently put his hands on her shoulders. “I hope I got you pregnant last night, because then I’ve got to marry you. That was your condition, remember?”

“I remember,” Layne replied, keeping a serious face, “but your condition was, if you didn’t get me pregnant, then I’ve got to marry you, right?”

Erik thought for a brief moment. “I’m not sure I want to wait to see which way this goes, do you?”

Layne shook her head. “No.”

“Then I’ll settle this, once and for all.” Erik met her searching eyes. “I love you beyond words, Layne Martin, and I want to marry you.” He dropped to one knee in front of her, reached into a pocket and pulled out a small box and opened it, exposing a sparkling ring. “Will you marry me?” he asked, removing the ring to show her.

“Oh my God, Erik!” she exclaimed with a smile of pure joy. “Yes! Oh yes! Of course I’ll marry you.” She held out her hand and Erik slid the engagement ring onto it.

“Come on,” he said, taking her hand, “let’s go and show our extended family!”