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The Scandalous Saga of the White Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Novel by Hanna Hamilton (6)

Chapter 6

Maria had not dressed yet for the party. She knew Harry and Christopher were busy in the barn, so tea would only be for her mother and herself. It had been a daunting time preparing for the dance, as she had her regular duties to attend to each day as well. But Anna and Dorothy had been most helpful, and she was very grateful.

Maria and her mother waited for the tea to be served, and Maria used the time to work on a knitting project. Her mother had nodded off in her wheelchair and Nurse Carter sat at the side of the room reading from her prayer book. It was a quarter until four when Daniels came into the room with a rather strange look on his face. It was too early for tea.

“Yes, Daniels?”

“Miss Maria, a couple has just shown up at the door.”

“Not guests yet, certainly?”

“No. A lady and a gentleman. I believe the lady is your Aunt Agatha.”

This startled Maria as they had had no word from her aunt for many months.

At that moment her aunt burst through the door behind Daniels, pushing him aside, and followed by an unknown gentleman.

“Darlings!” she exclaimed, stepping forward into the room “Leah… Maria… and where is Harry?”

Mother snapped awake in her chair and gazed, uncomprehending for a moment.

“Agatha?” she queried. “You are back from Africa?”

“Aunt…” Maria managed to say, discombobulated by this astonishing entrance.

“Is it tea time yet? I am parched… just parched. Have not had a decent cup of tea since the British Consulate in Malabo—and even that was only barely decent.”

Maria stood, went over to her aunt, who was in some sort of safari outfit, and gave her a kiss on both cheeks. Agatha was a tall lady with striking— but not beautiful— features. She carried herself with a great deal of self-confidence and tended to command any room she entered.

Maria caught sight of a young man lingering in the doorway. Maria asked, “Oh, and who might this gentleman be?”

The man stepped forward, offering his hand. “Chilton Oakley,” he said.

“Mr. Oakley… I am Maria Buxton.”

He took her hand very gallantly and kissed it with great ceremony. “Such a delightful pleasure.”

Mr. Oakley was shorter than Agatha, but boyishly handsome with reddish blond slicked back hair, giving him the appearance of an otter that had just popped out of the water.

But even though he had announced his name, Maria still had no idea who he was.

“Chilton, my dear, will you be a sweetie and fetch me my reticule. I must have left it with the luggage.”

“Of course, Agatha,” he said, and then promptly exited the parlor.

“Now then, we were discussing tea. Any chance it might be coming soon?”

“At four, dear Aunt. If you will sit yourself, it shall be here presently.”

Agatha sat in a comfortable chair, pulled a large kerchief out of a breast pocket and waved it as though she was shooing flies—which is probably what she usually did with it.

Maria suddenly realized guests would be arriving in a few hours and she rapidly tried to figure out what to do with her aunt… and her companion.

Chilton returned and handed Agatha her reticule.

“Thank you, dearest. Please seat yourself. I understand tea is imminent and we can finally put our feet up—so to speak.” She laughed, then dug into her reticule, pulled out a monocle, and turned it on her sister.

“Dearest Leah, are you speechless? You have barely said a word. How are you dear one?”

Leah seemed uncertain how to process this unexpected visit, but asked, “Where did you come from? We had no idea where you were. We have not had any communication from you for months on end, it seems.”

“Oh, the tales we have to tell,” she flailed her arms as though directing carriages in the Piccadilly. “But it shall have to wait until dear Harry is here.” She looked around the room. “Where is he, anyway? Is it not proper tea time?”

At that moment it was. Since there were so many having tea this afternoon, Daniels came in with the tea trolley and began to serve.

“Ah! How splendid,” Agatha exclaimed “I do hope you have some delicious little treats. Our carriage ride was most disappointing. We had nothing to nibble on and it was hot and dusty.” She turned to Daniels. “I should like a hot bath presently.” She turned to her family and said, “And I hope we shall have a leisurely supper where I can regale you all with our most marvelous adventures.”

Maria spoke up, “Aunt, I am afraid you have come at a most inconvenient time for that. We are having an evening of music, dance, and dinner. We are expecting about forty guests, so, you see, your tales must wait for another time, however delightful they might be.”

Agatha waved her hand. “Then do not mind us. We may or may not choose to attend your charming sounding event.” She turned to her companion. “How do you feel about that, precious?”

Chilton thought for a moment and said. “It would be rather nice to dance a few dances. It has been ages since we have been in anything like proper society.”

“Hmm. We shall see—after my bath. I absolutely must bathe! I do believe the winds of Africa have swept every ounce of native soil into my pores, and I feel as if I must soak away the sands of time.”

Harry and Christopher came into the parlor.

“We could wait no longer for our tea, so we wrapped up our work and here we are.” He noticed there were others in attendance. “Oh, who have we here?” Then he realized who it was. “Aunt Agatha… what a surprise. When did you arrive?”

She turned to her nephew. “Only just. And I am sorry if we are interrupting your entertainment this evening, but we could wait no longer to see you all.”

“And you are most welcome.” Harry then noticed her companion. “Hello, and you are?”

Chilton introduced himself and Harry introduced Christopher.

Harry did not hesitate to ask his aunt, “And who, exactly, is this young gentleman, Aunt?”

“My traveling companion. We met at the shipping company’s London booking office when I was planning my African adventure. It seemed we both had the same idea, so we decided to team up—as it were.”

“I see.” But it appeared he still had questions about this arrangement.

Maria stood up and said, “You must excuse me. There is still a lot I must attend to before our guests start arriving.”

“You are most correct, dear sister. And how may I help?” Harry asked. He headed to the tea tray and poured cups for Christopher and himself.

“Stay and have your tea, visit with Mother and Aunt, and just be ready when the guests start to arrive. I will handle all the rest.” And with that, she left the parlor.

* * *

Only light wraps would be needed as the evening was so mild. Anna’s personal maid was finishing up with her hair when Dorothy came into Anna’s bedroom.

“Are you ready?” Dorothy asked.

“Just about,” Anna said from her dressing table. She glanced into the mirror and saw her sister looking very pretty. “How splendid your new dress looks on you. You were absolutely right to buy it, Dorothy.”

“You think so?” she replied, pleased she looked so well—which she knew she did.

Anna stood. She was wearing one of her older dresses, but it looked splendid on her. It was high-waisted with a white and light-spring green small checkered pattern. Puffed sleeves came to the elbow. Very simple, but elegant, and it was set off with a simple emerald on a gold chain.

“I am ready if you are,” Anna said, as she put on her elbow length white gloves.

“I am,” Dorothy said. She gave a little leap and turned to leave Anna’s bedroom.

They headed down the stairs to the front door. Warrick had made certain the carriage had been brought around and he stood by the door to escort them down the front steps.

“Your first dance will be with Mr. Christopher?” Dorothy asked.

“I promised him so. But let us see if he will remember.”

“Oh, I believe he will,” Dorothy said, as they entered the carriage and settled themselves for the ride to Creassey Manor.

“I wish we were there to help Maria with last minute details,” Anna said as the carriage started up.

“She will be fine. She is wonderfully competent and said she could handle the final arrangements.”

They rode in silence for a few moments before Dorothy asked, “And Mr. Percy? Do you think he will ask you to dance as well?”

“He might,” Anna said with a blush, unseen in the darkness of the carriage. “He usually does. But it is more out of duty than desire, I am afraid.”

“How can you say such a thing?” Dorothy scolded. “He is always very attentive to you.”

“Only because he feels he must.”

“Whom do you prefer, Anna? Mr. Percy or Mr. Christopher?”

Anna turned to her sister. “That is a question I cannot answer. Both gentlemen have fine qualities. But Mr. Christopher I barely know and Mr. Percy has never evidenced any romantic interest in me at all.”

“Then maybe you will know by the end of the evening. I have a feeling this is going to be a significant event,” Dorothy said, opening her fan and fanning herself in the stuffiness of the carriage. “And His Lordship? Do you imagine he will ask either of us to dance?”

“Oh, Dorothy, of course he will. He and Maria are our oldest and dearest friends. And, as host, he is certain to do his duty and dance with all his female guests.”

Dorothy thought for a moment. “You know, Anna, I have a feeling that Harry has certain feelings for you.”

“Nonsense,” Anna replied. “You are making that up. We are like brother and sister. There has never been even the faintest hint of any romantic interest on his part.”

“I am not certain about that. I have seen him watching you when you are not looking at him and the fond look on his face would say otherwise.”

Anna did not think that was possible but, at the same time, she could not dismiss her sister’s observation out of hand.