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The Rise of Vlad (The Seeker Series Book 3) by Ditter Kellen (15)

Chapter Fifteen


Vlad entered the great hall of his castle, thoughts of Nita plaguing his every step. He’d felt her anguish in his sleep.

Mordecai appeared before him, carrying a tray of cookies for Lucius. “Atticus and Declan are on their way here, my lord.”

Vlad stifled a sigh. “How long before they arrive?”

“Any minute now.” The elderly butler turned toward the stairs.

“The child eats cookies?” Vlad stared in disgust at the tray of chocolate chips.

“Indeed he does, my lord. I have never seen the likes of this one.”

Vlad could relate. He’d never known of another vampire that drank blood and consumed food either. Not to mention one that could walk in the sun, other than the ones too diluted to know what they truly were. “He must be protected at all costs, Mordecai.”

“I will guard him with my life,” Mordecai swore, climbing the stairs with more vigor than his age should allow.

The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the council members. Vlad waved to Mordecai to prevent him from slowing his steps. “I’ll get it.”

Blurring his way to the foyer, Vlad opened the door and invited the two council members inside before closing it behind them. “Shall we take this to the den?”

Declan nodded, already heading in the direction Vlad indicated. Atticus followed.

“Have a seat and tell me of this plan you’ve concocted.” Vlad nodded toward the couch.

Atticus spoke first. “The plan we’ve devised requires the help of the Kiana leader.”

Vlad’s gut tightened at the mention of Nita, but he kept his expression blank. “What makes you think the alpha of the Kiana would help you?”

“We don’t,” Atticus quipped. “But we do believe she would help you.”

Guarding his emotions, Vlad stood and glided over to the bar. He kept his back to the council members as he poured himself a glass of his most coveted wine.

“You’re wrong,” Vlad finally answered, turning to study the two stone-faced vampires. “Miss Franks despises the very ground I walk on.”

Atticus held his hand up to the light as if to study his nails. “I don’t think she does. And even so, you saved her life. That has to count for something.”

Vlad’s patience wore thin, giving way to his anger. “I saved her as repayment for rescuing Shon’s mate’s life, as well as protecting Lucius from a Seeker known as Ellis.”

“And if I recall correctly,” Atticus mumbled, “She was there to repay a debt to begin with.”

Vlad was in the vampire’s face, his hand around his throat before Atticus could blink. “Do not think yourself above my wrath. Your accusations are neither wanted nor welcome. If you value your tongue, I suggest you keep it behind your teeth where it belongs. Do I make myself clear?”

“Perfectly,” Atticus seethed.

Vlad released him with a slight shove before turning to face Declan. If Vlad were inclined to trust any of the council members, which he didn’t…it would be Declan. “Tell me your thoughts.”

Declan ran his fingers down his silk tie and met Vlad’s penetrating stare. “I think it’s a surefire way to flush them out. Miss. Franks seems to be the only one that knows the identity of the man we’re looking for. We find him, we find the lair.”

“Do you really expect her to help you, her most hated adversary?”

“I think she might do it for Lucius. She seems to have some strange fixation on Angelo.”

Vlad’s fangs shot down before he could stop them. He took a healthy drink of wine to calm himself enough for them to retract.

Declan’s insinuation that Nita wanted Angelo, enraged Vlad, but he managed to keep his tone smooth and even. “Tell me the plan, and I will have Angelo speak with her.”

Declan looked relieved. “We would like for Miss. Franks to locate the man she met with—“

“Wade Leighton,” Vlad interrupted.

Declan gave him a blank stare. “I’m sorry?”

“The man you seek. His name is Wade Leighton.”

“How long have you known this?” Atticus asked, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Vlad swung his gaze to the blond council member. “A day or two.”

“It doesn’t matter how he knows,” Declan stated, bringing Vlad’s focus back on him. “It only matters that he does.”

Once again fingering his tie, Declan continued. “If we can get Miss. Franks to inform Leighton, that many of her people have been slaughtered by the vampires, and in retaliation, the shifters have destroyed the Impaler, and plan to attack the council members, he may offer his assistance.”

Vlad shifted his gaze to Atticus and back to Declan. “I see. Then what?”

“Miss. Franks can then track him back to their lair. You and Angelo can destroy them before the know what hit them.”

“Assuming they are in the lair. They’re humans, Declan. I imagine that most of them have families, jobs and homes.”

“Bring down the leaders, and you’ll destroy the flock. Besides, I can almost guarantee there are documents, computer logs or records of every man, woman and child associated with the seeker society, inside that lair.”

Vlad figured as much also. “Very well. Angelo, Shon, and I will handle it. If the shifter agrees to help us. I’ll be in touch.”

Declan stood and offered his hand. “Thank you, my old friend. We will speak soon.”

Accepting his outstretched palm, Vlad gave him a small smile. “Always a pleasure, Declan.”

“You are not going to offer us a snack?” Atticus questioned, his nostrils flaring for dramatic effect.

Vlad released Declan’s hand and turned to face Atticus. His voice was deadly soft as he stepped in close to the shorter vampire. “If you ever presume to touch anyone under my protection, I will flay the skin from your bones and stake you to the ground for the sun to enjoy.”

“Let us go, Atticus,” Declan intervened, turning toward the door, “before you end up dust in the wind.”

Vlad watched them glide toward the door in a hurry to leave, his mind already returning to the shifter.

Nita hadn’t been far from his thoughts since the moment he’d awoken that evening. Something was amiss with her. He could feel it.

Blurring his way up the stairs, Vlad stopped outside Angel’s room and tapped on the door.

“Come in,” Angel called above his son’s tinkering laughter.

Vlad pushed open the door and stepped inside. “I must speak with you and Shon, at once.”

“What’s going on?” Shon questioned, entering the room with Laura on his arm.

“I’m sure you both are aware of the council members’ visit,” Vlad began.

Angel nodded. “I heard everything.”

“Same here,” Shon piped in. “Do you think Nita will agree to this plan?”

Vlad gazed into Shon’s eyes from beneath the hood of his cloak. “We will know soon enough. I am going to see her now.”

Shon’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re going into shifter territory?”

“We’ll come with you,” Angel offered, handing Lucius to Ember.

Vlad shook his head. “I go alone.”

Angel rested his hands on his hips. “The wolves aren’t going to just let you walk into their territory, Sire. If they—”

“I can take care of myself,” Vlad interrupted, annoyed that he’d been questioned. “I will return shortly.”

Vlad left the room before any of them could argue. The pull of Nita’s fear called to him, summoning him to her side.